The devil is coming

Chapter 826 The sky collapses!

Chapter 826 The sky collapses! (big chapter)
It is normal for children of this age to cry a lot. The prince also cried when he first came to Prince Pingxi's Mansion. Then in the rest of his life, he became more and more energetic and no longer looked like a little adult like before. The same feeling of depression lingers;
In the previous palace in Yanjing City, as the eldest grandson of the emperor, he had to pay attention to his image as the eldest grandson of the emperor outside. At home, he also had to understand some of the emotions shown by his father, especially when facing the emperor's grandpa, he clearly felt deep in his heart. I am afraid, but for the sake of my father and the future, I have to find a way to make Grandpa Huang happy;
While other children at this age still only care about being naughty and having fun, he has already begun to be forced to work;
Other people hold it in their hands for fear of dropping it and hold it in their mouths for fear of melting. But with him, he made it clear early on: Son, father and son, we have to work hard together.
After the emperor's grandfather passed away and his father ascended the throne, he changed from the heir apparent to the prince. The emperor's grandfather's departure did not take away the existing depression. Instead, the originally invisible shackles gradually became tangible. ;
He began to doubt, he began to be wary;
The children were holding a handful of lucky money in their hands, and they had to look around vigilantly for fear of someone coming to snatch it. What's more, what the prince was holding was not just lucky money.
On the contrary, everything seemed to have changed after arriving at Prince Pingxi's Mansion.
Early on, Prince Pingxi held Tiantian's brother in his arms and asked him if he liked the clothes on the prince's body. During the crowning ceremony, he even asked himself to follow behind and continue to hold Tiantian.
The prince knows what disrespect is and what the Tian family is. Logically speaking, he should be afraid, he should be afraid, and even, he should hate. Because of Prince Pingxi's various actions, the seeds of hatred were sown early.
But unfortunately, he didn't.
People are different from each other. In fact, the ideas of Guizhou head and wealthy children, wealthy children and noble children, wealthy children and Tian family children, and Tian family children and princes have been folded countless times.
When the prince discovered that the thing he was most nervous about became insignificant here, and that Prince Pingxi didn't regard him as the prince at all, but just as a "trailer" who was fostered by a friend's family, he felt much more relaxed in his heart. , and feel a lot more comfortable.
Oh, it turns out that I am nothing special, haha, that’s great.
The only one who suffered was probably Tiantian;
His godfather has no taboos, but as an older brother, he is always used to worrying about the people around him. In Siniang's words, if he grows up at this pace every day, he will definitely be a "warm man" in the future.
Tiantian felt pity for him. Ever since the prince's younger brother moved into the house, Tiantian hadn't had the "Dragon Chair" flavored Shaqima for a long time.
The prince is still crying, it's just a game, it's just an accident, but for some reason, he just can't stop his tears, he just wants to cry;
He couldn't stop crying, but he felt very guilty for Tiantian, who had been comforting him by his side, and said:
"Brother Tiantian, please let me cry a little longer. It will be fine when the water in my body is dry."
The metaphors used by children are often somewhat nondescript;
At least this sentence sounded to Tiantian's ears, as if this younger brother had been greatly wronged and would not give up until he cried like his godfather.
"Brother, be good, be good. If you keep crying, it will rain. If it rains, you won't be able to come out and play."
"Brother lied to me, where did it rain?"
"Sir, it's raining."
Ran Min waved his hand and refused the guard's offer to let him into the house.
Looking around, with this small village as the center of the circle, under the rain curtain, there are all the soldiers under his command.
A living person cannot suffocate to death, and Qiu Ba cannot really starve to death.
Qiu Ba starved to death, not because there was no food and grass in the army, but because there was no food and grass in the surrounding area.
This army, which rushed here quickly in the hope of finalizing the outcome, naturally could not carry too much food and grass;
When King Pingxi was in Xueguan, before each expedition, he would first give the soldiers bone soup and stuffed steamed buns to keep them full, and then serve them with enough fried noodles for the people and beans for the horses, enough salt cloth and bacon, etc.;
But after all, that was King Pingxi and his military expedition pattern. In the early years, every time King Pingxi led his army on an expedition, he basically pawned all his family assets in the hope that he would redeem them twice after winning the battle. Now, the family assets are It becomes calmer when it becomes thicker.
The armies in other parts of Yan State did not have such detailed and sufficient war preparation details, and Ran Min sent out soldiers immediately after receiving the request for help from the leader of Liang State. The soldiers prepared their own food according to their own experience and set off on the road.
The general believed that this battle only needed the word "quick", and the soldiers below did not think that the Liang rebels would be any opponents. It was equivalent to a horse racing tour.
