The devil is coming

Chapter 824 Dad is here

Chapter 824 Dad is here
The leader of the Liang Kingdom was leaning on his dragon chair. The hall in front of him was filled with the corpses of palace maids, eunuchs and guards. They died in miserable conditions.
At the entrance of the main hall, a group of palace guards who were supposed to be loyal to the king pointed their weapons at the dragon chair.
In the hands of the king, there was a sword, with blood dripping from the sword.
He was a little confused and melancholy. Maybe this inelegant sitting posture at this time was his last bit of stubbornness.
A handsome young man pushed a wheelchair and slowly walked into the palace. Sitting in the wheelchair was the old Prime Minister.
Another coup occurred in Liang's palace;
Everything seems to be back to the past.
The monarch looked at the old prime minister in the wheelchair. At first, he was standing with him, but at that time, the former monarch was also sitting here blankly.
Fate, like a circle, goes around and around, and returns to this point, leaving a lament: things are different and people are different.
"His Majesty……"
The old Prime Minister shouted.
The king's eyes narrowed slightly, he dropped the sword in his hand, sat up slightly and said:
"Does it have to be like this?"
The old Prime Minister pursed his lips but did not answer.
The king spoke again:
"Why don't you speak frankly to me?"
The old Prime Minister shook his head and said: "My three sons are all involved. I have no choice."
"Ha ha ha ha ha……"
A sad smile appeared on the king's face, and he patted his thigh gently.
"I seem to feel that I am a joke. No, I am actually a joke. Otherwise, you would not have helped me to overthrow the imperial brother and support me to ascend the throne."
The old Prime Minister nodded and shook his head.
Xie Yu'an released his hand holding the wheelchair and took out another orange. Perhaps the smell of blood in the hall was too strong and he needed some orange scent to dispel it.
"At first, I had my own thoughts. Anyway, the Liang Kingdom was usurped once, and I don't mind if I usurp it again."
More than a hundred years ago, the dry land was divided into several countries, one of which was called "Liang";
The Liang Kingdom was the most powerful among them. The leader of the Liang Kingdom at that time was an outstanding figure in the world. He worked hard internally and actively developed externally. He even paid no attention to the threats posed to him by the three kingdoms of Yan, Jin, and Chu at that time.
The first person to raise the banner of unifying all the Xia was the leader of the Liang Kingdom. He was confident that he had that ability and indeed had that magnanimity.
But Tian was jealous of Yingcai. After destroying a country in a successful Northern Expedition, he contracted a serious illness on the way back to victory and died young, leaving behind a pair of orphans and widowed mother.
Later, Emperor Taizu of Qian State, who was originally the general in charge of the imperial army beside the leader of Liang State, launched a mutiny and forced the young emperor to surrender. He usurped the country of Liang State and changed the name of the country to "Qian".
At that time, the leader of a small country that was far away from Qian State, because he married the sister of the Emperor of Liang State, claimed that he should inherit the orthodoxy of Liang State, so he changed the name of the country to "Liang". This is what we are today. The origin of Liang State today.
What happened later was that Emperor Taizu of the Qian Kingdom destroyed many countries in the Qian Land and unified the Qian Kingdom. For a time, the Qian Kingdom was at its peak, and the Qian Kingdom was also in a stage of abundant military virtue. Then the emperor's brother succeeded to the throne and took advantage of the Yan Kingdom. On the occasion of the decisive battle with the barbarians, an army of 50 went on the northern expedition...
Some people in later generations said that the Emperor of Liang regarded Emperor Taizu of Qian as his younger brother, and asked him to be the minister of Gu Ming before his death. However, Emperor Taizu of Qian usurped his kingdom, and after that, Taizu of Qian Emperor Taizu was "taken over" by his younger brother, and Emperor Taizu's lineage had various "unexpected deaths" for more than a hundred years. It can only be said that the cycle of cause and effect is unsatisfactory.
The old Prime Minister continued:
"But what I didn't expect was that my body and bones would collapse so quickly. None of my three sons could be helped up. What I didn't expect the most was that, Your Majesty, I was better than when I chose you. Much better than expected.
I feel that, in the Liang Kingdom, it may be good to continue like this, and it will be good in the hands of your majesty. Maybe the Pu family will not have this fate.
Even if His Majesty took advantage of the fact that I was sick in the palace and started to liquidate my people, I was going to let it go, just to save the Pu family's dignity. "
"Then why..."
"I just said that if I could choose, I would choose that way, but now, I have no choice. These three unsatisfactory sons of the minister are all involved in this matter.
If I continue to do nothing,
The Yan people have won. According to the behavior of the Yan people's governor in Yingdu, my Pu family will definitely not escape liquidation, and your majesty will no longer care about the old relationship and dignity.
