The devil is coming

Chapter 827 Brother Zheng, brother me

Chapter 827 Brother Zheng, brother me
Xie Yu'an was walking in the military camp. Here, he did not see the joy that he should have seen after a great victory. On the contrary, the atmosphere seemed a bit depressing.
The wounded soldiers are being treated, and all the doctors in the capital of Liang Kingdom and even the waiters at the pharmacy have been caught here to treat their injuries, but it's still... not enough.
A miserable victory,
Only when it no longer exists literally and falls into reality can we truly feel the bloody cruelty hidden behind it.
Xie Yuan met his father,
Dad was sitting on a wooden pier, his shoulders were bandaged, and his lips were clearly cracked.
Xie Yuan always felt that his father was a "living treasure" and he was very concerned about his image;
The words can be vulgar and the behavior can be vulgar, but the appearance must be refined and decent;
But now, Xie Zhuguo couldn't care less about this.
Xie Zhuyang also saw his son walking towards him.
He wanted to laugh, but cried instead.
My son is precocious. A long time ago, he, as a father, has been unable to show off in front of his son. Spanking is the last remaining extreme expression of this father;
Sometimes, he even worries that when his son grows up, will he abdicate in favor of others?
The old guys in the family seem to be looking forward to this.
When it comes to power, the Xie family is like a local emperor. Logically speaking, he should be struggling. The reason why the prince's life has always been difficult throughout the ages is because his existence has affected the authority of his father.
However, I am only a single seedling.
After a great victory, the winner was still the Yan Army, and the elite of the Yan Army. He could have shown his heroism to his son, but when it came to the end, he couldn't stop crying.
Son, I am afraid after my father is well;
Son, dad almost couldn’t see you;
These words were not spoken out loud, but his expression betrayed everything.
As a father, he doesn't feel that there is any shame in showing such true feelings in front of his son, because he knows very well what his status and image in his son's heart are.
Xie Yu'an stepped forward, opened his arms, hugged his father's head, and patted him gently:
"Dad, the battle is over, the battle is over, don't be afraid, don't be afraid anymore."
Xie Zhuyang burst into tears, not caring about the looks of the family members around him.
Of course, everyone is somewhat accustomed to the expressions of the father and son in front of others, and the soldiers who followed the family leader and experienced this war can actually find a resonance in these cries.
Xie Zhuyang cried for a while, and after stopping, he blew his nose with his son's clothes.
"..." Xie Yu'an.
Sitting up straight, the soldiers handed over a basin and towel, and Xie Zhuyang began to wash his face.
Xie Yuan took off the outer layer of clothes.
"Be careful of catching a cold." The father said with concern.
Xie Yu'an shook his head, took a cloak from the old man and put it on himself.
Xie Zhuyang snorted and said, "I'm not sick in bed yet. It seems that I can't expect you to be at your bedside in the future, treasonous son."
"Dad, if our family really has to rely on me to serve you at your bedside, you probably won't be able to survive those days, so you might as well leave early."
" seems right."
"How are the casualties?" Xie Yu'an asked the most important question.
Xie Zhuyang gritted his teeth.
"Yangou, you're all fucking crazy!"
Hatred of the enemy is actually the greatest praise for him;
People can always show tolerance and tolerance to their defeated enemies more easily, and if not, it means that they are really in pain.
"Everything is actually planned." Xie Yu'an began to peel oranges, "From the time the Yan people came in to the time we closed the door, it was all planned;
Moreover, we have calculated half of it accurately, but the Yan people themselves have calculated the other half for us.
In the past, this was the treatment of the Yan people. I, Chu Qian, and the original Jin State were all like such idiots. "
"Son, I've calculated the consequences, but if I hadn't..."
"Dad, you have to get used to it. You have to get used to continuing to fight like this. If this battle continues, Dad, you will be popular with everyone when you return to the country. Our family knows that Nian Yao is not a mediocre person, but the royal imperial army led by Nian Yao can only be defeated by Yan. People are suppressed and beaten, but this time..."
"Let dad take it easy. Dad doesn't want to think about this now."
Xie Yu'an did not continue to disturb his old father who was so frightened that he could not recover. Instead, he turned around and walked towards another military camp.
