Chapter 911
Qu Peiluo actually found it difficult to analyze his own mentality.
Is it sick?
Possibly, but not limited to that.
If he succeeded in killing himself on Qingtan, he should be praised by the Chu State, and the Qu family would also be known as a loyal hero.
But he did not succeed by killing himself;
To define a person's life, death is often the most direct and appropriate way.
Of course, it mainly depends on when you die.
If he is not dead, it naturally means that his life will continue to be interpreted, and the process and results of the interpretation are no longer within his control.
He has become twisted,
Both myself as a person and myself in future history books have been distorted beyond recognition.
However, he was very calm, as if he had closed himself off. He wanted to divide the past, present and future into three parts and completely cut them off.
He once thought that a moment of anger would turn a beauty into a beauty and leave a blank space for himself in the history books;
And now,
look at her
Looking at the big girl,
He suddenly had hope again.
He is a beast. Although he looks like a human now, deep down, he is completely inferior to the beast.
However, he is a beast with eyes, a mouth and thoughts. Compared with his companions who eat, sleep and eat in the pen, he has many extra things.
He reached out and gently touched the girl's pink side face.
The big girl smiled again;
She smiles stingily, but she also loves to smile.
As a soul boy,
She has a sensitivity that is beyond ordinary people, and when she was a child, this sensitivity often meant that it was beyond the scope of what ordinary people can understand.
Who will really be nice to her?
Who would be willing to take care of her when she is at her weakest and protect her at all costs?
She can feel it.
This is the reason why a cub in an eggshell seeks protection from powerful beings around it when it is at its weakest. This is an instinct.
Who do you need to protect?
Your father is dead;
Your Qingluan Army has been destroyed twice;
Your wife has been snatched away;
Your family has been almost uprooted in Chu State;
But you are still alive, and you are not living a painful life like drinking to drown your sorrows. You eat fine clothes, wear official uniforms, and run errands, and you are still a master;
You have become numb to the boundless darkness, but you still can't help but feel joy in your heart for the light coming in.
Qu Peiluo wanted to lower his head and kiss her.
this moment,
He is grateful to her.
He has been floating in the mire for a long time, and both the surrounding environment and himself have actually exuded the aura of rotten flesh;
But when she appears,
Still pious.
In the end, Qu Peiluo didn't kiss her, not because she was the prince's princess, but because he didn't want to blaspheme her.
She should always be holy, always bright,
While he is still alive.
"She is very beautiful." Qu Peiluo said.
"Haha." Xiong Liqing smiled.
The relationship between her and him was very complicated, but due to a trick of fate, she was forced to return to a certain point.
But neither of them felt embarrassed or uneasy because of this, let alone guilt or hatred.
After all, people are the most adaptable beings in the world. No matter how difficult the environment is, they can always find a place for themselves, whether it is physical or spiritual.
Qu Peiluo returned the big girl to the wet nurse, then lowered his head and looked at his hands, feeling disappointed.
The big girl seemed to cry twice, and the wet nurse was coaxing her.
Qu Peiluo's heart seemed to be pulled twice more by that soft hand amid these two cries.
But he didn't catch up. Instead, he turned around and walked towards Xiong Liqing.
"I heard that the gentlemen in the palace like His Highness the Crown Prince very much."
Qu Peiluo said this openly, without any concern for A Ming who was leaning against the wall.
A Ming didn't take this seriously. After all, what Qu Peiluo said was true.
The demon kings treated the Lord's two children very differently;
Even Mowan, who has always loved children the most, never came to see Da Niu, because the fire phoenix aura on Da Niu made Mowan feel uncomfortable. Of course, Mowan could completely overcome this slight discomfort, even with a newborn child. , and it is impossible to cause any harm to Lord Magic Pill;
But when a child makes you feel uncomfortable, do you still want to get close to her?
the most important is,
When Da Niu was born, Mowan was already keeping an eye on the child in Si Niang's belly.
