The devil is coming

Chapter 832 Rebellion

Chapter 832 Rebellion
There are handsome chariots, some as majestic as a mobile high-rise building, and they can't wait to compete with the arrow towers used in city defense; there are also luxurious and exquisite chariots, with exquisite carvings and elegant decorations. Compared with them, the floats in the red tents during the temple fairs in the big city are simply nothing. A coquettish bitch who has no place on the stage;
But ultimately,
The handsome chariot, the handsome chariot is in front and the chariot is behind.
A slightly more spacious carriage, with the royal flag on it, was simple to the extreme, but it did not affect it at all as it was the center of this moving torrent where soldiers and horses from all walks of life were constantly gathering.
inside the carriage,
King Pingxi himself was sitting there, reviewing the excerpts that each ministry had to submit every day.
After each army joins, its commander must follow this rule and report in detail the current situation, needs and possible problems of the army, as well as the morale and health of the soldiers, food, weapons, etc.
The handsome chariot will also reply that night to achieve a commonality between the top and bottom.
In the early years, King Jingnan led the army. The most famous thing is that he was able to handle all the details of the army. Even the "Marquis of Pingxi" who was always forced to rush to the top was, to put it bluntly, just King Jingnan. There is a "blank" left.
This kind of top-down control makes it easy to be rebellious from the military leaders below, and oneself has become a puppet on strings. Secondly, it is easy to bring the problem of "bringing the bears together" to the extreme. .
But at this time, these problems do not exist for the time being.
First of all, the soldiers and horses from Jinzhong and Jinxi recruited this time basically participated in the nationwide war against Chu. Most of them were promoted to official positions and titles, but there were really not many who retired to take care of themselves. Everyone Everyone is used to the feeling of being "controlled" and "manipulated" by the handsome accountant in all directions without blind spots.
It is said that the experienced lady in the red tent can change your position with understanding and understanding by just patting your butt.
But if you really tame these Qiuba people who are so cruel and mean-spirited that they even like to chew garlic, they will be able to cooperate more smoothly, even draw inferences from one example, actively give suggestions for you to find and raise problems, and become more obedient and obedient. It won't push the pulp.
Secondly, King Pingxi has a good teacher. No future famous general in the growth period, or the second generation who is regarded as the successor of the general, has never been treated like King Pingxi.
During the war between Yan and Chu, both sides had more than a million soldiers. King Jingnan actually allowed Zheng Fan to sit in his military commander's tent and use his royal seal to handle the affairs of the entire army for a month or two.
Even a pig can undergo a qualitative change after being promoted like this. What's more, even Fan Li would not go against his conscience and say that his master would be inferior to a pig.
In addition, the blind man who had been guarding his hometown for ten thousand years also came with the team. He, Chen Daole and He Chunlai became King Pingxi's right-hand men, re-building and operating the entire command center.
The prince delivered the tea up, and then sat back down again in a polite manner. The carriage shook slightly, and the prince looked seriously at a copy of the book that had been reviewed and sent out yesterday.
The words are understandable, but when put together, it becomes a bit confusing.
But the prince cherishes this opportunity very much. If he doesn’t understand, he just asks Tiantian.
Tiantian actually doesn’t understand it very well, but because he is older than the prince, he can make it up.
The two children would discuss it together from time to time, and finally came to the attitude of "that's how it is."
Tiantian put down the book in front of him, stood up, and took out a cigarette from the iron box he kept close to his body.
I didn't rush to hand it over.
Tiantian first turned the cigarette upside down and tapped it on the back of his tender hand.
He didn't understand why he was doing this, but he always saw his godfather doing this, so he helped complete this step.
After knocking it out, bring it to your godfather’s mouth.
Zheng Fan opened his mouth and chewed a cigarette, his eyes continuing to stay on the latest piece of information in his hand. This was a piece of information from a prefect. He had completed the escort of the first batch of grain and grass, and at the same time, when the soldiers, horses and civilians passed through his jurisdiction, , will also supply food and grass needs.
But he still mentioned that within the territory under his jurisdiction, this could only be done;
Because when armies from all walks of life gather at Nanmen Pass, the amount of food and grass needed will only be greater. In addition, no one knows how long the war will last. The prefect stated that it is difficult to bear the burden in the area under his control. Logistical supply pressure.