The military strongholds of the Qianchu Allied Forces were merged together, and they didn't bother to separate for a while after the war. While licking their wounds, everyone's tempers tended to become more pliable.
The situation in Ganjun is not much better than that in Chujun, it will only be worse.
You could even vaguely hear some soldiers howling like crazy. It wasn't that they were injured and in unbearable pain, it was just that they were mentally disturbed.
Xie Yu'an saw Han Laowu sitting against the fence with his right eye covered.
Han Laowu was originally from the Western Army. Later, he committed a crime and was demoted from the Western Army. However, he was appreciated by the military governor of one side and made him the son-in-law of Chenglong Kuai. I don’t know how many people envied him. What kind of shitty luck.
Later, when the Yan people went south to attack Qian, the Qian army on three sides did not move. The last group of Qian soldiers who followed behind were defeated.
Han Laowu was also among the defeated army at that time. Once the army was defeated, it would be meaningless no matter how high your personal bravery was. Han Laowu could only escape with him.
In the following years, he often boasted that he fought with Prince Pingxi for [-] rounds in the rebel army, and also said that Prince Pingxi's sword skills were very powerful;
In fact, Zheng Fan did see Han Laowu at that time. He thought it was a big fish and was going to kill it with a sap. Oh no, it was a sap stone.
But Han Laowu's gesture of knocking out a Yanjun knight with one shot was so brave that King Pingxi, who was not yet the prince at the time, directly chose to give in;
Therefore, to a certain extent, Han Laowu's bragging is not an exaggeration. He is the man who once scared away Prince Pingxi with a glare!
That year, after Qian's army collapsed, Han Laowu's father-in-law organized county soldiers to try to intercept Li Bao's troops. As a result, the county soldiers naturally collapsed. Han Laowu, the son-in-law, was quite interesting. He rescued his father-in-law in the chaos, and then He took his father-in-law and fled southward.
Later, after escaping to the outskirts of Shangjing, Han Laowu helped his father-in-law organize some rebels to prepare for the king.
In fact, he did so;
At that time, Prince Pingxi, who was in trouble, had just taken a bath at the home of a rich man on the outskirts of Beijing.
At that time, the strength of the demon kings was far less than what it is now.
Baili Jian brought his sister Baili Xianglan, and the two swords came straight over.
With a sword master and a sister who was equally strong, King Pingxi was very nervous at the time, and the demon kings had already planned to block it themselves and let the master retreat first.
As a result, Han Laowu led the rebels to fight out in time, and the movement on his side suddenly attracted a nearby cavalry force from the Zhenbei Army to come to the rescue.
The world only knows that the Baili brothers and sisters turned around and fled before they could even draw a sword from the Zhenbei Army's cavalry, but few people know that if they had been given a little more time, or if Han Laowu had come out later, they would have become world-famous in the future. Prince Pingxi may be about to reveal where he is.
After the war, the Yan people withdrew their troops.
The officials took this opportunity to remove the three old husbands in one fell swoop and began to take over the government.
Because everyone performed badly in this war, they could only choose the taller ones among the short ones.
After Le Huan was defeated, he gathered his defeated soldiers and took the initiative to harass the Yan army from the rear. Although the gains were not big, he did take action.
Although Han Laowu was defeated again and again, because he brought his father-in-law with him, countless other northern feudal officials abandoned their offices and fled. Only Han Laowu's father-in-law persisted in the resistance war and was commendable for his loyalty and bravery. After the war, Instead of being demoted, he was promoted to the central government;
Han Laowu's future has naturally been further protected.
In the recent battle,
General Ran, who was used as bait, did not choose to join forces directly after receiving the reinforcements. Instead, he chose to lead his army to bypass Wenming Mountain to the south. After defeating a Liang army there, he advanced towards the capital of Liang Kingdom. .
This can be called Ran Min's wisest choice since the beginning of this war, because the prison has been formed, and his rush to join forces can only make it easier for the other party to build a fence.
Since the other party wants to trap and swallow me, then I might as well mess up this battlefield first!
After Li Fusheng, who led his army into Liangdi, learned of Ran Min's movements, he for the first time did not call him a thief who killed his wife.