If Qian Chu wins, the memorial arch for the three sons will not be erected. The people of Chu will remember that I deposed the enemy of the late king. They don’t know how these three brats were played to death.
If you don't do it, you will die, so... do it.
After today, the Pu family will move to Qianguo and ask for help. They do not seek a noble position, but only want to be rich. "
After hearing these words, the king nodded and said, "That's it."
It seems that I understand.
"When we forced the emperor to death, I prepared the white silk for him. Although our country, Liang, is a small country, and although we can only call ourselves the lord but not the emperor to the outside world, we can still be regarded as the emperor after all.
The emperor should die in a way that the emperor should die, with soldiers and iron on his body. If it is not the emperor's way of dying, please return it and make the country complete. "
A guard presented Bai Ling;
While tying Bai Ling's knot, the king laughed at himself: "I thought I had everything under control, but I didn't expect that the soldiers and horses around me who should be the most trusted have always been yours.
Maybe the emperor was also so surprised at the beginning. After all, I have followed the old path of the emperor. "
The old Prime Minister looked ahead with some tiredness and said, "Your Majesty has done a good job. The troops of Liang State, except for General Pu's army, are basically loyal to Your Majesty.
Your Majesty turned to the Yan people and borrowed the Yan people's power to help him control the military power. It was indeed a brilliant move. I admire him. "
"But, ginger is still spicy after all."
The old prime minister smiled and said: "As a powerful minister, having served the kings of Liang for several generations, there should always be a few cat-and-mouse holes reserved. Since ancient times, powerful ministers rarely end up well."
Bai Ling is done.
The emperor hung Bai Ling up himself, and someone brought a chair.
The emperor's feet are on the chair,
Looking at these people standing around,
"Can you win?"
Xie Yu'an handed the orange meat to a guard beside him and said, "I can give you a chance, Your Majesty."
The hasty coup was smooth and successful.
However, it is difficult for Liang Guo's army to mobilize in a short period of time. Even if it is forcibly mobilized, it is unknown how much strength it can exert.
Even though, according to Xie Yu'an's plan, Liang's army would be treated as servants at best, it was better than nothing.
"I am the Son of Heaven."
The leader of the Liang Kingdom said,
"If you had discussed it with me in advance, I might have considered it. Now, I won't consider it. My son is still in Yanjing. As a father, I can't let him go."
Xie Yuan shrugged and made a "please" gesture.
He did not argue that you still have two sons in this palace, in their hands.
Because Xie Yu'an knew that the legitimate son was the real heir and the legal authority, and the other sons were often used as make-up.
Although there are accidents, the truth is eternal;
Don’t you see that although the new king of the Yan Kingdom was not his legitimate son, he immediately made his eldest son the crown prince after he ascended the throne?
The leader of Liang Kingdom took a deep breath,
closed eyes,
"I'm waiting for you below!"
The chair was kicked down by myself,
People are hanging on top;
Although he walked freely and freely, he still experienced struggle, resistance, ferocity, and distortion;
At last,
Not moving.
"Come on, the leader of the Liang Kingdom has died of illness. Please ask the prince to ascend the throne and make the country mourn both internally and externally!"
After shouting this sentence,
Xie Yuan pushed the old Prime Minister out of the hall.
"It's done, Sir, there's no need to push."
Xie Yu'an let go of his hand and stood beside the old Prime Minister.
"Actually, I was a little surprised. I always thought you would always lie there like this, but I didn't expect..."
"Didn't you expect me to help you win over the king?"
"I disappoint you sir."
"After all, I am not a saint. I want to do it, but I really can't do it to sacrifice my family for everyone."
"I understand."
"If I don't take action, what are you going to do?"
"General Pu is guarding Qishan. An elite team from my Xie family has already entered."
"I also guessed that back then, the entire Liang Kingdom was united to resist the Chu people, but now, it is the generals who resisted the Chu people who personally let the Chu people in.
So, busy and busy, in the past few years, busy has become a joke. "
"Who isn't?"
Xie Yuan stretched and yawned.
"Can you win?"
"At least for now, it's hard to find a reason to lose. Of course, you can't say that. Saying that, I always feel a little fussy in my heart."
"It's a hard work, too. Unfortunately, the Liang Kingdom is not as good as the Chu Kingdom. There are fewer villains in the Liang Kingdom, and the ones that come out are just cowardly people like me.
Unlike the Chu State, which had a vast land, abundant resources, and a large population, even if there were a few losers, a large number of capable people died, but in the end, there would still be people like the Young Master who could stand up and try to save the country and protect the country. "
"Oh, you can't say that. In fact, I am not that obsessed with protecting the Chu Kingdom.