However, the problem of food and grass can also be supplemented by looting places. Ran Min can do this without any psychological pressure.
Neither Xie Yu'an nor Liang Guoguo's Prime Minister could secure the wall and clear the country in advance. First, it was too late, and second, doing so would inevitably scare the snake.
The problem of food can be solved temporarily, but the room for advancement and retreat of this army is constantly being compressed.
In addition to the defenders of Wenming County who continued to hold on, Liang Jun also appeared from the north and south sides of Wenming Mountain.
Liang Guogang had a coup, and although the new king tried his best to appease the army after he ascended the throne, at this time, except for General Pu's army, the rest of the Liang army had almost no combat effectiveness.
Ran Min didn't care about the threats from the two Liang armies. In fact, his sentry cavalry could force the opponent to stop and cause chaos. If he wanted to, he could concentrate his troops and rush towards the Liang army. It would be easy to overwhelm them. one thing.
But the problem is,
What happens after you defeat them?
After overcoming those in the north, they had to take a detour through Qishan Mountain to return to Jin. However, the terrain of Qishan Mountain was dangerous. If the Chu people had been prepared, they would have had no choice but to let the mermaids kill them.
After overwhelming those in the south, is it possible to continue south to the capital of Liang?
Three days have passed, and the Chu army is still moving one stronghold every day to implement oppression at its own pace. Liang Jun has also moved out, which means that the coup in the capital may have been settled long ago;
Ran Min was not naive enough to think that after he led his army to the capital of Liang State, someone would open the city gate to welcome the king's division to assist him.
But if the two Liang armies continue to be left alone, even if they use two moves to waste the chess, they still occupy the chess position. In response to Xie Jiajun and Wenming County, a prison cage has actually been formed.
Generally speaking, this is the method used by the government and the army to suppress bandits, ambushing from multiple sides, suppressing from several sides, and finally trapping the bandits. After all, as far as the government is concerned, if it cannot annihilate the main force of bandits, it means failure, and the fish that slip through the net will soon be able to To pull up the rebellious team;
As long as an experienced county captain in any county can use the county's government officials and civilians to set up a similar battle.
What makes Ran Min even more desperate is that,
His hesitation, his waiting, and his hesitation have made the rope around his neck become tighter and tighter.
Reason told him that the best decision at this time would be to leave the Wenming Mountain boundary, head east, break through the Chu army's interception, walk around Wenxin Lake, bypass the Lion's Head Pass, and then return north to Jin;
But his sensibility told him that if he went this way, the best result would be that he could bring back half of the soldiers. In other words, at least half or even more than half of the soldiers would have to be lost in this huge roundabout in the face of interception;
And when he thought of the wetlands of Wenxin Lake, he was repelled by the insecurity of not being able to take advantage of the Yan cavalry.
Losing troops and returning generals is a crime. The coup of Liang State once again fell to Chu State, which meant that the four-nation alliance that he had previously planned and managed came to nothing. These two crimes are enough to completely knock him into the dust. The best result is to be transferred to a certain place in the mainland. Let's serve as a useless garrison in the fort.
This is the most unacceptable thing for Ran Min!
reach out,
Wiped the rain off his face;
Ran Min twisted his neck hard,
His hesitation is not hesitation, and his waiting is not waiting;
Because he always knew what he wanted to do and what he should do,
That is:
"We can only take risks."
Meng Gong stood in front of the map, pointed at the map behind him, and said to the many generals present:
"Everyone, this is the only way to fight this battle!"
Sitting below are the new generation generals who have been promoted over the years;
Han Wu, Le Huan, Zu Dongling and Zhong Tianlang;
Since the end of the Three Kingdoms War, the Jin Dynasty was destroyed. Because it is gone, no one will laugh at it anymore. Only Qian, even though it has not lost an inch of its territory, has always been the target of ridicule by all the Xia countries.
As for the formation and training of the new army led by the officials of Qianguo, in the eyes of other countries, it is nothing more than old wine in a new jar. A hundred years have passed, and the sea has changed, but the army of Qianguo has firmly maintained its useless attitude. Tradition.
"The bait for Ran Min's section has been prepared. Next, let's wait for another movement at the South Gate of Yan Kingdom."
Meng Gong used his fist to hit the south gate of the map hard.
"What if the Yan people don't come out?" Han Wu asked.
Le Huan directly denied: "No, the Yan people will definitely send troops to rescue. The Yan people are arrogant, especially since they have been invincible in recent years. They regard other countries' soldiers and horses as children. The Yan people will not allow themselves to bury a whole life like this." We sent troops but gained nothing.”
