The devil is coming

Chapter 811 Thanks

Chapter 811 Thanks
"Seven brats?"
Zheng Fan nodded and said, "If it is one of them, it is indeed a surprise, but now, I am more inclined to think that he is a role similar to a slave or a guard, or it can be called a trigger.
It may play a role in a series, a bit like Gandalf. "
"So, Lord, what should we do next?" Liang Cheng asked, "Continue to search... for those demon kings who may still be children?"
The blind man smiled and said, "Are you afraid that if you close the net in advance, it will be too boring?"
Siniang said: "If things are like this every day, at least for now, there is really nothing to be afraid of, and it has been confirmed that the impact of our actions is not within the predictions of the prophecy.
For example, this time we captured Heijia, relying on the strength of our Hou Mansion. "
When you have the advantage of sea tactics, there is no need to fight in a one-on-one battle.
The blind man threw the newly peeled orange to Fan Li.
"My lord, my subordinate's suggestion is that you should look for it, you should look for it, just let it happen. If you can find a few, it will be a surprise. If you really can't find it, it doesn't matter.
With so much of the upper hand, we really have nothing to be afraid of, and even our subordinates are a little eager to give it a try.
Our previous worry was that we were afraid that the prophesied devil would wake up and reach its peak. This would be too passive for us, and it would be like having a knife on our necks.
Looking at it now, although we cannot say that everything is under control, we have already sat at the poker table. We ourselves are participants, and we have also divided up a certain amount of power to formulate the rules of the game.
It's me who takes the initiative, don't panic. "
As for the blind man, this is the consensus of everyone.
Life must go on, enjoy career, enjoy life, enjoy life. The blind man is led by a group of careerists. Even Zheng Fan, who has always been leisurely, has a rebellious spirit in his heart;
But he does not have the ideological baggage of being the "founding father of the country" or the sentiment of working tirelessly to clear obstacles for future generations.
In short, it doesn’t matter if the floods are raging after my death!
A Ming took a sip of wine,
"The dragons and clouds in the sky are changing in a shocking way, and the wind and clouds will make you swim in the shallow water."
The blind man said indifferently: "The Lord treats Tiantian as his own son."
There is no moisture in this statement.
King Jingnan is such a person, if he didn't value the specialness of his lord, he would not choose to foster his son with him.
This was actually the key to Tian Wujing's original attitude change. In the past, he saw the "nature" of Zheng Fan's temperament, so he would suppress it from time to time. But later, it was ridiculous that there was really no way in this world that he could not do this. The only person who has profit as his goal and is willing to do anything for his "nature" is Zheng Fan.
Zheng Fan clapped his hands,
"The tone of this matter has been set first, and we should remain unchanged to cope with all changes. As Heijia's identity, blind man, you will be responsible for following up. I don't believe that such an existence will have no name in the history of the Helian family. Digging out his life will help us more fully grasp the prophetic information."
"Yes, I understand. I will send someone to Quhe City immediately."
"A Ming."
"Subordinates are here."
"Don't continue to rest. I'll find you an errand to do."
"Lord, please order me."
"Go to Yingdu first, then go to Litian, Quhe, or even go to Yanjing City with my handwritten letter. Regarding the oath of alliance between the three princes, we have to find out the specific records. Although we can roughly understand the general meaning. Take a guess, but I'd like to know the details."
"Yes, my lord, I understand. I will leave tonight."
When he set out, it was actually very simple, he just took the wine and left.
Xue San was a little confused and said: "Doesn't it mean that the errand with the blind man is too heavy?"
The blind man said, "No culture."
Xue San drooped his eyelids, waiting for an explanation.
The blind man took out another orange.
"It is impossible to believe the records passed down 800 years ago orally. We can only rely on ancient books to find them. The three main families of the Jin Dynasty, Helian, Wenren, and Situ, are still too young compared with the three princes era. So immature.
Therefore, whether you are going to Yingdu, Litian or Quhe, it is just a formality.
The original Jin Kingdom Palace had long been deserted. In the end, if you want to find real clues, you still have to go to Yanjing. "
Siniang said, "The blind man is right. If you want to preserve things like ancient books well, they must be protected by a strong and lasting political power.
