The devil is coming

Chapter 825 Entering the Urn!

Chapter 825 Entering the Urn!
Xie Zhuyang was sitting on the city gate building, drinking tea. What he was drinking was what Prince Pingxi of the Yan Kingdom loved most and would definitely point out when talking about tea ceremony... Daze Fragrant Tongue.
The head of the Xie family is one of the Four Pillar Countries. Although his family is not one of the four great nobles of Chu, in terms of heritage and accumulation, it is only higher than other great nobles.
Without him, low-key.
The head of the family who dared to directly call His Majesty the Emperor of Chu, Xiong Laosi, and who almost raised an army to rebel against the Xiong family the year before last, was definitely not mentally ill, but rather, had the confidence to do so.
The Xie family is actually closely related to the Helian family in the Chu region. The Helian family also has the blood of the barbarians. It is said that when the Marquis of Jin opened the land of Jin to drive out the barbarians, he was the first barbarian general to serve under his tent. Although the ancestors of the Xie family were not Shanyue However, as the first great nobleman to be entrusted to southern Xinjiang, the Xie family had intermarryed and assimilated with the local Shanyue people very early;
Xiong Tingshan, the fifth prince of Chu, almost became a heretic because he married a Shanyue woman, but the Xie family had been doing this for hundreds of years.
The Shanyue tribe in Wutong County has been resisting fiercely, and this is how Xiong Tingshan relied on to make a fortune. However, the Xie family's position and its territory are much peaceful after all, because the local Chu people believe that the Xie family is one of their own, and the Shanyue people I also think that Xie is one of my own.
After the Emperor of Chu came to the throne, he lifted a series of restrictions on the Shanyue tribes, hoping to absorb the power of the Shanyue people for use by the Chu court. In fact, the Xie family had been doing this secretly for a long time.
Thinking that after Qu Tiannan sent away the main force of the Qingluan Army in Yupan City, Qu was able to immediately organize another Qingluan Army at home and let the young master Qu Peiluo continue to send it away, we can see this inheritance. How terrifying is the accumulation of nobles for hundreds of years?
Of course, there is another thing. If Prince Pingxi stands here and watches Xie Zhuguo drink cup after cup of Osawa Fragrant Tongue, he will be able to have a deeper understanding of Xie's heritage;
Damn, he must have become resistant to medicine after drinking too much!
The father is drinking tea,
As a son, lie there and apply medicine.
"Dad, it's good that you're here."
"My son is not at ease when it comes to Zhennan Pass. I, Da Chu, have already conquered the Three Pillars Kingdom in the hands of King Pingxi. I'm really afraid that you will also conquer it, just in time for a table of bamboo cards."
Xie Zhuyang nodded and said: "Yes, Dad is also afraid. Some things are so evil. Dad is thinking that if King Pingxi is really destined to be his destiny, then if Dad steps forward, wouldn't he give it to others? Has it been served to the table?"
"It's better to be here." Xie Yu'an said.
"Dad only brought [-] soldiers, and the rest are still looking after the house."
"That's enough. I'm going to take care of others this time. We, the great Chu, will just play along."
"A dry man can be relied upon, and a sow can climb a tree."
"The pigs are certainly annoying when they run all over the mountain, but they are still quite well-behaved when they are in the pig pen."
At this moment, a guard came in from outside and reported:
"Master, young master, the beacon fire in front of us sends a message that the Yan army has arrived at Shi Sui Fort!"
Xie Zhuyang nodded, stood up, and was about to walk out when he hesitated, looked at his son, and said:
"How about, together?"
"Yeah, I thought you gave me a call just to find an excuse to keep me safe."
"You think about your father too carefully. Why don't you take Qianliju with you at home?
If you are really unreliable and you are rolled down by the Yan people, the Liang Kingdom will probably be turned upside down. If you are with your father, he can easily take you back to the Chu Kingdom. "
Xie Yu'an sighed and got out of bed.
Before leaving, I took away two oranges on the coffee table.
"Man, was it you who shouted?"
Standing on the tower, Xie Zhuyang asked his son.
Xie Yuan rested his hands on the battlements. Unknown to anyone, he thought he was anxiously looking at the enemy situation from the north, while the guards knew that it was the young master's butt that couldn't touch the stool now.
"How did you expect that he would definitely come?"
