The devil is coming

Chapter 812 King Conferred Ceremony

Chapter 812 King Conferred Ceremony
The Yunchi Alliance is the biggest event between Chu and Chu in recent times.
A popular saying in the Qian Kingdom is,
With tears streaming down his face, the Emperor of Chu walked on his knees in front of the officials.
He cried out that the Yan and the dogs were immoral, cruel to the country, and poisoned the common people, and begged the officials to help Chu fight against the Yan.
The officials solemnly helped Emperor Chu to his feet.
I think back then, when the four princes opened the border and made great contributions in Xia, the country was here, and it was given by the destiny of heaven;
Nowadays, Yan thieves have no virtue and are committing crimes in the country of their brothers. The land of Jin is overturned, the land of Chu is wounded, and the sky is angry and people are complaining;
Da Qian should form a brotherly alliance with Chu, punish the violent Yan, help the Xia's Qingming, and create a refuge for the Xia's people to find peace.
A popular saying in Chu State is,
My own Emperor Chu is sitting on the throne,
Emperor Qian came in a panic and begged the Chu State to hold on and continue to resist the Yan State. He also listed a lot of examples of the death of the lips and the coldness of the teeth.
Officials of the state of Qian also compared the state of Qian to concubine Ji, saying that without the support of the state of Chu to block the pressure from the state of Yan, the state of Qian would have ceased to exist long ago.
The breadth of news circulation has never been about its authenticity, but whether the audience likes and is keen to hear the news.
The confidence of the Chu people was that although they were defeated again and again, they were always defeated. After the defeat, the Yan people had to retreat;
The Qian Kingdom's self-confidence lies in the fact that they have not lost their territory to Yan, and the territory south of the Yangtze River is vast and rich in resources. Now that the officials are working hard and the people are prosperous, the rise of Qian Dynasty is not far away.
But no matter how much it is spread or how much it is modified, it cannot change one fact:
That is, in the face of the growing pressure from Yan State,
The two countries of Qian and Chu had to put aside their so-called pride and reserve and chose to stay together for warmth.
The Yan people have already won Ma,
After hearing the news about the Qianchu Alliance, he almost didn't take it seriously.
Most of the Yan people are still naive. They think that the Pingxi Marquis Mansion in the east of Jin Dynasty, oh no, the current Prince Pingxi, is enough to suppress the Chu State alone;
Wouldn't it be easy to control the rest of the country?
No matter whether it's going to rain or wind,
Gotta get on with life;
No matter what happens, you have to find something good to look forward to. Good expectations are not.
The Emperor of Chu's Luan Jia entered Chen County, and the Chen family of Chen County received him according to the etiquette requirements without any excess.
When the head of the Chen family, together with the family elders and talented children, went to Luan Jia Nei to pay their respects to the Emperor of Chu,
The Emperor of Chu himself, dressed in a blue gown, appeared in the house where Meng Shou lived.
There were only two people beside him, one was a sword maker and the other was a handsome young man.
The sword maker was even more sloppy than before. He didn't go back to attend Dugu Mu's funeral. The head was not there and the whole body could not be buried. He didn't want to go.
The handsome young man had fair skin, red lips and white teeth, and his every smile exuded an alluring look.
Men can also be incredibly beautiful.
At this time, it was raining lightly;
The sword maker was bathing in the rain alone, while the young man held an umbrella for the Emperor of Chu.
After entering the courtyard,
The swordmaker sat alone under the threshold, leaning against the door panel, sipping the dry tea brought by the boy, looking at the rain curtain outside the eaves, which seemed to be spreading with pen and ink.
The Emperor of Chu and Meng Shou sat opposite each other. Meng Shou was making tea very seriously and his movements were slow, but the Emperor of Chu did not stop him or help.
The young man was sitting upright, with a slight smile on his lips, but he looked very solemn.
"I, I regret a little bit."
Emperor Chu took the lead in opening the conversation.
Meng Shou shook his head and said:
"My lord, I don't believe that your majesty will regret it."
"Oh? I can't even tell whether I regret it or not?"
"The late emperor of Yan State summoned me several times to ask about the revision of history. After I returned home, I saw the shadow of the late emperor of Yan State in you."
"This is interesting. We all know that Nian Yao, that slave, admires King Jingnan of Yan State. Now, I have to add that I also admire the former emperor of Yan State.
Both monarchs and ministers respect each other's monarchs and ministers. The reason why I, the great Chu, ended up like this is really found out. "
"Younger is better than blue." Meng Shou sent the tea cup to Emperor Chu, then picked up another cup and handed it to the handsome young man.
