The devil is coming

Chapter 910 I am willing to do anything for you

Chapter 910 I am willing to do whatever it takes for you
Mrs. Liu has been very unhappy a while ago.
Then a while ago, because the palace had a heir apparent, I was happy for a while;
But this time,
She was unhappy again.
The fundamental reason for her unhappiness is that there are more than 20 strong barbarian men who have taken away her territory!
Robbery in the open,
I won't even get angry with you!
From the time of Xueguan, Mrs. Liu has been in charge of the street next to the palace. After moving to Fengxin City, the street became larger and covered more blocks. What remained unchanged was the street in front of the palace. , still belongs to her Mrs. Liu.
There are many old girls under Mrs. Liu, and their families are not bad. Either their sons are in the army or their sons-in-law are working as errands in the palace. They just sweep the streets. Without some background, they really can't get in. Every month, they can work. They are all subsidized by salary, money, rice, flour, grain and oil.
Of course, these old sisters don't care much about this. Their family conditions are not bad, but they just want to be busy and enrich themselves.
Originally, everyone was living a good life and doing errands well. She did the inspections that needed to be done and the cleaning that needed to be done. Mrs. Liu was easy to talk to, but she never messed around with things and she did all the errands cleanly.
But it happened after the prince came back last time.
A group of barbarian men actually picked up brooms and started sweeping the floor, and without even saying hello, they occupied the street in front of the palace.
Is the street in front of the palace called a street?
That’s called face!
My old sisters were all looking forward to the day when they would take their turn to sweep the street in front of the palace, but as a result, these rough guys just stared at it every day and refused to give an inch!
It would be unbearable for my aunt to not bring someone to grab the territory like this.
Fortunately, Mrs. Liu knew that her son-in-law was the prince's personal bodyguard and considered a private person;
But the more private a person is, the less suitable it is for his son-in-law to talk about outside matters, which would be a waste of affection.
However, Mrs. Liu did not move, but many old sisters below did. Some of them asked their sons or sons-in-law to smoothen the relationship.
The son-in-law of one of the families, who was also a civil servant of the City Patrol Department, actually brought several people from the City Patrol Department over to help his mother-in-law clear the place.
As a result, he was directly greeted by the group of barbarians with brooms, and they had a group fight. There were few people in the city patrol department, and the knife was taken away immediately, and then they were beaten up and eaten. Big loss.
This matter caused a big fuss, and the people from the city patrol department were beaten, which was okay. A group of soldiers from the city patrol department immediately drove to that street.
This time, seeing the menacing approach of the city patrol officer, they all raised their bows and crossbows.
Those barbarians did not continue to act recklessly.
The leader, a barbarian, led his brothers,
He tore off his clothes,
Showing the scars on his body,
"I shed blood for the prince!"
"I fought with my life for the prince!"
The scar is real,
And this "iron-blooded" momentum cannot be faked.
It’s not that the people in the City Patrol Department don’t understand. If nothing else, if a group of barbarians with unknown origins hang around the gate of the palace all day long with brooms, do they really think that the royal guards in royal robes are just for work?
At first, it was because their own family members were beaten, and Xueyong came up to find trouble. Now, they don't dare to make the matter more serious.
Therefore, the bloodshed did not happen.
But the incident spread, and at the same time, the reports started to come up layer by layer from below.
Appeared in front of the prince's case.
Zheng Fan was pruning flowers and plants with big scissors. Accompanying him behind him was Qu Peiluo.
"You also followed him and messed around."
Hearing this, Qu Peiluo took half a step back and said apologetically:
"Your Majesty, I can't help you. He came to ask for help. I can't help but give him face. You also know that I'm here. It's actually quite embarrassing."
"Can't you be more impartial and selfless?" the prince asked, "be a lonely minister."
"Yes, for other things, of course, one can be selfless in a humble position, but this one is your favorite general, otherwise you wouldn't have arranged for him to sweep the street in front of the prince's palace.
How can I not give face to your beloved general in my humble position? "
"Oh, it's better to be alone than to be a co-author."
"That's not what a humble position means."
"Okay, I've made it difficult for you, so I won't do it again."
