The devil is coming

Chapter 301 Yan Xiao 6

Chapter 301 Yan Xiaoliu
In a teahouse in the west of Nan'an County, a storyteller was telling the story of the eldest prince's expedition to conquer the country.
This storyteller is over fifty years old, has premature baldness, is short, has a head like a big wheel, and has a green hair;
Next to him, stood a chubby disciple who was a head taller than him.
Mr. Guo's surname is Guo, which means "dao", but this is not his real name. This kind of master who makes a living in the world of gangs and lakes rarely shows up by his real name.
Mr. Guo originally liked to tell stories about the affairs of wealthy families, about which family's daughter hooked up with which family's poor scholar, and which family's daughter had a tryst with the carpenter named Wang next door at night;
Later that night, I didn't know who hit me with a sap, my head was bleeding, and I almost died. After that, I didn't dare to talk about that anymore;
And as Yan's foreign wars continued to rise, Mr. Guo began to talk about the magnificent wars that Yan people loved to hear. This gave him a second spring in his career. Several teahouses wanted to pay to poach him, and his worth was extremely high.
What is being told in the hall right now is the story of the eldest prince leading an army into Chengguo. It is very timely and attracts a lot of listeners. However, this story is true and false, and some of it is informative. If it is parallel import, no one will know.
All I know is that even if the adults in the court want to see the battle report and the military situation, they have to wait for a long time for the eight hundred miles to rush over.
Over there, the eldest prince has just entered Chengguo.
Here, in Mr. Guo's story, the eldest prince has already taken the lead and personally killed several savage captains.
The apprentice next to him was honest and honest. He had just stepped onto the stage and was only responsible for complimenting him and not saying any unnecessary words. However, every time he opened his mouth, he seemed to be asking questions for the audience below.
Question after question, the story told was really exciting and interesting.
The audience did not try to determine whether the story was true or false, nor did they think about how the storyteller could know the situation on the front line earlier than the military intelligence.
Yanren, in the past two years, have been intoxicated by one victory after another. Anyway, it is our own family that wins, no matter how you brag, we men are not comfortable.
Yan Xiaoliu, the new county government chief who had been in office for less than two months, was also leaning at the door of the teahouse, smiling and listening to Mr. Guo's story.
When Capt. Yan first took office, many people in the yamen looked at him for his youth, and they secretly rumored that he was the brother-in-law of the county magistrate's aunt and wife. They guessed that he was just another loose person who came through connections.
The government office is in deep water, and in the county government office, sometimes the county magistrate will ignore you just because he wants to do it. Therefore, the people below him didn't take him seriously at first.
But who would have known that it had only been seven days since Capt. Yan arrived, and he would have organized the gang of captors under him into obedience, as if they were the boss, starting with the county magistrate, county magistrate, and chief bookkeeper at the top, and then all the way down below. He established relationships with Zaoli and other officials in each class.
He is not arrogant and knows the etiquette of advancing and retreating, but you dare not look down on him. In a yamen, if everyone from top to bottom is polite to you, it will be difficult to live a happy life.
Nan'an County is located in Tiancheng County. It is not very close to the capital, but it is definitely not far away. It cannot be regarded as the emperor's feet, but you can vaguely smell the emperor's athlete's foot.
In addition, His Majesty has repeatedly launched military wars in the past two years, which has caused an extremely tight supply of prisoners. However, those who have committed crimes, ranging from gangsters to stealing an egg from a neighbor, are all sent to the front line.
It's a severe punishment, but it's hard for people to say "no". After all, no matter what the conflict is, as long as the battle is being won outside, it's not a conflict. On the contrary, the public security atmosphere does make people feel proud. The feeling of "like a spring breeze".
Therefore, Yan Baotou had nothing to do on weekdays. As usual, he collected filial piety on the street and led a group of brothers to wander around. His life was quite leisurely.
When the shopkeeper in the teahouse saw Mr. Yan arriving, he immediately came over to invite the guests to sit on the second floor. Mr. Yan refused, saying that he was on official business and it was not convenient for him to go in. Instead, he rudely grabbed a handful from the waiter's pocket. Melon seeds, chewing and listening at the same time.
The shopkeeper brought another small stool with a cup of tea on it and bowed:
"You use it."
"Ha ha."
Yan Captou was not a stingy person, so he took out two pieces of silver from his pocket, one was for tea, and the other was for Mr. Guo.
The protection fee I just collected from the rouge shop in front of me still smells of powder.
"You are generous."
The shopkeeper didn't refuse. Drinking tea in a teahouse and giving rewards to craftsmen is a very prestigious thing. If you insist on not accepting it, you are not giving me face.
Over there, Mr. Guo received the reward. He smiled and led his apprentice to bow to the gate where Yan Captou was standing. The master and apprentice said in unison:
"Thank you for the reward!"
