Chapter 822
On the fingertips, the last bit of the tail of spring is like the fragrance of grass juice with a slight fishy smell that finally dissipates, and the summer disguised as harmless to humans and animals arrives with a seemingly ignorant and honest look.
What followed was the rainy season that continued to fall one after another after half a year of accumulation.
Even the literati of the Qian Kingdom lost their interest in playing with the spring rain when faced with this kind of continuous rain "lash". For most Guizhou people, sitting down leaning on the door frame and looking at the eaves never seemed to happen. The broken bead curtain is something that can really be done now;
If you feel depressed,
You can take a longer view. Under the rain, there are still people crawling and rolling in the mud.
Park Ji, the Prime Minister of the Liang Kingdom, fell ill at the beginning of winter last year. The condition was very serious at the time, and many people thought that he might not survive the last winter;
Old age, serious illness, any one taken out alone will be a hurdle for winter.
There are four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, but winter can be preceded by the word "pass". If you can't make it through, you won't be able to make it through.
But in the end, the old Prime Minister survived. After all, the sad winter is for ordinary people in Guizhou. The old Prime Minister relied on various tonics to survive.
But the bones in this body are really not strong anymore. From time to time, they can only be carried out by their families to bask in the sun when the weather is clear for a short period of time, to dispel the "musty smell" that cannot be smelled by the nose but can be clearly seen by the naked eye. ".
It is an eternal truth that people take tea to cool down;
After the old Prime Minister fell ill, the forces that originally represented the political pole of the Liang Dynasty began to quickly show the trend of falling down and scattering.
I think back then, it was the old prime minister and the new king who launched a coup, overthrowing the former king and ordering the former king to hang himself. Later, a war broke out between Liang and Chu. With the help of the Yan people, Xiao Xiao Liang Guo took it down.
And because of the subsequent Yan-Chu war, the Chu people were severely defeated, making the Chu people unable to go west to take care of their little neighbor across the Qishan Mountains.
As a result, Liang State completely fell over to Yan State and became a veritable vassal state of Yan State. The leader of Liang State had three sons, and the second son was the eldest son. This eldest son had been sent to Yanjing as a hostage.
Overthrowing the former leader who had the blood of the Xiong family, and then blocking the liquidation of the Chu people, regardless of whether there was help and contribution from the Yan people, and ordinary people and even ordinary Liang officials would not analyze and think about what a big country was. game situation;
In short, in the past few years, the old prime minister and the king can be said to have established a very high prestige in the Liang Kingdom in a real sense.
But as Lao Guoxiang fell into trouble, the current leader of Liang State, his former ally, began to divide and disintegrate Lao Guoxiang's lineage without hesitation.
In winter, I was just watching and letting the wind blow;
In spring, it begins to stir like new shoots on the ground;
Now, it's summer, and every move is as continuous as one rain after another. It's so powerful... it makes people feel a little numb.
In this regard, the old Prime Minister was able to take it calmly and did not make any resistance. First of all, resistance was useless. His own faction collapsed first because of the physical problems of his leader. The root cause was himself. Moreover, his sons do not have the ability to support the situation. In this situation, if they endure it quietly, they can still leave a dignity for their own family. If the faction is broken up, just break up, and the children and grandchildren can still be preserved and treated with courtesy. ;
Secondly, the old prime minister originally wanted to ease the relationship with the Chu State the year before last. As a small country, the real way for a small country to survive is to be a small country and to serve the big country carefully.
For this reason, in the eyes of the Yan people, the old prime minister was inevitably a bit "ignorant".
The new king killed his brother to take the throne, and had an inextricable hatred with the Chu State, so he decided early on to lean over to the Yan State. As the leader, his interests and future were actually related to those of his ministers, and even Sometimes it is different from Liang Guo.
Moreover, Lord Ran, the newly appointed commander-in-chief of Nanmen Pass of Yan State, was eager to reach out to the southern countries. Because he represented the will of Yan State, he quickly stood with the leader of the country.
With the support of the Yan people, it is almost inevitable for the new king to kick out the old prime minister and complete the "universal dictatorship" in Liang Dynasty. In other words, any king of a country, as long as his mind is still normal, must Will instinctively tighten the power that he should have in name.
