The devil is coming

Chapter 312 Jingyun

Chapter 312 Jingyun
The news of the defeat of the Eastern Expeditionary Army suddenly spread.
Once the clock rings, you can't hide it even if you want. Even if the young people don't know what the clock is, someone will always know it. After a little inquiry, it will be clear. Moreover, there is no such thing in the court. Go block messages.
Back then, when the Yan people had not suppressed the barbarians as completely as they do now, defeats were common. Every time the bell rang, the young and old men would grab their weapons and pull out the horses from the stables to prepare their own. Armed with weapons, horses, and armor, he said goodbye to his family and set out on the expedition with the emperor.
Nowadays, although Yanjing has been at peace for a long time, the confidence of the Yan people over the years has been sufficient. It is just a defeat. That is because the eldest prince is not good, not because our Yan army is not good. There is nothing else to say. Just go back to it.
The barbarians have been defeated by us, so why are we afraid of the barbarians?
If the Chu people dare to do something evil, they will attack the Chu State as well!
After hundreds of years of inheritance, many things will change, but some things in the heart will still remain.
The imperial court has not launched mobilization, and military rosters have not been issued, but there are already many men in Yanjing City who are actually ready.
Haha the coolie, the accountant who settles accounts, the old soldiers who are being resettled after discharge, the pot-bellied businessmen, and even the turtle man in the red tent,
Do not laugh,
This is really the case,
All walks of life, no matter what kind of skin you were wearing before, how new it was and how expensive it was, once the departure clock rang, and after understanding the reason, everyone began to spontaneously do what they thought they should do at this time Son.
The so-called: The king raised his army and repaired my spear.I share the same hatred with you!
The Yan State's tyrannical power over the past century coupled with the Emperor Yan's victory in foreign wars in the past two years, it can be said that the people's support can be used.
In the city of Yanjing, if you go back a few generations, there is no ancestor who has not been a soldier or on the battlefield. You must dig out the ancestral belongings.
Some people even went to the pawn shop and asked the pawn shop owner if they could redeem the knives and armors they had pawned a few years ago. Of course, they didn’t have the money, otherwise they wouldn’t be reduced to pawning those inheritance items.
Pawnshops are usually full of blood-sucking things, but few people know that in pawnshops, the word "righteousness" is actually very important. You have to mix both black and white. If you don't have a little bit of consciousness, you won't be able to enjoy it at all.
If you can find it in the warehouse, then return it to others first. As for the ones that have been sold long ago, the pawn shop will invest in purchasing them again for you.
Those who settled down were quite heroic, saying:
I don’t deliberately take advantage of you. When I go to the battlefield, slip around and die in battle, you, the shopkeeper, deserve to be unlucky and lose a business. If you don’t die, I can come back to you, the shopkeeper, with the silver reward given by the court. Settlement, including principal and interest, is worth it to you!
After all, the men in Yanjing City live under the emperor's feet. They usually like to talk about things to save face, but when they really encounter trouble, they really don't give up and are completely willing to give up.
In the small inn,
Yan Xiaoliu had brought along the three yamen officers who were responsible for escorting the gifts this time. At this time, they were shouting that they should hurry up and go back, preparing to pack up and join the army.
They were quite impassioned, but Yan Captou seemed a little too indifferent.
It's a good thing that the people's support can be used, but Dayan really doesn't want to rely on this method to support the war at the moment.
Yan Captou didn't know anything about military affairs, but he often read military books, especially the one written by the man named Zheng. He had read it three times.
He also knew that without a period of coordination and training, without profound accumulation and accumulation, it would be difficult for a ragtag group to be directly transformed into an elite in a hundred battles.
In the past, the people of Yanjing were able to bravely follow the Ji family's ancestor emperor to conquer the desert. That was because wars were frequent at that time. Now, Yanjing has been at peace for more than a month, and it would be a bit too naive to want to replicate the grand occasion of those years.
However, as a descendant of the Ji family, I feel relieved to see the people of Dayan being so "appreciative".
But professional things still have to be left to professionals. Damn it, this seems to be what that guy said.
"Dadangtou, what are you thinking about?" asked a government official.
"I was thinking that the wedding has been cancelled. Will the princess still live in Xiyuan?"
The court meeting ended in an extremely depressing atmosphere.
The reason why we are depressed is because the defeat of Wangjiang caused huge losses. No wonder the city gate guards directly followed the ancestral system and rang the departure bell. The main force of the left army was completely lost, and the other armies also suffered some losses. .
Secondly, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Expedition is the eldest prince Ji Wujiang, a general appointed by His Majesty personally, and also His Majesty's eldest son.
Since Ma stepped on the throne and started to win consecutive foreign wars, Emperor Yan's status as the "Ninth Five-Year Supreme" has become more and more consolidated. Even when the courtiers speak, they have to pay attention to their words, for fear that they will say something that sounds like "pointing at the mulberry tree and criticizing the mulberry tree with insinuations."
In fact, everyone knows exactly what to do. How many of the big bosses who can stand in this position in the court are fools?