Although Brother Ke Yandong and his gang have been guarding Xuehaiguan for a long time, their relationship with Fengxin City is equivalent to that between local guards and the central government;
There is some alienation and estrangement, but it really doesn't mean that the former Snow Customs General will be reduced to a stranger in Fengxin City.
Since the implementation of the standard household system,
The soldiers and horses of various towns under the royal palace have passed through this system many times. The structure of senior generals has basically been retained, but the middle and lower levels have long been mixed with each other;
Previously, the prince dared to enter Xueguan Zhennanguan alone and directly handed over the military power of the two commanders. A large part of his confidence originated from here.
After all, he started his career as a private military vassal, so he naturally knows how to prevent his subordinates from encountering a similar situation.
Therefore, Brother Ke Yandong also has old subordinates and even old clan members in Fengxin City.
It can only be said that the cause of the matter is that the civil servant below who stood up for the mother-in-law foolishly became a gunman.
Brother Ke Yandong took advantage of this "accident",
There was some commotion,
cried out his grievances,
The original intention was to remind myself that the prince, who had been living in the palace every day since he had two children, was still out sweeping the streets.
Of course, Qu Peiluo was in charge of the internal defense of Fengxin City, and the City Patrol Department was also the yamen under Qu Peiluo. At this point, Qu Peiluo was obviously greeted in advance by Brother Ke Yandong.
"The situation at Zhennanguan is still a bit complicated. Although you are from Chu, if you go to Zhennanguan now, it will be difficult for the people below to convince you. Gu, I am not very relieved either."
"Bizhang understands that he is very satisfied with his current job."
"Haha, the west side is planning to build two new state capitals, and the east side of Shanxi is starting from scratch. We can't keep rotating these three points.
But it is a start-up there, and I feel that leaving you there would be too much of a loss.
But what Gu promised you, Gu remembers, wait for another two years, when you have enough money, and when your troops and horses expand, I will build a Chuzi camp for you alone. "
"In this humble position, I obey the prince's orders in everything I do."
Zheng Fan put away the scissors and handed them to Qu Peiluo.
Qu Peiluo placed the scissors on a shelf.
The prince stretched himself,
"That's all, let's go meet that bitch."
"I resign from my humble position." Qu Peiluo saluted and was about to leave.
"You haven't seen the big girl yet, have you?" the prince suddenly asked.
The children were all still young. Except for the old subordinates who had an opportunity to be brought out by Zheng Fan to see them, they stayed in the back house the rest of the time and were not suitable for going out.
Qu Peiluo obviously does not belong to the ranks of veteran generals;
His status is extraordinary, you can say Qinggui, Qinggui, he is in charge of the City Patrol Department, he is very selfless and selfless, ordinary people don't dare to mess with him at all, but there is really no one in the circle who is willing to take him to play with him.
Qu Peiluo smiled.
"Go and meet."
Qu Peiluo took a deep breath, raised his hands and saluted:
"Thank you, my lord!"
"Your Highnesses, this is the interpretation of the battle of running thousands of miles to attack the Snow Customs."
Jin Shuke was standing by the sand table. Just now, he re-described the battle that year.
Tiantian and Chuanye stood nearby, listening attentively.
When that great war took place, Chuanye had not yet been born, and he was not yet able to speak fluently every day;
But that battle had a particularly far-reaching impact, and it can be said that it established the current structure of Pingxi Palace.
By capturing Xuehaiguan, Dayan not only expelled the barbarians and ensured that the land of the Three Jins was in hand, but also controlled the Pingxi Marquis of Xuehaiguan, ensuring his influence on the land of eastern Shanxi;
For the future King Jingnan to leave and Ping Xihou to take charge of Eastern Jin Dynasty, the most necessary step of power transfer was completed.
"The purpose of telling your two highnesses about this war is not to teach them how brilliant the art of war is at this time, but because I hope that through this war, the two highnesses will know that the prince was doing this military work. How much risk did you bear during the attack? If you were not careful, you would be in a desperate situation when you were alone and surrounded.
The most important thing in using troops is caution. Although our prince has won many battles, what the general knows best is that every time he uses troops, he will carefully think and consider in his heart.
Use the most careful and meticulous deduction to make what outsiders think is the most dangerous move.
It's never just a matter of high-spiritedness and deliberate risk taking.
