The devil is coming

Chapter 808 Black Armor Roars

Chapter 808 Black Armor Roars
Why, laughing?
Tiantian looked at the black-armored man in the cage with some confusion;
Fortunately, Prince Pingxi’s godson can be innocent and kind, but he will never say:
Oh, you are so pitiful that you are locked in a cage, let me set you free.
Tiantian stood outside the cage with no intention of opening it.
After all, his godfather worked so hard to capture this. If you let it go to your own home, it belongs to you. How can you let it out casually?
"I'm here to ask you why you keep calling me at night and making me... unable to sleep well."
Originally, Tiantian's sleep quality had always been very good. After all, the coffin he slept on when he was a child was accompanied by a resentful spirit. Since he could sleep soundly at that time, there was no reason why he would suffer from insomnia when he grew up.
But ever since the man in the cage was captured by his godfather, he would find himself standing in the yard every night.
That is to say, he is in good physical condition. If other children are running around outside in single clothes at night, he will be cold enough to meet the King of Hell.
"I'm here...looking for you..."
The magic pill floated beside Tiantian. He didn't speak or yell anymore, he just listened quietly. He knew that the following conversation was likely to involve the secret of the devil's prophecy.
But what puzzled Mowan was why this secret and this prophecy ended up being involved with Tiantian.
"Looking for me? Why are you looking for me? Dad, didn't they bring you food? So you are hungry and you call me to bring you food?"
Speaking of food,
Tiantian suddenly looked a little melancholy,
The two little hands kept poking at each other,
"I haven't eaten Sachima for a long time since the prince brother came."
"Where's your...hate?"
The man in black armor asked.
I feel a little confused every day.
"Hate what?"
"Hate...your fate...hate...your injustice...hate...your confusion...
You should be full of resentment towards this world...
You should have long ago... longed to... destroy it... destroy it with your own hands..."
Magic Pill's hands are spread across his body. Generally, when speaking in this tone, it will inevitably have a "hypnotic" effect. This may be the guidance of words or the exertion of mental power;
But after Mowan was alert, he found that the other party did not exert any mental influence, even though Mowan knew clearly that the black-armored man in front of him had used an ability similar to that of a blind man in the snowfield.
He seems,
Really just talking.
"I am living a very happy life, why should I hate it?"
"Where is your father...?" the man in black armor asked.
"My father is the Pingxi Marquis of Dayan. No, I heard Uncle Xiao Yibo calling me the prince. My father should be crowned the king, the prince of Dayan."
When saying this, Tiantian puffed up his little chest and felt very proud.
He didn't understand the specific meaning of "making a prince" and "making a king", but what he knew was that the bigger his father's official position was, the more Shaqima he would be able to make.
Liu Dahu once told him that many people in Fengxin City and outside Fengxin City depended on his father for their lives, and it was his father who made them live a good life.
"That your father?"
The confusion on the face of the man in black armor became even deeper.
"Yes, my dad, my dad is very kind to me."
Yao Zizhan, who had been in contact with Prince Pingxi, once explained his impression of Prince Pingxi in his memorial to the official family of Qianguo.
One of them,
This person has a cold nature.
Indifference, that is, selfishness, is even a higher level than selfishness. It is very indifferent to most people and things in the world.
Not many people can get King Pingxi to devote himself wholeheartedly;
Lao Tian counts as one, but Lao Tian is so powerful that there is no need for King Ping Xi to pay anything;
The other one is Tiantian.
After two lifetimes, he became a father for the first time, even a godfather.
Sometimes, King Ping Xi himself would wonder whether the blind man who taught Tiantian "Dragon Chair is the most delicious Shaqima flavor in the world" wanted to bury Lao Tian, ​​or did he want to brainwash himself?
When a blind man does something, he is the old Thousand Layer Cake anyway.
But this also shows that King Pingxi really cares about Tiantian.
He often goes to war and goes out for months or even half a year, but this is nothing. Ordinary parents are busy with their livelihoods and have no time to spend with their children every day. In comparison, Prince Pingxi will stay at home immediately after the war. The time spent with their children is no less than that of ordinary parents.
"No...he is not your father...your father is not him..."
Tiantian tilted his head,
"Your biological dead..."
"No, he is not dead. Dad said that my biological father went to the West to explore the way for us. When I grow up, my father will take me to find him;
Dad said,
My biological father will buy the next big manor there, where there will be people who can breathe fire, people who can spray water, and people with long ears who can sing;
and also,
I couldn't finish the mountain of Shaqima. "
"he died……"
"No, dad will not lie to me. My real dad is not dead."
