The devil is coming

Chapter 311 The departure bell rings!

Chapter 311 The departure bell rings!
"Come on, sir, here comes the roast duck!!!"
The waiter at Quandelou Roast Duck Restaurant made a long sound and brought the roast duck and noodles to the table, while his companion behind him brought two plates of side dishes.
After the waiter left, the three men dressed as government servants did not rush to eat. Instead, they first raised their hands to Yan Captou, who was sitting in the east seat, and said:
"Thank you for the great hospitality!"
Yan Xiaoliu waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, eat."
"Then let's start eating, hahaha. I've long heard that the Quandelou roast duck in Beijing is the most famous."
"That's right, that's right. Otherwise, would the Marquis of Zhenbei be able to eat five ducks in one go?"
"The Marquis of Jingnan has also eaten at this restaurant."
The three yamen servants rolled up the roast duck with thin pancakes, dipped it in some sauce, and put it in their mouths. Immediately, all three of them showed a look of enjoyment on their faces.
"Ah, I have never eaten such delicious roast duck in my life."
"Yes, it melts in your mouth, plump but not greasy."
Yan Xiaoliu smiled, snapped his fingers, and ordered the waiter who came over:
"Two more."
"Okay, sir, please wait."
"You can't do it, you can't do it. It's a big deal. Ducks are precious here."
"Yeah, let's just give it a try. We shouldn't spend so much money."
Yan Xiaoliu shook his head and said: "If you want to eat, feel free to eat. I have received a lot of filial piety from you and your neighbors on weekdays. I can still afford to pay the bill by treating you to a few ducks."
"It's a great responsibility and a great righteousness!"
"It's truly a big deal!"
While others continued to feast, Yan Xiaoliu also wrapped a piece of roast duck and put it in his mouth, took a bite, and then put it down.
The heat is not well controlled and the duck selection is not what it used to be.
The man surnamed Zheng said in his letter that if you leave a lot of business to the government, it will often go bad.
This Quande Building has actually changed its flavor.
Of course, if you want to say how delicious the Quande Lou roast duck was in the past, that’s nonsense. I can only say that it was okay, but now it’s a bit unsatisfactory.
In fact, the difference between the two is not that big. In the end, a duck is a duck. If you make a flower, it will still be a duck, and it will still smell like a duck.
"Hey, Dadangtou, how do you make this Quandelou duck? Why is it so delicious?"
"I heard that the ducks in Quande Building are fed with good feed every day, which is different from the ducks in other places."
Yan Xiaoliu smiled when he heard this and said:
"It's nothing strange. To put it bluntly, it's just two words."
"What's the word for big deal?"
"Hmm, authentic?"
"Yes, it's authentic. Ducks are still ducks. Actually, in my opinion, the ducks in Jixiang Duck Shop in Nan'an County are much more delicious than those in Quande House, and the prices are much cheaper than here. many.
Comparing the two, the only difference is that after you enter the city of Yanjing, the locals will tell you that the Quandelou roast duck is the authentic flavor of Yanjing. When you meet someone who likes to brag more, Let me tell you, an old Yanjing person has eaten this flavor since he was a child. It is the taste of his childhood.
You just want to eat it, and then you feel it tastes good.
Actually, that's it. "
It was obviously difficult for the three government officials to understand the truth for a while.
Yan Xiaoliu immediately felt a little conceited. In this era, not many people could understand the added value of food, but that guy seemed to be quite good at it. He could often talk to him, and he even named it. , what is called marketing.
Yanjing City is extremely lively today.
Princess Zhenbeihou had already entered Yanjing three days ago, but she did not enter the palace directly. Even if a girl from an ordinary family gets married, there are rules to follow, let alone the wedding of the princess and the prince.
Therefore, the princess first moved into Xiyuan, which is where Zhenbei Hou lived after he entered Beijing.
Today is the wedding day, and the prince will personally take people to the West Garden to welcome the bride. This also reflects the Ji family's respect for the Li family.
In front of the princess, the prince of the Ji family will also put away his so-called nobility, just like an ordinary boy getting married.
For the prince's wedding, congratulatory gifts are naturally required from various places. However, His Majesty has already issued an edict and does not prohibit the gifting. However, the requirements for congratulatory gifts are very strict.
Nan'an County in Tiancheng County is not really poor, but the county government only sent a cart of cloth, silk, rice and noodles.