My Xie family has not been tolerated by the nobles of Chu for hundreds of years and has been looked down upon. I, the Emperor of Chu, are not helpless this time and will not ask my Xie family to serve the country. "
"That boy..."
Xie Yuan took a few steps forward,
Open your arms,
"I just think that after the Yan people have cultivated and recuperated for a few years, it would be unavoidable for the Yan people to step by step and unify the world..."
"How about that?"
"It's too boring."
Throughout the ages, any coup that starts within one's own family will create a "affectionate" feeling to the outside world;
People in the world may think this is a kind of "self-deception", but after all, this is not meant to deceive the world in the first place.
The king of the country "died" of illness, and the capital of Liang State was in a state of silence.
The new king is the son of the king. According to the tradition that a country cannot be without a king for a day, he did not wait for the prince to return from Yan Kingdom to take the throne.
In this regard, Xinjun was very cooperative, because Xinjun knew that if he could not quickly stabilize the situation and hold Ganchu's thigh tightly to block the anger from Yanren, Yanren would definitely bring his brother back to kill him. The older brother is in charge.
He actually had no choice.
The old Prime Minister stepped forward to take charge of the overall situation. Relying on his own influence and established facts, there were no large-scale disturbances in the Liang Dynasty's government.
Carloads of goods from the Kingdom of Qian were distributed, and a group of surrendered generals headed by General Pu began to bribe the Liang Kingdom's army with the new emperor's imperial edict.
Of course, whether in the court or in the army, the real "die hard" elements still need to be purged. Because the time is short, the methods have to be more harsh.
Fortunately, Ganren's wealth played a great role in stabilizing people's hearts at this time.
Xie Yuan looked at the long gift list and smiled at the civil servant from Qian Kingdom in front of him:
"They say that rich people get rich, but this time, I really saw it."
"My son is serious."
"I really don't understand why Qian Country is so rich..."
That’s it for now. It’s good that everyone understands the meaning.
"For this incident, the officials even paid the inner treasury, and a lot of this was funded by the inner treasury."
"Oh, I understand, it's not easy for everyone."
"In addition, sir, the foreign minister has one thing that I have to ask."
"You said that we are allies now, so we should be honest with you."
"The foreign minister has learned that the Xie family's [-] private soldiers have entered the territory of Liang Kingdom and are heading towards the capital."
"But according to the agreement made in advance between Chu State and Wogan State, Chu State should send at least [-] Chu royal family forbidden troops to Liang to fight."
"Alas, my country, Chu, is in trouble."
"What do you mean by this son?"
"That's what it means." Xie Yu'an smiled, "Zhennanguan is in the hands of the Yan people. His cavalry from Pingxi Palace can attack on three sides after leaving Zhennanguan, passing Shanggu County, and crossing the Wei River.
You should also know about the last battle in Fan City.
Therefore, this time, in order to prevent the Prince of Pingxi from making a strategy of sending troops to involve the main force of Chu in coming back for reinforcements after learning the news here, our Great Chu has ordered all the cities and villages to be strictly guarded in advance, so that the Prince of Pingxi must be protected. The cavalry can come in, but they won't be able to scratch anything, and they won't be given the chance to threaten our capital, the Chu Kingdom.
In addition, last time our Great Chu General Nian Yao tried to take back Fan City, but you also know the outcome. The Yan people have Fan City in their hands, which is equivalent to planting a nail in our Chu land.
Once our Chu army is mobilized in advance, Fan City will inevitably be disturbed, and the news will be leaked in advance. Furthermore, our Chu army will have to garrison Qishan to prevent the Pingxi Palace from sending troops through Fan City and opening up Qishan into Liang.
In short, our Chu State must block any possibility of Prince Pingxi's intervention in this war.
Don’t you know that Da Chu lost Zhennan Pass, just like your Qian Kingdom lost three sides. The borders have become a racecourse for the Yan people, how difficult it is. "
"So, what the young master means is that this time the Chu State..."
"Yes, our Dachu army only has [-] soldiers entering Liang this time, but they are the elite of my Xie family. Let me tell you, they are not inferior to the most elite Qingluan army back then."
"What the foreign minister means is that Chu State only sent [-] troops into Liang. Then, if the Yan people come to attack, who will resist them? Is it possible for Liang's army to stop them?
It is already very difficult for Liang's army to support the Yan people without causing chaos or mutiny. How can they count on them? "
"Isn't there a large army of the Qian Kingdom? In addition to Meng Tongzhi, there are also soldiers and horses led by Marshal Zhong, Han Tongzhi, Yue Tongzhi, and Zu Dongling, the son of Marshal Zu, Zu Tongzhi?"
The civil servant of the Qian Kingdom who was responsible for escorting food and wages immediately exclaimed after hearing this:
"How can we rely on our country's army to fight..."
