The devil is coming

Chapter 813 Jingnan Army

Chapter 813 Jingnan Army
Fengxin City,
Welcome Guest Inn;
The shops and workshops inside and outside Fengxin City are basically the property of Pingxihou Mansion. They range from large caravans traveling in the snowy fields to smuggling in the Chu Kingdom, to small snack shops on the street, and even considerate coffin shops in the city. Pingxihou Mansion Its tentacles can be said to have deeply touched all aspects of Shandong.
The Ying Guest Inn is naturally one of them. Most of the people staying here are foreigners. Most of the caravans are staying here, while a few are traveling to visit relatives.
If you seriously seek refuge or want to join here, you have to register. If you are caught trying to hide and work as a gangster, not only will you be punished, but those who helped hide will also be punished with serious crimes.
When the scholar-bureaucrats in the officialdom of the Qian Kingdom faced some policies, they often liked to shout: Never compete with the people for profit.
The Pingxihou Mansion in eastern Shanxi can be said to vividly embody "competing with the people for profit".
First, before coming to Shanxi, the land was destroyed by the war, and the people were mainly miserable refugees. After seeing how much human life was lost during the war, they became more grateful and satisfied with the peaceful days now;
Secondly, the people under the rule of Pingxi Hou Mansion are indeed better than other areas in terms of welfare, food and clothing. Even in Jiangnan, the country of Qian, which is recognized as the richest place in Zhuxia, the lives of the people at the bottom may not be as good as this. The people are more practical and stable.
Just one,
At a time when various countries, including the Yan State, still regard "people's power" as their own property and can levy "corvee" at will, the workshops here in Pingxihou Mansion have already taken a big step forward by adopting the method of payment based on labor. Even on a large level.
In the early years, Juggernaut's wife supported her mother-in-law and Liu Dahu by working in a perfume workshop.
As for when the Hou Mansion is about to send troops for an expedition, it is true that the civilians will not be given money in advance, but after the victory, the civilians will also receive rewards from the profits, and the Hou Mansion basically pays no attention to foreign wars one after another. It ends with victory. When victory in a war becomes a kind of inertia, people tend to regard war as a shortcut to get rich and ignore some of the dark side attributes of war.
In addition, many theater troupes under Pingxihou Mansion often performed the tragic situation of the local Jin people when they faced the plundering of barbarians and Chu people before Pingxihou arrived in eastern Jin Dynasty. This did not make the people afraid of war, but only determined. If you want to fight against them, you must fight them out. It is better to fight on other people's territory than to fight in your own home.
The blind man once laughed and said that what he designed and built was not a big landowner's manor, but more like a "company". The entire Hou Mansion was actually a "company" disguised.
at this time,
There were two people sitting in the private room by the window on the third floor of the Yingying Inn.
Both of them are dressed as businessmen, one is fairer and the other is more rugged.
There are a few plates of side dishes on the table, which are ordinary, but the Huadiao wine that goes with it is of great origin, with a thick and heavy taste that fills the throat. Those who like it can say that they love it to the core.
The fairer ones have the surname Miao and are called Miao Lin; the rough guys have the surname Lu and are called Lu Xiong.
Miao Lin is the shopkeeper of a caravan from the Kingdom of Qian, and Lu Xiong is the shopkeeper of the caravan from the Kingdom of Lu;
The former's name was reported to the Yinjia Guards of Qian State, while the latter had an official status in Lu State.
The State of Lu is a small country at the junction of the four major countries, but in Fengxin City in eastern Shanxi, everyone can put aside the so-called prejudice about the size of the country and sit together and drink wine as equals.
These days, for merchants, especially those who go abroad, either the shopkeeper has an identity or a guy in the caravan has an identity. This is a tacit agreement that everyone has agreed upon.
It's just that most of these merchants just put on a name and bring back some gossipy news. They are considered non-staff personnel.
In Fengxin City, this phenomenon was “made clear”;
Those with this kind of "name" can report to the innkeeper, enjoy discounts on food and accommodation, and can jump in the queue with iron brands when shipping or purchasing goods;
And if you conceal something and don't report it, skinning and cramping can be considered a merciful punishment.