For such a small amount of things, it was only up to Yan Captou and three yamen servants to escort them to Beijing and hand them over to the Ministry of Etiquette.
The smartest people are officials. After His Majesty's decree, no one dares to stand out. Anyone who can get it will be investigated. Why don't you just keep a low profile?
Don't flatter me and don't flatter me, you'll lose your hat first.
Yan Xiaoliu looked at the lanterns and colorful decorations on the street, and he could feel that the people of Yanjing were very happy about this wedding.
You must know that not long ago, the 30 Zhenbei Army cavalry were like a huge mountain pressing on people's hearts, so oppressive that people could not breathe. Today, this situation can be regarded as a sign of complete integration and reconciliation between the Zhenbei Army and the court. Everyone You no longer have to worry about fights between your family members, so this joy really comes from the heart.
According to the time, His Highness the Crown Prince should have led his team to the West Garden by now. It is estimated that they will enter the city from Xizhimen in a short time, and then enter the palace through the Emperor's Broad Road.
There are already many people along the way eager to get a good seat in advance.
"Brothers, let's eat first while I go to the toilet."
"Go ahead if you have a big chance."
"We'll keep this duck for you."
"Don't keep it. My stomach feels uncomfortable and I can't eat greasy food. You can just eat it so as not to waste anything."
Yan Xiaoliu left his seat and walked out. Instead of going downstairs, he went upstairs and entered a first-class box on the second floor.
Pushing the door open, there were two people sitting inside, it was Eunuch Zhang and little Eunuch Zhang.
When Xiao Liuzi came in,
Eunuch Zhang, one large and one small, stood up immediately.
"This slave pays his respects to his master!"
"This slave pays his respects to his master!"
Fortunately, Eunuch Zhang is an old man in the palace, and he has been with Xiao Liuzi since he was a child, so he has a part in his cultivation.
Little Eunuch Zhang was different. After seeing the Sixth Prince, tears welled up unconsciously.
"Master, this slave really wants you to die!"
Little Eunuch Zhang kowtowed three times to the Sixth Prince.
This kind of emotional expression is true and cannot be faked. Folk women are very particular about marrying chickens and dogs, and in fact, eunuchs are also similar.
Moreover, it is much more difficult for a eunuch to change his master than for a folk woman to remarry.
The master is your pillar of life, spiritual pillar, and belief pillar.
In the past, my master was the least powerful among the princes, but no matter what, he still had some illusions in his heart.
It's good now that the master is gone. In the past few months, little Eunuch Zhang has really felt that he has suddenly become a child without parents. Xiao Ju, the palace maid who used to wink at him because she looked good, now ignores him. Yes, there is no chance of eating.
My already incomplete life suddenly became even more bleak.
The Sixth Prince walked to the window and stood, looking at the lively scene below.
Since the Zhenbeihou Mansion was established in Beifeng County and isolated from the threat from the barbarians, the city of Yanjing has been "singing and dancing" for several decades.
Mr. Zhang said:
"Master, how are you doing lately?"
A smile appeared on the corner of the Sixth Prince's lips and he said: "It's good, I feel quite comfortable."
It's much more comfortable than being trapped in the prince's mansion.
There was a fleeting dimness in Eunuch Zhang's eyes.
Today is the wedding day of the prince. The other princes will wear python robes and accompany the second prince to welcome the bride. However, his master, who is also a prince, can only stand here in the clothes of a policeman and watch from a distance.
Even though he is a prince, His Majesty's heart is a bit too cruel.
"By the way, is that done?"
"Is it the prisoner named Ran Min?"
"Replying to the master, your order has been carried out. The group of prisoners he is in will be sent to Litian City. My subordinates have made arrangements and opened the letter. They will then be dispatched from Litian City to Shengle. It should be fine. Variable."
Ran Min was the one who killed people, drank wine and ate meat in the county government hall. The Sixth Prince thought that person was interesting, so he took a look at Zheng.
Among the princes, only the eldest prince can legitimately control the army. The other princes all have more or less influence on the army.
The only military leader the Sixth Prince had contact with was Zheng Fan. Actually, to be honest, the Sixth Prince also knew that if Zheng Fan had not relied on his repeated military exploits and Tian Wujing's appreciation and protection, his Will your father take action directly...
It’s really hard to say.
"By the way, I have one more thing..."
"Boom!!!! Boom!!!! Boom!!!!"
The dull and heavy bell suddenly rang,
Bells sounded from all four directions in Yanjing City.
