The devil is coming

Chapter 816 Respect you!

Chapter 816 Respect you!
Xiao Yibo outside the temple finally received the prince who came out riding Pixiu;
It can be seen that,
The prince has something on his mind,
You can still see it,
The Pixiu under the prince's crotch seems to be worried.
Xiao Yibo didn't dare to ask, so he silently rode his horse and held a lantern to guide the way.
Walk on, walk on,
I found that the prince’s Pixiu came over,
The black horse under Xiao Yibo's crotch was quite afraid of Pixiu, and the horse he was traveling with was not a war horse that had been on the battlefield. With a "Gulu", it actually led Xiao Yibo around in circles several times, and Xiao Yibo let Xiao Yibo go. No matter how much Bo urged him, he just wouldn't move forward.
The direct hierarchy between animals is more direct and less falsely affectionate than between humans;
This horse obviously sensed the inexplicable hostility of "Big Brother" towards it, and did not dare to get close enough to follow him.
At this moment, he couldn't train the horse, so Xiao Yibo had no choice but to catch up with him holding a lantern.
There is no curfew in Fengxin City at night, and because of the developed trade, the caravans gathered here and the wealthy people in the city, especially the soldiers who have just received a reward and have money in their pockets, all have consumption needs.
In the city tonight,
Extremely noisy.
The team crossed the street and entered the Hou Mansion. Zheng Fan turned down and went back to the house first to change the armor on his body into a python robe. Then, under the guidance of Xiao Yibo, they made a half circle and started from the end. Arrivals began at the seats outside.
Twelve cold dishes were placed on each table. However, because King Pingxi never returned to the palace, the hot dishes had not yet been served. No one among the guests who had already lined up to take their seats dared to move their chopsticks and just whispered. They were talking to each other, even if they were very hungry, no one dared to take anything to satisfy their hunger.
Zhao Cheng, who had been waiting for a long time, finally saw that the prince had arrived.
Come forward immediately,
He raised his father-in-law’s unique high-pitched duck voice and shouted;
"Your Highness is here!"
Each era has its own taste. In the eyes of future generations, the voice of the father-in-law shouting may sound a bit awkward, but in this era, being able to use eunuchs to sing for you is the most tangible symbol of status.
In ordinary official families, it is impossible to use eunuchs. This is a great arrogance and disrespect. Apart from the imperial palace, only the "Prince's Palace" can have eunuchs with a certain legal establishment, and they must be sent from the palace.
Therefore, strictly speaking, it was a serious crime for Zhao Cheng to enter and exit the prince's mansion as an eunuch in the past few years.
However, the censor of Yanjing City only dared to challenge Lord Pingxi to engage in border provocations and stir up a stir for impeachment. As for the use of eunuchs in Pingxihou's mansion, no one had any conclusive evidence. Will make a fuss out of this trivial matter.
For Zhao Cheng,
That thing, before it was cut off, felt extremely precious, but after it was cut off, it actually made me feel relaxed.
To put it bluntly, what you really think is precious is what you have now and will have in the future. For what you have lost, you will be far more open-minded in the future than you are now.
After shouting this voice,
Zhao Cheng felt a sincere numbness.
The candlelight and light in front of him created a hazy illusion, as if a ray of rays of light would break out of the curtain at the next moment. He would face this light, facing the pieces in front of him and underneath him, and a vast expanse of light. :
Your Majesty has arrived!
Do what you do, love what you do, Eunuch Zhao has realized the true meaning.
"Greetings to the prince, prince Fukang!"
"Greetings to the prince, prince Fukang!"
Xiao Yibo originally thought that his prince had something on his mind and was in a low mood, so he wanted to help him clear the way and let him go inside first, so that he wouldn't have to waste time outside;
After all, the guests sitting outside were satisfied to see the prince passing in front of them.
But King Pingxi did not try to save trouble, but put a smile on his face;
Sitting in the Calabash Temple, it seems that everything has been untied, but at the same time it seems that nothing has been untied. It seems like a useless effort, but since people are born, sooner or later they have to rush to die. Life is inherently a useless effort. The scene is nothing more than a short-term happiness in the middle.