Meng Gong smiled and said, "The Yishan uncle who was originally stationed in the Sushan camp in Jin was once an old subordinate of King Jingnan like the Prince Pingxi. Although this person is not as good as the Prince Pingxi, Although he inherited the mantle of King Jingnan, he still used his troops cautiously.
After the commander-in-chief of Nanmen Pass led his troops out of the pass and rushed in, it stands to reason that Yishan Bo Chen Yang from Sushan Camp should take over the defense of Nanmen Pass and formulate a battle plan to the south.
But now, the imperial envoy sent by the Emperor of the State of Yan was having a fierce fight with Yishanbo. The latest intelligence showed that the imperial envoy even threatened to stop the supply of grain and grass and demanded that Yishanbo's generals submit. "
"Isn't this too stupid?"
Zu Dongling smiled.
Han Wu, Le Huan, Meng Gong and others did not follow the ridicule.
Zhong Tianlang said: "Back then, the civil servants of my country were much stupider than this."
When it comes to holding things back, the civil servants of Qian Kingdom say that they are the second best, but no one really dares to call them the first.
"Yan people are also human beings, and the imperial court of the Yan Kingdom is also a imperial court. Just because things have gone smoothly in the past few years does not mean that the Yan people will not make some mistakes. It mainly depends on whether we can seize this opportunity.
Counting the days, Li Fusheng's troops should be arriving at Sushan soon.
Li Fusheng has always been nicknamed "Crazy Devil" and he likes to kill;
When he was in the desert, he just slaughtered the barbarian tribes from top to bottom, leaving no one alive; later he moved his troops to the command of King Jingnan. During battles, Prince Pingxi liked to sit behind the scenes and strategize, while Li Fusheng was just the opposite. Personally lead the charge into the camp.
Yishanbo was ignored. According to Li Fusheng's temperament, when he heard that a Yan army was trapped in Liangdi, his first reaction must be...excitement.
Eating a Ran Min is a great victory, especially when the Yan people are now at their peak;
But for us, it is not enough. One Ran Min is not enough to shock the Yan people. This time, we will bet on our luck. If Li Fusheng is really like that Ran Min, he will lead his army to come at full speed in an attempt to rescue. ;
Then let's
Let’s have a real dog fight behind closed doors!
Although this battle was fought in the Liang Kingdom, it is related to my national destiny in the future. The momentum of the Yan people must be fought here!
The fight can't go on, or something goes wrong again,
Let’s not talk about Liang Guo first.
Wei, Qi, Zhao and other small countries may not completely surrender to the Yan people.
There is no room for failure in this battle! "
The generals stood up immediately:
The guards came in with tea, and the previous tense and chilling atmosphere was dissipated a lot.
Meng Gong also walked down, put his hands in his hands, and said:
"We are also destined to be together. When Prince Pingxi attacked Mianzhou City for the second time, I was the one who defended the city. Then it was Marshal Zhong who led the Western Army cavalry in pursuit;
Later, when the Yan people went south, the Pingxi King was in Li Fusheng's tribe;
At that time, it happened that my army was marching north to stop the attack;
Our army was defeated,
The leader is Zu Tongzhi's brother;
Han Tongzhi and Le Tongzhi were also among them, and they were defeated. "
When he said this, the generals present did not show shame or anger on their faces, and no one blamed Meng Gong for not opening any pot at this time.
Because many years have passed,
With the rise of King Pingxi step by step,
Even the defeated generals back then can still say that I fought against King Ping Xiwang back then;
This can be regarded as some kind of qualification.
Zhong Tianlang's next words made the atmosphere in the handsome tent really cool down.
He said:
"It's a pity that Zheng Fan is not at Nanmen Pass."
Han Laowu poked the gap between his teeth with his nails, as if drinking tea could get stuck in his teeth;
Le Huan lowered his head, as if sleepiness suddenly came over him;
As the nominal commander-in-chief of the Qianguo army,
Meng Gong said bluntly:
"On this point, Mr. Xie and I agree. If King Pingxi is in charge of Nanmen Pass, what we are thinking about now is not how to fish, but how to withdraw our troops to avoid this net. ."
Zhong Tianlang, who is the consort of Daqian, said disdainfully:
"Is it possible that if we encounter Zheng Fan in the future, we will have no choice but to run away?"
Han Laowu said with a smile: "Young commander, don't be anxious, you have to eat the food one bite at a time."
Le Huan nodded and said: "Let's have a big victory first, let the sons and gentlemen regain their energy, let the people and the princes in the court let the officials know that the Yan people are not invincible.