"In matters of state, if you fall behind one step, you will fall behind step by step; I often reflect on myself, but I have gained nothing.
Many people in the court believed that I had gone too hasty in reducing the nobility's fiefdoms and power and responsibilities, which resulted in the fact that our great Chu was hollow, which gave the Yan people an opportunity to take advantage of.
But I have never thought so. My strategy is actually to preserve the life of the Great Chu. Otherwise, the fall of the Great Chu will be nothing more than a matter of time.
Qu Tiannan was trapped in Yupan City. At that time, I was busy exchanging interests with the nobles of Da Chu to gain their support and stabilize the situation. The royal imperial army still needed to suppress the country and could not be dispatched. This is why Qu Tiannan entered the Jin Dynasty alone.
It would be difficult for someone else to do better than me in my position. "
After all, the Emperor of Chu at that time was just the prince who took the lead in the rebellion among the princes. What he wanted to defeat was not his brothers, but the great nobles standing behind each of his brothers.
At that time, the various political forces in the country were unified to strive for a situation where one could serve the country with one force. At the same time, Qu Tiannan, one of the four nobles and one of the pillar states, was allowed to lead his army into Jin to defend the Chu state when the Jin Dynasty collapsed. Be the first to bite off a piece of meat;
He has done enough.
"The Yan people mobilized their entire country to attack Chu, and almost all of my royal imperial guards were handed over to Nian Yao, who laid iron barrels in front of Zhennan Pass.
I handed over my power and asked the nobles of Da Chu to contribute their own private soldiers, food, grass and various ordnance;
But who would have thought that the Yan people could travel by water?
Who would have thought that the Qingluan Army led by Qu Peiluo would be defeated in a single battle on Qingtan!
I am an emperor, not a general who rushes to the battlefield. I have done the best that an emperor can do.
I have tried my best, but I, Chu State, still keep losing.
I don’t know if you have ever read the battle report of the Battle of Fancheng. I read it and almost laughed out loud after reading it.
Nian Yao took the initiative without permission and sent out a surprise army to enter Mengshan Mountain through the Jin Dynasty, hoping to conquer Fancheng in a battle;
Dugu Mu sent private soldiers from the Dugu family to attack Fan City from the south.
But who ever thought,
The young master of the Qu family, who was defeated like a pig by Zheng Fan in the battle of Qingtan, actually managed to hold on in Fan City for so long;
What's even more ridiculous is that the man surnamed Zheng actually sent out all his elite troops from the south gate of the town to Shanggu County in the west, and rushed all the way to Fancheng. "
Emperor Chu picked up the tea cup, drank it all in one gulp, and stopped tasting it.
Meng Shou nodded and said with emotion:
"A person's life is like reading a history book. At first, he looks at the freshness at the beginning. As he continues to read, he gradually understands what loneliness and frustration are, and what the impermanence of the world is."
"I am the emperor."
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"The people below can admit defeat, but the emperor cannot admit defeat."
"That's what Your Majesty said."
Emperor Chu closed his eyes.
At this time, the handsome young man stood up and saluted Meng Shou;
"Xie Yu'an, the boy from the Xie family, has met Master Meng."
"But that Qianliju from the Xie family?"
"You dare not, I feel ashamed."
Emperor Chu opened his eyes,
"I am determined to send my father, Xie Zhuyang, the last Zhuguo of Great Chu, to the north to take over Nian Yao's previous position and take charge of the royal imperial army along the Wei River!"
"Your Majesty, Shengming."
"I just don't believe in evil."
Emperor Chu pointed at Xie Yuan and said:
"The Yan people call their Pingxi Marquis, and if he defeats three of the four pillar states of Chu, I will send the last pillar state to him as well.
If he has the ability, I will give him a complete gift;
If he is incapable, it depends on whether my Xie Jiazhuguo can support the situation for me!
You said that life is like reading a history book.
But in my opinion,
The glorious history of Qing Dynasty, the rise and fall of dynasties, actually only contains two words.
Destiny! "
Meng Shou nodded and said, "I don't know whether I should congratulate Your Majesty or advise Your Majesty."
Emperor Chu raised his hand and said, "Just speak your mind."
"I think there is no difference between gambling on one's own destiny and a gambler in a gambling house who loses his mind."
"Mr. Meng, you are wrong." Xie Yu'an spoke first.
"Oh?" Meng Shou looked at Xie Yu'an, this young man who was so handsome that he was almost eerie.
Xie Yuan cupped his hands and said;
"Mr. Meng, what your Majesty is betting on is not your Majesty himself, but the fate of the country of Chu!"
