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Chapter 200 Don’t call me sister

Chapter 200 Don’t call me sister
In the office, Ye Linxin was really big-hearted. After mocking Yang Mi, he lay on the chair and played with his mobile phone like a normal person. He was not afraid that Yang Mi would block him.

There were a lot of messages on WeChat, and some people kept sending him useless messages to bother him. He filtered through them and deleted more than twenty people at once.

He didn't care about Reba and Yang Mi for the time being. As for whether they should use the song "Poetry from Fire", it didn't have a big impact on him.

In short, if it is used, he must sing it. As for the female voice, he doesn't care whether it is Yang Mi or Reba.

If not, he can give the song to other female singers later, either by selling it or exchanging favors, but in short, the song will not lose its value.

At the same time, it also gives Reba and Yang Mi a buffer time. Maybe they should calm down and think clearly whether they should accept Ye Linti's condition.

Recognize the reality and see where the initiative lies.

"Let's go, let's get off work!"

Time flew by and it was six o'clock in the afternoon. Ye Lin went to look at Brother Bin, then at Xiaopang and Liu Chen.

They were here to work overtime today, so they should leave when the time comes. Ye Lin told them not to work so hard.

Xiaopang spent a few minutes with the audience in the live broadcast room, and finally successfully downloaded the broadcast. Liu Chen helped him pack his things, and then took a look at the results of today's live broadcast together.

Xiaopang's live broadcast today was also full. It lasted for another eight hours and the revenue was 21.2 yuan, which was slightly worse than yesterday. However, Xiaopang and Liu Chen were very satisfied with this result.

"Not bad. I see you didn't have anything wrong with your live broadcast today. It will become easier as you get more familiar with it!"

Ye Lin praised Xiaopang and Liu Chen a few words, and the two of them could be in charge of a live broadcast without any prodding.

"It all depends on Brother Chen. Brother Chen is a big help in front of and behind the stage!"

Xiaopang gave all the credit to Liu Chen. He quite liked working with Liu Chen. He worked hard, and his work attitude and professional ability were both impeccable.

"Okay, Liu Chen has finally mastered it. He was a food delivery guy a month ago, and now he is a very mature live broadcast operator!"

Ye Lin smiled and patted Liu Chen on the shoulder. Ever since he joined the company, Ye Lin had always seen Liu Chen's efforts and progress. He was indeed right about this high school classmate.

"Okay, don't talk such nonsense. Are you treating me tonight?"

There were no outsiders present at the moment, so Liu Chen's attitude toward Ye Lin became casual and he was not polite to him. The chubby guy on the side looked envious.

"Of course, I'm here to ask you to eat. What do you want to eat?"

Ye Lin called Brother Bin again, and Brother Bin closed the computer, packed his things and got ready to get off work.

Finally, the group of four went to a barbecue restaurant.

They each ordered a lot of barbecue and some dishes to go with their drinks. Then Brother Bin brought two boxes of beer, bit them open with his teeth, and handed them to Ye Lin, Liu Chen and Xiaopang respectively.

"I'll hire you guys when I get paid!"

Xiaopang patted his chest and said proudly that he felt a little sorry for always being taken care of by Ye Lin and eating and drinking with Ye Lin. He also hoped that one day he could entertain these brothers.

Brother Bin patted the little fat guy on the back and joked: "Then when you pay your salary, aren't you paying it with our money too!"

Ye Lin clapped his hands and laughed when he heard this. There was nothing wrong with what Brother Bin said, it was so insightful.

Liu Chen also laughed and said: "I think it can be done. Xiaopang will give all the employees a meal when they are paid. This little money should be nothing to your salary, right?"

Xiaopang thought for a while, opened the calculator on his phone, and started to calculate his salary and how much it would cost to treat the whole company to a meal.

Ye Lin and Brother Bin Liu Chen looked at each other, smiled, and said, "Little Fatty, they are joking with you. How could they ask you to invite the whole company to dinner? Don't forget it."

Xiaopang shook his head, insisted on asking, and began to immerse himself in calculation again, stupidly.

The four of them had a lot to talk about. They didn't stop talking since they sat down at the table. After drinking two cases of beer, they brought another one.

It wasn't until after nine o'clock in the evening that I paid the bill and left.

Xiaopang took the subway back, while Ye Linbin, brother and Liu Chen walked back to the apartment. The weekend in Chengdu was very lively, and they were also part of the excitement.


in the apartment.

Ye Lin was lying on the bed, thinking about sending a message to Teacher Song to chat for a while.

As a result, Teacher Song didn't want to talk to him. She must be still angry with him about what happened in the morning, or maybe she was trying to establish her aloof persona.

Ye Lin opened the certain fish APP on his mobile phone and watched the live broadcast for a while.

First, I browsed Da Sima's live broadcast room. At this time, Da Sima is playing chicken. His "Hema Epic" is quite interesting. There are all kinds of weird ways of death that you can't think of, and there is nothing he can't do.

Then he looked at PDD again. The PDD live broadcast had no program effect. Ye Lin watched it for a few seconds and then quit.

"Hey, isn't this Sister Zhou's live broadcast room?"

While casually browsing the homepage, Ye Lin saw Sister Zhou's live broadcast room and couldn't help laughing.

Sister Zhou is playing PUBG with several other game anchors, yelling and trying to create a good show.

Ye Lin became very popular, and then typed a line in a playful manner: "Sister Zhou, do you like rap in technical secondary schools?"

"Thanks to Brother Kanglang for being so popular. Wow, is this really Brother Kanglang?"

