The devil is coming

Chapter 758 Do you want a child?

Chapter 758 Do you want a child?
Preserved egg and lean meat porridge, fried dough sticks, sesame balls, and salted duck eggs.
Tiantian reached out and picked up a salted duck egg, and knocked the hollow end against the coffee table. After breaking it into pieces, he began to peel it. After peeling off one end, he handed the salted duck egg to his godfather.
Then, he picked up a salted duck egg and copied it.
Immediately afterwards, both father and son were eating porridge and digging out salted duck eggs with chopsticks.
Most of Tiantian's living habits and details are imitated by Mr. Zheng. In this regard, father and son are the same.
After breakfast, Lord Zheng lay on an armchair, swaying gently in the morning sun, while Tiantian stood aside and began to recite articles.
The blind man is responsible for teaching Tian Tian's homework. The blind man is keen on this task and takes time out of his busy schedule to teach Tian Tian.
Zheng Fan knew what the blind man was thinking.
But Tiantian's identity is too special, and it is difficult for you to find other suitable teachers to do this. The professor's courses are also close to this era and are not unique.
With the blind man's "rebellious" temperament, the children he taught, among other things, at least would not be like Fusu who just wiped his neck obediently with an imperial edict.
The child's biological father had suffered so much for Dayan. Since the child was raised by him, Zheng Fan would never allow another Tian Wujing to sacrifice his life for Dayan.
Perhaps Lao Tian fostered her here every day because of this consideration.
The blind man is not around these days, but he practices calligraphy and reviews his lessons every day.
Listening to the child's crisp reciting voice, Mr. Zheng took a nap and ate.
After the children finished their morning classes, Zheng Fan got up and started practicing sword practice.
Usually, he practiced swordplay in the afternoon, but now that the blind man and Siniang were away, he had to spare some time in the afternoon to review some government affairs.
Even the blind man and Siniang have brought out their own teams over the years, but on some overall issues, the people below dare not make decisions on their own, so Zheng Fanlai can only nod in person.
Tiantian was extremely excited and followed his godfather to the small martial arts arena in the Hou Mansion, holding his little horse in his arms.
When his godfather was practicing swordsmanship, Tiantian would sit there and watch attentively, waving his little hands from time to time, mumbling and dubbing the godfather's voice.
Drink, ha, oh~
It's a pity that the sword master held Tiantian and finally understood the realm of the second level. Long Yuan flying to the sky was really a grand spectacle, but in Tiantian's view, it might be close to acrobatics.
The child still believes that his godfather's sword is the strongest.
After practicing the knife, I was covered in sweat and ran over with a towel every day and handed it over.
At this time, Xiao Yibo came in and reported: "Master Marquis, the second lady and the third lady are about to enter the city."
Zheng Fan went to take a shower, changed his clothes, and after tidying himself up, the princess and Liu Ruqing's carriage had just entered the Marquis Mansion.
There was no trace of fatigue on the faces of the two women, because most of the journey was by water.
"I've met my second mother, I've met my aunt."
Salute to the two little mothers every day.
He originally called Liu Ruqing Sanniang without discrimination, but was corrected by Liu Ruqing to call her aunt.
The princess stepped forward and picked up Tiantian.
"Oh, I can't hold you anymore."
After saying that, he kissed Tiantian on the cheek.
Putting aside the standpoint and interests that may arise in the future, at least at this time, it is difficult for any woman to reject a godson who is as obedient as a Fuwa.
Furthermore, the princess also knew that Tiantian was her husband's pet peeve, and she couldn't be boring enough to get jealous with a child right now.
"Thank you for your hard work," Zheng Fan said.
The two women saluted Zheng Fan.
"Go and have a rest. I'm sure you're tired from the journey. I'll go to the front room to handle some matters. I'll have lunch with you later."
Although Lord Zheng's body has not fully recovered, he is on the road to regaining his strength. With the woman back, this family has real warmth.