After the defeat of the eldest prince, it was obvious that he was no longer suitable to be the head coach of the Eastern Expedition Army and had to be replaced.
Who else can I replace?
Choose the closest one?
Choose the one who can fight best?
Choose the one who is most familiar with the savages?
These three items all point to one person.
But it happened that that person had been secluded in the palace for the past few months, and did not even accept the imperial edict. He clearly showed no respect to the court or to His Majesty.
So, can we not be depressed?
It is not convenient for you to criticize too much if you want to fire or replace the general manager;
It’s not convenient for you to say too much about the candidates for the coaching change;
In the end, His Majesty simply ordered the court to disperse, leaving only a group of important ministers headed by Zhao Jiulang to go to the imperial study to continue the discussion.
The rest of the courtiers felt as if they had been granted amnesty and left after shouting "Long Live the Mountain".
Many ministers made the same move after leaving the palace gate.
shake your head,
Look at the sky,
A nice wedding,
Why did this incident suddenly happen?
The scenery in the West Garden is indeed so beautiful that people have to admire it. The people of Qian country have no choice but to return home after fighting, but in terms of luxury and enjoyment, it is indeed the best in the world.
The princess, who had taken off her red makeup, was sitting on a stone bench in the yard, holding a plate with preserved fruits in her left hand, dangling her legs while eating, in a rare little girlish manner.
It's just that a woman's appearance is the most deceiving, and the more beautiful a woman is, the more she understands this.
At least, General Zheng will not forget that he was almost used as bait by the princess and died in the desert when he first debuted. This can almost be called an "enlightenment lesson" for General Zheng's understanding of the world;
Li Liangshen stood in the yard, leaning on his sword, looking at her like this.
The seven chief soldiers in the Hou Mansion are all the adopted brothers of the princess. It can be said that they have watched the princess grow up, and their eldest brothers are like their fathers. This cannot be false at all.
"Brother, tell me, am I a little heartless? Brother Leopard died in the battle, but I can still eat."
Li Liangshen replied:
"When you're hungry, you should eat."
"I'm just hungry. I didn't expect getting married to be so troublesome. The aunties from the palace have been tossing it from last night to morning, and they will continue to toss it during the day. I really can't bear it."
"If you don't want to bear it, then you don't have to bear it. The Ji family can marry you not because you are high up, but because you marry down. Remember this principle and you will not be bullied in the future."
"If your parents knew you said this, they would definitely scold you."
"The Marquis and his wife are not here, so I can't let you suffer any injustice."
"But, brother, why don't you go and make preparations?"
"what to prepare?"
"The boss of the Ji family has lost the battle, not to mention the loss of troops and generals. He will definitely not be able to take the position of commander of the Eastern Expedition Army, right?
You also know Brother Fusheng, and presumably His Majesty also knows it, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be the head coach. "
"He can't sit down, and it's not my turn to go."
"But didn't the Jingnan Marquis say he was autistic at home? He didn't even accept the imperial edict."
"I will take it."
"Not necessarily. His wife is gone and his children are no different. Do you think he won't hold a grudge?"
"Will do."
"That's right, people are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless? I don't believe it. This is done by people, not fighting. But in other aspects, especially playing, I have always been very good, so I just used up the cuckoo. Well, wouldn’t it be too stupid to kill someone?”
"What do you want to say?"
"I want to say..."
The princess pointed to the east,
It is the direction of the palace.
"There are some things you can't say."
"Can't you even tell me?"
"No, some words cannot be changed once you say them out loud. You can think about them in your heart."
"But I can't come up with any clues just by thinking about it. Although I have never met Marquis Jingnan, since he is as famous as my father, he is an upright man. When this happens, do you think my father will imprison him in the Marquis of Jingnan?" Don’t you do anything else in the house?”
Li Liangshen sighed and said:
"Princess, this is Yanjing City, not the Marquis Mansion."
"What are you afraid of? Brother, you are here. Even if Wei Zhonghe is here, you can't eavesdrop even if you want to, right?"
"I can't always be by your side."
"I'm not stupid, but brother, do you really have no chance at all? I don't think you will be willing to stay outside Yanjing City all the time."
"Jingnan Marquis will not give me this opportunity. Besides, the court and His Majesty will not trust me with this opportunity."
"Is there not the slightest possibility?"
"will not."
"So sure?"
"Because he is Tian Wujing."
The princess was silent.
Li Liangshen looked around and said:
"The Li bell is ringing. According to the rules of the Ji family, when the Li bell rings, men of the Ji family are not allowed to marry or attend funerals if the war is not peaceful.
The environment here is good. I guess you will live here for a while. "
"Anyway, I don't want to get married so early. By the way, what kind of disease does Xiao Liuzi have?"
"I can't find out."
"Okay, brother, go and do your work. Uncle Qi is here with me."
At this time, the seventh uncle happened to come over with a cloak in his arms. Like a loving elder, he put the cloak on the princess's shoulders.
Li Liangshen and Qi Shu looked at each other, then turned and left the West Garden.
"It's getting cold. Princess, you'd better go inside. If you want to eat something, I'll send someone out to buy it. There are more delicious things in Yanjing than in the north."
"Uncle Seven..."
"I want to eat pickled garlic."
When Uncle Qi heard this, he was stunned;
Lower your head again,
Only then did he realize the woman sitting in front of him,
His face was covered with tears.
(End of this chapter)

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