It's not that there are no merchants who are loyal to their motherland, but the vast majority of people really don't have this awareness. Miao Lin and Lu Xiong are among the group who are aware of current affairs.
"Shopkeeper Xiao's business route was blocked due to the war a while ago. I heard that I had to take a detour to Fancheng. It's not surprising that I didn't make it because of the delay, but why didn't Shopkeeper Fei come?"
Shopkeeper Xiao is from Chu and is named Fengchao Internal Guard; Shopkeeper Fei is from Yan.
Lu Xiong smiled, stretched out his hand to pick up a piece of duck meat and put it into his mouth. While chewing it, he said, "The spies of the Yan State Secret Intelligence Department may not dare to enter Fengxin City anymore."
"Oh, this is really new. The Yan people's spies don't dare to enter their own territory?" Miao Lin said with a smile.
"Didn't you see that the Pingxi Hou Mansion, bah, the Pingxi Prince, and the atmosphere of Fengxin City are better than those of a feudal town. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a country within a country."
"The new king of the Yan Kingdom can tolerate it and leave it to our Qian Kingdom, haha."
"What's the matter, do you want to repeat the old thing of stabbing your father-in-law in front of you in Qian's country?"
"Hey, don't open the pot and pick up the pot."
"You guys, don't you just like to do things like poking your own butts and shouting that you feel comfortable?"
"Don't speak so harshly."
"Aren't you afraid to say it? Haha, this is the same as our business. We are all shopkeepers. If your business becomes bigger and you have more people under you, your boss will be interested in you.
It doesn’t matter whether he ignores you, humiliates you, or finds a reason to crush you.
What does it mean to be careful? If you want to do a good job, your subordinates must pick up the letters they use to be outstanding, but in the eyes of your boss, it means that you have to stand on your own feet.
Our country of Lu is a small country. As for me, I can be regarded as having the surname of the country of Lu. Although I am not even related to the leader of the country, as a person of the country of Lu, I hope that there will be a person in my country of Lu. Someone like Prince Pingxi. "
"What's going on? I'm so brave." Miao Lin rolled his eyes at Lu Xiong and raised his wine glass, "I'm telling you, I, Dagan, and his country of Chu have already formed an alliance. Just watch what happens to the Yan people, no?" It will be so good."
Lu Xiong directly sprayed the wine he just drank from his nostrils.
"Hahaha, originally, although the Chu State suffered repeated defeats and constant losses of troops and generals, it could at least be able to withstand it. The Yan people's belly is not that big, and it is unlikely that they could annex the Chu State like they annexed Jin. Go down.
Now with the addition of your Qian country, two against one, I think the Chu country is in danger. "
"There's no reason for this, there's no reason for this!"
Shopkeeper Miao was so angry that his face was trembling.
"Hey, you two, let's eat and drink."
At this time, a man pushed the door open and entered.
Shopkeepers Miao and Lu immediately stood up to greet them;
The person who came was none other than Dai Li, Xue San's right-hand man.
After making great achievements in the snowfield, he got a new job, and now he is responsible for serving spies from other parties, both overt and covert, both inside and outside the new city.
This job does not involve young or old. As for Dai Li, he will be greedy when he should. After reporting to his superiors, [-]% will be handed over, and the rest will be divided among the brothers.
No matter what age, for each government office, drought will lead to drought and flood will lead to death.
Dai Li took a sip of wine.
The two shopkeepers drank it all in one gulp;
"Okay, you two keep drinking. There are a few shopkeepers over there. I have to go say hello."
"Boss Dai, please walk slowly."
"You walk slowly."
Dai Li had a nickname among these merchants, because this man was unambiguous in collecting money, and he happily accepted hundreds of dollars. Merchants were engaged in business, and he was engaged in business, so he was nicknamed "Da Da Shopkeeper";
Later, I don’t know which big shot in the Hou family heard this title and laughed and praised him or called him Boss Dai Shuner.
No one knows which big shot said this, but since then, Dai Li has kept this title on his lips. Anyone who calls him shopkeeper will correct them by calling him boss, with a serious look on his face. Rong Yan.