Fengxin City is particularly lively today.
Outside the west gate, almost all the people in the city came out because the imperial team of imperial ministers finally arrived.
The people of Fengxin City were actually not very interested in the imperial envoy and the so-called imperial edict itself, but they knew that the imperial envoy came this time to confer the title of king on their prince...
The livelihood, the honor, and even the future generations all depend on the prince alone. The soldiers and people of Fengxin City may be more excited about their prince's continuous advancement than the prince himself.
Coupled with the fact that both ladies are pregnant, this sense of security is really hard to describe in words.
The imperial envoy team came very slowly this time.
It is estimated that Eunuch Huang has returned to Yanjing City to face the Holy Spirit by now, and they have just arrived at Fengxin City.
But things can't be compared like this. Firstly, Eunuch Huang has been trained. Secondly, the size of the imperial envoy team is too large. He has made up his mind to give a grand new monarch named Zheng. He doesn't want the ceremony of conferring the title of king to be too grand. scrawled.
The imperial envoy was an old acquaintance, Mao Mingcai, the former prefect of Yingdu.
After Mao Mingcai left Yingdu and returned to Beijing, he was idle for a period of time, and then transferred to Sanshi County to serve as the prefect for a period of time. After the death of the former emperor and the new emperor's succession, he was recalled to the court and appointed acting prime minister.
The deputy imperial envoy is Ji Chengwen, the former fifth prince and current minister of the Ministry of Industry.
The emperor's prime minister and the emperor's brother served as envoys to preside over this king-making ceremony, which was an extremely profound honor.
When the imperial team was about to enter Fengxin City,
Groups of cavalry drove out in neat lines, and the people around them all separated in order and got out of the way.
Mao Mingcai, who was sitting on the Pi beast, couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he saw this scene.
Although he had been a neighbor of the former Marquis Zheng for a long time, he had never personally visited Pingxi Marquis for an on-the-spot inspection.
See you today,
It's really shocking.
Not the knights who had participated in the war in Chu and still had the smell of blood on their bodies, but these common people who spontaneously understood order.
Mao Mingcai was a figure who had been a local parent and a feudal official. Such common people signified the absolute control of the upper class over the lower class, and also meant the absolute response of the lower class to the upper class.
The application is,
Once there is a need for war,
These common people can immediately make very clear arrangements and deployments to serve as auxiliary soldiers, civilians, local production, etc.
The desolate trumpet sounded,
The row of military drums on the city wall began to beat!
All the generals under the command of the Pingxi Marquis Mansion in the east of Jin Dynasty, except Gou Moli who was still guarding Fan City in the Chu region, all returned to participate in the king-conferring ceremony.
The sword master was holding his youngest son and his wife, and they were also standing in the crowd.
As for the Sword Master's mother-in-law, because she has an "official status", she is leading a group of aunts to do the final cleaning and laying out on the official road of Fengxin City.
The general soldiers under the Hou Mansion and their own troops have been organized and arrayed.
The soldiers and horses responsible for garrisoning Fengxin City were also arranged around. The person in charge was none other than Qu Peiluo.
Everything is ready, all that's left is the right person.
"My lord, everyone is waiting outside the city."
"Anyway, it won't be long."
Zheng Fan reached out and hugged Siniang.
Si Niang kept her hands on her hands, helping the leader to tie the last knots of Xuan Jia.
Then, he gently stretched out his hand to push the master away, looked at himself, and found that he was quite satisfied.
Prince Pingxi, who was wearing black armor, smiled;
"The most exciting thing was the time when I was granted the title of uncle at Xuehaiguan. The subsequent titles of prince and now king seemed to be going through the process, and there was no feeling at all."
"My Lord, what a wonderful Versailles."
"Ha ha."
"My lord."
At this time, the princess in gorgeous clothes was already waiting outside. Her belly was much bigger than that of Si Niang.
But on such an occasion today, as a prince, a woman has to be present.
"My lord, go with sister Liqing." Siniang said.
Zheng Fan smiled and said,
Xiong Liqing walked in, and behind him, several maids came in carrying beautiful clothes.
"Si Niang, please put it on too."
Siniang looked at Zheng Fan and said, "My lord knows that the slave family doesn't like all this excitement, so my lord doesn't have to worry about the slave family being jealous in this regard."
"I like this kind of excitement." Zheng Fan said.
Siniang looked at Xiong Liqing.
Xiong Liqing smiled slightly.