Please keep this in mind, Your Highnesses. "
Tiantian and Chuanye bowed down together and said in unison:
"The disciple is taught."
At this time, someone outside reported:
"General Jin, the prince has summoned you."
Jin Shuke pointed to the sand table in front of him and said to the two highnesses:
"Your Highnesses can make their own deductions. I will go to see the prince first."
In the front hall, Brother Keyandong was kneeling on the floor tiles. Tea was served on the coffee table next to him according to the rules, but it was obviously untouched.
At this time, Brother Ke Yandong was particularly well-behaved;
The prince came in and sat down on the front seat.
After a while, Jin Shuke also came.
Jin Shuke saw Brother Ke Yandong kneeling there and said nothing. He first saluted the prince and then sat down next to him at the prince's signal.
Although Jin Shuke and Ke Yandong are both barbarians,
But barbarians and barbarians are also different;
Although Ke Yandong's Ke Yan tribe failed in the battle with the royal court and was forced to move out of the desert, it was once a medium-sized tribe;
As for Jin Shuke, he was from the criminal tribe.
In the eyes of outsiders, they are all barbarians, but in fact they are very different, no less than the nobles of Chu and the heads of Guizhou of Yan.
His ability in metal arts and military use has never been mentioned. He has always said that he learned how to use weapons from the prince. This is not polite, because that is what he really thinks;
He felt that he learned to lead troops in war only under the influence and guidance of the prince, but he really didn't realize that he himself was essentially a military wizard.
In terms of life, Jinshu has always been very particular.
Since Brother Ke Yandong had approached Qu Peiluo, it was impossible that he had not approached Jin Shuke, who was also from a barbarian tribe, but Jin Shuke obviously ignored him.
We are all barbarians, so we have to be united?
Isn't this taking the initiative to form a clique in front of the prince?
at this time,
The prince gently turned the tea cup,
Slowly said:
"I heard that you were complaining outside?"
Brother Ke Yandong immediately said: "Your Majesty, I just want to see you."
"How long have you been sweeping the floor now, and you can't stand it any longer?"
"No, Your Majesty, it's not that the general can't stand this, it's that they have all met His Highness the Crown Prince and have eaten His Highness's full moon wine, but the General has not yet seen His Highness the Crown Prince.
The general is worried, my lord;
In the future, all of them will be able to rely on their old age in front of His Highness, saying that they have watched you grow up since they were young, but in the end, the general can't say it... Will the general never be able to be tough? "
"Who do you want to be tough in front of?"
"Um... I said the wrong thing, Your Majesty. What I mean is that I am willing to continue sweeping the floor and polishing my character. Please allow me to meet His Highness the Crown Prince and give me a glass of full moon to make up for it." Wine, besides that, I will never ask for anything else.”
The prince continued to turn the tea cup and said nothing.
In fact, Brother Ke Yandong's request is very straightforward. He wants to recognize the young master.
This is due to the customs and habits of the barbarians. Of course, the people of Xia can also understand it, which is the so-called elders of several dynasties.
Jinshu Keqi reported:
"Your Majesty, although Brother Dong has committed crimes and had selfish motives, the general believes that he has always been loyal to you, Your Majesty, and I hope that Your Majesty will grant him your request."
Brother Ke Yandong immediately nodded desperately.
He is not afraid of being dormant for a while, he is not that stupid, as long as "Jian is still in the emperor's heart", he can still get up, and he has never doubted this.
Official positions can be lifted, military power can be delegated,
But affection,
can not be broken!
Jin Shu didn't want to speak for him, but since the prince called him here, he just wanted to speak for him...
What else can I say if I don’t plead?
Is it possible that Brother Ke Yandong is arrogant because of his favor and does not want to repent? Please kill him?
"Since Jinshu has already interceded for you, then Gu, I will give you whatever you ask for. Ten days later, Gu's princess Zhuoji, you and your subordinates will go into the mansion to observe the ceremony, and then I will meet Gu's crown prince, Man Yue. Make up for the wine, too.”
Grasping auspiciousness means seizing Zhou. In the folk, it is usually done when the child is one year old, but in the families of officials, it will be earlier because they need to determine the future development of their children earlier.
And one more thing,
That was my son's name, and it had to be completely decided at that time.
