The devil is coming

Chapter 917 The emperor leaves the capital

Chapter 917 The emperor leaves the capital
The two days before New Year's Eve are generally called Little New Year's Eve;
According to the past customs, the people of Fengxin City began to hold small banquets at home to entertain visiting relatives and friends. This is called a farewell banquet. At the same time, they must light incense outside the house, which is called Tianxiang.
The etiquette passed down from the Xia Dynasty to this day is different between Yan, Jin, Qian and Chu in terms of clothing and hairstyle, but the festival procedures still remain the same;
As for the barbarians and savages in Fengxin City, they were originally no more than these people, but they have long been trapped in the same rhythm.
But the common people can put down a year's hard work and enjoy this rare period of peace and quiet. Some people cannot stop.
In a private room on the second floor of the Moon Viewing Building in Fengxin City, the leaders of a caravan from Laoyan were gathering here for a banquet.
They will definitely not have time to go back to celebrate the New Year, and they will have to wait here for a batch of goods after the New Year.
Jindong's prosperous commerce is due to its strategic location, which controls three-way circulation, and its own group of workshops, which are the birthplace of the most in-demand commodities in the world.
The supply of goods is tight, so you have to bid and queue up. At the end of the year, productivity is inevitably declining, and it is inevitable for caravans to wait for goods.
The caravan manager sitting in the front seat held up a wine glass, and he and his bosses recalled the hard work of the past year, and then looked forward to next year's harvest. The process was still the same process. One phone call and one round of wine. The atmosphere is also warm.
After three rounds of wine and five delicious dishes, the shopkeeper called for a singer to sing for the entertainment. A small number of the bosses at the table left with the excuse of going to the toilet, but everyone knew exactly what they were going for.
Not to mention in this world, even in future generations, this kind of industry will be forbidden.
However, here in Fengxin City, the red tent is also an official camp. Legend has it that the big shopkeeper behind it is a female gentleman from the palace.
As for the identity relationship between the female gentleman and the princess, there are actually not many rumors, because it is difficult for the people below to imagine that their princess would handle this kind of business. There are too few people who believe it, so naturally the rumor cannot spread.
Therefore, in the various red tent industries in Fengxin City, there will basically be no cases of forcing girls into prostitution. Customers here must also abide by the rules. Business is business. No one can use force, and no one should think too much. Lord You must be polite between guests.
But it is this tone that gives the red tent industry in Fengxin City a cultural atmosphere that is different from other places;
And gradually it has become a kind of limelight that surpasses and covers the famous skinny horses and little ladies in dry land in the past.
In fact, there are very few local women in Fengxin City entering the red tent anymore.
First, because Prince Pingxi established the eastern part of Jin Dynasty with a large army. There was a large army first, then military towns, and then gradually developed the city's population from all walks of life, so the ratio of soldiers to Han here is very high.
Different from the low status of thieves who joined the army in the Qian Kingdom, here, if you marry a soldier, as long as you are a regular soldier, you can be registered as a bidder. The welfare benefits are too attractive, so Qiu Ba is definitely a hot commodity in the blind date market. , it’s hard to find one.
The second is to recruit female workers in the workshops. For example, the Juggernaut family has been working in the workshops before giving birth to children, which solves the employment problem of some women to a certain extent;
However, immigrants who have moved in have been filling this vacancy. From time to time, there are mobile red tents like those from other places, forming groups into Fengxin City to provide fresh blood to the industry, so the industry has been able to maintain itself.
Others were either enjoying singing and dancing, or going to have fun alone. In the corner of the box, there was a young man, holding a wine glass and leaning silently against the window, watching the flow of people on the street.
The shopkeeper came over and asked with a smile;
"Why don't you go to Gaole Gaola with them?"
The young man smiled and said, "I have a good wife at home."
The shopkeeper said: "Who doesn't have this?"
The young man nodded, not bothering to explain.
The shopkeeper was very polite to the young man under his command. The young man's surname was Wu, and his name was Zhaonian. He was the distant nephew of his boss. He had just joined him, and it seemed that his boss planned to focus on cultivating him.