After sending Boss Dai off, Shopkeeper Miao and Shopkeeper Lu sat down again.
It happened that the team leaving the city from the Hou Mansion was passing by the street below, and the two shopkeepers couldn't help but look down.
Miao Lin sighed: "Well, if nothing else, Prince Pingxi's life is really worth it."
Shopkeeper Lu immediately pulled back his neck, glared at Shopkeeper Miao, and cursed:
"Straight bitch, we both reported to Boss Dai. We just registered our names in our respective countries. Do you want to kill me too by coming here unexpectedly?"
"What's wrong with me?" Shopkeeper Miao was a little confused.
"What does it mean that Prince Pingxi's life is worth it? Why, you are planning to let the prince stay here for the rest of his life. What are your intentions?"
"..." Miao Lin.
Shopkeeper Miao, who knew he had made a mistake, didn't insist on anything anymore and silently took another sip of wine.
"From today on, the Marquis of Fengxin City will become a prince, a prince and a tutor, and a prince again. This is amazing, really amazing." Lu Xiong said with emotion.
"No more, no more." Miao Lin really couldn't drink any more, "Today's wine is getting more and more boring the more I drink it."
"What's wrong, haha, let me see, you officers, from officials to scholars to merchants, all have one problem. Just like the concubine I took in last year, she always screams in pain, which makes me old. It’s not satisfying.”
"You, the people of a small country, don't understand the decency of a big country. If you want the four princes to step aside..."
Lu Xiong spat and cursed:
"The Three Marquises opened their mouths and turned into the Fourth Marquiss' Openings in your mouths. It's really shameless. That's all. This wine is bad. No matter how you drink it, it always tastes sour. Let's go, let's go to the city." Go watch the ceremony outside and ignore you."
Shopkeeper Miao wanted to explain that he was the one who said he wanted to leave first, but in the end it was Lu who made the first move. Businessmen love to scheme, so no matter how you calculate it, it feels like you have suffered a bad loss.
Outside Fengxin City, a high platform was built and crowds of people surged.
Prince Pingxi rode Pixiu out of the city gate, and for a moment, the mountains roared and the tsunami roared.
Mao Mingcai sat on the back of the brave beast and stroked his long beard. In the past, when he was the prefect of Yingdu, he had a misunderstanding with Prince Pingxi. After the misunderstanding was resolved, he admired Prince Pingxi very much;
After sitting in the position of acting prime minister, he found that he would appreciate Prince Pingxi even more.
It was different from the other people in the court who were afraid of King Pingxi and the vassal town, but because he saw with his own eyes the real popularity of King Pingxi in the east of Jin Dynasty.
The wings are full,
I can only stroke it along.
The courtiers are indeed public-minded, but they are a little too public-minded. Everyone knows that the world cannot be black and white, but shouting black and white is an extremely simple and labor-saving thing.
The Fifth Prince Ji Chengwen looked at Mao Mingcai with a smile and said:
"Master Mao, Prince Pingxi is in the east of Jin, and he is very popular among the people. I, the Yan State, have Prince Pingxi guarding the east of Jin. The snowy plains, Chu country, and Jin land will be safe and sound."
Mao Mingcai smiled and nodded.
He didn't think that the former Fifth Highness was using eye medicine. Eye medicine would not kill the feudal town.
As the emperor's brother, starting from the next generation, he has directly changed from the Tian family line to the Ji family branch. He does secular affairs and repairs the river. This is nothing. I really want to create a man who cares about his family, country and the world. His reputation as a "virtuous king" is actually due to his longevity.
As the soldiers and civilians knelt down and worshiped together, Prince Pingxi was getting closer and closer to here, and with it, there was a clearly detectable and majestic pressure.
Mao Mingcai raised his hand and signaled all the imperial envoys and attendants beside him to dismount and prepare to salute.
His Majesty has a decree, and Prince Pingxi will not kneel when he sees it. This means that as angels, they are not qualified to enjoy the kneeling and worship from Prince Pingxi.
"My lord is a thousand years old!"
"My lord is a thousand years old!"
The soldiers and civilians around began to cheer.
Everyone in the imperial mission looked at each other, as the decree had not yet been announced.
