The devil is coming

Chapter 736 Credentials from the Western Empire

Chapter 736 Credentials from the Western Empire
When the emperor led everyone to the Fenling Hall, the rest of the Fenling Hall, including the coffin, was intact. Only a black mark appeared on the brick surface next to the coffin, which looked like the silhouette of a brave animal.
Pixiu is the totem of Dayan. Yan people believe that it can keep their homes safe, so during the Chinese New Year, they like to paste the silhouette of Pixiu on door panels and windows.
The brave spirit rushed out, in the end, just to take a look at the late emperor who was about to enter the mausoleum.
In short, it did not cause any other damage.
The emperor led everyone to worship the late emperor again. Firstly, this etiquette was indispensable, and secondly, it was to calm everyone's emotions.
The emperor said:
"Wei Zhonghe."
"The slave is here."
"What happened today must not be spread out at all."
"Your Majesty, don't worry, I understand."
The emperor looked at the important ministers who came with him, and looked at Ping Xihou emphatically.
"Every minister is frightened."
"I have frightened Your Majesty. I am guilty."
"The minister is guilty."
"It's okay. It's not a big deal for me. Let's discuss the cabinet matters."
"Your Majesty, you need to rest..."
"State affairs are important. This little extra is just for fun. How can it delay state affairs?"
"Yes, I will obey the order."
"His Majesty."
"What does Ping Xihou have to say?"
"I was a little frightened just now and want to go back and rest."
"Oh? I, the military lord of Dayan, who has made many military exploits, can't even stand up to this scene?"
"Your Majesty, it's not that I can't hold on, it's just that I accidentally pulled an old injury earlier."
"Then you go back to your home and rest first. I will send the imperial doctor over later."
"My lord, thank you for your grace."
Zheng Fan knew clearly that the emperor had taken him to Yangxin Hall to discuss matters earlier, in order to put him at a disadvantage, which meant that Dayan's military firmly supported the new emperor.
At the same time, the emperor wanted to use the prestige created by destroying the royal court to promote the cabinet system.
In fact, my mission has been completed. If I stay, I will only become a target for these ministers to take advantage of. It is better to leave early.
Above the court, everyone is an old fox. The death of Zhao Jiulang does not mean that the remaining important ministers are all good babies. The position of the prime minister and assistant at the top is vacant, and the people below will naturally be more eager and more enthusiastic. Take heart.
The emperor can just deal with it, there is no need for him to stay and practice Tai Chi.
As for whether it’s too rude to just jump out of this circle with a slap on the butt;
Ha ha,
A vassal town?
If you don't appear domineering, others will really treat you as a soft persimmon to pinch.
Marquis Zheng felt that maybe he was really too talkative. Otherwise, why didn't they dare to ask King Zhenbei or King Jingnan to be the prime minister before?
Bullying the weak and fearing the strong, tsk tsk.
With permission,
Lord Zheng left the palace.
Fan Li was waiting at the palace gate. When he saw his master coming out, he immediately walked over and whispered:
"My lord, A Ming and San'er have entered the palace first."
This gesture is like telling a snitch.
"They entered the palace?"
Lord Zheng frowned slightly, and he suddenly thought of a possibility. Could the previous chaos in the palace have something to do with those two guys?
"Did it rush out on its own?"
Zike faces the Wei Zhonghe River.
"Where is it under the alchemy furnace?"
"It's still there. What rushed out was just a part of its spirit body. was to give the late Emperor a final sendoff."
If any irreparable damage was caused, then today, the little red-robed eunuch must be punished. Even if he is a disciple of the Grand Master, he cannot protect him, but the final result is still good.
The spirit of Pixiu finally went to see the late emperor, which also proved that the late emperor's greatness was beyond reproach. It was also a kind of recognition for them, the old ministers and servants who had been there during the late emperor's time.
Therefore, there is no need to mention the matter of punishment.
"Can you re-bless the seal of the alchemy furnace?"
"Do we need to arrange for someone from Qintian Prison to come over?"
"No need. It would be better if there are fewer people in this place."
"Well, you, pay attention."
Eunuch Wei is gone, and he still needs to be responsible for "silencing" today's matter. Fortunately, the palace has been cleaned up, and the eyes of each family, well, except for the eyes of the Sixth Prince's Mansion, all other eyes are here He was poached on the day he ascended the throne, so it was not difficult to block the news.