"Shopkeeper Li often leads teams to Jindong. What do you think of this place?" Wu Zhaonian asked.
Shopkeeper Li smiled and said: "Since Prince Pingxi closed the town of Xueguan, I have been going from Xueguan to Fengxin City almost once every six months. Every time I come, the feeling will be different.
When I first walked this road, the land of Eastern Jin was completely white except for the snowy customs. Now, looking at it again, the smell of fireworks is already so strong.
In the eyes of outsiders, Prince Pingxi of Dayan is the military god of the world, but in my opinion, the place where the prince governs is truly extraordinary. "
Wu Zhaonian nodded slightly and said: "That's why Pingxi Prince's Palace, located in the eastern corner of Jin Dynasty, has the ability to stand alone against Chu State."
At this time,
A wedding procession came downstairs, and it was very festive with playing and playing.
But the strange thing is that there are actually two sedans in this team, one is a bridal sedan and the other is a green curtain sedan.
Marrying wives and keeping concubines is the custom of this era. It is normal for those with spare wealth to live in a small house. However, there is only one official wife, the twin princesses of Prince Pingxi's palace. They are also the honor granted by the emperor to allow Ping to take concubines. wife.
Ordinary families, even wealthy families, would not dare to play like this.
The most interesting thing is that this team actually stopped at the gate downstairs. You know, this is the Moon Viewing Tower. No matter how nice the name is, it still can't change the fact that this is the land of fireworks and willows.
The groom is a very young man, wearing armor and a red flower on his chest.
The status of soldiers in eastern Jin Dynasty is high, and on the day when Prince Pingxi consecrated the two princesses, they also wore black armor to the ceremony. Therefore, in folk marriages here, the groom who was born as an officer or sergeant also wore armor.
Shopkeeper Li smiled and said, "Are you going to marry a prostitute?"
Wu Zhaonian shook his head and said, "There is a bride in the wedding sedan."
The young groom dismounted, walked to the wedding sedan, and led the bride out of the wedding sedan with her head covered.
"Come here." Shopkeeper Li summoned a subordinate, "Go down and find out what the scenery is."
After giving instructions to his men, Shopkeeper Li guessed at Wu Zhaonian: "You won't marry a rich lady and then hire a prostitute to fill the house back home, right?"
Wu Zhaonian said nothing.
The place below the Moon Viewing Tower was crowded with people, and everyone was watching the excitement.
Not long after, a young girl from the Moon Viewing Tower came out and replied to the groom.
The groom looked solemn and said something seriously. Then he took the bride's hand. On the wedding day, in front of the moon-viewing building, the newlyweds knelt at the gate.
Shopkeeper Li smacked his lips and looked back, finally waiting for the person he sent earlier to come back.
"Did you hear that?"
"I heard about it, from the shopkeeper."
"Tell me now."
"It's like this, shopkeeper, the groom has just been included in the Royal Guards a few days ago."
"Hey, this is a good future." Shopkeeper Li said.
Anyone who is familiar with the situation in Jindong knows exactly what kind of bodyguards the prince of Pingxi has. When the prince goes out, he is basically protected by his bodyguards. When the prince goes on an expedition, they are the handsome bodyguards;
Whether he stays as a personal guard, has a favor with the prince, or gets an opportunity to go out, in short, the future is extremely bright.
"Today he married the daughter of a general."
"Then why come here?"
"That's right, shopkeeper, the groom was once an orphan. When Prince Pingxi was in Shengle City, he opened a free school and admitted orphans to the school.
Qiu Ba who died in the army or other common people could donate money to enter the church, choose among the orphans, and have them change their surnames and enshrine the surnames on the memorial tablets. "
This model originated from the fact that there were no relatives to receive the pensions for the Qiuba soldiers who died in the war. Instead, one of the orphans from the school was simply chosen to inherit their surname, and the pension was treated as living expenses for the children.
In essence, the palace did not pay anything more for this, and the pension was what it should have been. These orphans were the blind man who had already decided on a team to take in as a foundation for the future.