Today, Zheng Fan suddenly wanted to blend in and blend into this atmosphere.
Prince Pingxi picked up an old man, who was taking his eight-year-old grandson with him.
He is one of the representatives of the settlement households outside Fengxin City. He was also a refugee. After being settled, he helped the blind man improve potatoes at Xuehaiguan.
The blind man seems to be "erudite", but how can the master who likes to play the piano really know how to farm? A bunch of theoretical knowledge is useless if no one can actually practice it.
Over the years, this old man has contributed a lot and has obtained an official status. He is a small but decent official and has dozens of people under his command, who are responsible for the promotion of agriculture.
"How many people are there in your hometown?"
"Replying to the prince, little old man... Well, Xianguan's family has two sons. The eldest son was not in Chu when he accompanied the prince to fight Chu Nu the year before last. The younger son stayed in Fancheng this time."
When he said this, there was no sadness on the old man's face.
He also has a grandson by his side, and his younger son's wife also became pregnant before he left for the expedition.
These days, it is extremely common to eat this bowl of rice and die in battle. When suffering is universalized, it has the reverse effect of "not worrying about scarcity but worrying about inequality";
Furthermore, the old man already had an official status. The eldest son died in the war but the pension was paid every month. In addition, the second son is still in the army. Although the family has not been divided, this family is equivalent to supporting three families. Standard household rationing.
Normally, a single household only has one man, and its life can be lived in such a way that outsiders would envy it. The life of the old man's family can be said to be nourishing.
This eight-year-old child is also wearing excellent clothes.
Of course, when you come to the palace for a banquet, you must dress up carefully, but wearing silk for the banquet is definitely not bad on weekdays.
Zheng Fan reached out and touched the child's head, asking if the child was in school and what he had learned recently.
The child began to recite an article he had written... "Our Marquis".
This was not prepared in advance, because no one would have expected that the prince would really pay attention to a child. Xiao Yibo did not arrange it in such detail, but in the syllabus of the school where the blind man participated, every semester, there would be This assignment.
The children memorized the text clearly, because when they were first in Xueguan, the children in the lower school of Hou Mansion were not aiming to take the imperial examination, so they paid more attention to reality. They were either preparing to join the army like Liu Dahu and Zheng Man's group of children, or He just went to various workshops and started working as a small foreman.
The literary style of the Qian State was at its peak, and there was a saying that only those who were called by the Donghua Gate were good men. However, the imperial examination in the Yan State had not been held for many years, and the trend had not yet been formed. Furthermore, for the common people, the road to the imperial examination was too far away. , as soon as the children "graduate", they can be "allocated" and receive standard household benefits. This is a good future that is visible to the naked eye.
The child is very smart, but he still mixes in "Hou Ye" and "Wang Ye" from time to time when reciting. He is used to shouting "Hou Ye" and it is really difficult to get over it for a while.
Lord Zheng listened with a smile,
The guests gathered around, looking at the child with kind smiles on their faces, nodding from time to time, showing approval, and even touching the long beard.
What is certain is that many people here have never been so kind and patient to their own sons and grandchildren.
Wait until the child finishes reciting,
The guests all around spoke together, praising the child for being smart, as if they had witnessed such an exquisite performance, as if they had just witnessed the peak battle between the Sword Master and the Baili Sword. It was enjoyable, very enjoyable, and even a little unfinished.
The prince nodded,
He took off a jade pendant from his waist and handed it to the child.
The child kowtows to thank you,
Everyone is happy;
Immediately afterwards, the prince found a few more people to talk to, including the shopkeepers of the royal caravan, as well as veterans with disabilities who had joined the army since Shengle City.
Asking for help, parents chatting casually.
In fact, it is hard to say whether those who can sit here tonight are rich or not, but their lives are definitely not easy.
It took a lot of time, but the prince was very patient.
After a long time, the prince got up and walked inside. The people inside had been looking forward to it for a long time.