Jin's orthodoxy has long since declined, and the Jin's imperial palace was even ransacked by us. We didn't pay attention to the existence of any classics back then. "
Speaking of which,
All the demon kings present looked a little unnatural, and even the Lord looked a little embarrassed.
At that time, Zheng Fan was about to be transferred to the city guard of Shengle City, and he wanted to open up a new map. He was short of start-up funds, but even the gold statue in the Jin Dynasty Imperial Palace's Ancestral Temple was scraped off;
All the valuables were shipped away. The so-called "cultural treasures" such as books and documents were not valuable at all in the turbulent Jin Dynasty at that time. They were extremely troublesome and cumbersome to carry around. They were even burned during looting. A lot.
Therefore, strictly speaking, later historians can fully criticize their original short-sighted atrocities and "destruction" and "destruction" of Jin culture.
As for the current Pingxihou Mansion and the current Jindong, although it can be called a small "strong army and strong horse", after all, it has just defeated the Chu State on its own; commerce is also extremely developed, and all industries are prosperous to the naked eye, but it is indeed "Cultural Desert".
Zheng Fan said before that he asked A Ming to go to Yingdu and other three former "capitals" of the Jin Dynasty. It was just to try his luck. After the Yan people invaded the Jin Dynasty, he and Zheng Fan and others were in the Jin Dynasty's Gyeonggi Palace. It is true that the elder brother does not laugh at the second brother, after all, they are both Qiu Ba under the Black Dragon flag;
It is too fanciful to make the Yan army know how to cherish the culture of Jin and preserve ancient books and so on. The Yan people are "barbarians" at heart and generally have no "culture".
The only one worthy of hope is Yanjing, because the Yan people have protected their country from the beginning to the end, even when they were fighting the barbarians the most fiercely.
"Then why let A Ming go and write a letter directly..."
The blind man shook his head and said to Xue San; "It is more appropriate for Aming to go. Aming has been with the Lord for a long time, and Emperor Yan also knows about Aming. Only by asking Aming to hold the Lord's autographed letter can he find it more conveniently in Yanjing City. Similar records.
Here, there is a hidden meaning for the Venerable. "
The three princes swore not to betray Daxia, but Daxia still died, and what followed was the establishment of Dayan, Dajin, and Dachu. Obviously, the ancestors of each family did not act authentically in this matter. of.
Normally, if a letter comes over, it may be sent away casually.
Only by relying on the relationship between the Lord and Emperor Yan, and then having the Lord's cronies known by Emperor Yan go there in person, can the "door of convenience" be opened.
The blind man said again;
"My lord, I think there is a place you can try."
"Chu country."
Liang Cheng said: "The capital of Ying was burned."
Zheng Fan couldn't help but laugh. After he laughed at himself to a certain extent, he actually laughed out loud.
It can be seen from this that the Yan people are really the destroyers of Zhu Xia culture.
The blind man said, "There is a man in Chu State who was once the teacher of King Jingnan. He also compiled the history books of the Four Kingdoms by himself."
Meng Shou.
Zheng Fan was a little surprised and said, "Is that old guy not dead yet?"
"It seems that he is not dead. After all, I haven't received the letter. Therefore, my subordinates suggest that the princess or Qu Peiluo can come forward to contact some nobles or acquaintances in Chu who are willing to do such a small favor and go to Meng Shou. Find out some information. After all, that person is a living fossil of history."
"Okay, it's up to you to make the arrangements."
"Yes, my subordinate understands."
"Then let's be like this. Anyone who wants to go down to see the black armor, slice it for research, etc., must inform others in advance. After all, this thing is kept in our house, and there is no room for carelessness."
"Yes, my subordinate understands."
"My subordinate understands."
Zheng Fan stood up and left;
Xue San smiled and said, "Make a bet?"
The blind man said disdainfully: "No need to bet, the Lord is going to see the child."
"Brother, does it hurt?"
The prince stood by the bed and looked at Tiantian lying on the bed.
"It doesn't hurt."
"Brother lied to me, how could it not hurt?"
"Dad gave me a spanking. It doesn't hurt."
The prince shook his head and said, "I don't believe it."