In fact, no one publicized the fact that Ran Min killed his wife. Zheng Fan didn't know it, and Xu Wenzu didn't know it. But what can I say, there are some things that people with high status can see at a glance.
Then when the prince's palace is full, he goes to assassinate your wife, the leader of the inspection department?
Is this because you are afraid that you will be slapped in the face if you don’t keep your words?
You know, you know, but because Ran Min was later recognized and recommended by Xu Wenzu and promoted by the emperor, no one dared to talk about it and ridicule it like Li Fusheng did.
The one responsible for intercepting Ran Min's department was Han Laowu.
When Xie Jiajun moved north to suppress Li Fusheng's troops,
Han Laowu then marched in front of the capital of Liang Kingdom;
The first hearty confrontation since the war began was between the two of them.
In Han Laowu's first battle, after holding on for two hours, his subordinates began to collapse and were defeated.
Ran Min led his army to continue to advance towards the capital, but Han Laowu reserved a group of troops at the back. After gathering the defeated soldiers, they formed another line of defense. This time, they only lasted for more than an hour before collapsing again.
But after that, they actually reserved a group of troops to gather the defeated army into formation again. This final formation was almost as thin as a cicada's wings. Han Laowu also knew that if they were defeated again, they would be completely unable to recover. .
Therefore, he rushed forward to kill him personally, with three hundred close followers closely following him. He hit the eye with an arrow, pulled out the arrow, swallowed the eyeball in his mouth, and continued to charge with a gun.
At the critical moment, General Pu, who was stationed in Wenming County, immediately sent troops after noticing Ran Min's movements. He joined the battlefield at the critical moment and came out from behind to cover up the attack.
After the fierce battle, Ran Min's tribe had suffered a lot of losses, and the soldiers were also very tired. Their previous bloody bravery was inspired by the arrival of reinforcements, but in the face of this army that was like brown sugar, they were really out of energy.
In fact, if it weren't for the shortage of soldiers and horses under Ran Min's command, as long as there were more soldiers and horses, more troops could be allocated to pursue the escape, and Han Laowu would not have the chance to reorganize his subordinates one after another.
In the end, as General Pu fought out, Ran Min's tribe was defeated.
The plan to disrupt the situation and rhythm failed, and they could only lead the remaining troops to seek closer ties with Li Fusheng's troops.
Xie Yuan stood in front of Han Laowu and stared into his eyes for a long time.
look, look,
Han Laowu smiled,
"But he is very powerful."
Han Laowu pointed to his one eye and said: "Wherever I go to have a drink in the future, people will have to ask me how my eye is, so I can talk to them properly, which is equivalent to bringing a dish to go with the wine."
"The general is heroic."
"It's okay to thank Zhuguo, man."
"My dad is crying in the tent right now."
There was no joking in Han Laowu's laughter;
After his battle, the merged Yan army fought for several days, and its leader Li Fusheng finally chose to strike first.
This may be due to the pride of the Yan people and their unwillingness to lose;
Or perhaps it was Li Fusheng's own character that he only liked to get things straight away;
Perhaps, in Li Fusheng's opinion, instead of retreating in such a roundabout way and being intercepted and reduced by the Qian-Chu coalition forces along the way, it is better to go in the opposite direction, charge forward, defeat the coalition forces in the south, and make the remaining coalition forces fearful. You can be more at ease with yourself.
The real center of this prison is actually Xie Jiajun.
Xie Jiajun's position can make Yan Jun extremely uncomfortable no matter which direction he is around.
When the Yan army attacked Chu, Zheng Fan was ordered to lead his army to attack the camp where the Tengjia soldiers were stationed. It was also for similar reasons. The formation, formation, arrangement of soldiers and horses, and the entire situation were not dead things, they were alive. You have to pull out the array eyes to break them.
This was the second fierce battle, which lasted for a full day and night.
Xie Jiajun relied on the fortifications that had been built long ago and relied on the camp to exert the peak combat power of Dachu's infantry to resist the Yan army's charge.
Trenches, traps, and antlers were filled with human lives by both sides less than half a day after the war began. What followed was actually exchanging human lives for human lives.
Before Xie Yuan came here, he had just passed by his camp. The atmosphere in the camp was actually the most realistic portrayal of that battle.