From the past few years, Xie Zhuyang has become accustomed to asking his son when he encounters things he doesn't understand, and he will probably listen to his son's advice. The two times he didn't intend to listen, his son forced him to hold the egg with a knife. Changed it back.
"Eager to perform meritorious service, with just these four words, the Nanmen Pass Commander-in-Chief of the Yan State was able to climb from a little person to where he is now because he wanted to climb up. And today, his end is also because he wanted to climb up too much. Climb up.
Success is the same, failure is the same. "
Xie Zhuyang nodded and said:
"After going to the Weihe River, my father once read the military intelligence reports on the last time King Ping Xi of Yan State drove straight into Fan City. When Nian Yao was there, his commander developed a habit of reviewing every battle of his opponent. The plate is okay, I picked up a leak for my father.
When King Ping Xi led his army into Chu, the vanguard army was the key. "
After all, the leader of the vanguard army at that time was the Savage King.
“The vanguard opens the way, covers the battlefield, and marches quickly. There is still a group of servants and horses left at Zhennanguan, which can also be used as backup in critical moments.
Look at the general of Nanmen Pass. From the military report, he did nothing. He only focused on leading a lone army towards the capital of Liang Kingdom. "
After King Jingnan left, King Pingxi undoubtedly became the main research object of other country's generals. Furthermore, the last battle of Fancheng was not that long ago, and there were too many things to ruminate on.
For Xie Zhuyang, after recalling the handiwork of King Pingxi in leading the army, and then looking at Ran Min who was about to arrive, although they were both Yan generals, the gap was really so big that it made people uncomfortable.
Xie Yuan said:
"You are reviewing it after the fact. You probably already regard Ran Min as a turtle in the urn. Although my son thinks so too, if we look at it from the perspective of Commander Ran, in fact, he did not do very well. Miscalculate.
When Prince Pingxi marched, he was in our Chu land. The military fortresses and counties were densely packed, and they were all from Chu.
During the march, General Ran was surrounded by soldiers and civilians of Liang State. For the Yan people, Liang State was their vassal state. Marching in Liang did not feel like marching in a foreign country at all.
What General Ran received was my forged document asking for help from the king. If the Yan people don’t even look down on me, Ganchu, how can they look down on Liang Guo?
Moreover, when the political situation changes, people's hearts are often the most volatile at the beginning, and there are most external opportunities to take advantage of, making it the most suitable time to intervene.
Ran Min led his troops and horses, as long as they could reach the capital in time;
If the leader of the country has put down the rebellion, he can also lead his army into the capital of the Liang Kingdom and insert the Yan people's black dragon flag into the heart of the Liang Kingdom, just like what Prince Pingxi did in the past.
If the king of the country is still in a stalemate with the rebels, he can act as the magic soldier descending from the sky and settle the affairs of the Liang Kingdom in one fell swoop, which is a great achievement.
If the leader of the country has just lost, the rebels have just come to power, and the people below are unstable, Ran Min comes, and with the tiger skin of the Yan State, he can turn the sky of the Liang State upside down again. This is true. Rebuild the universe.
Therefore, he is not really "underestimating the enemy and rushing forward", but he is the best choice in his position. "
"But you still guessed it?" Xie Zhuyang looked at his son and said.
Because when Ran Min received the request for help, the coup against the leader of the Liang Kingdom had not yet occurred. It can be said that his son made plans before acting, and was very comfortable.
"I only dare to guess him. If the opposite party is King Pingxi of Yan State, I won't dare to guess, because guessing is useless."
Xie Zhuyang slapped his son on the back of the head.
"Your mother can't do it, but my aunt can."
Xie Zhuyang took a deep breath and said, "Dad, can we stop doing this, with so many people watching?"
Xie Zhuyang looked around, and all the guards lowered their heads.
"Come on, tell me, what would happen if it was King Pingxi?" Xie Zhuyang urged.
"King Pingxi is not in a hurry. He will mobilize a few troops and horses to lead the way, call on the other countries to cooperate, and then use his own king's control to slowly press forward step by step.
There is no need to fight. The Liang Kingdom will surrender immediately. At the same time, it can also announce to Wei, Zhao, and Qi who is the real suzerain state.
The difference is that,
The name is different, the prestige is different, and the other is that in Ran Min's view, the meritorious service that is worthy of grabbing at all costs is not worth mentioning in the view of Prince Pingxi.