However, the fact that Marquis Zheng was so eager to deal with official business first was not because he was suffering from a common problem among men of this era. In order to maintain the style of uplifting his husband, he deliberately ignored this scene of parting and getting together. It was because he really There are important things to do.
In the security room, all the other people were kicked out, leaving only He Chunlai.
Gou Moli and Liang Cheng walked in.
The Savage King went to the Chu Territory this time in order to straighten out the relationship there, open up the situation there, and make the Fan family truly become a nail in the Chu Territory for the Hou Mansion for future use.
Together with Liang Cheng's configuration, to be honest, it is indeed a bit too high. It is basically to protect the absolute safety of the two ladies.
Gou Moli was a little surprised. As soon as he escorted the two ladies back, the Marquis summoned him without delay. It would be fine if this Marquis was not a person who neglected his official duties for personal reasons. However, Gou Moli Clearly, the person in front of me is the opposite.
He will not look down upon Zheng Fan because of this. In fact, this kind of person who likes to neglect public affairs for personal reasons, and also controls your life and future, is actually the most terrifying thing.
A lesson learned from the past is Zhao Jiulang.
If it were another Zheng Fan, or "Xiaotian Wujing", he Zhao Jiulang would never have his throat cut and bled in the morning light.
Liang Cheng was a little excited because he knew that his master had been promoted in Yanjing.
Zheng Fan glanced at He Chunlai, who handed a letter to Gou Moli and motioned to Liang Cheng to read it with him.
The letter was sent by the blind man.
Liang Cheng quickly understood that this was the approximate location of the prophecy, and it was found.
Gou Moli looked a little confused. What does it mean?
Which blind tribe in the snowfield offended the Hou Mansion?
Regarding this matter, after Zheng Fan communicated with the blind man, he decided to tell Gou Moli...part of the truth.
The snowy field is too big, and there are many tribes in the snowy field. Although the savages are now trembling in front of the Hou Mansion, if you want to go to the snowy field, without the help of him, the savage king, there may still be problems.
Lord Zheng decided to send troops.
He had no intention of taking the demon kings and going down to the snowfield with the Seven Swords;
Solving that fateful duel in person may seem cool and quaint, but in reality it's a bit out of your mind.
What’s the point of working so hard to become a monk and have a great career?
Is it a one-on-one fight?
The army drives over and crushes everything. Isn't this kind of stable happiness delicious?
But once it involves the departure of the army, and the expedition to the far north of the snowy plains, without talking to the savage king, I feel really unsure.
"I had a dream. In the dream, in the far north of the snowfield, there was something that was cursing me. I felt very uncomfortable, so I decided to cut it off.
Therefore, I sent people to the snowfield to check the situation in advance, and found a sect in the far north, which was completely different from the beliefs of Xingchen.
The map is right here. Although it is not very accurate, it can be considered as a rough idea.
Now that I have found it, I am determined to send troops to wipe it out. "
When Gou Moli heard these words, his mouth opened wide.
This is quite nonsense.
But he understood better that at this time it was not a question of making the dream come true, but that the Marquis had decided to send troops, and what he had to do was how to help configure and arrange the expedition.
Therefore, Gou Moli went directly to the topic, Tao;
"Lord, in that case, I have a suggestion."
I called him here just to listen to his suggestions.
As for whether Gou Moli would have any thoughts if he knew the prophecy about the Demon King, and whether it would cause any accidents, these hidden dangers can be temporarily suppressed in front of the real target.
"The sect that the Lord mentioned has so many people. Is there any tribe directly controlled by it?"
"Their roots are in the far north." Zheng Fan replied.
"In that case, there shouldn't be many tribes."
The Far North is a huge land, but it is a restricted area of ​​life. No one lives there, otherwise Sang Hu would not have been able to integrate a patchwork of tribes and go south.
But since it is a mission, the population base is the foundation. If you calculate it this way, the power of that sect will definitely not be that big. It may not be as big as an ordinary medium-sized savage tribe.
Moreover, if a big force really appeared in the snowfield, it would be impossible to hide the news.