Today is another day to bask in the sun.
The old Prime Minister was carried by his youngest son and servants to the courtyard of the courtyard.
"General Pu was ordered to return home for embezzling military pay."
The old country was relatively indifferent to this news, even though General Pu was the last powerful general of their lineage.
The Liang State did not have many soldiers and horses. Before the breakup with the Chu State, the number of regular troops in the country was less than [-]. After the Yan people held back the Chu State, the Liang State expanded its troops to a certain extent. The regular army has a strength of [-].
The leader of the country seems to want to continue to train the new army, because General Ran wants to unite the Liang, Zhao, Qi, Wei and other countries south of the South Gate to form an alliance of many small countries. , nominally, the leader of the Liang Kingdom serves as the leader of the alliance;
Of course, in fact, the real leader of the alliance is naturally Yan State.
Seeing that his father did not respond, the younger son spoke again;
"Father, my son is worried that the king is going to attack our Pu family."
When the old prime minister heard this, a smile appeared on his lips.
It's not that he can't speak, he's seriously ill, but his brain is still clear and his speech is clear, but he is really too lazy to talk to his son.
It's really... meaningless.
People, you can't be too smart. If you are too smart, you will always look at your sons and feel that they are really stupid. You will wonder whether these are your biological children?
"My dad often feels this way, but he and you are in the opposite direction."
A crisp voice sounded, seeming to read through his own thoughts.
Lao Guoxiang looked over and found that at some point, a handsome young man was standing behind him, and there was a maidservant beside him.
The old Prime Minister is not a master, and his health is not good now. It is not a big surprise that someone came up behind him quietly.
Xie Yu'an stepped forward, sat down on the chair next to the old Prime Minister, took out an orange, and began to peel it slowly.
The youngest son Pu Cheng immediately reported:
"Father, this is the young master of the Xie family of Da Chu."
"seek death……"
The old Prime Minister spat out these two words.
Pu Cheng looked embarrassed.
Xie Yu'an smiled and said: "Perhaps, in Mr. Pu's opinion, it is safest for the Pu family to do nothing now. At the very least, it can preserve the wealth of the Pu family. After all, the leader of the Liang Kingdom can sit on that The position is also close to you. Don't look at the monk's face but the Buddha's face.
But Mr. Pu seems to have forgotten one thing. You are not alone. You are not even a simple Pu family. The reason why you can let go is because you feel that you still have face;
Well, I also think that your choice is wise. After all, I have been exposed to all of your sons, and they are really stupid;
This is so stupid, just like how I look at my father. Sometimes I always wonder, did my mother give my father a hat? Otherwise, how could he have given birth to a son as smart as me? "
"..." Pu Cheng.
The old Prime Minister showed a smile on his face.
"Actually, I was not invited by your son. If you don't say anything, it's just a waste of time to find your son;
Now the Yan people are powerful, and our great Chu has just defeated the Western Marquis there... Oh no, now he has officially become the king, and the great Chu has just suffered a defeat.
But it's just like when it rains. If it doesn't rain, there will be drought, which is a drought. If it rains too much, there will be waterlogging, which is a flood.
But the problem is that there is always a group of people in this world who do not depend on the weather for their livelihood, so they naturally don’t care about whether or how much rain it will rain on this day.
You may think that they are short-sighted, but among all living beings, who is not like this? "
At this time,
A general in armor walked in. He was tall and tall, and when he stood there, he had the aura of an iron tower.
Third Master knows this person.
At that time, the third master was in the Liang State to help fight the war as a guest of the Yan army. The Liang State also made the third master a general. However, the reward from a small country was not something that the third master looked down upon. After the war, he immediately took it with him. Hu Bamei went back to Jin to find her master.
And this General Pu was Xue San's partner when he fought against the Chu army. This man was brave and powerful, and he was proficient in the art of war. When he cooperated with Xue San, he was both positive and strange, and the effect was very good.
Moreover, this General Pu was first promoted by the old Prime Minister. He grew up from a good family to what he is today.
Obviously, when the leader of the Liang Kingdom planned to clean up the remnants of his lineage as the Prime Minister, he chose to resist.
