Become a top player by challenging good voices

Chapter 201 Reba, are you a star or am I a star?

Chapter 201 Reba, are you a star or am I a star?

"It's okay. As long as you are willing to switch jobs, I will help you resolve the contract issues and pay the liquidated damages for you!"

Ye Lin sent a message to reassure Xing Yingying that it was impossible for him not to consider the issue of liquidated damages.

Are you serious?

Xing Yingying was a little surprised. This "Brother Kanglang" really wanted to poach her?
She was a little worried about his identity and asked him to make a video with her to verify whether he was the big internet celebrity Kang Langge.

OK, Ye Lin agreed and told her to turn off the live broadcast first.

Xing Yingying turned off the live broadcast, and then sent Ye Lin a request for a video call on WeChat. Ye Lin picked up and both parties saw each other's faces.

"Oh my God, are you really Brother Kanglang?!"

Xing Yingying was shocked, covered her mouth, took the phone further away, and was a little embarrassed to let Ye Lin see her.

"Yes, I didn't lie to you, right?"

Ye Lin smiled and said, he didn't expect Xing Yingying's reaction to be so big, like a fan meeting his idol.

"Oh my God, my God...I...didn't expect you to be real..."

Xing Yingying was so excited that she felt a little overwhelmed. She felt that she was so lucky to have Brother Kanglang watch her live broadcast, and she also added WeChat.

After coming here for a while, she calmed down and asked Ye Lin: "Why? Why do you want to sign a contract with me?"

She found it incredible that not many people watched her live broadcast. What did Brother Kang Lang like about her?
"I think your Cantonese songs are very unique. If you package it a little bit, it might become popular." Ye Lin said bluntly.

"Am I... very unique? Am I... popular?"

Xing Yingying was stunned. This was the first time she heard someone talking about her like this. If she didn't know the other person's identity, she would definitely doubt whether Ye Lin was engaged in pyramid schemes.

Ye Lin nodded and said that if you have concerns, you can come to my company for an on-site inspection first, and then decide whether to come.

Then he sent her the location of the company, and Xing Yingying said: "Okay, then I'll come to your company in two days to have a look. I know Chengdu."

"OK, so be it."


After hanging up the phone, Ye Lin made a note of Xing Yingying's WeChat account and added four words after Xing Yingying's name - "Don't call me sister".


The next day was Sunday, so there was no need to work overtime. Brother Bin went shopping and playing with his girlfriend Ding Qian, while Ye Lin called Xiaopang and Liu Chen and went to the gym to exercise all afternoon.

On the third day, June 6th, it was Monday again, and I started my normal work life.

Meng Yi came to Ye Lin's company. Brother Bin's shooting plan and script have been finalized after her review and revision, and the filming will begin next.

"Let's pack our things and prepare to leave at ten o'clock. The first stop is Tianfu Square!"

Brother Bin directed everyone with the printed script. The filming of the "Chengdu" promotional video was a key project. He was responsible for directing and coordinating.

In addition to Ye Lin and Meng Yi going to the scene, there are also two cameramen and two male and female directors who were previously involved in writing the script. Liu Chen will act as the scene manager, and Xu Fengjiao will also go to help.

We set off at ten o'clock and arrived at Tianfu Square at ten twenty. Brother Bin directed everyone to clearly divide the work and start shooting from the first shot.

At noon, I had lunch near Tianfu Square, took a short rest, and continued working.

At 02:30, we moved to the second shooting location - Eastern Suburbs Memory.

I continued shooting until 06:30 in the afternoon, and then I just called it a day and went back to the company to continue tomorrow.

This kind of high-intensity shooting is expected to last for several days. In this industry, everyone is mentally prepared, and it is good that they do not work overtime until [-] or [-] pm.


In the evening, in the apartment, Ye Lin boiled water and made a cup of kumquat lemon tea.

"I want me too!"

Xu Fengjiao came to his room to use the WiFi again. Now she was lying on the sofa and reaching out to Ye Lin. She was also thirsty.

Ye Lin poured her a glass. Because she often came to his room to use WiFi, he bought a cup and put it in Ye Lin's room to drink water.

"Xu Fengjiao, can you treat yourself as an outsider? You have been coming to my room to use WiFi all day long. As soon as the door is closed, you don't know what the two of us are doing inside!"

Ye Lin couldn't bear to look at him. Xu Fengjiao was too casual with him, showing off her snow-white thighs and loose T-shirt collar from time to time. Is this how you test cadres?
"What does it matter? Our relationship is very pure, and you won't do anything to me!"

Xu Fengjiao looked extremely relieved, she really didn't regard Ye Lin as an outsider.

Ye Lin gritted his teeth, thank you so much for trusting me!
Suddenly, Ye Lin's phone rang.

Ye Lin wanted to say something to Xu Fengjiao, so he could only answer the phone first: "Hello, who is this?"

"Who else? You didn't save my phone number?"

Reba's surprised and angry voice came from the other end of the phone. What do you mean, Ye Lin didn't even note her number?
"Oh, Reba, why do I need to make a note? Can't I tell it's you just by listening to your voice?"