Later, when we face that King Pingxi, we will truly feel confident. "
Zhong Tianlang was still unconvinced, because he had never been defeated from beginning to end. He was even just one step away from killing Prince Zheng Fan of Pingxi who was still on guard. If he caught up that time, there would be no future success. King Pingxi.
However, what Young Marshal Zhong didn't know was that it was actually twice.
That time was closer, because when he led his army into Yan, he asked someone for directions, and the person he found was Prince Pingxi at that time. Moreover, he also shot King Pingxi with an arrow, but it was blocked by a stone in King Pingxi's arms. .
If Marshal Zhong had the good tradition of Prince Pingxi, he would have to touch the body and go up to touch the body after killing someone;
Then, the legend about King Pingxi will probably end prematurely that night.
At this moment, a messenger rushed to the commander's tent:
Report from the front, Tiger Weibo of Yan Kingdom..."
"Li Fusheng adjusted his defense?"
Prince Pingxi was drinking tea while saving tobacco leaves for himself;
"Yes, my lord, the defense was adjusted in a hurry. The notification document should have been issued later."
Prince Pingxi's Mansion in Eastern Jin Dynasty can be said to be a war zone, and Yingdu can also be considered a war zone. Each war zone has different factions and different military compositions. But after all, they are all carrying the "Black Dragon Flag" now, and the deployment of the army will inevitably be advanced. Notify the other party so that the other party can make corresponding adjustments.
In most cases, advance notice is required.
"Where did it go?"
"It should be heading west."
"It can't be that he was transferred back to Yandi, right?" Zheng Fan said with a smile.
"There was news a while ago that the imperial envoys of the imperial court encountered a lot of resistance when they took back the military power of the Jingnan Army, especially Chen Yang, the Bo of Yishan in the Sushan Camp.
This news was mentioned in Xu Wenzu’s private letter to your Lord.
Therefore, the subordinates guessed that Li Fusheng's town should have gone to defend Chen Yang's Sushan Camp. "
The exchange of letters between Yingdu and Fengxincheng was very frequent. Of course, Zheng Fan didn't even bother to read Xiaoliuzi's letters back then and asked the blind man to reply. Naturally, he was too lazy to read Xu Pangpang's letters.
Anyway, after the blind man has digested and absorbed it, I will give him a brief summary and inform him, that is enough.
Regarding matters west of Shanxi, the palace has been keeping a cool attitude for a while;
Firstly, the main focus of the palace is on Chu Kingdom and Xueyuan. After all, these two places are the real key points;
Secondly, Ji Laoliu was so interesting. He knew everything about what should be thought of and what should not be thought of. The prince was sent to him to raise, so he had to sell him to save face no matter what.
This is actually a tacit understanding between the imperial court and the West Palace to digest and divide the Jingnan Army system.
"I know Chen Yang's temper is quite explosive. He won't be convinced by anyone except Lao Tian."
"Haha, my lord, I think that the imperial envoy's behavior may have intensified the conflict, but this is inevitable. Firstly, decentralization is more likely to be feared and hated than family property. Secondly, the imperial court has been After delegating power to military leaders and local governments and suddenly starting to change things, the people in charge will inevitably become handicapped."
"Well, by the way, I read in Jin Shuke's report that there is some movement on the Chu side. The soldiers and horses have begun to shrink, and the civilians are also recruiting."
"My Lord, I have paid attention to this matter, but I am not good at military affairs..."
"There are no signs of large-scale mobilization of troops or transportation of grain and grass. It means he is not here to attack us. Instead, he seems to be wary of us attacking him.
Did the wind blow outside again? "
"No subordinates."
"No? Hey, this is strange. I am preparing to stay at home peacefully with my pregnant wife. Why does Chu Ren think that I have nothing to do to beat them again?"
"Perhaps a routine transfer?"
"No, although there is no sign of large-scale mobilization of the army, and Gou Moli in Fancheng did not report that the Chu people still planned to attack him, but the mere conscription of the army by the people is equivalent to starting war preparations. Even if there is no war, the daily consumption of materials is still very large, you should know this."
"So, I know that the Chu people may have a little more money after receiving the funding from Qian Guo, but I don't think that the funding from Qian Guo will allow the Chu State to build freely like this. Gan Ren's milk will also Not that much.”
"My subordinates will tell you to go ahead and let our spies investigate as much as possible."
"Well, it's better to find out. My uncle-in-law, although he is always beaten on the head by me, I have never underestimated him."
"Yes, it's always right to be cautious. In addition, my lord, there is something I need to report."
"Say, cough..."
Zheng Fan lit the pipe, took a puff, coughed, and then put it aside. He couldn't get used to smoking.