"Now that we have become kings, there are not many people to care about or fear. We should seize the time and do what we want. This dress was made by Liqing in private. It must have been made without your needlework. It's a good job, but weaving this kind of fancy dress by one's own hands loses some of the expectation and meaning.
Be good, be obedient, and put it on.
You promised me that you will be the main one in bed and I will be the main one in bed. "
The prince and the eldest lady were talking to each other as if no one was watching, but no one of the maids around them dared to laugh. The maids in the mansion were all trained by Siniang and knew the rules.
Even the princess's expression didn't change much. They often exchanged some experiences with each other.
"Okay, then I'll put it on."
Zheng Fan nodded with satisfaction and said, "Come and help the lonely princess change her clothes."
"Yes, my lord."
"Yes, my lord."
This was the first time that Zheng Fan changed his name and called himself an orphan. Others thought it was nothing, as it should be.
But Zheng Fan himself felt it was very interesting. When the princess was helping Si Niang change her clothes, he walked out first.
Zheng Fan, who was intoxicated with this kind of self-promotion, discovered that Tiantian and the prince were walking over not far away, holding hands.
Both children were very curious and didn't know what their "godfather" was learning.
Prince Pingxi’s face did not turn red, and his heart did not beat.
"Cuckoo, goo, goo, the song is singing to the sky, white hair is floating on the green water, and the anthurium is stirring the clear waves.
This is a goose chant I just made. Do you remember it? "
"Yes, my child remembers."
"The kid also remembers it."
The prince scratched his head and said, "Ying Goose, is that what the goose calls?"
Tiantian explained: "The goose choked on the water and cooed."
"Yes, brother is so awesome."
Zheng Fan walked up to the two children. Today is the ceremony for the kingship. The prince is wearing a four-clawed golden dragon robe. He is really noble and majestic.
Tiantian is dressed in a brocade robe, still cute and chubby like a Fuwa.
I beat him last time, but a few days later, Zheng Fan went to have breakfast as usual and peeled salted duck eggs for himself every day.
The child did not quarrel with me, nor did he complain about his grievances, nor did he demand an apology;
This makes Zheng Fan sometimes feel that he has failed as a father.
The child is obviously so sensible, but he still insists on saving face.
Maybe it's because the child is too sensible. If the child is a little more ordinary, maybe I can relax a little more. Unfortunately, it's not easy to say this to outsiders. Others will only think that you are deliberately showing off.
"Congratulations to Uncle Zheng for being crowned king."
The prince took half a step back and saluted seriously.
Tiantian did the same, saluted seriously and said:
"Congratulations to daddy for being crowned king!"
Zheng Fan pointed at Tiantian and said:
"The prince is wearing formal clothes, why aren't you wearing one?"
Tiantian is a little confused, does he also wear formal clothes?
"Come on."
"Subordinates are here."
Xiao Yibo came over with several maids, each holding a tray in their hands. On the tray were hats, clothes, boots and hanging accessories.
"Your aunt embroidered this for you herself."
Tenten blinked.
Xiao Yibo stepped forward and said: "Young master, go down with your subordinates to change clothes."
For children, it is faster to change clothes, unlike women who have to do their hair in a bun.
Soon, Tiantian, who had changed into a python robe for the crown prince, came out. The python robe worn on Tiantian didn't look too heroic, but it gave people a very cute feeling.
Zheng Fan knelt down and helped Tiantian tidy up the collars that had been neatly tidied but were slightly messy after he tidied them up.
Tiantian smiled and said:
"Thank you dad for the clothes, and thank you aunt for your hard work."
Zheng Fan shook his head,
"These are the clothes your biological father earned for you."
Zheng Fan said,
Hug Tiantian in his arms,
The little guy is getting heavier and heavier.
"Today, my father will be crowned king. You will attend the ceremony with your father."
Everyone knew that the prince of Jingnan was raised in the Pingxihou Mansion. This was a secret that was almost open to the public.
And today,
King Pingxi planned to tear away this secret completely.
In the past, this was a tacit understanding. Under this tacit understanding, children were the safest, and they only needed to block hidden arrows.
right now,
There is no need to be afraid of open guns.
Lao Tian,
I've been crowned king,
Your son,
There is no need to hide and tuck it away anymore.
King Pingxi, who was holding Tiantian in his arms, even pointed at Prince Ji Chuanye who was standing there with great interest.
asked with a smile;
"Tiantian, do you like the color of your brother's clothes?"
The prince was stunned for a moment when he heard this.
But Tiantian shook his head,
"I'm getting fatter than my brother every day, and I can't even wear it."
(End of this chapter)

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