Zi Ke returned to the palace.
The alchemy furnace has closed again on its own.
"Brother, you are so loyal." Xue San stepped forward and punched Zike in the chest, experiencing a completely different touch from the usual knock on the knee.
"Anyway, it didn't cause any harm. It doesn't matter whether you talk about it or not. Do you know the art of mechanism?"
"Well, I know a little bit."
"Maybe you can understand the mechanism on this alchemy furnace?"
"Hidden clumsy?"
"No, the question is very difficult and complicated. I just tried it with possible answers before. It didn't work as expected, but it worked."
"Can you tell me?"
"Okay, I'll draw you a picture later."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Anyway, this answer will change next time."
"..." Zi Ke.
Xue San is not lying. He is a "skilled craftsman", but for this kind of thing, sometimes a dedicated device is a specialized system, and it is not as simple as knowing everything.
His previous attempts were just to use answers based on experience.
It's equivalent to a math fill-in-the-blank question. The final answer is either π, or 1, 3, etc., with a high probability. It can't be hundreds and a few hundred percent under the square root.
Really just luck.
"Are you still drinking?" A Ming asked.
"Sorry, Mr. A Ming, I don't have the time to drink today."
"Then I'm back?"
"Excuse me for being negligent."
"You're welcome, there is so much wine after all."
A Ming and Xue San walked out of the hall,
The door of the main hall was slowly closed.
The little eunuch in red robe pressed himself against the alchemy furnace and closed his eyes.
He could sense that under the alchemy furnace, there was a Pixiu with a rotten body with more bones than flesh, looking very tired.
"The late emperor rejected you, so why don't you still have me?"
"So, we're not going to the zoo today?"
After walking out of the palace gate, Xue San asked A Ming.
"Go back. This is for your own good. The Lord was also in the Nourishing Heart Hall earlier. Didn't you also see it?"
"so what?"
"If the Lord knew that what happened today was caused by you, would you still want to advance?"
"The problem is, the little eunuch didn't tell Wei Zhonghe, how could the Lord know that I did it?"
"Because I can speak."
"..." Xue San.
Before entering the Pingxihou Mansion, Lord Zheng made a special trip to the Jingnan Prince's Mansion next door before returning to his home.
The sword master was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea.
"Something happened in the palace?" Sword Master asked.
Others are here, but the movement in the palace can be felt.
When he slashed the carriage of the Prime Minister's Office on Xiping Street with his sword, Eunuch Wei was sitting on the roof of the imperial library watching the excitement;
Today, it's the other way around.
"It's a small matter, a brave spirit made a fuss."
"Oh." The Sword Master nodded, "By the way, we still have to stay here, how long?"
The sword master's wife is pregnant. Calculating the time, if she rushes back now, she might be able to give birth in time.
"We have to wait until the late emperor's coffin enters the mausoleum. It will probably take another four or five days. How about you go back first?"
The sword master shook his head.
"I feel wronged by you." Mr. Zheng said with emotion.
The sword master shook his head and said;
"It's okay, I will get pregnant again in the future, just stay with me next time."
"..." Zheng Fan.
The cold wind flutters the fallen leaves,
Echoing Marquis Zheng's mood when he heard these words.
Pull up the chair next to you,
Lord Zheng lay down and let the sun shine on himself.
"Old Yu."
"This time I went to Beijing, I actually didn't seem to have done anything, but it seemed like I had done a lot of things."
The thing was actually done, otherwise Zhao Jiulang would still be prime minister now.
But killing Zhao Jiulang is nothing more than self-catharsis after the overall situation has been decided.
In essence, the changes in the court and the inheritance of the country Dayan are still handed over smoothly and orderly.
"What do you want to do?"
"I do not know either."
"Actually, I can understand your feelings. When the savages were expelled from Jin, I didn't die. After being raised back, I felt similar.
On the road to swordsmanship, I have long had the mentality that it doesn’t matter if I have it or not.
I have never cared much about prosperity and wealth.
At this time, everyone will have this emotion, especially men.
At this time, you need to..."
"Okay, shut up, you're done, aren't you?"
