The devil is coming

Chapter 300 Sister

Chapter 300 Sister
Zheng Fan had forgotten how he came out of the soup pool. He felt like his whole body was floating in the sky. Even though he was lying on the bed, he still felt dizzy and floating with the waves.
The soul and body seemed to have been cut apart, and everything became so unreal.
"My lord, my lord, are you okay?"
Xue San stood beside the bed, facing Zheng Fan's face.
He didn't dare to tell the blind man that their master was really sick because of his bath. He was afraid of being beaten to death.
Zheng Fan's thoughts finally began to recover. He turned his head and looked at Xue San standing beside him. He shook his head and said:
"never mind."
It felt like I had just done needlework ten times.
The muscles are twitching, and the body is no longer hollow, as if even the foundation has been knocked off.
"My lord, I feel that my body may be different from my lord's body in some aspects."
You don’t have to be blind to see that my body is different from yours.
Zheng Fan was too lazy to talk to Xue San. At this moment, he just wanted to close his eyes and sleep.
"Then, my lord, would you like to rest first? After you have rested, check whether there are any changes in the qi and blood in your body? I think there should still be some effect."
You know, the blood of A Ming and Liang Cheng was obtained by Xue San with great difficulty. Every time they just bled, but Xue San really wanted to "bleed" for this.
If it really had no effect at all, and ended up letting the master suffer in vain, and all the efforts he had made in licking it were wasted, then Xue San would really want to cry without tears.
"Then the subordinate will leave first."
Xue San slipped away.
Zheng Fan was getting ready to sleep when he suddenly felt something soft and warm appear on his chest.
open your eyes,
Only then did he realize that it was the young Marquis lying on his chest.
There is a certain distance between the cradle and the bed. Obviously, it is impossible for the young Marquis himself to come over.
"Magic pill... take it away..."
This tone, this look,
He's very much like Guan Sheng's biological father who doesn't care about him.
The magic pill did not move, turned into stone, and fell silently beside the bed.
The drunk young Marquis first glanced at Zheng Fan, then yawned, rested his head on Zheng Fan's chest, and began to sleep.
for a while,
The magic pill floated again, landed on the other side of Zheng Fan's chest, and became quiet.
Zheng Fan wanted to refuse, but couldn't move. In the end, he had no choice but to close his eyes again.
this sleep,
Zheng Fan had many, many dreams. In the dream, he returned to the classroom before the college entrance examination and was concentrating on writing papers;
After a while, he came to the studio again and was drawing manuscripts without eating or sleeping;
After a while, he appeared on the battlefield again, watching each and every one of them dying in front of him;
After a while, he appeared in the forest again and saw Tian Wujing and Du Juan standing together;
After a while, he discovered that Siniang was beside him.
This dream of Si Niang is so real...
"Master, are you awake?"
Si Niang said softly.
Oh, it turns out this is not a dream.
Zheng Fan took a deep breath and tried to sit up.
"Master, please lie down for a while. You have been sleeping for two days. I will feed you something first."
With Siniang serving him, Zheng Fan drank a bowl of porridge.
"My lord, are you okay?"
"It's okay, I'm fine."
Zheng Fan still sat up. Although his mind was still a little groggy, after clenching his fists, he found that he had plenty of strength.
The realm has not improved, but the thickness of Qi and blood has increased a lot, which means that the distance between him and the sixth level has been greatly shortened.
"This medicinal bath is still useful, but..." Zheng Fan said.
"My lord, this matter is too dangerous. You can't listen to San'er's tricks next time. What's the point of him experimenting on himself? At the very least, try it on a death row prisoner first.
His dwarf body is like a medicine jar. "
Zheng Fan nodded. He really couldn't experiment anymore. The effect this time was good, but now Zheng Fan clearly noticed that the meridians in his body had been expanded to an extreme, which was an extremely dangerous extreme;
This means that if the dose is higher, then one's meridians will be broken, and then one's own cultivation will be abolished, and the seven demon kings will also have to follow him back to before liberation overnight.
Just a little bit, just a little bit,
Xue San almost "restored" everyone to factory values.
A Cheng's blood and A Ming's blood, combined with the medicinal bath that is easy to absorb, the effect is simply explosive.
Strictly speaking, the blood of those two people was extremely poisonous.
"Next time, there's no next time."
Zheng Fan was also a little scared.
"My lord, this is the military information that came from this morning. Ningbian City has been taken over by A Cheng and his people. The guard of that city is named Zhang Tong. He is very cooperative and well aware of current affairs."
"it is good."
This is equivalent to expanding the territory a little bit more.
It's just that Ningbian City is too small and does not belong to any comprehensive city. The city still functions mainly as a military fortress. In the early days, it was a "bunker" used by the Situ family to defend against the Helian family, but mosquito legs are also meat, and then Or, with Yongbyon City in hand, you can expand your strategic buffer range, so that others will not directly attack your home base as soon as they come.