"My subordinates have recently been eyeing someone. There is a Xie family in the Four Pillar Kingdoms of Chu. The Xie family has a young master who is called Qianliju."
"You can do it as you see fit, but there's no need to be suspicious, otherwise we'll be like the villains. We'll have to deal with any unparalleled geniuses wherever they appear, haha."
Zheng Fan didn't pay much attention to this matter, after all, he didn't have a single character.
The blind man stopped nagging about this matter, and changed the topic, saying: "My lord, my subordinates have observed that there has been a lot more rainfall in the summer in Jin this year."
Zheng Fan shook his head and said, "Is there going to be another disaster?"
"This is not serious. Firstly, it is definitely not as serious as the year when the whole country attacked Chu. Secondly, the river construction of Wangjiang was also completed with the participation of the fifth prince. If there is no problem with Wangjiang, the problem of floods will not be too big. .
The main reason is that the subordinates feel that the weather will be more extreme this year. The official letter sent by Xu Wenzu also contains a prediction from the Yingdu Qin Tianjian that this year's winter may come earlier and may be colder. "
"Ha ha."
Hearing this, Zheng Fan laughed.
When he was assassinated on the Wangjiang River, according to Zheng Fan's temperament, a monk could escape but could not escape from the temple. He was supposed to have a bloodbath in Qintian Prison, but who knew that Yingdu had finished it in advance, so that was all.
"Let those Qi masters become weather forecasters, which is a professional counterpart."
Think about it,
Zheng Fan realized something and said to the blind man:
"Snow Field?"
"My lord is wise."
The snowfield is already a harsh environment, especially in this extreme weather. If Jindi is just a little suffering, then a large area of ​​the snowfield will starve to death and freeze to death.
If the environment is poor and the economic structure is poor, the ability to resist risks will naturally be poor.
According to the usual script, such conditions would force the tribes in the snowfield to unite and plunder south to obtain supplies for survival. Even if they couldn't grab anything, the death of a group of people could alleviate the crisis in the snowfield;
In fact, the Yan people are very familiar with this. In the early years, once there was a large-scale natural disaster, the older Yan people knew that the barbarians in the desert were coming and they had to be prepared.
If all the Xia are unified, and the snowfields and deserts are also surrendered, and everyone is one country and one border, the sun rises in the east and rains in the west, and if one side is in trouble, it can be overcome with support from all sides.
But the problem is that now there are different systems, so naturally I can’t give you an advantage for nothing. If you don’t give it to me, I can’t survive, so I have no choice but to rob it.
"On the snowfield, prepare in advance. We can increase our efforts on immigration."
"Yes, I understand. I will come up with a complete plan and present it to the Lord for your review."
"That's not necessary. I can rest assured that you can do your work. If you have any problems, just go to Siniang and discuss it;
There are only two, one is to continue dividing them and not allow a second Savage King to appear in the snowfield. The second is, for those nobles who are willing to come in, we can relax some review conditions. "
“Besides, before anything happens, let’s raise the price to buy it from Xueyuan first, and then sell it back after winter comes;
Alas, I'm worried that the people in the snowy plains don't understand the principles of long-lasting water and savings. Isn't it a bit holy to add a guarantee for them in advance? "
"The Lord is always so kind."
"Then you need to remind me more, I know you don't like Our Lady."
"Yes, my subordinate understands."
"In the past, I always felt that I would be bored if I stayed at home for a long time, so I just wanted to go out for a walk, or even fight or something like that. Now I feel quite excited about being at home."
Zheng Fan picked up the pipe he had put down earlier and started tinkering again.
"My lord, since you're not used to smoking, there's no need to force yourself."
"I'll try it again. This pipe is quite well made. I don't want to give it up and just use it as a decoration. Oh, by the way, I heard that our shop in Fengxin City has started selling tobacco."
"Yes, my lord."
Nowadays, Wu Shi Powder is mainly popular, especially among Gan people. In many places, tobacco is still used as wormwood to ward off evil spirits.
"Turn it off, smoking is harmful to health."
"Yes, my subordinates know."
"Come on, Huo Zhezi is there, light a fire for me."
The blind man picked up the fire stick with his hand and helped the leader to light the fire again.
Took a breath
Zheng Fan put it down again and said:
"It doesn't taste the same as the cigarettes you made for me."
"This subordinate has some spices in it."
"You've got your heart set on it, that's all, admit defeat, admit defeat."
"Ha ha."
"I went to listen to the child. I used to feel stupid when I saw fathers putting their ears on their wives' bellies, but now I realize that it's me who is stupid."
Zheng Fan stood up,
"Haha, every time I think about my children, I can't wait."
"I can't wait any longer, you straight bitch!"