Obviously, Marquis Zheng had guessed what the sword master wanted to say next.
"Ha ha."
"There are many famous doctors in the capital." Sword Master said.
"There are quite a few famous doctors around me."
"Yes." The Sword Master nodded. Several of the "gentlemen" were actually proficient in pharmacology. It was actually how he was "rescued" by them when he opened the second-grade medicine in front of Xue Customs.
"There are also a few more spiritual temples, why don't you try them?"
"Haha, there are more ghosts around me than in the temple."
Qin Tianjian set a date,
Seven days later, the coffin of Emperor Daxing entered the mausoleum.
The emperor was escorted by a group of civil and military nobles. Wherever the coffin went, the people spontaneously set up altars, burned incense and hung white offerings.
When I saw the coffin of Emperor Daxing being carried into the underground palace, I saw the door of the underground palace being slowly closed.
In the mausoleum,
Everyone fell to their knees, including the emperor.
The old minister of the Ministry of Rites announced the emperor's decree,
First, he praised Emperor Daxing’s life achievements,
At last,
A posthumous title was decided.
Zheng Fan knew that Emperor Daxing had already prepared a posthumous title for himself, which was included in the imperial edict.
Emperor Daxing planned to blame all the fatigue of these years of southern and northern wars on himself, the drought in Yan and the floods in Jin, and take all the blame;
Therefore, he chose the word "Li" for his posthumous title.
Then, when the emperor died and Ji Chengjue first ascended the throne, because he did not let the prime minister read the edict of sin, it was equivalent to a political gesture. Therefore, none of the ministers who drafted the posthumous title really dared to take advantage of it. .
But after taking several posthumous titles, the new king was not satisfied. Finally, the new king personally made the decision and settled on "武".
Strong and straightforward is called Wu, strong without desire, strong and unyielding.To be loyal and forgiving is to be upright and upright; to be powerful and powerful is to oppose virtue, which is called martial arts, and to be an enemy of those who are virtuous.To quell disasters and chaos is called military force, and to conquer them with troops, they can pacify them.
When future generations call Emperor Daxing again, they will call him... Emperor Yanwu.
Zheng Fan couldn't help but feel a little sad for the father and son.
Before his death,
Father and son turned against each other,
If the father is unkind, the son will be unfilial;
After death,
Ji Chengjue, who rose to power by killing his father, was determined to clear his father's name.
The relationship between father and son, the ethics of family and country, these things are intertwined and eventually form such a twisted relationship.
On this day, two urgent memorials from the west entered the imperial study.
One: Li Liangting, the king of Zhenbei, was critically ill and asked the imperial court to send an imperial envoy to the palace to formally establish the crown prince.
Although Li Fei had returned to Zhenbei Palace long ago, the imperial court had not officially named him the heir apparent.
In the past, no one in Zhenbei Palace cared about the imperial court's canonization, and even the imperial court itself deliberately ignored this issue.
The first two Zhenbei kings confirmed the position of the successor marquis, accepted the oath of allegiance from the Zhenbei army, and then symbolically sent a note to the court, just to show their face.
Now, taking the initiative to apply for canonization is actually the same as that of the small country outside Nanmen Pass that is attached to the Yan Kingdom. It hopes to obtain legal recognition from the court. It is also equivalent to the former powerful vassal, no, to be precise, the central government of the Yan Kingdom. The century-old Zhenbei Hou Mansion of the country will once again be subordinated to the government system of Dayan.
But in the imperial study room,
The emperor did not show excitement because of this, although centralizing power is what every emperor with a right mind wants to do.
Centralization of power does not mean blind centralization of power. Centralization of power is like that of the Qian Kingdom, so what a waste!
It is true that the generals in charge will be jealous of the superiors, but in a country, there are only a few generals and military god-level beings to control it. How can this country stand?
"critically ill",
Critically ill.
Although there were previous guesses and premonitions, when things actually happened, the emperor still felt confused, even...angry.
What he inherited from his father was a tired Dayan, but his spear was sharp!
it's good now,
The two cornerstones of the country are all gone.
How can I play by myself?
When I saw the second memorial,
The emperor's whole person immediately became gloomy.
"Wei Zhonghe."
"The slave is here."
"Xuanping Xihou."