Sister Zhou was a little surprised when she saw Ye Lin's nickname. Brother Kanglang would actually watch her live broadcast?seriously?

"Sister Zhou, do you like technical secondary school rap? What do you mean? I don't understand. What is technical secondary school rap?" Sister Zhou saw Ye Linfa's barrage and looked confused. She didn't know what the question meant. .

Ye Lin smiled and said nothing more. He said to himself that you will understand later. He exited Sister Zhou's live broadcast room and browsed other anchors.

Then, Ye Lin saw Feng Timo's live broadcast room and went in to watch for a while. Feng Timo was chatting with the audience again. He probably had just finished singing a song.

I have to say, Feng Timo's live broadcast is really profitable. There are so many men willing to give her gifts. In one night, she can earn at least millions in gift income.

She is the real money-spinner, and Xiaopang is far behind. Their ability to attract money through live streaming is not at the same level.

"There are so many anchors in a certain fish, but unfortunately only a few can become popular. Most of the live broadcast rooms are lifeless, with few living people..."

Ye Lin looked through the anchors at the bottom of a certain fish again and found that many live broadcast rooms were not popular at all, but the anchors still had to speak and perform in the air conscientiously.

It can only be said that live broadcasting is indeed a hot topic at the moment, but after all, there are only a few pigs that can fly. Most people can’t make money through live broadcasting for a period of time, and then disappear without knowing what they are doing.

Ye Lin watched more than a dozen unpopular live broadcasts in a row. These live broadcasts were indeed uninteresting. All he could say was that there was a reason for their lack of popularity.

"Huh? This person?"

Suddenly, he came across a live broadcast room called "Xing Yingying".

"It's time to steal fertilizer when it's raining~"

"The steam whip keeps flying across the country~"

In front of the camera, a girl with yellow hair was singing a Cantonese song "Lovers in the Rain". Her appearance was only average, but her singing was very distinctive.

The Cantonese she sings is very interesting, even more plastic than the plastic Cantonese in "Wild Wolf Disco", and she likes to sing vibrato, and her articulation is very distinctive.

I don't know if it's an accent problem or if she sang like this on purpose. In short, I'm afraid only she can sing her unique singing style, and no one else can imitate it.

There were not many live people in the live broadcast room. Occasionally, a few viewers came in, but they were put off by her singing accent. Some people would even send barrages and scold her before leaving.

"The singing is worse than the screams of ghosts, ugh!"

"It's too ugly. I can't stand it anymore. Let's go!"

"No wonder no one is watching the live broadcast. Can you learn Cantonese and sing again? What do you sing?"

"The Mandarin you sing doesn't sound like Mandarin, and the Cantonese you sing doesn't sound like Cantonese. If you're good at it, I'll show you by walking with my head down!"

Ye Lin saw a few sporadic comments. They all clicked in to listen to a few sentences and then left. There were no fans in the live broadcast room to say a word for her.

After singing "Lovers in the Rain", Xing Yingying was a little tired. Looking at the barrage of people scolding her, she pursed her lips and looked helpless.

"What other songs do you want to hear?"

Xing Yingying asked. After 2 minutes, there was no response to her barrage. She wondered if there was no one alive in the live broadcast room.

She got up and poured a glass of water, and then went to the bathroom. When she came back, there was still no barrage, which was extremely sad.

At this time, Ye Linfa said: "No one is watching, why are you still working so hard on the live broadcast?"

When she saw this barrage, she almost burst into tears. It's hard to break up, brother, woo woo woo!

Ye Lin posted another barrage, asking her if she had signed a live streaming guild?
She responded that yes, there is a live broadcast duration task every month. Even though no one is watching, the live broadcast must be long enough, otherwise you will not get the guaranteed salary. Hey, life is not easy!
"Quit the guild and follow me?"

Ye Lin posted another barrage, saying he was determined to sign this Xing Yingying.

"Following you? What do you do?"

Xing Yingying asked in surprise, why are the people in his live broadcast room either dead or weird?

"Can't you see my nickname?" Ye Lin asked a few questions.

"Your nickname...Kanglang...Kanglangge? Are you the big internet celebrity, Kanglangge? Is it true or false?"

Xing Yingying shook her head, not believing at all how a big internet celebrity like Brother Kanglang could come to her live broadcast room.

"I'll give you a super fire to prove my strength."

Ye Lin said and immediately gave her a super rocket.

The next second, Xing Yingying was stunned and loudly thanked Brother Kang Lang for the super hot gift. She bluntly said that she had been doing live broadcasts for more than half a year, and this was the first time she had received a super hot gift.

She kind of believed that this person was really Brother Kanglang. Even if he wasn't the internet celebrity Brother Kanglang, he was definitely a very capable person, otherwise he wouldn't have given her this super popularity in vain.

"You can add me on WeChat to chat."

Ye Lin posted a barrage. Regardless of whether the other party believed his identity or not, it was not too much to swipe the popular WeChat account asking for an anchor.

Soon, Xing Yingying added Ye Lin as a WeChat friend. Ye Lin introduced her to her and said that he also opened a media company and currently has a live broadcast section. He hoped that she could come to his company.

Xing Yingying was a little embarrassed: "But I signed a contract with the guild. It doesn't mean I can quit if I want to..."

First, she didn't confirm Ye Lin's identity and didn't dare to agree easily.

Second, it is indeed bound by the contract. She cannot withdraw if she wants to. When the time comes, the liquidated damages will cost her her life.

(End of this chapter)

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