Although Xie's army only had more than 2 soldiers and horses, firstly, the head of the family personally commanded them, and secondly, more than [-] soldiers were also elite members of the family, with excellent armor and well-trained training.
The Yan people used their own shortcomings to attack my strengths, and they were still able to exert such momentum.
To the end,
For the Yan people, it was really just a little bit worse. Just when Xie Jiajun could no longer hold on any longer, and the family leader Xie Zhuyang was also injured and had to fight to the death to protect him and retreated, the main force of the Qian Kingdom finally arrived.
Le Huan's troops and an ancestral army led by Zu Dongling launched an attack on the Yan people from both wings.
In the plan,
This third battle should be the final decisive battle. The Qianchu coalition forces will eat up the main force of the Yan army here, and even completely bury the Yan army here.
But Yan Jun’s method of cracking it is also very simple.
The two supporting troops, led by their respective generals, fearlessly and almost knowingly knew death, forcibly blocked the rear, blocking the main force of the two main armies and preventing them from completing the encirclement. The army created an opportunity to retreat from the battlefield.
This kind of arrangement, this kind of decision, sounds simple, it is just a matter of cutting off the tail to survive, but in practice, it is difficult to reach the sky. Not only the generals below are willing to die to cut off the tail for you, but even the soldiers at the lowest level are willing to sacrifice. You will die for your handsome flag.
Normally, once the general intends to give up on you, or wants you to "sacrifice" in this way, what awaits the general is that his troops will instantly lose morale and even mutiny.
The Qianchu coalition forces really didn't expect that the Yan army could be so fierce. The expected encirclement and annihilation failed in the end.
Li Fusheng, who had lost all hope of a comeback, had to order the remaining troops who had left the battlefield to retreat.
The route they took when they came in was not Lion's Head Pass, but they broke through several military strongholds in succession, because the local troops stationed there were Liang's local troops;
They don't need to fake defeat. In their current state, they can basically only be used as a trap;
But when Li Fusheng came in, the way he came was blocked by Ganjun, who had to fill it up again.
In this state, if they are blocked on their way back, what awaits the remaining troops will be the complete destruction of the entire army.
Therefore, Li Fusheng chose to lead his army to take a detour to Wenxin Lake.
As a result, Meng Gong, the commander of Qian Guo's troops, personally led the Chinese army to sit here, and it seemed that he was sure that the Yan army would eventually come from here.
This was something that even Xie Yu'an hadn't expected. Of course, he didn't feel any frustration about it. After all, Meng Gong had fought against General Nian, and his father had done the same thing when he was working under Mr. Thornface. Known for being good at defensive battles.
This is a defensive battle, but if used in reverse, it can trap people to death.
The complicated battle situation finally became completely clear at Wenxin Lake.
The Yan army must break through the Chinese army where Commander Meng Gong's flag is before they can leave Liangdi and return to Nanmen Pass, and Meng Gong must hold on here to completely determine this victory!
The alliance between the two countries of Qian and Chu has gathered here, and the heroes have gathered together. After careful planning, if Li Fusheng escapes, it will naturally be called a great victory to the outside world, but in fact, everyone knows in their hearts that this is really not a win!
The Yan army was like a trapped beast still fighting, with a strong will to die;
To be precise,
This Yan army, from the beginning, has never given up in a fight, no matter what the situation is, no matter how powerful it is!
And at the critical moment of the fierce battle, a group of four thousand light cavalry suddenly came out from the rear. This was Li Fusheng's backup force. Before entering Liangdi, he reserved a group of soldiers and horses to make a detour around Wenxin Lake. , to have a backup plan.
Li Fusheng was really impulsive, but he was still capable of fighting.
This move is very similar to when King Pingxi led his army to fight against the Great Chu Zhuguo Shi Yuantang under the city. King Pingxi stood on the handsome chariot and held on for a while. After that, Jin Shuke led a cavalry in the most appropriate and most effective way. At the critical moment, he entered the battlefield and completely turned the situation around.
Li Fusheng was almost able to repeat the classic of Pingxi King.
But at that time, Zhong Tianlang, the young marshal of the Zhong family, the Prince Consort of the Great Qian Dynasty, one of the four generals who was once ranked alongside King Pingxi, regarded King Pingxi as his real opponent;
At this time, the cavalry led by the Western Army appeared, intercepted and surrounded the light cavalry of the Yan Army.