Mr. Guo asked his apprentice again:
"Where did we just talk?"
"Speaking of which, Emperor Chengguo asked the eldest prince to be his orphan before his death."
"It's not that bad. The Chengguo Emperor, Situ Lei, knew that he was about to die soon, so he ordered Sun Youdao, the former prime minister and assistant, to go to our eldest prince who was invited from the army.
The eldest prince entered the Chengguo Palace wearing golden armor and a red cloak, followed by Li Bao and Li Fusheng, two commander-in-chiefs, and thousands of soldiers. My dear, have any of the Situ family ever seen such a mighty warrior?Have you ever seen such a majestic prince from the Tian family?
Those princesses and concubines, looking at our eldest prince, their saliva is flowing down! "
have to,
Mr. Guo just won a reward.
I feel a little angry,
As he continued to talk fiercely, he actually went back to the old routine of talking about romantic affairs.
"real or fake?"
"Yeah, is it true or not?"
There are some comments from the audience below.
Your co-author, Mr. Guo, is the spittoon used to connect water, so he was at the scene, so he saw it, right?
Mr. Guo immediately said seriously:
"I wish you all know that the emperor of the Situ family is not in good health. He came back from Xuehai Customs with injuries. Therefore, those concubines in the harem have been hungry and thirsty for a long time, and the streams of spring water are even more... Who will share the taste?"
"Ha ha ha ha!!!!!"
"it is good!!!!"
"Your Highness is mighty!"
"Excellent, my Prince Dayan!"
Street storytelling, without a bit of pornography or exaggeration, how to set off this atmosphere?Without this kind of atmosphere, how can you get people to reward you?
This river and lake business is originally dealing with the working people, and it is cut into pieces, but it loses its true meaning and appears nondescript.
If everyone is happy, the audience is happy, and the parents who live in food and clothing are happy, then that’s fine!
"Hey hey hey."
Yan Captou listened while lowering his voice and laughing.
Don't say
He was really looking forward to the story that the next plot would have to tell about his eldest brother and the concubines in Chengguo's harem.
However, at this moment, a head catcher came over and said:
"It's a big deal. Something happened in the yamen."
"What's wrong?"
"Dead man."
As soon as Yan Captou heard this, he immediately stuffed the remaining melon seeds in his hand into the hands of a man next to him who was huddled beside the door frame and listened.
Immediately, he and this subordinate rushed to the Yamen.
Someone was indeed dead in the yamen. When Yan came to the hall, he saw a man in black clothes sitting on the ground, holding a roast chicken in his left hand and a pot of wine in his right hand, eating and drinking vigorously.
The county magistrate was sitting in the hall, and the government officials who came over surrounded the man, but no one dared to go up and provide support.
Oh, by the way, there was a corpse lying down in the hall. This person was known to Yan Baotou, Hou San'er, who ran a gambling house in the back street and distributed loan sharks.
At this time, Hou San'er was already dead.
"What's going on?" Capt. Yan asked a policeman.
"At the head, you're here. It's strange to see you today. It turned out that this man owed Hou San'er money and refused to pay it back. Hou San'er took him to report to the official. Our Lord was just about to go to court. Who knew what would happen? The man suddenly took out a piece of iron from his pocket and smashed the monkey to death.
Even if they killed people in public, the man sat down and took the food and drink. He didn't run away or run away. He just said that after he finished the meal, he would join the army. "
"You also bring your own wine and meat?"
"Well, the people over there are all his brothers, young and old."
Yan looked over and realized that among the people who had gathered at the gate of the county government office to watch the excitement, a group of young men were kneeling there.
"Tsk tsk."
Yan Tou pushed away the crowd, took the initiative to walk up to the man, squatted down, and said:
"Brother, do you have enough wine?"
The man raised his head, looked at Yan Baotou, smiled, and said:
"That's enough. You can't walk on the road if you're drunk. It's a long way from here to Chengguo."
Yan Qiaotou sat down cross-legged, pointed at Hou San'er who was out of breath, and said:
"Have a grudge?"
"I just came back from the goods and learned that one of my brothers, my wife, was deceived by Hou San'er and bought a house and land for a hundred cents. The old woman came to her senses and cried out that she had no way out, so she threw herself into a well and died.
My brother left early. When he first started to work in the early years, he used to eat buns from my mother. When I came back this time and heard about this, come on, one life is worth one life. Kill Hou San'er for me. After Quanxia's brother and his mother got their revenge, he could later go to the front line as a prisoner and fight with savages or dogs. "
Hou San'er's reputation is naturally very bad. He did unscrupulous business and many people were deceived by him and their families were ruined. However, Hou San'er's backstage was the chief bookkeeper, so no one dared to touch him.