When there is a child who has a deeper bond with me and is the most perfect fit for me, other options are not removed, but turned a blind eye.
As a family member, it is impossible for Xiong Liqing not to notice that the gentlemen in the family favor one over the other;
And she also knew how important these gentlemen's status was in the palace.
But she doesn't mind. Firstly, the prince likes his daughter, and secondly, a daughter is a daughter. After becoming a mother, Xiong Liqing has lost the fierceness and high spirits she had as a girl. The years are quiet, and there is nothing wrong with it, right?
Seeing Xiong Liqing not saying anything,
Qu Peiluo said again:
"The prince told me today that after a year or two, he will let me go out and lead the troops."
"Congratulations." The princess smiled.
Qu Peiluo also nodded;
He really wanted to say that the big girl can rely on him in the future;
Children of aristocratic families, even children of the Tian family, all need a supporter, and the most direct supporter is their mother's clan.
However, Qu Peiluo had no shame to say this now, so he could only wait until he had the opportunity, when the palace began to really decide to use troops against Chu;
At that time, it was Qu Peiluo's real opportunity. He would seize it, and he would prove it to her and show her.
He won't feel tortured while waiting, because she will grow up slowly, she will learn to speak, and she will learn to walk;
Qu Peiluo was already imagining,
She is graceful and graceful,
With the charming and innocent temperament unique to her mother,
Stand there,
Call him:
Uncle Peiluo.
Just these imaginations were so beautiful that he was intoxicated.
He will be high-spirited, he will.
"I want to visit her often in the future, is that okay?"
"You have to ask the prince about this, but since the girl likes you, I don't think the prince will refuse." Xiong Liqing said.
"it is good."
Qu Peiluo stood up, bowed to the princess and left.
A Ming stretched and left the yard with Qu Peiluo.
Qu Peiluo was led out of the house by the steward, while A Ming walked into the main courtyard.
Siniang is not here because Siniang’s confinement period is very short.
Jindong is in a period of rapid development, and all aspects of money and grain rationing, investment and reproduction need to be managed by Siniang, the great steward.
When A Ming pushed open the door and came in, Mowan was alone with the child in the room.
this time,
The child is leaning on the pillow wearing a small bellyband,
The red stone turned over and over again in front of him.
When A Ming came in, the stone was not turned over.
When the child saw A Ming, he smashed his mouth.
A Ming took out the wine bottle with a smile on his lips.
The magic pill flew out directly and hit A Ming.
A Ming dodged and hid.
The magic pill made a roundabout way and struck again.
A Ming dodged again and evaded.
There is nothing to say about the vampire's movement skills. It is almost impossible for the magic pill to control the stone to hit him. Unless the magic pill wants to cause trouble and turn this place into a place where the two sides fight, otherwise this flash A Ming can play the Zhuantengnuo game for a long time.
Finally, the magic pill stopped, and its figure appeared, glaring at A Ming.
I want to secretly feed my child alcohol again!
Do you know that after you feed your child alcohol, the child won’t even eat the milk because it tastes boring!
It seemed that he understood the meaning of the magic pill.
A Ming said unconcernedly:
"What's so good about human milk? The nutrients are all in the blood. Wouldn't it be easier to drink human blood directly?"
When Mowan heard this, he wanted to run away!
Regarding Siniang's child, every demon king has selfish motives and hopes that the child can develop in his own direction.
Therefore, the third master would stare at the child's little elephant trunk from time to time; Ali would pay attention to the child's biceps.
A Ming naturally hopes that there will be a wine tasting master in the family in the future who can drink with him.
But obviously, Magic Pill is extremely repulsive to this kind of "induction"!
In desperation, A Ming had to put the wine bottle aside, spread his hands, and then the magic pill got out of the way.
A Ming walked to the crib and picked up the child.