It's the same drama again, again.
This time, another child was selected and asked to sing, "The Marquis Breaks the Formation Song".
If you don’t observe and explore carefully,
I really don’t know how a blind man can do so much work in such a busy schedule.
at last,
The prince entered the heart of the banquet.
The people inside did not wait foolishly. After learning that the prince had returned to the house, everyone started the banquet, eating and drinking slowly, waiting for the prince.
First, there is a round of toasts from military generals;
Brother Ke Yandong and Jin Shuke have returned to Xueguan and Zhennanguan to guard, but there are still many generals at the next level. King Pingxi did not refuse anyone who came and killed them all.
Although he also knew that it would be enough if he just touched his lips a little and meant it, but he didn't do that tonight.
Luo Ling and other generals of the Jingnan Army who came to congratulate during the day did not stay for the banquet, but went back before dark. It could be said that they came and went in a hurry.
To leave one's post without permission is a grave sin;
After leaving the post without permission and then staying in Fengxin City, this is really a place where people are ready to rebel.
But there is still one person left, Li Guangzong.
Li Guangzong was a bit older, a few years older than Li Fusheng. Age was not a problem, but he was injured. In fact, he had already half-retired before this.
According to the rules of the Yan State, where civil and military positions can be switched, he currently holds the title of magistrate, but he has also been delegated power early. He has two people under his command, one from Yan and one from Jin. They are nominally deputy, but they have long been Elevated it.
"My lord."
Li Guangzong raised his glass;
Zheng Fan responded;
The two people's eyes met, but they didn't say anything in detail.
When the imperial court was preparing to attack the Jingnan Army, Li Guangzong was the freest one because he had left the army, but he was also the most energetic one. He was basically taking the lead, hoping that Zheng Fan would come forward. , to maintain the Jingnan Army’s airs.
But today's emperor's scene almost blocked the possibility of the Jingnan Army leaders wanting to "gather a crowd to rise" in terms of law and reason;
Unless Zheng Fan is now hot-headed and ready to rebel, otherwise, under the general trend, the skeleton of the Jingnan Army will inevitably be dismembered after King Jingnan leaves.
Instead of dismantling a cohesive army as Qian Guo liked to do in the past, the old Jingnan military system will no longer be able to echo the structure.
After Li Guangzong finished the toast, he sat back a little lonely.
Perhaps, few people were determined to rebel, but everyone just instinctively wanted to continue the free and easy life that everyone had when King Jingnan was here;
Domestic cats and dogs who are used to being wild will not obey the rules, let alone this group of Qiu Batouzi who have enjoyed an unscrupulous life?
Zheng Fan entertained some more people, and finally entered the innermost courtyard.
"I'm too late, so I'll punish myself with three cups of wine."
Sitting inside were Mao Mingcai, His Highness the Fifth Prince and others. After Zheng Fan punished himself with three drinks, the two of them immediately got up and drank with him.
Because Zheng Fan arrived late, the two of them had enough time to digest the scenes during the day and prepare for the next events at the wine table.
I don’t know if I really drank too much or if I did it on purpose.
Mao Mingcai took King Pingxi's hand and told about the scene when the two worked together sincerely in Yingdu, recalling the glorious past;
His Highness the Fifth Prince insisted on telling King Heping Xi about what he had encountered during the construction of the river embankment, where there were problems, where he dared to commit corruption, where the local officials were pig-brained, and so on.
King Pingxi drank one bowl of wine after another, and interacted with them lively.
There was sadness in my heart,
Take a closer look,
But there is nothing to worry about,
This feeling of emptiness,
Not empty,
But be practical.
As I drank this wine, it seemed that any spicy feeling disappeared. What I drank was not wine, it was clearly honey.
The more you drink, the sweeter it becomes,
The more you drink, the more you get;
swell during the day,
The quietness of Calabash Temple,
The hustle and bustle of candlelight at night came all the way down,
The whole person seemed to be letting go.
The moonlight is so beautiful, the food is so delicious, and the people in front of me are so cute.