Therefore, it is nothing more than a formality;
But this also attracted many outsiders to fund it.
"There is an old bustard in this Moon Viewing Tower. She was a prostitute in Shengle City at the earliest. She donated a sum of money to support a foster son, the groom.
The groom, the officer, left school last year and practiced in the army for a year. Not long ago, he was selected into the palace's royal bodyguards, and was favored by a military officer, who made him his son-in-law.
Today is his wedding day, but the groom insists on taking his mother back to his home today. "
"Fetching his mother today?" Shopkeeper Li was confused.
"Yes, not related by blood... Grandmother. In fact, the bridegroom officer has been here several times before, wanting to take his grandmother out to live with him, but the sisters felt that their status would taint his future. , said that he was not willing to leave and let him go.
But who would have thought that today, on the wedding day, the groom actually brought the bride to pick him up. The old lady sent someone to send a message and gave him a sum of money for the wedding, but she refused to go with him again. go home.
This groom is stubborn,
He took the bride and knelt at the door;
Also said,
He said that half of his life was given by the prince. In the future, whenever the prince needs it, he will not hesitate to sacrifice his life for the prince;
The other half of my life was given by my mother. Now that I am an adult and married, how can I not have my mother sitting there and eating a cup of tea from my new wife?
He said that if the old ladies didn't come out, he would not get married today. "
Shopkeeper Li sighed after hearing this, and said with some regret: "This groom is actually a loyal man."
As he spoke, shopkeeper Li looked at Wu Zhaonian beside him.
Wu Zhaonian reached out and patted the window gently.
at this time,
It seems to be the groom's insistence or even a "threat",
Finally the person couldn't refuse.
From the Moon Viewing Tower, an obviously older woman came out. The groom and the bride stood up and sent her to another sedan chair.
Immediately, the groom got on his horse and shouted to the surroundings with high spirits:
"From today on, I, Zhou Changan, have a mother and a daughter-in-law!"
"it is good!"
"Good job!"
The people in Fengxin City who were watching all around made a sound of praise, but no one made any ridicule or ridicule.
Wu Zhaonian remembered that a high-ranking official of the Qian Kingdom fled to the island to avoid persecution by his enemies. He worked as his teacher for three years and then died of illness.
He once said something to himself that is still fresh in his memory.
He said that the so-called "not picking up lost things on the road, simple folk customs, trustworthiness from top to bottom, loyalty, filial piety and etiquette" are all cultivated in living water, while Daqian is already like a pool of stagnant water.
Looking at the current folk customs of Fengxin City, and then looking at the current situation of Yan State and Shanxi Province, Wu Zhaonian finally understood the meaning of the teacher's words.
When he went north, he met his younger brother Wu Xiang. His unlucky younger brother was captured by King Pingxi during the Qian Kingdom and had to be released later.
In Adi's description, Prince Pingxi is a true hero.
seeing is believing,
From what I have seen since entering the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there are no heroes. Looking through the history books, which founding monarch can be as solid and stable as the Prince of Pingxi when he is making a fortune?
The land of Yan and Jin is too far away, and the Wu family is at sea. The opportunity to bet is not a question of whether the Wu family is willing to join in, but whether they bother to look at you at this time?
While thinking about it, Wu Zhaonian noticed that Shopkeeper Li was still looking at him and immediately smiled:
"He is a good man."
"A good boy."
The prince was practicing archery, listening to Xiao Yibo reporting some new things that happened in Fengxin City today.
An arrow was shot and hit the bull's-eye;
The prince asked again;
"Which family does his father-in-law belong to?"
"It's General Xu."
"Oh, I have an impression." The prince continued to draw his bow and arrow, "How did he react?"
I thought I would pick a son-in-law with a bright future, who was also an orphan whose parents both died. My daughter would not have to be angry with her parents-in-law and have to set rules when she got married.
Who knew that an in-law would appear halfway, and he would still have that kind of identity.
"Very angry."
"Haha." The prince laughed. The arrow missed a little, but it still hit the bull's-eye red. "Then what?"