The only large-scale cavalry field regiment in the Qian Kingdom was in his hands. After swallowing up this Yan army's surprise troops who were exhausted when they entered the battlefield due to roundabouts, Zhong Tianlang led his army and smashed into the extremely stalemate. battlefield.
It is said that
After that war,
The reeds in Wenxin Lake were dyed red, and the corpses of soldiers from both sides filled most of the lake.
The Yan people are very strong,
Do not,
To be precise,
This Yan army is really strong.
Back then, the same general, the same group of backbone soldiers, and more than [-] cavalry were able to kill directly at the foot of Shangjing City. This was by no means an accident.
It’s hard to imagine how we can subdue them if we give them an environment where the sky is high and birds can fly.
There is a reason why the Yan people have been invincible in all these years.
There are not many Yan people with such a strong army and such strong generals.
Xie Yu'an walked into the commander-in-chief's tent and saw Meng Gong sitting outside, looking like he was basking in the sun.
Meng Gong was hit by an arrow in his leg.
At that time, the Yan army had already rushed under his commander's flag. This was the most dangerous moment;
Once the commander's flag is moved, the morale of the military will inevitably fluctuate, and the consequences will be unimaginable.
Fortunately, he withstood it.
"Thank you sir."
"Meng Shuai."
This was not the first time that the two met, but this was the first time that Xie Yu'an called Meng Gong "handsome".
In fact, the commander of the coalition this time is Meng Gong. Xie Zhuyang, the great Chu Zhuguo, should have the same status as Le Huan and Han Laowu. However, Xie Zhuguo is very proud, and Meng Shuai did not do anything for the sake of overall stability. A matter of establishing prestige.
Over the years, the Yan people suppressed Gan Chu and beat him severely, but the Yan people just looked down on the Gan people. It was the Chu people who really enjoyed humiliating the Qian country.
In the end, it still depends on your true ability.
"The boy wants to go in and meet him."
Meng Gong nodded, pointed to his handsome tent behind him, and said:
"It should be so. Only by respecting the brave can more braves be born on our side."
"Is this why Meng Shuai rehabilitated the father and son in Mianzhou City?"
Back then, King Pingxi first entered Mianzhou City and beheaded the prefect. The old man who went up against the march and shot the barbarians one by one in an attempt to stop the barbarian soldiers and finally died in the battle, and the old man who could have survived but was on the city tower His son who shot the arrow;
After the war, he was identified as a spy.
It was Meng Gong who personally wrote a letter to vindicate them and at the same time rebuilt the tomb.
Meng Gong shook his head and said: "This is not a glorious thing, and there is no need to mention it again."
Xie Yuan nodded and said, "Yes."
Xie Yuan opened the handsome tent curtain;
In the center of the commander's tent, on the white tiger fur sleeping fur that should have been given by the official family of Qianguo where Meng Gong stayed, lay a general wearing black armor.
The armor was so damaged that it was difficult to find a larger piece of it that was intact.
Although there is no blood on the body that has been wiped, the large and small wounds all over the body are also shocking;
Weibo Li Fusheng, the tiger of Yan State,
In the final life-and-death battle at Wenxin Lake,
He personally led the camp,
Shouting "Those trapped in the battle will die or live", he was the tip of the spear of the entire army, piercing the Chinese army where Meng Gong was stationed 18 times!
The most recent time, Meng Gong was hit by an arrow, and the commander's flag was right in front of him. He almost used this fierce energy to lead the exhausted army and almost pierced Meng Gong's waiting army!
Even if he fell into the final desperate situation, the soldiers around him did not leave him, and constantly surrounded him to protect his wolf king.
Meng Gong also walked in at this time,
Looking at Li Fusheng "sleeping" on his bed, he said to Xie Yu'an:
"Before he died in the battle, he shouted something while holding a knife."
Xie Yuan asked: "What are you talking about?"
he shouted:
"Brother Zheng, my brother, I am really satisfied with killing you this time!"
Xiaolong is here to wish everyone a happy New Year!
I can write another chapter tonight.
(End of this chapter)

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