The devil is coming

Chapter 809: Who are we?

Chapter 809: Who are we?
The man in black armor fell into madness,
This is derived from a strong opposition or even conflict between self-perception and reality;
It is higher than faith, because it has touched upon the contradiction of one's own existence.
At last,
The man in black armor glared at Tiantian,
"The princes all swore that...those who betray Xia...will be punished by heaven!"
After shouting this last sentence,
The aura on the black-armored man began to dissipate quickly.
When he was caught in the snowfield, he had experienced similar situations more than once. Xue San also described him charging for half an hour and talking for 5 minutes.
The man in black armor closed his eyes again,
That sense of "peeping" also disappeared.
At this time,
Zheng Fan and others rushed down the steps.
Tiantian looked at Zheng Fan, smiled, raised his arms, and asked for a hug.
Prince Pingxi stepped forward, picked up Tiantian, then hung the little chubby boy upside down, pulled off Tiantian's pants, and
"……"day by day.
This is real beating, this is real beating.
When he was a child, Zheng Fan once spanked Tiantian, but that was not really a spanking. He just played with his children, saying while slapping them:
"Oh, Tiantian, your father is Tian Wujing, bang!"
At that time, after the child was knocked over on the bed, he still liked this kind of "parent-child game" and would crawl over again on his own, begging to roll over.
And today,
This was Zheng Fan's first time in the strict sense... spanking a child.
at this time,
Tiantian was lying on the bed, face down.
The originally pink buttocks were now a bruised purple.
Zheng Fan didn't mobilize his energy and blood, but he lost none of his adult strength. This beating was extremely cruel.
Even the demon kings standing around still felt a little unbelievable when their eyes fell on the "injured" position.
You must know that in the past few years, every day for the Lord, it is really like holding it in your mouth for fear of melting;
This also means that the Lord is really angry this time.
Siniang sat beside the bed and helped Tiantian apply the medicine.
Tiantian bit her lip, trying not to cry out in pain, but in public, her uncles were looking at her buttocks, especially when her aunt was still applying medicine to her, and she already had self-awareness and a more sophisticated mind. The precocious Fuwa's face turned red with embarrassment.
Zheng Fan sat there, holding tea in his hand and his eyes darkened.
Tiantian doesn't hate Zheng Fan who just hit him, but he still doesn't dare to look at Zheng Fan now.
The child is keenly aware that
Dad seems to have not had enough of the beating.
The anger in my father's heart has not completely dissipated.
Moreover, my sister, who was usually very disdainful of my father, was standing there obediently with her hands hanging down, which was a rare act of obedience.
Mowan saw Zheng Fan holding a talisman in his hand.
The talisman was a gift from Yao Zizhan, and it is said that some great sage consecrated it.
Mowan didn't think that Zheng Fan could stop him if he wanted to resist, but the problem was that the eyes of the demon kings around him, these "colleagues", already showed unabashed eagerness to try.
There is no doubt that as long as the master gives the order, they will immediately take action to subdue themselves, and then let the master stick the talisman on their buttocks again and again.
In fact,
Zheng Fan wanted to do this in his heart.
He is not a domineering person. When dealing with demon kings, he rarely puts on airs and never thinks of turning them into his puppets;
But today, what the two children did made him surprisingly angry.
This kind of anger is like that of a father who sees his child playing in a fast river.
It’s hard to imagine what kind of shock it would be to a father if an accident happened.
In this case, no matter how hard you hit, it's still a light blow. As long as you don't kill him, it's worth it.
If you don't have a long memory, you will lose your life!
But Zheng Fan held back,
Because things have already happened. Moreover, when they opened the stone door earlier, they had already sensed the breath of the black-armored man inside. They didn't even need to sense it. Anyone who was not deaf could hear the hysterical roar.
There is communication and information.
Only three people received the complete information inside.
day by day,
Obviously, even if the bottom is not spread open, it is not appropriate for Tiantian to retell what happened in the previous dungeon. The child is still young and his language organization ability is not strong.
Sha Tuo Que Stone,
Sha Tuo Queshi hasn't spoken for a long time, and Zheng Fan also has a headache for this elder who "dotes on his grandson". For the junior, it's okay to hit and scold him. But for Lao Sha, who has saved his life many times, Zheng Fan can't. The shameful person can only wait until the next time she goes to talk to him with a drink before she criticizes him.
Then, the only thing left is the magic pill.
The magic pill has a very powerful advantage, that is, it can be effective when combined with the blind man.
After Siniang finished applying the medicine, Tiantian subconsciously wanted to lift his pants, but Siniang grabbed him and said;
"In a while."
"hold head high."
Tiantian nodded obediently.
Siniang stood up and walked to Zheng Fan while gently rubbing her belly. She bent down and said to Zheng Fan:
"Lord, let's get on with the important things first."
"Then I'll go back first." The sword master said, "It's almost morning, I have to feed the chickens."
The sword master left. In the eyes of everyone in the room, the sword master did not want to hear secrets that were not suitable for him, so he avoided suspicion.
But the sword master who returned home,
He immediately called his eldest son Liu Dahu out of bed. It was still dark and the dew was still heavy, but Liu Dahu was asked by the sword master to squat on horseback in the yard with a water bowl on his head.
The old woman who was used to getting up early to organize street sweeping work woke up and saw her eldest grandson being physically punished by his father. She looked at it, but without saying anything, she took a broom and other things, walked around her grandson, and went out.
She knew the temperament of her "son-in-law" and would not punish the child unless something really happened. It was natural for a father to discipline his son. As a grandmother, no matter how much she cared about her grandson, it was inconvenient for her to say anything about it.
Liu Dahu didn't know what mistake he had made, but he still followed his father's instructions and was punished seriously.
for a while,
Liu Dahu found that the Sword Master was also standing beside him, standing upright and holding a basin of water on his head.
"Dad shouldn't talk too much at home."
"You shouldn't talk too much."
Liu Dahu seemed to have thought of something and immediately said:
"Dad, something happened every day?"
"If something happens, you won't be here now, you have to pack your things and escape from the city."
The Sword Master is very clear about Zheng Fan's temperament. Even though he is always lazy and pretentious on weekdays, when something really happens, he will be more ruthless than anyone else.
"Dad, I was wrong. I shouldn't tell Tiantian everything."
"No, dad was wrong."
"Stay until noon, then go to the Hou Mansion and kneel down. If he doesn't let you get up, don't get up. You want to be his personal soldier, so you have to know the rules."
"Yes, dad, the child understands."
In the hall of the Hou Mansion,
The candles are lit.
The blind man stood in the center with his eyes closed, his soul chain connected to all the demon kings present.
at the same time,
The magic pill floated in front of the blind man, and his hands slowly placed on the blind man's forehead.
Zheng Fan and the other demon kings also closed their eyes at this time.
"Why are you so young? Why are you so young..."
"He is your father? Your father is dead..."
"Your mother is dead..."
"Don't you want revenge..."
"Where has the king of the Holy Clan gone..."
"The princes all swore that...those who betray Xia...will be punished by heaven!"
A resentful soul, coupled with a spiritual controller, almost "replayed" the scene that Magic Pill had witnessed in everyone's minds.
There's no better retelling than this, immersive experience.
The blind man opened his eyes, breathed a long sigh of relief, sat down, took out a bottle of human elixir from his pocket, poured it out, and put it into his mouth. He picked up an orange and peeled it slowly in his hand.
The magic pill also became a little wilted and submerged into the red stone.
Obviously, showing a "movie" is really expensive for the two of them.
Xue San spoke first;
"It feels like that black-armored man came here to film in the morning, but ended up memorizing the wrong script last night?"
A Ming said, "I think we can sort it out. There is a line, no, there are two lines. It seems very clear."
The blind man said: "The oath of the princes refers to those princes, the three princes of Yan, Jin and Chu 800 years ago? Turning your back on Xia, turning your back on Daxia, which has long been destroyed."
When the man was caught before, his black armor had the emblem of the Helian family on it, so the black armor was unlikely to be an outsider, but probably a native.
I think the so-called script should be some kind of prophecy, the one we know, or it could be a curse, a curse related to Daxia.
Let me brainstorm first and make a structure.
Before Daxia was destroyed, the princes moved to the border under the orders of Daxia, and they swore loyalty to Daxia, but everyone knew the result.
The prophecy may have been left by a prophet, or a very powerful figure in the Xia Dynasty.
The prophecy should be very rich and detailed, definitely not just the bits and pieces that Hu Bamei had, but she might only be able to get a glimpse of this little secret.
Heijia should have a complete set of prophecies, otherwise he wouldn't be able to realize that Tiantian is..."
Having said this, the blind man glanced at Tiantian lying on the bed.
Siniang said, "The review can be done later. What I'm more interested in is, from Heijia's point of view, what kind of existence are we, people like us?
I think this is the real key. "
When it comes to something, you must first consider your own position and positioning, and then think and explore other things on this basis.
Fan Li, who had been silent, spoke;
Xue San jumped up and punched Fan Li on the knee.
"Han Pi, we are talking about business!"
"Ali is right."
"Well, my lord?"
Zheng Fan looked at Fan Li and said,
Then he looked at everyone around him,
Lean forward slightly, cross your hands on your chin,
"our existence,
Equivalent to...
BUG. "
Also at night.
(End of this chapter)

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