"My lord, my subordinates believe that if we send out troops, the troops under our command will definitely shake the snowfield. Although the tribes in the snowfield are not worried now, there is no guarantee that they will not be surrounded by soldiers. I think our mansion will take advantage of the onset of winter. If we continue to destroy the tribe, it will easily lead to unnecessary misunderstandings.
Normally, the misunderstanding would be nothing more than a misunderstanding, and I would even wish that they dared to jump out, just in time to set up a target.
But the destination of this expedition is the far north, and the journey is far away. It is best for us to suppress any possible hidden dangers to a minimum.
The number of available soldiers in our Marquis Mansion seems to be huge, but there are one at Zhennanguan, one at Xueguan, and one at Fengxin City. Next, we have to move the defense to Yupan City.
The only soldiers and horses that can be mobilized are General Liang's town, and once this town is mobilized to the snowy fields, home, such a large piece of land, really cannot withstand any disturbance.
The army is dispatched, food and grass are needed, materials are supplied, and horses are lost. Even if we really win in one battle, the other side will not be able to cause us any trouble on the front.
But after traveling such a long distance and just hitting them, the loss along the way is really huge.
The subordinates feel that it is not cost-effective to dispatch the soldiers and horses of my Marquis Mansion. "
"What do you think we should do?" Zheng Fan asked.
"My subordinates think that Hailan should be ordered to send out [-] warriors, and then..."
Gou Moli looked at Liang Cheng and continued:
"General Liang will then lead three thousand cavalry to press the formation. Along the way, he can issue orders from the Marquis Mansion, ordering the ministries to provide supplies, food, grass and support, and even recruit them as our army's servants and horses.
In this way, the tribes in the snowfield will not be too irritated, and the leaders can feel at ease.
The consumption of the Hou Mansion can also be suppressed to a minimum.
In fact, we have no consumption at all. "
Liang Cheng said: "That's a good idea."
Gou Moli smiled and said: "Since the enemy is not strong, then we can just use the sword to kill people. Our army is in the Snow Customs, but it is a deterrent to the snow field. Instead, they will be used by our army in a down-to-earth manner. Conquer the far north for my Marquis Mansion.
And if my army hangs alone in the snowy field, my family will not be able to take care of it first. If something goes wrong...
My lord, the tribes in the snowfield are short-sighted, but they all have the shadow of wolves. "
Once the army encounters any difficulties in the far north, the long return journey is enough to make some savage careerists take risks.
To be more direct, he linked up with the various tribes and directly suffocated the outgoing army to death on the snowy fields in the cold winter.
This possibility is very low, but it is real.
have to say,
The Savage King's suggestion made Zheng Fan feel good. Jindong seemed to have a mighty army, and his Pingxi Marquis also seemed to have great military achievements, but his foundation was still a bit weak and his level of accumulation was still insufficient.
It can light a big fire, but it can't stand a slow simmer.
"Let's do it this way, but I have to lead the troops myself."
Gou Moli was stunned for a moment, but still did not say anything to stop him.
Zheng Fan looked at Gou Moli and said:
"I'm a little worried about you, so just accompany me on the expedition."
Gou Moli smiled,
"I obey my order. I actually want to go home and have a look."
Liang Cheng said: "My subordinates will start preparations now. In addition, ask Brother Ke Yandong to send an official letter to the Hailan Department and ask them to recruit people."
"Well, the blind man and Si Niang should be back soon."
Zheng Fan stretched out and said, "You go find San'er again and ask him to leave tonight and take his men to explore the way for us."
"Yes, my subordinate understands."
Gou Moli and Liang Cheng went down.
Zheng Fan sat on the chair in the deposit room for a while.
The reason why we are so eager to mobilize troops is because we are afraid of long nights and many dreams. If we can take action before the opponent is mature, there will be no delay.
The most hateful thing is that if you delay, fate will punish you.
such as,
When you arrive with your army,
The other party suddenly says to you:
I just woke up.
At this time, it is completely meaningless for you to regret why you didn't leave earlier, why you didn't leave earlier, etc.
As for this map, could it be a trap?