"Have you ever been beaten by your father?" Tiantian asked.
"No, it's just...just..."
"What is it?"
"I was drugged by my father."
"Brother, do you want breakfast? I'll feed you."
"Then I'll go eat."
"Go, brother."
The prince went to have breakfast. As he ate, he felt a little happy.
After breakfast, he went to the courtyard and found that Liu Dahu was not here. The prince was even happier.
This kind of happiness comes from the fact that I was originally the last in the class, but after the people in front of me were absent, I was automatically promoted to the top.
The prince began to run around happily alone,
It feels like the air this morning is so fresh.
Zheng Fan came to Tiantian's house,
In his previous life, he had no children, but in this life, his two biological children are still in their mother's belly.
However, due to the lack of parental love in his previous life, Zheng Fan felt that if he became a father, he would be a good father who would get along with his children and become friends with them.
Now, he found that he was overthinking.
stand at the door,
He knew Tiantian was still lying in bed, but even if he didn't step in to take a look, it was difficult for him to say some close and comforting words.
in the end,
Zheng Fan could only act like an extremely feudal nobleman. After stopping at the door, he sighed and turned to leave.
Chu Di,
Chen Zhai;
Meng Shou sat in the rocking chair, basking in the sun;
Beside him, a little boy was making tea.
His face had long been covered with age spots, and his body exuded a slightly decayed aura similar to that of an ancient collection of books.
He is dying,
He is really dying,
But he still didn't die.
At that time, when the Yan Kingdom was about to attack Chu, he finished the "History of Yan", bid farewell to Yanjing, and decided to return to Chu. He wanted to die in his mother country.
Although he did not hold a specific official position, he was noble and noble, not even comparable to the prime minister. After returning to the country, he was summoned by the regent. While playing chess, he looked at the burning sky of Yingdu in the north.
It was he who told the regent about the 20-year climate cycle. The regent took this as an opportunity to scrape bones to cure poison.
But now it seems,
Not good.
Pingxihou Mansion stands in the east of Shanxi. It has no principles, but it firmly adheres to certain principles.
Dachu originally wanted to rise from the ashes, but the Marquis of Pingxi killed another pillar of the country, and Dachu lost another general.
After hearing the news,
The age spots on Meng Shou's face became heavier overnight.
After studying history all his life, until that moment, he felt as if he was living in a history book.
In the history books, there are always heroic figures who fight against the tide with their own strength.
Ordinary heroes are about good winds that rely on strength and follow the trend;
The real hero is the one who sets off this wave and is able to lead it.
Ping Xihou is that kind of character.
The head of the Chen family, an old man a generation younger than Meng Shou, was waiting outside and did not dare to disturb Meng Shou's peace.
Meng Shou's original surname was Chen, and he was a descendant of the Chen family. However, due to his origin, his surname was changed early.
This may be the worst thing the Chen family has done in the past century.
Meng Shou opened his eyes. He had just dozed off again.
Every time he felt sleepy, he calmly closed his eyes and imagined that the next moment would be his death;
But, I woke up again.
Throughout the ages, many important people have hated that day for not celebrating the New Year. Unfortunately, here, I wanted to end it but could not wait until destiny.
Seeing this, the head of the Chen family walked in with small steps, knelt down and held the junior ceremony.
"Uncle, Your Majesty will be passing through Chen County when he returns from the alliance. I think he will come to visit my uncle."
Meng Shou opened his eyes and glanced at the head of the Chen family.
The head of the Chen family felt that in this look, he seemed to see through all his thoughts.
"Uncle, my nephew plans to welcome His Majesty. Can you teach me about this ceremony?"
The Chen family was not a great nobleman, and even at its peak, it was completely incomparable to the Dugu Qu family. With the regent's attack on the Chu nobles, the high-ranking nobles could still rely on "selling themselves" to gain new refuge, and the lower-level nobles could It's really miserable for the middle-class nobles to comfort them with some affection.
Chen's life is not easy.
Chen County was supposed to be the fiefdom of the Chen family, but now, the Chen family only retains power in the area around the county town. The clan's private soldiers have been dismantled long ago, and the glory of the nobility has long been lost.