Xie Yuan almost laughed like a pig,
"It was you who insulted me, not me."
The civil servant had no time to pay attention to this kind of slip of the tongue and joking, and said directly: "How to fight this battle, how to fight it!"
Obviously, this civil servant of Daqian really didn't have the slightest confidence in Daqian's army.
There was nothing that could be done about it. At that time, the Yan army only sent two groups of soldiers and horses southward, probably less than [-] soldiers and horses. After bypassing three sides, they actually penetrated the entire northern defense line of Daqian. What's more, After crossing the Bianhe River and reaching the foot of Shangjing City, the capital was shocked.
Daqian's army was pulled out, and another group was defeated, and another group was drawn out, and another group was defeated. The Yan people once said with a smile that fighting with the Gan people was really tiring, and capturing prisoners all over the mountains and fields was more tortuous than rushing into battle on the battlefield. people.
Xie Yuan reached out and patted the Qianguo civil servant on the shoulder.
"Co-author, I, a Chu man, have more confidence in the soldiers and horses of the Qian Kingdom than you, a Gan man. Haha, don't worry, not all of the Yan army are heavenly soldiers and generals. If you block the Pingxi Prince's Mansion, the Yan people will chop it down with one sword. , heads will fall off, and people will die."
"Little Lord!"
At this time, the familiar old man appeared and whispered a few words into Xie Yuan's ear.
Xie Yuan's expression immediately changed,
This change in his expression almost made this civil servant of Qian Kingdom jump out of fright:
"Is Yan Jun calling?"
"no no."
Xie Yuan was too lazy to explain and hurriedly left the hall.
The gates of the Liang Kingdom's capital have been opened, and the red Xie family's private soldiers are lining up neatly to enter the city.
Xie Yu'an said that the Xie family's private soldiers are not inferior to the Qingluan army. This is definitely not bragging. Looking at the military style, you can feel the coldness emanating from these soldiers and horses.
You must know that when the real Qingluan Army formed an array under the Yupan City against the city wall, even the Dayan Cavalry led by Prince Jingnan did not choose to charge into the array.
Xie Yuan came over in a hurry and saw the figure of the general riding a black panther on his crotch;
come over,
reach out,
Touched the general's boots,
flattering said:
"Father, why are you here?"
The young master of the Xie family, who has always been smart and despised the people around him, rarely acted like a child.
Xie Zhuyang of the Xie Jiazhu Kingdom originally took over the position of General Nian and took over the royal imperial army along the Wei River, but now, he appears here personally leading the Xie family's private soldiers.
"The fifth child of the Xiong family has taken over his father's position. What the fourth child of the Xiong family means is that this incident is related to the national destiny of Dachu, so there must be no carelessness, so he asked the father to bring the son of the Xie family over to join the father-son army, haha , Xiong Laosi is very good at making calculations."
"No, that guy, Xiong Laosi, is so smart. But it's okay. Dad, you are here. My son, I feel confident in my heart. Dad, you are also comfortable in your heart. The Royal Forbidden Army is nominally yours. You are in command, but how can you really listen to your words, dad? You are still comfortable leading your own soldiers and horses, right?"
"Hehe, of course."
"Dad, my son will take you to rest."
"No, don't rush to rest yet."
"Dad, what else can I do?"
"For father..."
Xie Zhuyang leaned over, grabbed his son, who was so smart and evil, and lifted him onto the Black Panther's back.
Then without saying a word,
A big slap like a cattail leaf fan was slapped on his son's buttocks several times in a row.
"Clap! Clap! Clap!"
"Want to see your aunt's beauty?"
"Ah, daddy, stop fighting, daddy..."
"Clap! Clap! Clap!"
"I have long noticed that you are interested in those aunts of yours, as expected!"
"Clap! Clap! Clap!"
"Dad, my son is wrong. Please stop hitting him. It hurts..."
Knowing that his son did not know martial arts and was not in good health, Xie Zhuyang stopped in time after beating him.
Xie Yu'an also lay on the back of the black panther in a very shameful manner, gasping for air, with snot and tears coming out of his nose. In addition, the orange in his pocket was also smashed, and the juice burst out. He looked as if he had been beaten by his own father. After the ban, the scene was extremely shameful.
"Mom, which aunt of yours do you like? Just tell dad no. Dad can't handle it anyway. He's too weak.
Dad himself is also anxious to have a grandson. If you are really not interested in young babies like Prince Pingxi of the Yan Kingdom, then you will have a lot of wives at home. "
"Dad, then aren't we no different from animals?"
A slap, and another slap.
Xie Zhuyang scolded:
"It's better to fart than to be worse than an animal!"
(End of this chapter)

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