Zheng Fan originally thought about a few things, but the demon kings also thought about a few things. Zheng Fan also knew the significance of his son to the demon kings, so he wanted to fully consider their opinions. Let's add them up together. The totals come and go. Yes, I haven't been able to come up with a real idea. Fortunately, I have a deadline.
"Thank you lord, thank you lord."
"After that,
Just continue to sweep the floor for me!
If you want to continue to assist the prince, you have to see if you can get rid of your bad habits.
I was just pruning branches in the backyard. "
"The last general understands, the last general understands, the last general will definitely think about it carefully and will not let the prince down again."
"get out."
"I will retire at the end."
Brother Ke Yandong stood up with a smile on his face, walked out of the front hall, picked up the broom leaning there and walked out, the wind still blowing as he walked.
"No face and no skin."
The prince took a sip of tea.
Jin Shu laughed and said, "The prince is still too used to us Qiu Ba."
"Gu himself was also born in Qiu Ba, and he knows how difficult it is for Qiu Ba, but sometimes, he feels that it is not entirely unreasonable for Qian Guo to emphasize culture and restraint on military affairs.
Some things, if you change one person, the situation will be completely different.
It's not that he, Brother Ke Yandong, is a barbarian. With his temperament, even if he was a Yan person, without Gu Zhen, Jindong would have been in chaos long ago. "
"No matter how arrogant and brave a general is, he would not dare to make a mistake in front of you, my lord."
"Your words are becoming more and more formal."
"The prince once taught the general to read more, and the general will take time to read every day."
The prince nodded with satisfaction.
At this time, Xiao Yibo walked in and announced:
"Your Majesty, General Liang is back."
The garrison generals at Xueguan and Zhennanguan were changed one after another. Liang Cheng had to stay in the army to be sure, so he didn't have time to return when his child was born.
Now that the situation has stabilized, he will be back soon.
Zheng Fan smiled and said to Jin Shuke:
"Let's go together to welcome him."
Xiong Liqing's courtyard is the only greenhouse in the palace. The weather is getting colder now, but the courtyard is still as warm as spring.
Originally, Xiong Liqing offered to change yards with Siniang, but Siniang refused.
First, Zheng Fan himself doesn't like the feeling of the floor being warm all day long, and second, his son is not afraid of the cold either.
Qu Peiluo was led in by A Ming.
In any case, it was impossible for the people in charge below to let Qu Peiluo enter the princess's yard without a care in the world.
A Ming also expressed his understanding of this, so he had no complaints about calling him out of the wine cellar. He could go and see the child before returning to the wine cellar later.
When Qu Peiluo came in, the princess was also in the courtyard, but there was no screen to separate her;
Xiong Liqing was wearing a long blue dress and was sitting there gracefully. When she saw Qu Peiluo coming, she didn't get up to greet him. Instead, she was munching on melon seeds and shouting:
"Come on."
Qu Peiluo bowed slightly and said, "Yes, here we come."
"Mother Liu, take the child out."
The wet nurse took the big girl out.
For a moment, Qu Peiluo had nowhere to put his hands and feet, and felt uncomfortable all over his body, but he didn't want to leave. He looked like a naughty child who shouted during the Chinese New Year that he didn't want lucky money from relatives.
"Just give me a hug." Xiong Liqing said.
"Is it okay?" Qu Peiluo was a little in disbelief.
"You are her uncle." Xiong Liqing said.
hear this,
Qu Peiluo's breathing suddenly became heavier, and his palms were all sweaty;
take a deep breath,
Wiping his palms on his clothes,
Then he carefully took the child from the wet nurse.
The eldest girl is a few months old, which is when the child is the cutest and tenderest, and she has almost perfectly inherited her mother's characteristics, which is very lovable.
Da Niu has a characteristic, she likes to laugh, but this smile is different. She likes to laugh at Tiantian and her own father, but she has always been dismissive of the prince.
When she was held in Qu Peiluo's arms,
But the big girl immediately showed a charming smile;
In an instant,
Qu Peiluo felt that his bones had become soft, as if all the good things in the world were being revealed by this smile at this moment.
Although he is not related by blood,
Although his parents still have a bloody feud with him,
But at this moment,
Qu Peiluo was in his heart,
From now on, I am willing to do this for this child,
regardless of costs!
(End of this chapter)

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