To be honest, this child is not as round and round as Tiantian was when he was a child. In appearance, he does not have the blessings of a lucky king. He is just ordinary.
But everyone knows how extraordinary the child will become if the mole between the child's eyebrows is removed.
The cold vampire was teasing the child, and the coldness of the past disappeared at this moment.
The child is a bit dull and has become somewhat immune to the enthusiasm of the devil uncles.
He is different from his sister Da Niu.
A big girl will smile to people who need to smile,
He will not;
He has always had that...very indifferent feeling.
Except for some stimulating things, most of the time, I am numb to the people and things around me.
The uncle in front of me in evening clothes,
If you don’t give yourself wine,
He also felt it was very ordinary.
This is probably due to a difference in mentality. Although the child does not have a specific mentality yet, he does not have the self-protection instinct that he is currently "weak".
To put it bluntly, throw him into the wild. With his innate physique, and without a seal, he can probably survive in the jungle like a hair and a blood drink.
This is the ability of blood, innate.
Third Master's joke that a newborn phoenix is ​​better than an adult pig actually speaks to the essence.
However, this also illustrates the necessity of sealing it. This child already lacks a lot of childishness compared to ordinary children at this stage. If Tiantian was sensible, well-behaved and cute at that time, then he can be said to have become a child very early. passed this stage.
This has nothing to do with tutoring, companionship, warmth, or family affection. It is purely a kind of pride in the blood that has not experienced the polishing of the world.
If there is no seal, this child will not become crazy, but he will definitely go to some extreme.
But the demon kings just like his style,
This is our essence!
"Hey, A Cheng is back, right?" A Ming looked towards the door.
As the Shuang Leng among the demon kings, A Ming has always been very sensitive to Liang Cheng.
The door was pushed open,
Zheng Fan and Liang Cheng walked in together.
Liang Cheng still didn't take off his armor, and he came back without stopping as soon as the military affairs were handed over.
This can also be seen from the side, how much this big zombie values ​​this child.
The child turned his head, and his eyes did not even look at his own father. Instead, he was directly attracted to Liang Cheng. To be precise, he was attracted to the armor on Liang Cheng's body.
No matter how clean the armor is, it will inevitably have dense dents and evil spirits soaked in blood and human life.
Liang Cheng stepped forward and took the child from A Ming's hands.
Zombies are not very good at holding children, but fortunately, the children don't ask for comfort. He couldn't help but start rubbing Liang Cheng's armor with his hands.
This scene naturally fell in Zheng Fan's eyes.
I don’t know if I really don’t know how to express my emotions at all.
Or because it was the first time I met, I couldn’t control myself;
Liang Cheng's skin color began to turn blue, and there was a green luster flowing in his eyes. The nails of the hands holding the child began to grow longer, and two fangs were exposed at the corners of his mouth.
The zombie's body was revealed, and the evil spirit became stronger around him.
The child was not frightened;
Instead, he showed a pure smile,
Becoming extremely excited.
"Ha ha."
Liang Cheng laughed,
open the way;
"Lord, this child is dear to me."
Only when you really care about this child will you consider who the child is kissing.
A Ming said disdainfully: "He is also excited when I become a vampire, and he is also excited when Mowan becomes a ghost."
Liang Cheng was not hit, but let the child's tender hands grasp his long nails.
However, when he noticed that the child seemed to want to chew his nails with his mouth, he still moved away carefully.
There was corpse poison in his fingernails.
Although this child is unusual, there is really no need to let the child test himself.
The biological father, who was a marginalized figure, found a chair and sat down, pouring himself a cup of tea.
He had been mentally prepared for the scene before him when the child was still in his mother's belly.
In the past, the demon kings also liked to mock Maru Daitiantian for being like a nanny;
As a result, all of a sudden, the collective became the devil wet nurse.
"Do you like armor? When you grow up, uncle will grab a pair for you."
The child chuckled.