Prince Pingxi grabbed a handful of Mao Mingcai’s beard and said with a smile:
"Master Mao."
"My lord, it hurts..."
"Look at how well Xu Pangpang, the prefect of Yingdu, has done. As for you, you made too much peace with Xini back then."
"Yes Yes Yes."
Hearing this, Mao Mingcai was not angry. He was magnanimous and civilized, and he could see that King Pingxi was really drunk. He did not deliberately use his drunkenness to ridicule himself, because there was no need for him.
He's already domineering and arrogant enough in the daytime, why don't you need to beat around the bush when you're scolding someone?
"But I don't blame you. There were frequent wars at that time, and you could only maintain stability in the rear with Ni Ni."
"Yes, yes, yes." Mao Mingcai nodded, "My lord, you understand me."
If it hadn't been for today's scene during the day, Mao Mingcai would have always regarded Zheng Fan as his "confidant", but with the help of alcohol, he also let go.
After hearing this, Mao Ming raised the wine bottle and started drinking.
"My lord, you understand me!"
They are all gentlemen and important ministers of the imperial court. They must be meticulous in their etiquette and appearance;
But it also depends on who you are with. As long as your status is equal, or if the other person's status is higher than yours, you can also be willing to play "romantic" with the other person.
"Straight bitch." Mr. Mao cursed, "They say I'm worse than Xu Wenzu, but can I be the same? When Xu Wenzu went, the battle was already over. After the fight, he was so relaxed, so relaxed, Do I want to be that paper framer? I do!"
"Yeah, it's difficult for you."
"My lord, it's difficult for you too."
"No, I'm not difficult, I'm very relaxed. You don't know, I have many capable people under my command, and I basically don't care about anything."
"My lord, why can't you be as self-effacing as you are now during the day? Oh, I see. You are doing it on purpose, right? You want to be domineering on purpose and taint yourself during the day?"
"Fart, I'm a loser."
"Okay, okay, don't tell me if you have seen through it, I understand, I understand, don't worry, Prince, I understand, I still believe that Prince is still the same Prince, the one in Yingdu City who is dedicated to the country, Hier... …”
"I'll tell you the truth, I really don't do anything. I..."
"Okay, okay, Your Majesty, Your Majesty also often said that he can only support the great Yanjiang Mountains with the help of us ministers. I understand, I understand..."
"You know shit!"
The drunk King Pingxi was furious and threw the wine glass in front of him to the ground.
His Highness the Fifth Prince immediately came over to help the two of them who were shaking and hugging each other.
One is the Prince of Dayan and the other is the Prime Minister of Dayan. At this time, they are really no different from the drunkards in the village.
"Your Majesty, it's a pity that you have two wives. It's impossible for my granddaughter to come in as a concubine. Otherwise, I really want to betroth my granddaughter to you."
"Your granddaughter, I, the king, don't want it."
Master Mao said drunkenly: "I can't give it to you, my wife, don't even think about it!"
Seeing the two of you talking more and more outrageous,
His Highness the Fifth Prince could only stretch out his hand to separate the two of them.
Unexpectedly, King Pingxi grabbed the fifth prince’s neck and pulled him over.
He scolded him directly:
"You bastard!"
"..." His Majesty the Fifth Prince.
"Yes, yes, I am a waste, I am a waste."
As the emperor's son, the higher the virtuous reputation, the better; as the emperor's brother, the greater the trash reputation, the better;
Prince Pingxi pointed at His Highness the Fifth Prince,
"Trash, it's been so long and we still haven't built a Gundam!
"My lord, I seem to have drank a little too much today."
The blind man said to Siniang sitting in front of him.
"Really?" Siniang was drinking lotus seed soup and stroking her belly.
"Moreover, after I came out of the temple, something surprised me. In the past, the Lord liked to go through this kind of entertainment as if it were a dragonfly. Today, he seems to be extra diligent."
"Isn't this what you want to see?" Siniang asked curiously.
"I'm afraid there will be a monster if something goes wrong."