Tiantian brought Huozhezi over and helped Zheng Fan light the cigarette.
Zheng Fan handed the fold to Tiantian,
Tiantian took it and stood on the edge and looked at it.
The prince raised his head,
A child?
There is always an instinct that you should also look at me.
Tiantian also showed the zhezi to the prince. After reading it, the prince frowned.
These days, with the advance of the "handsome chariot", all the generals, guerrillas and general soldiers came with their subordinates to join together. The two children looked at more and more soldiers and horses around them every day, and they were really happy.
But the problem is that now there are more and more soldiers and horses, but there seems to be not enough food.
The army is in a completely different state after it is stationed and deployed. It is just like a person staying at home all day, cooking some porridge to make do, and being physically weak can carry it;
But once you need to work outside, you have to pay attention to your food, otherwise you won't be able to work at all and your body will easily collapse. This does not include the expenses such as clothes and new farm tools that need to be purchased for going out.
right now,
Military pay, silver rewards, etc., can all be postponed. After all, the battle has not yet ended, or even started;
Furthermore, the banner of King Pingxi can provide a great sense of "big pie" to the various armies and the Qiu Ba below;
No silver was drawn out or rewarded. Everyone could endure it for the sake of King Pingxi. After all, they could look forward to the harvest after the victory.
But the food problem,
Once there is a shortage of food, morale will immediately decline. In fact, the general will not feel this as deeply as the soldiers below.
Insufficient food means insufficient preparation for war. If the war has no bottom, everyone will feel uneasy. All kinds of negative emotions in the military camp will be amplified. It is good to reduce combat effectiveness. The most fearful thing is that if the military morale is unstable, their own family will collapse.
"Father, why is there so little food here?"
asked every day.
In his impression, everyone's life in Fengxin City was actually pretty good.
Furthermore, his godfather had just fought a war in winter and there was no food shortage.
The prince also looked over curiously;
Zheng Fan said: "Because the eastern part of Shanxi is vast and sparsely populated, there is a lot of grain grown, so the grain needed is relatively small, so the surplus will be larger."
This is actually very complicated, because all the fields in eastern Shanxi are the property of the royal palace. Although they are cultivated in a contracted manner, and even if the land is granted as a reward, it only reduces the royal palace's commission. Therefore, in essence, the royal palace is Shandong. The largest and only landowner.
Without middlemen to earn the price difference, the resource capacity that the palace can mobilize is very strong. Furthermore, there are various industries that also belong to the palace, such as commerce and workshops, which can be adjusted. Coupled with a series of sound legal systems and rules, Jindong The grain yield per mu of cultivated fields in the area has always been very high.
However, the main reason is that Eastern Shanxi is vast and sparsely populated, otherwise the blind man would not worry about "labor force".
What is grown is relatively more, what is consumed is relatively small, and the surplus is put into storage. Naturally, there is more.
But in other places, there are many fields and a lot of food harvested, but their own consumption is quite a lot.
For example, Tiancheng County of Yan State, a land in the capital, has the highest grain output in Yan State in terms of total output and output per mu, but it needs the imperial court to transport grain from other counties for support every year.
Zheng Fan continued:
"In addition, there have been frequent wars in the past few years, and the people's power has been overstretched. Whether it is Yan or Jin, taxes have been collected for several years. After your father ascended the throne, he pursued a strategy of recuperation and recuperation, and the local tax revenue of the imperial court was also We can only maintain a frivolous situation, and the grain reserves in various grain depots have actually bottomed out a long time ago."
Ji Chuanye asked: "Godfather, is it too late to order the collection now?"
"In time."
"Then we..."
"Then we don't have to go out to Nanmen Pass to fight. Let's turn around and quell the local rebellion first.
When the late emperor was in power, he tightened his belt to support the army in the war. Now, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief. He finally saved some food at home, so that he can finally find a place where he will not suffer from cold and exhaustion and will not have to suffer as a refugee. , and the people will not agree to any forced collection and requisition. "
The seemingly huge Yan Empire has actually been hollowed out for a long time. This is the consensus of the top officials of Dayan. At the same time, there are also people who can see clearly to the top officials of the Qian and Chu countries.