Fishing requires the use of bait. I prepared bait for Ran Min, but I couldn't prepare a bait that could make Prince Pingxi take the bait. "
"Alas." Xie Zhuyang also sighed and said, "I went to the other side of the Wei River and found that many people from the Chu region had begun to secretly flee to the Jin region."
"We have to win. We have to muddy the waters. We have to go on step by step. There is no hope for us."
"Report!!! The Yan army has passed Yong'an Fort!"
"We're almost there, Dad, we can close the door now."
"Dad knows that you're just sitting here?"
"Yes, I still have to cooperate with the soldiers and horses of the Qian Kingdom. Ran Min has taken the bait, and I have to use him as bait, haha."
Ran Min led his army on a long-distance attack without encountering any obstruction along the way. Even the last barrier to the north of Liang's capital city, the Lion's Head Pass, its defenders took the initiative to open the gate and let go when they saw the arrival of the Yan army flying the black dragon flag. Yan Jun passed.
After passing Shitou Pass, continuing to the south is the capital of Liang Kingdom, to the east is Wenming Mountain, and to the west is Wenxin Lake, the largest lake in Liang Kingdom.
The lake is very wide, which also means that the reed marshes and wetlands are also extremely vast.
Wenming Mountain and Wenxin Lake are the most famous mountains and waters in Liang Kingdom, but at this time, Ran Min has no intention of enjoying the beautiful scenery after summer.
He wanted to reach the capital of Liang State as soon as possible and put down the chaos there. He had even thought about how to publicize his and Dayan's prestige to the world just like Prince Pingxi did when he entered the Jin State Palace and Yingdu. Extreme!
However, just when Liang Guoguo could almost see the capital, a red cloud appeared on the horizon.
The romance of the Chu people is most vividly reflected in the armor of their army, while the Yan people are indeed much more rigid in this regard.
Xie Jiajun began to advance in an orderly manner. The shield soldiers, spearmen, crossbowmen, sword and axemen, and even the cavalry on both sides totaled a thousand cavalry, forming an extremely neat and rigorous sense of order.
Perhaps the most frustrating thing for the Chu people is that since the war with the Yan people over the years, their real elite infantry phalanx has not actually fought against the Yan people seriously.
Of course, this is mainly because the Yan people will not give this opportunity.
But now,
The only road to the capital of Liang State was blocked.
Ran Min opened his mouth, and the dispersing cavalrymen kept reporting to him, the general, on the military situation ahead;
This is a Chu army because the opponent has already raised its banner.
The Chu army appeared in the Liang Kingdom. This was important news.
Ran Min's mind began to calm down quickly;
He did not give orders and went directly to the formation. Faced with that kind of meticulous formation, no enemy general with a right mind would want to fight in the most primitive way to see who has the stronger head.
He ordered his lieutenant to lead a group of troops back, while he led his troops and began to prepare for the upcoming charge.
Xie Zhuyang continued to follow his own rhythm and ordered Xie Jiajun to start steadily stepping forward to apply pressure.
The pressure brought by Dayan's Black Dragon Flag is indeed unimaginable, but the advantage of private soldiers is that when their family leader is by their side, they can withstand most of the fear.
This relatively static confrontation lasted for a long time.
Ran Min waited for his lieutenant to return,
The Lion's Head Pass, which had let him in before, chose to close it when faced with the Yan people's call to open the door again. At the same time, he also shot and killed several Yan Army knights.
The feeling of being in an urn came over me all of a sudden.
Ran Min gave the order and his troops began to charge into the formation.
The contact between the two sides presented an extremely classic confrontation between cavalry and infantry phalanxes.
The Yan army tried to squeeze the Chu army's formation with constant oppression, while the Chu army showed their fangs to the Yan knights and began to further actively compress the space, hoping to stick to the Yan cavalry.
The soldiers on both sides were very nervous. After all, they were the front-line fighters, but the generals on both sides were exceptionally calm.
Ran Min saw that the Chu army was only trying to expel and block his steps;
Xie Zhuyang saw that the Yan army was not determined to defeat the enemy;
After the Yan army's two charges failed to shake the Chu army's formation but forced the Chu army to close the contact distance, the Yan army chose to move eastward.
The Wenxin Lake Wetland to the west would trap the Yan army's horses in the mud, rendering them useless and turning them into a liability.
But, heading east...