The probability of it being a trap was very low, because it was a complete accident that I bumped into Little Monk Fan, and the cassock was stored in that familiar savage tribe, and was used by the nobles of that tribe to wrap jade, but in case he took it to give away Lover or just tear it apart and make clothes?
If this can also be used as a trap, then fate has arranged everything.
And even if it's a trap, just fill it with human lives. Five hundred isn't enough?Then fill it with one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, even 1, depending on how big your appetite is.
Lord Zheng stretched out his hand to rub his face, stood up, and left the signing room.
Houfu, rear residence;
The princess has already arranged her luggage, and the small courtyard has been tidied up a long time ago, so it won't look a little dusty and messy because it has been unoccupied for a while.
Every day he rides on the green python and spins around the pond in the yard.
Maybe Tiantian didn't have a bamboo horse to ride in his childhood, but his toys were not something that an ordinary child could have.
The black cat and the fox stood nearby and stared nervously, fearing that the little master would accidentally fall down.
"day by day."
cried the princess.
The green python stopped, got off the snake body Tiantian, and walked over while arranging his clothes.
"Er Niang, did you call me?"
"Come, this is the fruit that Er Niang brought to you in Chu Di. Er Niang will peel it for you and try it."
Daze in the Chu region can not only produce the tea that Lord Zheng has been obsessed with, but also produce all kinds of rare and exotic fruits. However, picking them is very difficult. The common people in the Chu region near Daze are risking their lives doing this kind of business. .
Of course, for the powerful, they have long been accustomed to enjoying the sweetness of the blood of the people at the bottom.
Tiantian stretched out his hand to take a fruit and took a bite. The pulp was sweet, like an orange, but not sour at all. It was very refreshing.
"Is it delicious?"
"It's delicious." Tiantian nodded.
"Come on, Er Niang will peel off another one for you."
"No, Er Niang, I'll leave it for you and father to eat."
"Don't worry, it'll be just as good as his. Besides, he won't eat until you're satisfied, right?"
The princess reached out and rubbed the tip of Tiantian's nose.
Sometimes the princess herself wonders, what if her future children are not as well-behaved as the child in front of her?
After the feeling of raising children has been elevated to a high level by this child, will you be disliked by yourself if your children disobey in the future?
"Have you fallen behind in your studies recently?"
"Mr. Bei is out, and he is endorsing it every day."
"What about painting?" the princess asked.
"Those who have painted, follow Er Niang's instructions before going out, one painting every five days."
The harem of Lord Zheng is of high quality. Even Liu Ruqing is actually good at playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the princess is even more powerful.
The blind man was responsible for schoolwork, while the princess and Liu Ruqing were responsible for painting and music.
These days, music is a measure of a person's status. After all, only those who are free from the worries of food and clothing have the time to learn music.
"Our family is very good every day. If the second mother comes to test you, just draw this fruit every day, okay?"
"it is good."
Tiantian nodded, he was not afraid of being asked about his studies, because someone asking about his studies meant that someone was standing in front of him and talking to him.
But he knew that his godfather was very busy, so he never said that he would feel lonely.
"It just so happens that Er Niang brought back a set of painting tools from Chu State. Come, bring it out."
"Yes, ma'am."
A set of brand new and expensive painting equipment was put up.
spread out, arrange;
He didn't use a paperweight every day, but used red stones to hold it down. He was used to his sister practicing calligraphy and painting with him.
"Come on."
"Go and tell Mr. Hou that he will be in my room every day, and let Mr. Hou come to my place to have a small reunion dinner together in the evening."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Be good Tiantian, you draw first, while Er Niang goes to change clothes."
"Yes, Second Niang."
The princess entered the inner room holding a brocade box.
She opened the brocade box, and inside, lay a yellow pill.
Seeing this elixir, the princess's eyes showed a look of anticipation.
In fact, the rare and exotic fruits eaten earlier were just appetizers. This elixir was the one that truly condensed the blood of a tribe.
And then,
The red stone I use as a paperweight every day,
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(End of this chapter)

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