Otherwise, the battle against Chu would not have clearly defeated the Ying capital of Chu and eventually forced them to retreat;
In fact, even the Battle of Fancheng that King Pingxi had just fought had resolved the crisis in Fancheng by fighting quickly. After the battle, he immediately began to withdraw his troops. The logistical pressure was not as great as expected.
"Jiuye, remember, your surname is Ji, you are the prince, this world, this Yan, does belong to your Ji family, but this is based on the fact that the people can still live their lives.
Throughout the ages, many dynasties of countries have seemingly been destroyed by vassal towns, powerful ministers, or civil strife, but there is basically a premise, that is, the people are no longer able to make a living.
You cannot expect the people to continue to bow down and worship you willingly while selling their sons and daughters and suffering from hunger;
Your grandpa Huang can do it.
Your father can't do it yet, but it's even harder for you. "
"Thank you godfather for your teaching. I'll remember it, kid."
the following days,
More and more soldiers and horses gathered towards the handsome flag, but the march of the army was not slowed down, and even accelerated.
During this period, Zheng Fan did not accept any visits from local officials, not even those generals who gathered with their troops, Zheng Fan.
Although Dayan suffered a defeat, the foundation of the Yan army is still there, and Dayan's system is still there.
With the Crown Prince by his side, the Prince of Jingnan by his side, and himself a serious military meritorious king, Zheng Fan didn't need to do anything to show courtesy to a virtuous corporal, let alone hold the hand of the general who came to seek refuge with him with joy and say: It's great to have you here.
In fact,
When his royal flag went west from Fengxin City and crossed Wangjiang River, it was a sign that the situation was beginning to calm down;
The colder and calmer one is under the king's banner, the more at ease the people below him will feel, and the impetuous spirit in them will be dissipated faster, along with the restlessness in the place where the army goes. The impetuous wind can also be cooled down immediately.
The effect is similar to a military parade and an emperor's tour.
It’s hard to say anything else, but when it comes to how to be a good political mascot, Prince Pingxi really knows a lot about it.
When the handsome chariot passed the boundary of Litian City and was not far from the South Gate Pass, a report from the Secret Intelligence Department fell into Zheng Fan's hands.
The content of the report was very simple. Generally speaking, the simpler it was, the bigger the matter was. It was so big that the Secret Service officials who submitted the report did not dare to add a few more words to it;
Report: Yishan Bo Chen Yang wants to rebel!
Put down the fold,
Zheng Fan reached out and gently pinched his eyebrows;
The two children thought their godfather was tired.
The prince consciously served tea, and Tiantian picked up a cigarette and tapped it gently on the back of his hand;
When the two children habitually wanted to come over and take a look at what was written in the letter that gave their godfather a headache,
Zheng Fan turned the fold upside down on the table.
"Have fun while playing with it."
"Is it fun?"
"Are you kidding me, Uncle Ben?"
"You're crazy, you're crazy!"
Chen Yang roared at the two right-hand generals in front of him.
I can't help but think he's crazy,
Because of these two generals, one is holding a dragon robe in his hand, and the other is holding a "jade seal".
The dragon robe is real, but the jade seal is naturally fake.
The former is just a set of clothes. If you don't pay attention to the details of needlework and just pile up materials, it can be easily copied. The jade seal is different.
But sometimes, these things don't need to be too true or false.
There are two generals, both named Chen. One is Chen Yang's adopted son, named Chen Xiong; the other is Chen Yang's nephew, named Chen Yuan.
As for Chen Yang himself, he originally had three daughters and three sons, but the eldest son died in infancy. Although the second son was an adult, his health was always weak and unsuitable for military life. After suffering a misfortune the year before last, he refused to be awarded an official position and instead prepared for the imperial examination himself. , lost the child last year, and is still studying at home. The youngest son's bones were inherited from his father, but he is still young, not yet ten years old.
Therefore, Chen Xiong and Chen Yuan can be regarded as Chen Yang's direct descendants in the army. They each have a troop of soldiers and horses under their command, and now they have the rank of guerrilla.