The expression of the Sixth Prince changed.
Eunuch Zhang also looked horrified,
Only little Eunuch Zhang was a little confused and couldn't help asking stupidly:
"Is this a wedding bell?"
Eunuch Zhang slapped little Eunuch Zhang on the back of the head and cursed:
"Asshole, this is Li Zhong!"
The sixth prince licked his lips,
"It seems something happened."
His Royal Highness is wearing a gold-rimmed robe specially made for today. The patterns on the clothes, accessories, pearls, etc. are all lowered according to the emperor's standards, but they are definitely much higher than those of the brothers around him. , to show the different atmosphere of the Lord of the East Palace.
The eldest prince was away leading the troops, and the sixth prince was prohibited from going out by his father. Therefore, those accompanying His Royal Highness to the wedding today were his fourth, fifth and seventh brothers respectively.
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is in front,
The three princes are behind,
After that, it is the younger generation among the nobles from all walks of life.
Today is an extremely important day for the Crown Prince. It is not easy to be His Majesty's son. Even though he is the eldest son, he has been walking with trepidation over the years.
Especially last year, his own uncle destroyed his mother's family, and after his mother returned to the palace, she suffered from hysteria. The prince once thought that his future was bleak.
Who knew that not only would he successfully enter the East Palace, but today, he would also marry the princess of the Zhenbei Hou Mansion.
After today's wedding, he will naturally receive natural support from the Zhenbei Marquis Mansion and the Zhenbei Army.
The position of Crown Prince will become more secure!
On the way to welcome the bride, the people on both sides of the imperial road swarmed and knelt down. His Royal Highness ordered people to scatter copper coins and enjoy themselves with the people.
The team, walking and walking, finally arrived at the gate of the West Garden with great scenery.
The Zhenbei Hou and his wife did not return to the capital, but there was a Zhenbei army stationed outside the West Garden. They were the princess's natal family.
After all, it is a royal marriage, and the act of bragging about it when welcoming a bride is already out of line. It is impossible to play games and make things difficult like what people do when welcoming a bride.
We still need to have the dignity and solemnity that we should have.
The sound of gongs and drums sounded, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince turned over and dismounted, and first signaled the 36-carriage sedan to stop and lower its hem;
He took a few steps forward,
bowed and said:
"My dear Ji Chenglang, thanks to the Marquis of Zhenbei and Madam Zhenbei Marquis for their love, I have to invite my concubine to enter the sedan chair."
The Marquis of Zhenbei and his wife did not come, but those who deserved to be thanked still had to be thanked, and the flow of the scene also had to go.
There is also His Majesty's imperial edict, followed by a letter from the Zhenbei Hou Mansion, followed by the Queen's edict, and the Minister of Rites has to personally preside over some procedures.
Therefore, although there is no hilarious games like the folk wedding ceremony, the process is more complicated than the folk wedding ceremony.
His Royal Highness also had eaten early.
The three princes also had their stomachs full early in the morning.
Get ready for a protracted war.
But His Majesty’s imperial edict has just been read,
There are still a lot of processes that have not yet been completed.
The door to the West Garden suddenly opened from the inside.
One of the four great swordsmen, Li Liangshen, a famous swordsman from Yan State and the general of the Zhenbei Hou Mansion, held the sword in front of him with his left hand, and slowly walked out of it with his right hand holding a young woman wearing a phoenix crown and red makeup.
The surrounding civil and military nobles were stunned when they saw this scene. The Minister of Rites even had a mouthful of phlegm stuck in his throat. He couldn't cough it out and couldn't swallow it. He almost rolled his eyes and fainted in anger.
Li Liangshen is the adopted son of the Marquis of Zhenbei, that is, the adopted brother of the princess. His parents are not in the capital, so Li Liangshen takes them out to see them off. This is a matter of course.
But you shouldn't skip the ceremony directly in this way. This shows an attitude, a posture that you can't use these etiquette rules to restrain me!
Now that the Forbidden Army in the capital is no longer around, the people defending the capital are actually the Zhenbei Army. This is the princess's dowry and also her confidence.
His Highness the Prince's face froze slightly, but soon his face was filled with a warm smile, and he took the initiative to walk over, ignoring the masters of ceremonies and the Minister of Rites who were about to burst his brain blood vessels. He planned to follow suit. So, go meet your wife.
The three princes, except Xiao Qi who was younger, the Fourth Highness and the Fifth Highness looked at each other with gloating and wry smiles in their eyes.