Ye Lin laughed awkwardly and wanted to change the topic quickly, but fortunately Reba didn't bother with him too much.

Reba said: "After my many persuasion, Sister Mi agreed to use your "Poetry from Fire" and also agreed to your request to let you sing this song duet with me. You can come when you are free. Kyoto, would you like to record a song with me?"

As Ye Lin expected, Yang Mi and Reba finally compromised and decided to use his song "Poetry in Fire" as the theme song of the TV series "Fire Cantabile". Reba probably contributed a lot to this. "I don't have time recently. I'm filming a city promotion video these days, and then I'm going to Hangzhou to participate in the national competition of The Voice..."

Ye Lin calculated with his fingers that he really couldn't spare the time these days, or he was waiting for the National Competition of The Voice to end.

"What...what do you mean, you are busier than me?"

Reba was very angry. She suspected that Ye Lin was deliberately embarrassing her. I can arrange a schedule for such a big celebrity, but you said you are not free?

"I don't care, our new play will be released soon, and we must record the theme song as soon as possible!"

Reba added, asking Ye Lin to think of a way. Time was tight and it was impossible to change or postpone the release date just for a song.

"OK, there is a way!"

Ye Lin nodded and told Reba not to worry, "How about we sing duet across the distance, I'll record the male part in Chengdu, and you'll record the female part in Kyoto?"

This can be regarded as a way of cooperation. By splicing the two audios together later, it can also create the feeling of singing face to face.


"I...I need to cooperate with you face to face, so that I know how to sing!"

Reba rejected Ye Lin's suggestion. This separate recording method was only suitable for professional singers. A cross-border amateur singer like her would not be able to sing without someone to guide her face to face.

And it will definitely be very troublesome for her to record. She may not be able to finish the recording in one or two days, and she has to rely on Ye Lin to guide her.

"OK, I have a solution!"

Ye Lin said don't worry, "Well, come to Chengdu!"

Reba: “???????”

Reba wanted to curse. What bad idea did you come up with? Are you kidding me to come all the way from Kyoto to Chengdu to accommodate you?
"I can't help it. I'm busy. If I come to Kyoto, it will take me a day to fly back and forth. And since you're not very good at singing, you won't be able to record well in a day or two. It's simply unrealistic for me to stay in Kyoto for a few days."

Ye Lin calmly reasoned with Reba. If Reba was a professional singer, the recording should be completed in one day, but Reba was not. God knows how long it would take to record.

In this case, the weak one should accommodate the powerful one.

" know, you are the first boy who dares to ask me like this!"

On the other end of the phone, Reba was so angry that she blew her beard and glared, and warned Ye Lin, are you sure you want me to come all the way to Chengdu to record songs with you?
"Then there's no way……"

Ye Lin shrugged. The two methods he proposed were rejected by Reba, so he didn't know what to do.

Then he hung up the phone. Forget it that Reba didn't want to come to Chengdu, so she could just wait and wait until he was free before going to Kyoto.

"Who...who is it?"

Xu Feng asked weakly. When Ye Lin answered the phone, she stopped playing with her phone and had been eavesdropping. She was a little surprised when she heard Ye Lin calling "Reba". It couldn't be the Reba she thought, right?

"Reba." Ye Lin replied casually.

"Which Reba is it?" Xu Fengjiao asked.

"Who else is Reba? Just Dilraba!"

Ye Linbai glanced at her, feeling that this question was inexplicable. How many Reba are there?

"What? Why did Dilireba call you?"

Xu Fengjiao's eyes widened. I don't study well, so don't lie to me. Di Lieba is a popular star, how could she have anything to do with you?Moreover, he is an actor and you are a singer, so they are completely incompatible with you!

Ye Lin glanced at her and didn't believe it. He didn't bother to explain to her and said, "Go back to your room! I'm going to bed!"

"I don't! It's still early!"

Xu Fengjiao pouted and refused to leave.

Without saying a word, Ye Lin stepped forward and gave her a princess hug. He picked her up directly. She screamed in fright and quickly put her arms around Ye Lin's neck, her face flushed all of a sudden.

Ye Lin opened the door with his foot, carried Xu Fengjiao out of his room, went to the next door, threw Xu Fengjiao onto her bed, then closed the door and left.

On the other end of the phone, in Kyoto, Reba was so angry that she stamped her feet. What kind of top-notch man is this? How dare he treat her like this?

"You're just a broken internet celebrity, what's the point of being arrogant? Without your song, wouldn't anyone watch my new drama "Fire Like a Song"? Hum!"

Reba crossed her arms and decided not to compromise. It was just a bad song. What's so great about it? I don't care about it!

the next day.

Continuing with the shooting, as soon as the few people from yesterday arrived at the company, they packed up their equipment and set off.

In the afternoon, a girl appeared secretly outside the door of Sanxing Media, looking around, not sure if it was here.

The HR lady looked at her for a while, and finally came forward and asked: "Hello, who are you looking for? What's the matter?"

"Um, is this Brother Kanglang's company? Is he here?"

The girl with yellow hair asked timidly.

(End of this chapter)

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