At this time, the more important it is to take the initiative to seek changes and do something. As the head of a family, one cannot just sit back and watch the family sink step by step.
"Welcome? Ceremony?"
Meng Shou smiled,
"Your Majesty is a proud man."
"My nephew knows this."
"The alliance with Qian is really a helpless move. The defeat of Fan City has fully exposed the weakness of our country to the north. Your Majesty was forced to stand with the Qian Kingdom.
Maybe, in your opinion, an alliance between Qian and Chu, and the import of Gan people's goods and food into Chu, can solve Chu's urgent needs and relieve Chu's difficulties in the north.
But back then, the Yan State mobilized the power of Yan and Jin to attack Chu. Although Chu was in a weak position, it could still barely compete with the power of a country. Now, facing the Yiping Xihou Mansion, it is so embarrassing.
This alliance is a shame for Your Majesty.
Your Majesty went there with great fanfare to give you people peace of mind;
If you welcome me back from the alliance with great fanfare, it will only cause trouble to His Majesty's heart.
I'm still alive as an old immortal. Your Majesty will take care of Mr. Chen's face. If you don't think you will live long, make the welcome grander. "
"Uncle, has it really come to this?"
"I am not from the Chen family."
"Uncle, you are!"
"In view of this sweet love, I will give you two words. After this, you should not come here often. If you are disturbed once and speak a few more times, it may be easier for me to fall asleep.
It's better to leave me here to fend for myself, maybe I can survive a little longer.
The first sentence is, His Majesty has returned from the alliance. Everyone in the Chen family should keep quiet and pretend that they don't know anything about it.
If Your Majesty wants to come to see me, Your Majesty will come to see me.
In the second sentence, if you extend your head and cut your head with a sword, your majesty has no way out. The defeat of Fancheng has torn off the last fig leaf of Dachu. Your majesty will not care for the nobles and be affectionate, but will only use the sword to win. More ruthless.
They are all going to be chopped off, but if they take the initiative to send their heads, they can still retain some affection.
Your Majesty promotes people from poor families and accepts people from Shanyue. It's not that Your Majesty doesn't want to use aristocratic children. Most of the people who can really be used are aristocratic children.
It's just that some people worry too much.
Do you understand? "
"Nephew, I understand."
"Will you do it?"
"It's hard to persuade the damn ghost, and I don't even know when it will be, haha."
Master Chen's face suddenly became extremely ugly.
"Cough cough..."
Meng Shou coughed.
The head of the Chen family immediately stood up and helped pat his back.
"Do you know why I came back to live in Chen's house again?"
"You are doing this out of consideration for my mother's support for you back then."
Meng Shou breathed a long sigh of relief and stopped coughing;
"Uncle, it's not because my nephew can't see away. In fact, my nephew can see the current situation very clearly. Your Majesty's sword is above, and the Yanren's sword is outside;
The Chen family is not a wealthy family, so even if they become friends, how much will be left in the end?
If you pay her, Mrs. Chen will no longer be Mrs. Chen. If you don't, your family will be able to live in confusion for a while longer.
It’s hard to be the head of this family.
Focusing on the future, in fact, I, the head of the family, only think this way;
But most of the whole clan thinks that if they have wine now, they will get drunk tomorrow.
I think,
Your Majesty, it's the same. "
"The Son of Heaven, on behalf of the herdsmen of Heaven, why are they herders? Just whip them!"
"Uncle, do you think there is still hope for me, Da Chu? If the Yan people have to rest and recuperate for a few more years, they will no longer be satisfied with making small fuss."
Meng Shou looked at the head of the Chen family;
Patriarch Chen pursed his lips;
"Back then, I studied under my mentor, who despised my background. It was your mother who secretly used your father's seal and wrote a letter to my mentor, so I had the opportunity to join the mentor."
"Uncle, why do you need to talk about this again?"
The head of the Chen family has always felt that,
There might have been a period between my mother and Meng Shou...
But I am already so old, and my parents have passed away long ago. I really have no interest in identifying who is my biological father at this time...
Meng Shou raised a finger,
The head of the Chen family immediately spread out his palms and offered them together.
Meng Shou is in the palm of his hand,
Wrote one word:
(End of this chapter)

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