But the situation was stronger than the people, and no one accused him of going beyond the rules, so everyone just started shouting in confusion.
Mao Mingcai, who was kneeling on the ground, narrowed his eyes, waiting for Zheng Fan to help him up;
But after waiting for a long time,
But I never waited for those hands.
Looked up,
But he found that King Pingxi had already led a group of people straight to the high platform, without even noticing him.
Master Mao felt a little sad.
Since the death of Zhao Jiulang, Dayan's prime minister seemed to have suddenly been downgraded.
Among them, one is that the replacement of the prime minister led to a decline in reputation, but the main reason is that the new king divided the prime minister's responsibilities into multiple parts and dismantled the prime minister's position. After the division, the prime minister today is the same as the former prime minister. The quality of Zaifu was too poor.
In fact, Lord Mao misunderstood Prince Pingxi.
Today I am crowned king,
Prince Pingxi is really... inflated.
He regarded this as a formality, and he really regarded it as a formality.
Details, etiquette, taking care of every aspect, etc. were all ignored due to the expansion of the heart.
He even asked Tiantian whether the prince's dragon robe looked good in front of the prince, which shows how arrogant Zheng Fan is now!
When reading history, I often feel incredible at the arrogance and domineeringness of some people who suddenly gained high positions. I always feel that there is something wrong with their brains;
But that’s how people are, if they stand high, most of them will float.
Zheng Fan is this kind of person. He can't calm down now, and he is too lazy to calm down. He just wants to enjoy this moment.
Especially when the whole city's soldiers and civilians were kneeling and shouting, they were on top, really on top.
Mao Mingcai and the Fifth Highness could only stand up on their own. One held the imperial edict and the other held the court uniform. They led a group of people and followed them to the high platform.
After waiting up, the first thing Mr. Mao saw was the woman standing next to King Pingxi. He subconsciously thought it was the princess of Chu, but suddenly he found that there was another woman standing behind the woman. The woman was really wearing the costume of Chu. Pretend to be Fengxia.
When the imperial court conferred a title on the king, a set of formal attire must have been prepared for the princess, and these were all given to her.
Moreover, the Princess of Da Chu had been promised by the late emperor and was almost regarded as a righteous daughter, and she was given a marriage. She should have been the main wife for both emotional and rational reasons. How could she be taken over by the magpie's nest dove now?
This King Pingxi actually dared to put aside the late emperor's will and completely ignore it?
The first thing His Royal Highness saw was the boy Zheng Fan was holding.
His first reaction was his nephew, the current prince, Ji Chuanye, whom his father once recognized as a "good saint grandson";
But as I looked at him, I suddenly felt that my nephew had grown up so fast. He suddenly became thicker, taller, fatter and taller.
And my nephew's clothes are still a bit plain, what's embroidered on them is... actually a python!
His Highness the Fifth Prince has been supervising the river construction work outside and rarely returns to the capital. When he does, he only meets the prince once at most. Children change quickly, so it is normal for him not to recognize him at the first time.
But the next time, His Highness the Fifth Prince finally discovered that the child wearing the prince's dragon robe was not standing next to King Pingxi!
Holding the crown prince in your arms is a treasonous and disrespectful act;
But it is even more excessive for you to hold other children while you leave the prince alone!
Outside Fengxin City, in eastern Shanxi, neither Master Mao nor His Highness the Fifth Prince had the courage to directly point out the disrespectful act of King Pingxi to his face.
It can’t be said that I don’t dare to do it. More importantly, I still can’t.
"How do you feel?" the blind man asked Xue San, who was standing next to him.
"My lord, you should be very happy today." Xue San replied.
"Yes." The blind man nodded, "In my opinion, the more domineering the Lord, the better."
Xue San smiled, of course he knew what the blind man had always wanted.
"It's a pity that there is a tacit understanding and agreement between the Lord and the emperor in the capital."
When the blind man heard this, he didn't take it seriously. He dug into his pocket but didn't take out the orange.
The third master breathed a sigh of relief.
"Yupan City was handed over to us in exchange for our indifference to the imperial court's integration of the former Jingnan Army. You should know about this."