After holding him for a long time, Liang Cheng regained his human appearance. Out of politeness, he did not send the child back to the crib, but handed it over to his biological father.
Zheng Fan hugged his son,
The son stopped laughing and was no longer happy;
I sighed, it was okay at first, but in the days since birth, the difference in treatment of this child has become more and more obvious.
Therefore, after becoming a father, the so-called "a bowl of water is equal" is really the most unrealistic nonsense.
The big girl laughs when she hugs herself,
When this kid hugged him, it was as if he was trying to give himself face by letting him hug him.
Naturally, I prefer older girls.
Tian Tian was so cute when he was little. He would spank himself with his butt stuck out, knock it over, then flip it back over and continue to slap her;
Although this kid does not yet have the ability to think concretely, he seems to have entered a certain rebellious period early.
Not pleasing.
Fortunately, as soon as you were born, I told the world that you were the eldest son of my Prince Pingxi Palace.
The child yawned and seemed sleepy.
Zheng Fan held the child for a while longer and put the child back on the crib.
"My lord, regarding the military expansion starting next year, I need to discuss it with you again."
This year is a rare safe year, at least for Shandong. The original foundation was good. After another substantial accumulation, starting next year, the expansion of the new army will be on the right track.
Of course, it cannot be achieved overnight. The main thing is to adopt the standard household system without leaving work, and to formulate a framework under the premise of saving costs as much as possible.
Moreover, not all of them have to be elite.
Since Zheng Fan led the army, he has witnessed only two of the largest cavalry showdowns in the war. One was the battle between King Jingnan and King Zhenbei to open the Jin Dynasty, and the second was the battle between King Jingnan and the Savage King at Wangjiang. decisive battle;
In both battles, Dayan achieved great victories;
Therefore, it is impossible for Qianchu to fight Yan State in a decisive battle between large armies. In the future, I am afraid that there will be more stupid battles. Therefore, on the basis of maintaining the original elite structure, we can draw out more combat effectiveness. Pretty good second-tier troops.
"it is good."
Zheng Fan and Liang Cheng walked out of the house.
A Ming also got up and went out with him. Liang Cheng finally came back and he had to go to the wine cellar to get a glass of blood he had stored as a treat.
Zombies can also drink blood, but Liang Cheng can only drink it, but he is not obsessed with it.
The only thing left in the house was the sleeping child and a red stone.
At this time,
The door to the house was pushed open quietly.
The blind man, who should have been very busy, appeared here at this time.
The red stone stood up.
For a long time, Mowan was worried about preventing his children from being led astray by these strange uncles.
The blind man went to the crib and the child came to life again.
"Ha ha."
The blind man smiled and raised his hands;
The child also floated slowly.
Children like this feeling of hanging very much and dance happily there.
When playing around,
The blind man took out something from his sleeve again,
At the same time, he also explained to Magic Pill;
"He is our own child after all, right? You must give him the best. If you look at him again, he will definitely not be more fond of romance like our Lord, right?
He is still young now, but some things must be prepared in advance, so that when he grows up, he can choose which path to take, right?
We are old people who have experienced ups and downs, and he has not, so we have to create the best situation and opportunity for him to let him express himself to his heart's content, right? "
Magic Pill didn't respond and just continued to stare at the blind man.
What the blind man took out of his cuff was a piece;
"It will be a lucky day in the second half of the year. Many generals will come to watch the ceremony that day. Recently, I will use this thing as a toy for him to cultivate familiarity first.
Look, if Si Niang and the Lord come up, you have to hide this first. It is not easy to make this thing. I still carved the words myself. "
Magic Pill remained unmoved;
But the blind man put the thing next to the child, and when he saw the child playing with it, Magic Pill did not object.
The thing the blind man took out was four inches in diameter, with five dragons on it;
If a corner is missing, fill it up with gold paint;
There are eight words engraved on the front:
"Ordered by heaven, you will live forever."
(End of this chapter)

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