Xie Yu'an broke off a piece of orange flesh and brought it to the old Prime Minister's mouth. The old Prime Minister opened his mouth and ate it.
"You are old and sick, so you can enjoy your late life in peace and contentment. In addition, let me tell you the truth. This time, I plan to play a big role;
The two countries of Qian and Chu have been bullied severely by Yan in recent years, and they are all suffocating in their hearts. "
The old Prime Minister swallowed the orange meat and said;
"Yan people are wolves."
"No." Xie Yu'an agreed.
"Chu people are dogs."
Xie Yuan shrugged and did not comment.
"Fuck people are pigs."
Xie Yuan: "Hahahaha..."
After laughing,
Xie Yuan looked at the old Prime Minister,
"What about Liang Ren?"
Two lines of clear tears flowed down from the eyes of the old Prime Minister.
"It's nothing..."
The old Prime Minister was placed under house arrest, and his own son was placed under house arrest.
The funny thing is,
Before Pu Cheng put the old Prime Minister under house arrest, he made a special trip to the palace to express his loyalty to the king.
The king was greatly benefited and made a future political promise to Pu Cheng. At the same time, he hinted that he would temporarily place his father under house arrest.
Of course, the King would not directly say the word "house arrest". What the King said was that it has been rainy recently and it is very humid outside. It is not good for the old Prime Minister to get a little wet.
What the leader of the Liang Kingdom didn't know was that the young master of the Xie family, who came from the Chu State, was living openly in the old Prime Minister's house.
The old prime minister he had been wary of was also the person Chu people were wary of.
Xie Yuan is making tea,
In front of him, Pu Cheng and his two brothers sat.
It is just a saying that a tiger father has no dog sons. In fact, there are often more examples of tiger fathers and dog sons. The ability of the father is too great. Even if the son is already much better than ordinary people, in comparison, he will still appear inability.
But although this is the Pu Mansion, the three sons of the Pu family can only sit with them.
The person sitting opposite Xie Yu'an, who could allow Xie Yu'an to cook tea for him personally, was a cadre.
"I heard that General Meng once fought against Prince Pingxi of Yan State?"
The person who came was none other than Meng Gong.
Meng Gong is now the commander-in-chief of the Qian Kingdom, equivalent to the general in command of the Yan Kingdom.
Meng Gong smiled and said, "Ashamed."
Back in Mianzhou City, he had indeed fought against King Pingxi, who was only a guard at Cuiliu Fort at that time.
Mianzhou City was defended;
But that group of soldiers suffered heavy losses, and King Fu's head was also moved.
If Ganren hadn't lost a lot of respect because of the first destruction of Mianzhou City, and if Mr. Zhong's appreciation and protection hadn't been given, Meng Gong might have been imprisoned and awaiting punishment at that time.
There will be no later,
The war between Qian and Chu began, and when General Nian led his army to sweep across the southeast of Qian Kingdom, Meng Gong took action and used the method of forming a chain to block General Nian's fight.
However, the battle between Qianchu and Qianchu was just a small fight and made a lot of noise, but it did not really break the brains. With the continued strength of the Yan people, the two countries quickly concluded an alliance.
"This is fate, haha." Xie Yu'an sighed with a smile, "Who would have thought that after the Yan Kingdom lost its two princes, a Pingxi King immediately rose up.
I know that King Pingxi once went to your Qianguo Palace to meet your official family alone. "
Meng Gong also smiled and said: "I also remember that this King Pingxi once rode in the same carriage with your Majesty the Emperor of Chu, and even wrote a poem for your Majesty the Emperor of Chu."
They both burst into laughter.
Sometimes, I have to lament the change of fate. A fry that slipped through the fingers of a big man back then has grown to this point in the future.
"We can't suffer any more losses this time." Meng Gong said as he picked up the tea.
"It's natural. If we lose again, we won't have to wait for the Yan people to recuperate before taking action. Our own courage will be shattered in advance."
"Yes, but this time, we still have to see whether the Yan Kingdom's Nanmen Pass commander will cooperate with us."
"Yes, I, Fengchao Internal Guards, have already conducted an investigation on this person. He was from Nan'an County in the capital of Yan State. He worked as a merchant and later killed a moneylender for his brother.