"Yes, I know, what's wrong?"
"A while ago, I sent a letter to the former commander-in-chief of the Jingnan Army, telling them that today our Lord will be canonized as king."
"What's the matter, you still want them to come to watch the ceremony?"
"It is a serious crime to leave one's post without permission," Xue San said, "especially when the court is reorganizing the military affairs of the Jingnan Army."
"The law does not punish the public."
"Oh, when the imperial court first reorganized them and deprived them of their local governance rights, many of the former commander-in-chiefs wrote to us, but we pretended not to hear or see them, and did not take any initiative.
Now, do you still expect them to come to support you? "
"I told them in the letter that Tian Tiantian will make a public appearance as the Crown Prince of Jingnan at my family's royal conferment ceremony, announcing to the world the existence of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Jingnan."
Xue San was stunned for a moment.
"Have you discussed it with the Lord? No, no, since the Lord has promised the emperor in the capital, he will not do such a thing again at this time. You did not discuss it with the Lord. It was you who made the right decision. Will you do this?"
The blind man was noncommittal.
"You're done for, you dare to plot against the Lord."
"This is called tacit prediction."
"Then don't even think about this upgrade."
"The Lord will be happy. Look at the smile on the Lord's face today."
"Blind man, you are playing with fire."
"Is it hot?"
"..." Xue San.
"Don't worry, as long as you feel good, it'll be fine. Just scold me, blame me. It'll be fine."
"Bah, traitor!"
on the high platform,
Master Mao took out the imperial decree and coughed a few times. He hoped that Prince Pingxi would put down the child in his arms first and let's go through the process first.
Who knows,
at this time,
To the west of the high platform, more than a dozen teams came on horseback. Their armor was quite different from that of the soldiers of the Hou Mansion who had finished changing their armor;
The soldiers here did not stop them, nor did they follow them. Obviously, they had received the order in advance. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for the foreign soldiers to arrive here unnoticed.
Up and down the high platform, most people's eyes were looking over there.
As the dozen or so teams got closer and closer,
Loud roars followed,
In the past, some of the generals who followed King Jingnan in the north and south were granted the title of general, and some were also granted the title of earl. However, today, all of them have changed back to their original official titles:
"Luo Ling, the commander-in-chief of King Jingnan, is here to pay homage to His Highness the Crown Prince!"
"Chen Yang, the commander-in-chief of King Jingnan, pays homage to the young master!"
"Ren Juan, the commander-in-chief of the King of Jingnan, would like to send his regards to the young master!"
"Zhao Ande, the commander-in-chief of King Jingnan, pays homage to the young master!"
"Li Guangzong, the commander-in-chief of the King of Jingnan, please call upon Young Master Fukang!"
"Under King Jingnan..."
Mao Mingcai swallowed subconsciously, what is he going to do?
His Highness the Fifth Prince shuddered subconsciously, wondering whether he was trying to seal the throne or rebelling!
All the generals stationed in the Jin area did not listen to the orders at all, did not say hello, and left their posts without permission. They all gathered here!
The soldiers and civilians watching the ceremony thought that so many generals came to congratulate them, and they felt that the name was very prestigious. Moreover, most of them had heard that the legitimate son of Prince Jingnan, who was famous all over the world, had been raised by his own "Prince". In the mansion, at this time, they cheered and shouted even more fervently.
The officials of the imperial mission who are qualified to stand on the high platform and stand under the high platform have an extremely frightening sense of strangeness. They feel that they have been involved in a terrible whirlpool, as if the next moment, what will greet them , just to pieces.
Prince Ji Chuanye looked at his brother Tiantian who had been taking care of him these days and would ask him if he wanted to pee at night.
Just as the blind man expected,
Faced with this, Prince Pingxi was a little surprised at first, but soon a smile appeared on his face.
Right now,
It seemed like we were back in those days, when everyone led all the troops and gathered the generals in front of the king's tent in Jingnan, beating drums.
"Dad, who are they?" Tiantian asked.
Zheng Fan replied: "They are all your biological father's people."
"All of them?"
"Yes, all of them, including dad himself."
(End of this chapter)

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