Some people gloat about the misfortune that the second child marries a tigress, but some people suffer from it.
The wry smile is,
For such a strong sister-in-law, her status is so special, and these brothers-in-law will have a hard time in the future, alas...
On the wall of the palace gate of Yan State, Emperor Yan's dragon chariot was ready, and Wei Zhonghe was accompanying his majesty.
The princess married into the Ji family,
Li Liangting doesn’t have to come.
But he, Ji Runhao, must give face to his brother who he grew up with.
As the king of a country and the head of a family, he lowered his status and waited personally at the palace gate to welcome him.
At this moment, eunuchs come and go from the West Garden from time to time to report the latest news there.
After hearing that the princess skipped the etiquette and walked out on her own initiative,
Ji Runhao laughed loudly,
this temper,
She has the same style as her mother used to have.
Once, in the West Garden, after Emperor Yan and Marquis Zhenbei got drunk, Emperor Yan himself once said, if your daughter has the ability to do it, then just come.
He, Ji Runhao, was still alive, so she had no chance.
After Ji Runhao leaves, as long as she doesn't do anything to disgrace Lao Ji's family, she can do whatever she wants with the rest.
Therefore, Emperor Yan really didn't care at all about the unusual behavior of the princess, his soon-to-be daughter-in-law, and instead found it interesting.
"Is the Jingnan Marquis Mansion still closed?"
Emperor Yan seemed to have thought of something and asked.
Wei Zhonghe immediately said: "Replying to Your Majesty, yes, several groups of people have gone to deliver the order, but whether it is a secret order or a formal order, the Jingnan Marquis Mansion has refused to accept it."
Emperor Yan nodded, but there was no hint of happiness or anger on his face.
On this matter, Wei Zhonghe did not say a word, and did not dare to speculate on the holy intention.
for a while,
Emperor Yan said again:
"You go and hand Zhao Jiulang a note later. When Wujiang finishes the battle this time, let him get married. As for Wujiang's wedding etiquette, let him, Zhao Jiulang, personally come up with a charter.
It can’t overshadow the limelight this time, but it can’t be too shabby either. Since the old barbarian king is willing to marry his daughter over, we, Da Yan, can’t be too petty. "
"Yes, the servant knows."
at this time,
"Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!!!!"
The bell rang suddenly.
This is the sound of the clock!
The Li bell has not sounded for many years. There is a Li bell on the four gates of Dayan. It was set up by the ancestor of the Ji family, the emperor. This bell is not for telling the time, nor for joys and sorrows, nor for festivals;
The reason why it is called Li Zhong is
But once the war situation in the Yan Kingdom changes, once this bell rings, it will mark that the descendants of the Ji family and the eldest Yanerlang in Yanjing City will say goodbye to their families, mount their horses with swords in hand, and rush to the battlefield.
Back then, when the fighting between Dayan and the barbarians was at its most brutal, the Li Zhong could be said to ring every year. However, in recent years, it has actually rested for a long time. Many young Yan people no longer know about Li Zhong.
In the Great Yanzu system, once the news of a major battle loss in the front came, the bell would inevitably ring when the military situation passed through the city gate, and the bells at other city gates would respond quickly.
The entire Yanjing government suspended all celebrations of happiness and mourning to jointly deal with the crisis.
This is also a warning from the ancestors of the Ji family to future generations, worrying about the emergence of unscrupulous descendants who don't care about the raging flood outside and just enjoy themselves.
We will not allow future generations of emperors to play the trick of whitewashing the peace and burying their heads in the ground and pretending that nothing happened.
Wei Zhonghe immediately said:
"Your Majesty, the first bell came from the east gate."
If it comes from the east gate, it means that the military information comes from the east, not from the desert in the west.
It was the Eastern Expedition Army. The Eastern Expedition Army failed.
"Publish my decree, the wedding is suspended, and hundreds of officials will go to court."
"The slave obeys the order."
Even if it is a prince's wedding, it must be aborted when the departure bell rings.
The dragon chariot was raised, and Emperor Yan was about to leave here and go to the main hall to wait for the civil and military officials to arrive to discuss matters. But before leaving, Emperor Yan suddenly said:
"Immediately send an order to the Marquis of Jingnan to ask Tian Wujing if he has had enough trouble!"
My body hasn't recovered yet, but my mind has recovered a bit, and I'm already trying to get more yards, clasping my fists.
(End of this chapter)

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