Later, he was sent to the Jin Dynasty as a prisoner. He climbed up step by step by relying on military merit. He was also appreciated by two Yingdu prefects, and then he became famous.
For a person who has drowned in water, in the future, as long as you give him a rope, he will hold on to it and climb up at all costs.
Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill a concubine for merit.
After he became the commander-in-chief of Nanmen Pass, he wanted to integrate these small countries in advance for Yan's use to achieve his own achievements. This time, let's give him this opportunity. I bet on his character. Even if he takes chestnuts from the fire, he will definitely do it. Those who are willing to step forward and give it a try.
This is still a golden opportunity, haha. "
"The Yan land is rich in people like this." Meng Gong said.
"Ha ha."
Xie Yuan nodded, then shook his head,
"The Yan people took their Prince Pingxi as an example, but they didn't know that Prince Pingxi lived a truly comfortable life. They can't learn this."
"Be comfortable but not suffer any loss." Meng Gong added.
"If you can be great, you can be great in all walks of life and have great abilities. When you reach a certain level, you can live a more comfortable life and you don't have to look at other people's faces anymore.
Why are you talking about King Pingxi again, haha.
You know, we are avoiding him this time.
In the early years, the Yan State had King Jingnan, who was really difficult to defeat. Later, the Yan State had King Pingxi, and it was still difficult to defeat him;
right now,
We have learned well,
Why do you have to fight against the most powerful people in the Yan Kingdom every time? If you pick and choose, you can always find a soft persimmon. Find the soft persimmon first and find your temper first. "
"What you want to pinch is not just a soft persimmon." Meng Gong said.
"Pinch one or a basket depends on fate. For example, during the last war between Chu and Yan, floods caused disasters, which caused hardship to the Jin people and made the Yan people's logistics difficult, but it also allowed the Yan people to take advantage of this opportunity to change the waterway. Enter Chu.
What's this,
This is fate.
The people of Yan have been following things smoothly for many years, and they cannot always be so smooth.
Man's plan and God's will bring success, just look at it. "
Xie Yuan stood up,
Patting his trouser legs,
With emotion:
"The tide has turned, it's our turn."
at night,
There was a knock on the door outside the house where I was already asleep.
The maid who was attending the bed got up and opened the door.
When the door was opened, she fainted.
Xie Yuan sat up from the bed and said:
"Don't be so harsh in the future."
"Young Master, are you feeling distressed?" the old man asked.
"No one will help me carry the chamber pot at night."
Xie Yu'an waved his hand, sat down at the coffee table, poured himself a glass of water from the teapot, and after drinking half the cup, he habitually picked up an orange on it.
After the old man came in, he also brought a man with him, shopkeeper Xiao.
"Meet the young master."
Shopkeeper Xiao saluted Xie Yuan.
"Oh, why are you here?"
Shopkeeper Xiao immediately explained the matter.
"Eat less oranges to protect your eyes?"
Xie Yuan looked at the half-peeled orange in his hand, smiled and shook his head.
"He must not know that I don't like to eat oranges, I just like to peel them."
Shopkeeper Xiao suddenly remembered that that man seemed to also like to peel off the cakes and feed them to others. Last time the blind man peeled off the cakes, he served them to Boss Dai.
But he didn't dare to continue answering.
The old man said: "Young Master, the Yan people have already understood our plan in advance, are you right now..."
"No, they are not from Yan, they are just Pingxi Palace. Since when did Pingxi Palace represent the Yan Kingdom?"
The old man was speechless for a moment.
Xie Yuan threw the orange meat to Shopkeeper Xiao.
At the same time:
"What about the letter?"
Shopkeeper Xiao showed a bitter smile on his face and said: "After he gave the letter to his subordinates, the next day when his subordinates were about to leave Fengxin City, they were snatched away by Dai Li."
"Snatched it?" Xie Yu'an felt a little ridiculous.
"Yes, after the robbery, the man said that their husband said that you don't need this letter, young master. He has to read it first... he has to read it first..."
"What do you need to see first?"
"Let's see if you...are worthy."
And at night
(End of this chapter)

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