"Ran Min, that wife-killing loser, waste, waste, Da Yanerlang's face has been completely humiliated by him. He also said that he has already restrained the main force of the Chu army and asked me to cooperate with him inside and outside to defeat the Chu army!
This unworthy person has other abilities besides stepping on women to get to the top! "
"Tell that stupid imperial envoy that I didn't send troops to wipe his ass. Don't think that I don't know about the things he did. I was afraid that the reputation of my Dayan Cavalry would be ruined, so I was willing to lead my sons out. From Guan Nan!"
"Tell that bitch Uncle Yishan again that he was born in Qiuba. Don't forget your duty. Don't think that no one can take care of him now that Prince Jingnan is gone. Since he dares to claim to be sick but can't get angry, In the future, someone will definitely make him paralyzed in bed and unable to get out of bed!
Who can't imitate his mother's Qianguo? When did I, the big Yanerlang, learn to fight in a nest? "
"Straight bitch."
Li Fusheng's eyes began to turn red, he was really holding it back.
Last time, I thought I could win the battle, but Zheng Zheng fought so well. He was prepared for everything, but in the end he was completely fine.
This damn feeling of being about to enter the alley but being forcibly interrupted almost made Li Fusheng crippled.
This is just great,
There will be a battle to fight as soon as the troops are transferred to defense, hehe.
Li Fusheng said to his generals:
"Miss Chu's skin is itchy again. Come on, let's go and relax their muscles and bones!"
"Everyone, after hiding for so long, it's time to relax your muscles and bones!"
Meng Gong was dressed in armor and stood under the commander's flag. After receiving the news that Li Fusheng's troops had left the pass and marched towards Liangdi, the commander's flag of Qianjun was raised.
"Actually, it's not important how our bones and muscles are. What's important is that before leaving, the officials once warned me. The officials said that Daqian's muscles and bones have never been truly strong since a hundred years ago!
For hundreds of years,
The Yan people have been showing off their power to us in the north, and they have trampled the faces of our country and our people to the ground time and time again.
I'm going to do it,
There is a style of culture that surpasses all other summers!
I'm going to do it,
There is the most fertile area in the world!
I'm going to do it,
It is the land where Zhuxia originated!
But only,
My son-in-law is the most ridiculed by everyone in the world, and we are the ones who laugh!
The Yan people went south,
We are all defeated, watching the Yan people's cavalry knocking at the gate of the capital to ask me!
The officials are working hard to govern, promising us high officials and generous salaries, and appointing us to have high residences and high titles. The civil servants have long been holding back their anger.
You earned it by yourself!
this battle,
We want to tell the Yan people in the north that the days of being bossy to our country are gone forever!
this battle,
We want to tell those civil servants that the world is about to change. The officials have helped us stand up, and we will never allow ourselves to lie down again!
This battle,
must win! "
"Sir, are you sure of winning this battle?"
The newly enthroned leader of the Liang Kingdom sat at the bottom, while Xie Yu'an sat at the top.
"Why, Your Majesty is afraid?"
"I...I'm scared."
The king is a bit younger, but he is still older than Xie Yuan, but there is a big gap between the two in aura.
"Now that the matter has come to this, what else can I say except to go all out? Or, what does Your Majesty want to hear from me, a foreign minister?"
"I, I just want to seek some comfort from the young master."
"Yes, in these years, my father and the Yan Kingdom have become very close. In these years, the Yan people have been fighting in the south and the north. The kingdoms of the Xia, no, even the barbarians and barbarians, if they dare to provoke, they will There is no one who has not been given by him...
It is said that once the Yan people's cavalry charge up on the battlefield, it will be like a mountain falling apart, which is frightening. In this situation, the soldiers simply have no courage to resist them. "
Xie Yu'an smiled and said: "Your Majesty, the Yan army currently besieged in the Wenming Mountain area is just an ordinary one among the Yan army, not an elite one.
But now, the Yan army that has been dispatched, and may have already entered Liangdi, is led by General Li Fusheng. In his early years, he was one of the seven generals of the Zhenbei Hou Mansion. Because of his bravery in battle, he was praised by the Yan State. The emperor named him Hu Weibo and named him after the name of the county of Yan State, which is enough to show his status in the Yan army.
In his early years in the desert, he killed desert barbarians who were frightened by the news. He once led only [-] iron cavalry and penetrated all the way to Ganren's Shangjing City. Next, although his light was overshadowed by King Pingxi of the Yan Kingdom, almost all of the Yan Kingdom He participated in every battle and was at the forefront, which can be said to be a great achievement.