Xie Zhuyang did not order a quick pursuit. Instead, after asking his subordinates to consolidate the battlefield, he continued to march at the original pace. He neither chose to return to the capital of Liang State nor to explore further, but advanced some distance to the east. Later, at dusk, the order was given to build a stronghold.
The distance between the two sides was not too wide. After all, the Yan people rushed over and fought with the Chu army. Now they were also short of men and horses, so it was impossible to move too far at once.
After nightfall,
The scouts on both sides took advantage of the cover of night to kill happily, temporarily blocking out the countless chirping of cicadas in the summer.
In handsome tent,
Xie Zhuyang received the latest report from his sentry.
There were many sentries in the Yan army, heading north.
"Okay, got it."
Xie Zhuyang waved his hand, supported the handsome table with his hand, leaned his head, and fell asleep slowly.
Completely opposite to Xie Zhuyang's dreamy atmosphere, Yan Jun was in a dilemma at the foot of Wenming Mountain.
In Wenming County, the defenders were Liang Jun, but there was a banner with the word "Pu";
This is an elite Liang army that once fought with the Chu army in the Qishan Mountains, but at this time, here, under the leadership of the surrendered general, blocked the Yan people's way to the east.
The bonfire in front of him continued to make a crisp sound, making Ran Min's face flicker, which also confirmed his heart at this time.
The loss of the soldiers and horses under his command was not huge, but the supplies had been exhausted. In the original plan, after entering the Liang Kingdom to quell the chaos, everything would not be lacking, but now, they are in this dilemma.
It is not impossible to bypass Wenming County and continue south to the capital of the Liang Kingdom. However, when the Chu army has already appeared north of the capital, the situation in the capital of the Liang Kingdom will naturally not be what people want. Doing so will only make things worse. The soldiers and horses of their own will fall into greater passivity, and even the space to move will be lost.
The tight closure of Lion's Head Pass means that the return route may also be blocked.
Continuing eastward, walking through the Qishan Mountains, you can take a detour back to Nanmen Pass, but if you go there, you might as well go around Wenxin Lake.
The biggest problem is the Chu army. It stabbed it there and made it feel like it was stuck in the throat. No matter whether it advanced or retreated, it was clamped.
Ran Min picked up the water bag and took a sip of water;
He had sent people north, hoping to use the advantage of a small group of cavalry to cross the blockade and report home.
In the dark, he had a hunch that what he was doing was wrong. He was a rough man and had no musical skills, but after watching the social opera, it seemed that he was performing in the direction expected by the other party;
But he couldn't just sit back and watch his army fall into danger of destruction.
these years,
Yan people,
imperial court,
Winning has become a habit, and it can even be said that winning has made you numb, but the more it is like this, a sudden defeat will trigger a greater backlash.
In the past, it was so difficult for the eldest prince Wangjiang to recover from his defeat. How could he, Ran Min, be a fool?
"Use strength to defeat cleverness, use strength to defeat cleverness."
Ran Min said to himself,
"As long as the main force arrives, this lone force's deep penetration can become a self-made bait to lure the enemy into the situation. Dayan's chances of winning are still very high!"
Ran Min, who had just drank water, suddenly felt dry again.
Yes Yes,
At the beginning, King Pingxi also went deep into the army alone and was besieged. Then he waited for reinforcements, achieved a great victory, and achieved his first success!
Jindong, Fengxin City;
Pingxi Palace;
"Ah, Chu Nu, I am Prince Pingxi, take my life!"
"Ah, kill!"
Prince Ji Chuanye and Tiantian were playing a war game that children should play;
After guessing the game, Tiantian loses and has to play the Chu army. The prince wins and plays the Yan army, and inserts himself into the role of King Pingxi.
In the land of Yan and Jin, many children fight every day over who will play Prince Pingxi.
The prince held a wooden knife and rushed towards Tiantian.
Tiantian began to retreat, not because he was afraid of fighting because of the prince's identity, but because he knew that he was playing the role of a Chu person. Chu people had no choice but to escape!
But the prince Xu was too excited and too involved. When he was "chasing" Chu Nu, he tripped and fell to the ground, and the wooden knife flew out.
Tiantian hurriedly came over and helped the prince up.
The prince cried;
"If you don't cry, brother, don't cry. Brother will take you to find the big snake to get its scales."
The prince shook his head and said:
"I actually lost. How could Yan Jun lose..."
(End of this chapter)

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