The magic pill on the side,
His fingertips trembled slightly as he was thinking.
Although Mowan always showed extreme emotions to others on weekdays, how could a child who could quietly perform sterilizations for his own father for several years not be clear-headed?
"How could he not be dead...he is dead..." the man in black armor almost growled.
"Not dead, still alive!"
Tiantian got angry and shouted.
"Where's your...mother..."
"My eldest mother will knit clothes for me, my second mother-in-law will teach me to draw and make snacks for me, and my third mother-in-law will sing to me. They are all very kind to me."
"Your dead..."
Tiantian was silent.
My mother is indeed dead.
At this time,
When the Sword Master's wife gave birth to a child, the Sword Maid's words began to appear in Tiantian's mind.
Tiantian lowered his head and looked at his belly.
I cut open my belly...My dear mother.
It hurts... it hurts...
Maybe it's because Zheng Fan is not here, or maybe it's because in this environment, in this atmosphere, it's easier to lose control of your emotions;
After all, he was just a child, and if he could control his emotions flawlessly, it would be too evil and unrealistic.
Tiantian's eyes began to sparkle.
Mowan turned around and looked over. He was a little confused. This chubby child he had taken care of since childhood seemed to have never dropped a silver pea. He could only laugh, be sensible, and be well-behaved. Even very early... I have long learned what it means to be considerate.
"Your dead..."
The man in black armor continued.
Magic Pill roared suddenly and roared at the guy in the cage,
shut up!
The man in black armor seemed to have seen some hope and immediately said hurriedly:
"Do you want to avenge your mother..."
hear this,
Tiantian immediately sniffed and stretched out his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes.
"Dad said that he had already avenged my mother. The prime minister of Dayan was the murderer of my mother. Dad said that he killed that prime minister on the street.
Dad also said,
Wait a while,
When the storm passes,
He would ask a few uncles to take people with them to wipe out the entire prime minister's family... "
Speaking of which,
Breaking into tears every day turns into laughter,
"I said no, because they probably have children at home, and they might also like to eat Sachima."
"..." The man in black armor.
Magic Pill stopped roaring because Tenten was not immersed in a certain emotion all the time;
It was also because Mowan had already thought of a possibility.
The man in black armor was frozen in the snowfield. His awakening was intermittent. Moreover, his identity was far away, but he was talking about some things that happened in the past few years, and these things were all in his "memory" and among the "as it should be".
Reality is reality, his imagination is just imagination.
But what if the conjecture is supposed to be true?
Is it reality that has been changed?
The man in black armor almost roared:
"How is it possible... your father should be dead... your mother should be dead... you should be exiled... you should be used... you should be abandoned... you should be tortured...
You should have should have resentment...
Why you……
Why are you like this..."
Tiantian looked at the man in black armor with a look of disgust on his face.
"You are so strange."
The man in black armor fell into a state of disbelief and self-contradiction. He began to struggle crazily, hitting the restraints on his body.
it is a pity,
Regarding people,
No matter how to prevent the imprisoned person from escaping and causing trouble for himself, there will be no such bloody drama of the prisoner escaping.
Prince Pingxi and the demon kings under his command can be said to be extremely attentive and devoted to absolute professionalism.
The bondage is very deep. It is not used to imprison people. It is more than enough to imprison ferocious beasts. No matter how hard the man in black armor struggles and how hard he hits, he will not be able to gain any extra freedom. He really will not give you the slightest chance. .
The man in black armor shouted:
"Here...where is it..."
Facing the man in black armor who was in this almost crazy state, Tiantian took a few steps back in fear, and Shatuo Queshi stepped forward and blocked him.
The man in black armor shouted:
" are you still so young...why are you still so young..."
"I... why did I wake up... why did I wake up from the ice... why did I... wake up early..."
At last,
The man in black armor roared hysterically:
"Why am I here...why am I here...
Where is the king of the saint clan...
Where is the king who leads the revival of the saint race... guided by the stars... he should be in front of me... serving me..."
Far, far away from the dungeon, far away from the Marquis Mansion, far far away from Fengxin City. We have already left the land of Jin. On a city wall with a double-headed eagle flag and a black dragon flag in the Chu Kingdom, we are inspecting the city defense works and the morale of the defenders. Gou Moli, the former savage king,
He sneezed three times in a row.
"Ahei! Ahei! Ahei!"
Gou Moli wiped his nose.
He laughed and cursed to himself:
"Hey, is it possible that the princess is thinking about me?"
(End of this chapter)

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