This royal family's funeral is really much more tiring than ordinary people's funerals. For ordinary people's funerals, a coffin and straw are sent, which is the distance from the entrance to the village to the west of the village.
As for the emperor, he had to go from the palace to the imperial mausoleum far outside the imperial city, and he had to go early.
As Ji Laoliu said before, a close relative of your brother's family has died, so you can't come to help?
Marquis Zheng had no choice but to go. In fact, he had nothing to do.
There was no need for him to read the edict, and he didn't need to follow the etiquette rules. He simply wore armor and became the captain of the guard escorting the tomb.
There is no way, who calls him the only military marquis left in the capital.
Although the eldest prince is the same, he is a prince, and as a son of man during the funeral, he is not allowed to wear armor and carry weapons.
Mr. Zheng is wearing neat armor today and has been standing in a military posture for a whole day. And because you have a good relationship with the emperor, you can't be lazy.
Isn’t this fucking tiring?
Recalling that when the military information from the west was sent, it was mentioned that the barbarian royal court army had just held a grand military parade during the day and suffered a night attack at night. This defeat was really unjust.
Back home,
Lord Zheng began to take a bath.
Siniang helped Zheng Fan massage and relax his muscles while reporting on the packing of the gifts and other items, because she planned to leave Beijing and return to Jindong the next day.
"Master, which one makes you more comfortable, slave massage or princess massage?"
"Of course it's you. What did the princess call you?"
standard answer.
"My lord, do you miss the princess and Ruqing at home?"
"As long as you are here, I will be satisfied."
Another standard answer.
At this time,
A Ming reported outside:
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty declares you to be in the palace."
Lord Zheng sighed and said:
"This child is not feeling well because his father was buried today. He wants to seek comfort from me."
"The Lord should go to comfort and comfort, and should not come back early."
"I was just kidding. He's not that fragile. I just stabbed myself to death."
With the Sword Master outside, Lord Zheng is not afraid of any barriers, even if this is the capital.
After tidying up,
Lord Zheng entered the palace.
As soon as I entered the imperial study room, I felt that the light was a little dim.
Lord Zheng looked at Wei Zhonghe subconsciously, and Wei Zhonghe blinked at him.
Zheng Fan nodded, pretending that he understood the hint.
After turning a corner and entering the inner room, Mr. Zheng himself said "Ouch".
Ji Laoliu sat on the chair,
The dragon robe is torn open and the hair is scattered;
"Zheng Fan."
"Hey, let me ask, are you okay?" Lord Zheng stepped forward and looked at her carefully.
A child who kills his father and king should not be so fragile?
"Li Liangting is in trouble. He is critically ill."
"Isn't this something you have guessed a long time ago?"
"But now it's come true." Ji Chengjue said, "It's like I just inherited the largest brothel in Beijing from my father, but within two days of taking over, the two courtesans left."
"Your Majesty, are you really not afraid that the late Emperor will be so angry when he hears this that he will come out of the mausoleum where he just laid down today?"
"Straight thief!"
Ji Chengjue stood up and threw the memorial on the table.
Then, he sat down slumped again,
"Li Liangting's memorial said below that he hoped I would send someone to canonize the crown prince."
"It should be, this is paving the way for the Crown Prince."
"That's what I mean. I plan to ask the eldest brother to go to the Zhenbei Prince's Mansion for canonization."
"Well, this face is enough." Zheng Fan said, "But why did your Majesty ask me to come to you?"
Just this memorial will prevent him from calling me here again late at night.
Ji Chengjue took out the second urgent memorial of the day.
"This letter also comes from the west, but further west."
"It is a letter of credence sent to me by an envoy from the Roman Empire."
"So fast?"
"I calculated the date myself. This delegation was supposed to be invited to attend the conference of the Barbarian Royal Court, but it should have missed the deadline."
Zheng Fan smiled and said: "Good luck."
Yes, if they had arrived as scheduled, that night, there would be no distinction between races, and they would all have been turned into corpses long ago.
"So, they instead sent me a letter of credence. The approximate meaning of the letter of credence is:
Now that the barbarian royal court has been destroyed, then, as a matter of course,
From his Roman kingdom and my great Yan,
Share ownership of this desert. "
(End of this chapter)

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