"Father, the child is not crazy!" Chen Xiong said, "The child is thinking about his father!"
Chen Yuan also took a deep breath and said, "The same goes for my child."
Chen Xiong continued: "I have already lost my temper with some other generals in the army, and they are willing to support me, as long as you nod, father."
Chen Yang found it very funny and extremely ridiculous. He sat back on his chair.
"Crazy, crazy, really crazy."
Chen Yuan, who was kneeling on the ground, said:
"Uncle, Uncle Hu Wei died in battle. The court will definitely investigate this matter. Uncle, you should also know the temper of King Ping Xi, plus the relationship between King Ping Xi himself and Uncle Hu Wei.
Yes, in our opinion, our Sushan camp was paralyzed at that time because of the imperial envoy's chaos.
It was because of the impediment of the imperial envoy that the army led by Hu Weibo came to defend our Sushan camp;
It's all the fault of the imperial envoy, as well as the fault of the Li Tiancheng prefect and Xini!
But uncle, ask yourself, are we really right about Uncle Tiger's death in battle?
If it weren't for your uncle, you would have gone against the imperial envoy, and if we hadn't supported your uncle, you would have prevented the imperial envoy from stepping down, causing the situation to completely collapse;
How could Uncle Hu be called in to clean up the situation? How could he only lead one of his troops to rescue Ran Min?
We have made mistakes and we are also guilty!
King Pingxi came here with a royal flag and a mighty army. What would he do when he arrived at Nanmen Pass?
The first is to rectify the source; the second is to sacrifice the flag!
That imperial envoy must not be able to escape, as the imperial court has already issued an order to accuse him;
But the imperial court's decree did not include any action against you, uncle, for our Sushan Camp. Is it because the imperial court forgot about it?
It's because someone will naturally come to deal with us next!
that person,
coming soon! "
Chen Yuan almost roared.
Chen Yang sat on a chair, pointed at his nephew, and said: "So, you are going to let me rebel at this time?
Rebellion saves life,
and then?
King Ping Xi is already mobilizing troops and gathering generals. He is not far away. Now that I am rebelling, what can I do?
Is it possible to hand over the South Gate to Qianchu?
Is it possible that Uncle Ben took you to rebel against the country and go to Chu to become an An Le Gong?
I, Chen Yang, would never do such a thing that betrays my ancestors! "
Chen Xiong said, "Father, this dragon robe and this jade seal were prepared by you back then."
Chen Yang took a closer look and realized it, but he immediately said:
"That was when Prince Jingnan was still there. I and your uncles planned to recommend the prince to the throne, but who knew that the prince would actually choose... alas."
Chen Yuan stood up and said: "Uncle, for this reason, if we continue to wait for King Pingxi and his army to arrive, we will have no choice but to sit back and wait for death. Uncle, you will have no choice but to be slaughtered!"
It was the unrighteousness of his court that was the first, and it was us, Qiu Ba, who followed Prince Jingnan in his expeditions to the north and south. How much blood was shed and how many Paoze brothers died before we conquered the land of the Three Jin Dynasties!
The imperial court wants all the good bows to be hidden, and the donkeys to be killed;
Ran Min, your Majesty, was promoted by the imperial court;
That imperial envoy was also sent by His Majesty and the imperial court!
If it weren't for the excessive pressure from the imperial court, which aroused the anger of everyone in Sushan Camp, how could we not have followed him when Uncle Hu Wei sent troops to Liangdi?
Uncle, if you don’t want to be humiliated in public, don’t want to be used as a sacrificial flag, and don’t want to be blamed for the death of Tiger Weibo in battle, you…”
"Uncle Ben, I will never defect to another country!"
Chen Xiong also stood up, held up the dragon robe in his hand, and shouted:
"My son did not want you, my father, to defect to Qianchu. What the children and many generals below mean is that instead of just sitting there and waiting for death, it is better to take this dragon robe and jade seal..."
Chen Xiong and Chen Yuan looked at each other for a moment,
The two of them spoke together and continued:
"Send it to Prince Pingxi and support Prince Pingxi to ascend the throne as emperor!"
There will be more in the evening, it will be quite late.
(End of this chapter)

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