Si Niang laughed twice and said, "Are you afraid that the Lord will get drunk and go crazy and settle accounts with you for what happened during the day?"
"Not so much."
"No? You can do anything when you are drunk. What if the Lord wants to spank you?"
"Is it possible?"
"We're quite happy to see you. You're always handing out oranges, which makes them all angry."
"Eat some fruit, it's good for your health."
"Okay, okay, I don't think it's a big deal. Maybe the Lord is just in a good mood today, so he drank a little too much and talked a little too much."
"It's rare to see you frustrated. The emperor's three imperial edicts are very unexpected."
"Indeed, but it doesn't matter. It's just a casual arrangement. If it's broken, it's broken. Isn't it fun to meet your opponent?
If the person sitting on the throne is a straw bag emperor, then the joy of rebellion will be much reduced. "
"Don't give up yet."
"I never like to give up halfway when I do things."
"Okay, as long as you're happy."
The blind man suddenly stood up and said, "The Lord is back."
The banquet has not ended yet, and this banquet will continue for a long time, because there will be various condolences from the imperial envoys to Fengxin City and the royal family, and it will not end before midnight.
But Prince Pingxi, who had overfulfilled his task, had already walked back with a bottle of wine in his hand and a slightly frivolous pace.
Xiao Yibo and Zhao Cheng stood on one side, stretching out their hands and watching carefully.
"Oh, my lord, cheers."
A Ming just happened to come up from the wine cellar, also holding a pot of wine in his hand.
"Cheers, vampire!"
Zheng Fan raised the wine bottle, saluted A Ming, and then took two sips.
Zheng Fan sat on the ground.
Zhao Cheng and Xiao Yibo wanted to help, but were pushed away by Zheng Fan.
Siniang said: "You guys go down."
"Yes, ma'am."
In the small courtyard,
Prince Pingxi held the wine bottle, sat on the ground, shook it, and it was empty.
"Where's the wine!"
Si Niang leaned on the door frame and found it very interesting to see her master like this, so she laughed.
A Ming stepped forward and handed his wine bottle to the Lord.
The Lord took the wine flask,
"It's so kind of you!"
He put his arms around A Ming's neck and tried to move closer.
A Ming's body twitched and he left early, leaving the drunken King Ping Xi to feel lonely.
But he didn't take it seriously. He picked up the wine bottle and took another sip.
Xue San also appeared at this time, smiling and saying to A Ming:
"I guess the master has not advanced. If he has advanced, you will stop hiding."
A Ming said sarcastically: "You haven't entered yet, go ahead."
The third master woke up, rushed outside immediately, found a passing waiter, brought a jug of wine and ran back.
"Lord, let's drink, come on, come on!"
"Come on, drink!"
Zheng Fan and Xue San toast.
Xue San is waiting,
But the Lord was speechless and began to look up at the moon.
"..." Third Master.
for a while,
Zheng Fan picked up the wine bottle again,
Facing the bright moon,
"Honor the inn in Hutou City!"
Everyone present was silent.
At this time, Fan Li, who was holding a roasted lamb leg, also appeared here secretly. No one knew how he managed to remain silent for such a big body.
The Lord raised the wine pot again and pointed it towards the sky,
"The floor of Jing Cui Liu Fort is covered in chicken shit!"
Another gulp of wine,
Zheng Fan shouted again:
"Honor the soup pool of Lecheng!"
Take another sip of wine.
"Jingxue Customs House!"
"Honor the royal palace of the new city!"
The demon kings present all put away their playful smiles at this time, and even Fan Li was no longer eager to chew the leg of lamb.
Because the place names that the Lord called out are actually the big guy’s... home over the years.
The bottle of wine was finished again. As soon as the bottle was thrown away, Zheng Fan fell backwards.
But he kept turning his face sideways, looking at Siniang, the blind man and others standing around him.
He reached out again, grabbed the empty wine bottle he had just dropped on the ground, and lifted it up.
"Thank you, thank you!
Let me always have a home here,
Here’s to you! "
(End of this chapter)

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