"Send someone to send a message to Liang Cheng and see if there are any nearby fortresses that can be captured by the opportunity, so that he can be bolder."
Taking advantage of the opportunity when the Situ family was being "naturalized" by the Yan Kingdom, I could take advantage of it. If I wanted to spit it out in the future, it wouldn't be impossible, so I could just slowly argue the case.
"Yes, Your Majesty. In addition, Your Majesty, the latest news has come from the front. The eldest prince has already fought against the Chengguo rebels. We haven't had time to report back on the subsequent battle situation. It is estimated that it will not arrive until tomorrow."
The war on the side of the eldest prince is directly related to the future of Shengle City. Everyone in Shengle City is looking forward to the defeat of the eldest prince.
"One more thing." Siniang hesitated.
"what's up?"
"Someone sent a letter today, saying that he is the new helmsman of the Secret Intelligence Service and will come to Shengle City to visit you the next day."
"Secret Agents?"
After Du Juan's death, the secret espionage department in the Jin Kingdom almost came to a standstill, but it was obvious that the imperial court could not just sit back and watch the espionage system here continue to be paralyzed. The Yan people wanted to run the Jin land as Yan soil. , we will not let them continue to be scattered, leaving organizations like the Silver Armored Guards of Qian Country in an uninhabited land.
However, the helmsman came all the way to Shengle as soon as he took office, and it was obvious that he was not interested in drinking.
It would be difficult to completely hide the affairs of the young Marquis here from others.
Because Ding Heng and Cuiliniang were members of the Jianghu, they had already made their presence known in Shengle City, and they had also recruited many of their subordinates to join the Shengle army.
The inn did not eradicate the problem, and the Silver Armored Guards of Qian Country also knew about it.
Even if you want to keep the whereabouts of the young Marquis secret, it will be difficult to hide it from the real boss. If you want to investigate, you can definitely find out.
However, it is obvious that the court seems to have been "quiet" about this.
No imperial envoy came to announce the name and title to the young Marquis, and there was no special care. Officially, it was confirmed that the Marquis of Jingnan and his unborn child had passed away unfortunately.
This couldn't help but make Zheng Fan think of another existence, that is, the legendary young prince of the Zhenbei Hou family who is not sure whether he exists or not.
Legally speaking, this person does not exist.
Right now, his godson is also in this "black house" state.
"If he comes, let the blind man entertain him."
"Yes, Lord, please rest for a while."
Zheng Fan nodded, then turned his face and looked at Tiantian, who was holding the cradle with both hands and looking here.
When they chose this name for him, the demon kings felt that Zheng Fan had chosen it too casually, but Zheng Fan was just thinking of giving him a nickname for temporary use. If you choose a formal name with meaning, it will give the person a sense of security. A feeling of overstepping the mark.
"Wow... wow..."
"Siniang, tell me, when will he speak?"
"My lord, it's still early. You can't speak until you're almost one year old." Siniang said with a smile.
"Well, okay, you go and do your work. I'll rest for a while. I'll have nothing to do."
"You rest first. I'm making soup in the kitchen. I'll call you to drink some later."
"it is good."
After Siniang left, Zheng Fan lay down again.
There was not much sleepiness, but the substantial lack of mental energy still made Zheng Fan quickly enter a state that seemed like a dream but not a dream.
Over there at the cradle,
Tiantian saw his godfather sleeping again and patted the cradle frame with some dissatisfaction.
Perhaps Zheng Fan was born with a predestined relationship with the "Tian family".
Just get close to Tian Wujing,
Right now, Lian Tian Wujing's son also felt inexplicably close to Zheng Fan.
Even if Zheng Fan would spank his little bottom from time to time, he would still giggle.
Zheng Fan's long-term drowsiness made the young Marquis very sad, but when he saw that this man just sat up and fell asleep again, but did not come to hug him, the young Marquis was not happy.
The cradle began to swing wider and wider under the shaking of the little Marquis.
The stone on which the magic pill was placed floated and propped up the cradle to prevent the little Marquis from throwing himself out.
The young marquis stretched out his hand and pointed at Zheng Fan,
"Wow... wow..."
He wanted to be carried away like last time.
In fact, rather than saying that he wanted to go and play with Zheng Fan, it was better to say that he wanted to experience "flying" again.
Magic Pill remained unmoved.
Because Zheng Fan had no strength in his body last time, he could do whatever he wanted, but now, Zheng Fan was really just resting and recuperating, and he had recovered.
Mowan has been unhappy with his father for a long time, but that doesn't mean he is willing to get into trouble at this time.
"Wow... wow..."
The little Marquis was still shouting. Seeing that the magic pill didn't respond, the little Marquis had to look at the stone again.
"Wow... wow... Jie wow... wow... Jie...
(End of this chapter)

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