He likes to personally lead the camp and lead the battle. When there is a war, he will take the lead and inspire the soldiers. Therefore, his subordinates are the best at fighting vicious battles!
Looking at the Yan Kingdom, perhaps at this time, apart from the troops directly under King Pingxi, the most skilled in fighting was the town of Li Fusheng. "
The leader of the Liang Kingdom had a panic look on his face. He was not pretending, because after forcing the first leader to death, there were still two princes left in the palace. He was chosen over his brother because he looked more useless.
"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.
Your Majesty, you can take a look at the map in front of me. "
"I...I have seen it a long time ago."
This is the map of the Liang State. Of course, not only the Liang State is in it, but also the surrounding Wei, Zhao, and Qi states, and the Liang State is in the center.
"Your Majesty, take another look. Is there any difference?"
"I...I'll take a look again."
After looking at it carefully, the king pointed to the red ink on the map and said: "This is the Lion Head Pass of my Daliang, this is the Wenming County of my Daliang, this is the capital of my Daliang, why are they all circled in red ink? "
"anything else?"
"This is the border pass between the State of Qi and the State of Liang. This is the Chiayi City between the State of Wei and the State of Liang. This is the Three Mountain Pass between the State of Zhao and the State of Liang. They are all circled in red ink. This..."
"The State of Zhao is willing to stand by Chu Qian this time, and the State of Wei and Qi are both at the same time. They dare not offend the Yan people, but they also agreed that the two gates will be closed when the time comes.
Here, here, and here, all the soldiers and horses of the Qian Kingdom have already set up camp here early.
right now,
Just wait for that ferocious tiger to come in. As soon as he comes in, we will close the door and hold on to avoid the battle first to wear down the Yan people's energy. Even the most ferocious tiger will wilt after being locked in a cage for a long time. .
Until then,
Only then will our army of Chu Qianzhi officially begin to close the net. All the soldiers and horses will advance together to suppress the exhausted Yan people and force them to fight a decisive battle with our Qianzhi and Chu coalition forces! "
After hearing these words, the leader of the Liang Kingdom looked at the map, and an iron cage immediately appeared in his mind.
The king couldn't help but marvel,
"This fighting method is very wonderful. In this way, the Yan people's cavalry will lose the opportunity to move. Wonderful, wonderful!
Mr. Xie, you are truly a god! "
Hearing this, Xie Yuan smiled "haha".
This is not a magical method. It is not even a clever tactic. Since ancient times, when facing an enemy dominated by cavalry, the strategically defensive side will use this method to deal with it.
First rely on the strong wall to wear down the opponent's energy, then use multiple troops and horses to attack together to compress the opponent's space. Finally, force the opponent to use precious cavalry to fight with you, and then defeat it!
It's troublesome, but who says people with four legs have more?
Moreover, my own four legs are not as good at playing as others' four legs.
Similar tactics have been rehearsed countless times in the Ministry of War of the Qian Kingdom over the past hundred years. The Qian Kingdom has always been inferior in terms of armaments, but the Qian Kingdom has a vast territory and rich resources, and there is no shortage of smart people. This is how the three sides came to be. ;
If the Qian people had not established the trilateral system back then, the Jin state might not have been the first to be destroyed. Most of the Qian state had long been annexed by the Yan people. Whether they could retain a small and peaceful court in the south of the Yangtze River depended on luck.
But no matter how good the tactics are, no matter how good the plan is, no matter how good the plans above are, if the people below can't execute them, it means nothing.
Xie Yuan took out an orange,
Started to peel it off,
"In this kind of land, it takes an old farmer to guide the young men, so that they can detect the pests in the field and watch the changes in the sky; when doing business, it takes an old shopkeeper to take care of the young men, so that there will be no problems.
The same goes for a troop of soldiers and horses. The old soldiers must be the skeleton and the new soldiers the skin and flesh, so that the hips will not stretch;
The same is true for a country's soldiers and horses. Only a few who can fight, a group of assistants who play drums, and a group of servants and civilians to cheer them on can the military power be strong.
The Yan people have been too smooth over the years. Except for the battle of Zhennanguan, General Nian made the Yan people have to chew the soil for a long time. The rest of the time, the Yan people won too happily.
This time, I will cut off Yanren's arm first! "
The Yan people seem to be in great power now, but if a fierce general like Li Fusheng and the soldiers and horses under his command lose one or two more, the Yan people will soon lose their confidence! "
"Yes Yes Yes!"
The leader of Liang Kingdom clenched his fists and affirmed.
Xie Yuan glanced at him again. The battlefield of this Three Kingdoms War was in the Liang Kingdom. You can imagine what the people of the Liang Kingdom will encounter next, but thinking about it, the new king will not go there again except to keep his dragon throne. Don't worry about anything else.