Now that Hou San'er is dead, he can be regarded as "removing harm for the people."
Yan Captou recalled what his brother surnamed Zheng had said. He said that why Jianghu could not be on the stage, but still attracted many people, because some people in Jianghu would sometimes do things like "dressed animals". Things you won’t do.
Yan Captou has been in Nan'an County for a while, and he also knows some of Hou San'er's bad deeds, but he has never been in a hurry to deal with him because he has not yet settled his relationship with the chief bookkeeper.
Of course, the main reason is that no matter how bad Hou San'er is, he will not use his means to get his hands on the leader of Yan Cat. This is the fundamental reason why there is no urgency.
"Brother, leave a name?"
"Hey, aren't you going to have to sign something to be enslaved to the law later? That's all, since you want to ask, I'll tell you, a certain Ran Min from Nan'an.
People give him the nickname Ran Big Beard. "
"But what about the beard?"
"Shave it in advance so that you won't be able to deal with lice on the way to hairdressing."
Ran Min faced the group of kneeling guys outside the county government office.
"Don't cry sadly one by one. We all joined the army together. What you voted for are civilians and miscellaneous soldiers. He started as a prisoner. As long as there is a war, it won't take long for him to rise again. When the time comes, he will still lead you. Kill the thief!"
Ran Min turned to look at the county magistrate in the high hall and said:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Qingtian, I don't want to give you face, so I will kill someone in public.
But the eldest man should also come down and have a glass of wine with me. This matter will eventually spread and become a good story. Hahahaha, I am giving you this east wind, eldest man. If you don’t take advantage of it, my life will be wasted. What a good intention! "
The magistrate was still sitting there, not coming down. His face was twitching, obviously he was angry.
When Yan Captou saw this, he felt a little helpless. No wonder the county magistrate was ignored by the county magistrate below. He didn't even have the courage to do so, and he didn't want the official reputation that was given to him in vain.
If that guy named Zheng were here,
I ran down a long time ago and toasted three glasses in a row.
Then he recited the punishment sentence loudly with tears in his eyes, and then he covered his face and hugged the child and cried loudly. He only gave up after the wind was completely settled.
Ran Min shook his head,
Then he looked at Yan Captou sitting in front of him,
With emotion:
"It's a pity. Although our Majesty can't help his subordinates join the officialdom, it's a bit difficult for you, brother, to climb up the ranks as a police officer. If you're not an official, it's useless to have the reputation of an official.
This is the gangster's name in the world. Brother, do you want it? "
Yan catches all comers and wants everything.
Ran Min took the wine bottle first and took a big sip.
Then he handed the wine bottle to Yan Captou,
"Brother, let's go!"
Captain Yan didn't mind it either, and took a big sip of wine into the spout of the jug.
Ran Min laughed loudly,
He shouted to the outside:
"Dare to ask your brother's surname?"
Yan Captou pretended to be a little drunk.
shouted loudly:
"Nan'an Yan Xiaoliu is right!"
"Okay, it's a great pleasure to be able to recognize another brother before I'm sent to the army. Wait, brother, I can accumulate military merits and make a name for myself in the army. If I can't be a captain, we must at least be a guard. Or become a general.
When the war is over, brother, I have the opportunity to come back. From now on, you can work with me. I, Da Yanerlang, can do whatever I do to catch the spies, and kill dogs before the battle. That is the real pleasure!
Brother Xiaoliu, wait, I will protect you from now on! "
It is too arrogant to say that fighting in front of the battle array and risking one's life to gain military merit is a matter of hunting for treasure. However, the rivers and lakes are shallow and can often give birth to dragon snakes. What will happen in the future is still unknown.
Yan Captou heard this and said with a smile:
"What a coincidence, one of my brothers said this in his early years, before he joined the army."
"Haha, he is bragging, brother, I am different!"
Yan Qiao raised his head and let out a long sigh,
With emotion:
"Don't tell me, I really miss my brother. It's been almost a year."
"Dead in battle?"
"..." Yan Xiaoliu.
Ran Min didn't say anything when he saw Yan Captou.
With a serious look on his face, he said:
"He is a man. Since he died fighting for me, Dayan, he should be respected. Come on, brother Yan, let's toast your late brother with this glass of wine!"
"Hey hey hey." Yan Xiaoliu laughed, his stomach hurt from laughing, but he still nodded and reached out to hold the same wine bottle as Ran Min.
Mouth down,
The drink spilled on the floor.
"Better go, brother, and go on your way with peace of mind!"
General Zheng, who had just been helped by Siniang to sit on the bedside and drink chicken soup, sneezed so loudly that he almost spilled the chicken soup in his hand.
"Hey, who is thinking about me?"
(End of this chapter)

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