Xie Yu'an did not eat the peeled oranges, but brought them to the king's mouth. The king opened his mouth, ate it, and said with a flattering smile:
"Sir, the oranges you peeled with your own hands are really sweet."
Xie Yuan ignored the flattery from the king.
Instead, he gently patted the back of his hand with orange peel.
The letter that the blind gentleman from Prince Pingxi wanted to give him and take back...
"What was written in that letter?"
The leader of the Liang Kingdom asked doubtfully while swallowing the orange:
"What is what?"
"What's to the south?"
"Are they refugees?"
On the city wall at Nanmen Pass, the garrison was wondering.
At this time, it had been some days since Hu Weibo led his army on the expedition, but the south had not been able to send back any news.
The grain and grass prepared later are also being transported to Nanmen Pass. At the same time, perhaps because he has not received any news from the south, Yishan Bo Chen Yang, who said he was ill and was staying at home, seemed to have a premonition and put down his relationship with that person. With the idea of ​​continuing the confrontation, the imperial envoy mobilized part of the soldiers and horses of Sushan Camp and began to take over the defense of Nanmen Pass.
And the imperial envoy who had caused such a big fuss in the Sushan camp that the Sushan Camp almost mutinized and almost failed to end, received a decree from the emperor, in which the emperor scolded him.
The emperor was still very clear-headed. The imperial court wanted to centralize power and strengthen control over the army, not to forcibly dismantle the army with such harsh means.
Therefore, after learning that Uncle Yishan had come out, the imperial envoy rarely came out and stayed in his cabin and never came out again.
On the contrary, Zhou Furui, the governor of Litian City, led the team of the governor's mansion and rushed here from Litian. They were almost at the south gate.
The prefect and Xu Wenzu were almost at opposite ends of the spectrum. Xu Wenzu was known as a resolute and resolute person in Yingdu, while Zhou Furui was a standard official. In the earliest confrontations between Yi Shanbo and the imperial envoy, he stayed away from the confrontation without a face. To show off, now that the emperor has taken action, he is "late in coming".
There are some things,
It has already happened and cannot be changed.
Nanmen Pass sent soldiers and horses to explore south, and the reported news was shocking. Those who appeared south of Nanmen Pass were not refugees, but Dayan's defeated army!
After Yi Shanbo heard this military intelligence report, he vomited a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth;
After learning the news on the road, Zhou Furui fell directly from the Pi beast;
The imperial envoy named Xu who is in the imperial envoy's camp is currently depressed and unhappy because of the emperor's scolding orders, and feels that he is being "shined down by the bright moon in the ditch".
While drinking to soothe his sorrows and waiting for the court's next move to divert him from his career,
I received this military report,
Immediately it was like being struck by lightning,
A look of horror instantly filled his entire face.
This person is almost suffering from a demonic disease.
Just kept mumbling:
"How is it possible... how is it possible..."
The news from the south was like a thunderous explosion, and immediately began to spread in all directions.
And this one,
There are two ways of delivering messages the fastest, that is, Dayan, where the messenger rides a wild animal to deliver the message, which is the real eight-hundred-mile rush.
One goes from Nanmenguan to the west,
One goes from Nanmenguan to the east,
Start racing at all costs.
The messenger entered Yanjing,
The bell in Yanjing City rang;
When the Li bell rings, it means either someone in the Tian family has died, or there is a war outside. Moreover, it is a defeat, a defeat that is enough to ring the Li bell to alert the people of Dayan.
The death of a Tian family member will sound different numbers of sounds depending on the level, and for the latter, there are only three sounds;
For a time,
The entire atmosphere in Yanjing City instantly fell into depression and solemnity.
Today, Eunuch Huang, who happened to be holding his own birthday party outside his residence, was summoned by His Majesty;
When the clock rang, Eunuch Huang immediately overturned the wine table for the guests, scolded them for having the nerve to eat and drink at this time, and at the same time threw out all the gifts given by the guests.
As a father-in-law, he understands the sensitivity of politics better.
However, when he was summoned to the palace, although Eunuch Huang was anxious and nervous, he did not think that after the departure bell rang, his majesty would accuse him because he happened to be hosting a birthday banquet today.
Entered the imperial study room,
I found a group of high-ranking officials sitting inside.
The emperor sat on the dragon chair with a gloomy expression.
Huang Eunuch immediately knelt down,
"Your Majesty, slave..."
A decree hit Eunuch Huang directly on the head.
"Go to Jindong quickly and ask King Pingxi to take charge of the overall situation!"
(End of this chapter)

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