"General Xu Shen wanted to take someone to ask for an explanation, but he was stopped by General Jin."
"Is Jinshu here too?"
"Have a meal there."
The prince knew that since the metal skills were there, the general would not be able to stir up trouble.
Zheng Fan shot another arrow,
Then he put down his stiff bow and twisted his neck.
"In the name of the palace, I would like to send you a congratulatory gift."
"Subordinates obey."
"Also, ask Li Qing to send a headdress to the bridegroom's mother."
"My subordinate understands."
"Finally, let Xianba hold Gu's Wang Ling, take a whip, go to General Xu's door, and give him ten lashes for Gu.
If you don't have the eyesight to see things, no matter how unhappy you feel, you have to keep them in your heart, isn't it? His daughter is much more sensible than him. "
In fact, there are many more meanings here.
The idea of ​​beating the father-in-law and rewarding the son-in-law is to expand the matter, and it is conducive to shaping the social atmosphere, isn't it?
The army of orphans is the foundation for the future development of the palace. As the prince of these orphans, he is also their mountain chief, and he has to protect them.
When they were young, they protected their food and clothing; when they grew up, they protected their faces;
Only then will they be willing to... sacrifice their lives for you.
Of course, the prince's ideas were not so philistine, and Xu Shenjiang felt unhappy, but by giving him ten lashes to express his position, his face would be bright, and his colleagues would not only not laugh at him, but would also envy him for having acquired a moral character. A good son-in-law who is valued by the prince.
Being whipped is not a big deal, it's just the eighth grader in the army. Being kicked by the prince is called love.
Xiao Yibo went down to do some work;
At this time,
The blind man came over with the letter in his hand.
"My lord, the Haidong Wu family has sent someone here. They came here as part of the caravan. They have already arrived at Fengxin City."
"Oh, go see him."
Zheng Fan really has no interest in meeting the Wu family in Haidong right now. The Wu family is the imperial merchant of the Qian Kingdom and has great influence on the sea, but it is also outside the overall situation of Zhuxia.
To put it bluntly, the Wu family has not yet worked for a big chieftain in the southwest of the country.
When the Wu family really needs to be used, it will have to be when the Yan army completely breaks through the northern part of the Qian Kingdom and defeats the Qian Kingdom into the southern Qian Dynasty. That’s all.
"Okay." The blind man agreed, then picked up the letter and said, "Sir, there are two more things, which are matters for Yanjing."
"There is news from Yanjing that the Yuan will be changed next year."
"Change again?"
"After all, there was a war last year, so changing it to another yuan is a good sign."
"Oh, what's it called?"
"It's really an easy-to-understand era name." The prince said with a smile.
A glance at this year's name indicates that the emperor plans to vigorously restore people's livelihood, accumulate national strength and replenish the treasury at all levels.
The blind man was also laughing beside him.
"And one more thing?"
"Actually, it's two things. But we received the emperor's secret order first, but the big news should come in a while."
"Let me see."
Zheng Fan reached out and took the letter,
Zheng Fan directly passed over Xiao Liuzi's nonsense.
The content is mainly in the last three paragraphs.
The first paragraph is: My surname is Zheng, my queen misses her son, and I miss my son too. How is my son doing in Jindong?
The second paragraph is: Zheng, I am so bored living in the palace. It’s not like before when I could be pushed around by my father. Now I feel sick when I see the golden bricks and green tiles in the palace. .
The third paragraph is: So, I plan to pick up my son home in person. When I pick up my son, I can also take a look.
Zheng Fan frowned,
"The emperor is going on an eastward tour?"
In fact, the blind man really wanted to reply: We can turn him into Dong Shou.
After all, when the emperor comes, the prince will be here with us, so the father and son of the Tian family will work together.
Throughout the ages, which vassal town could have such a start of Tianhu's rebellion?
But the blind man didn't say that, because he knew that the Lord would not agree, especially when the emperor was so magnanimous and the Xia had not yet been unified, so the blind man did not ask for trouble.
Fortunately, he still has Zheng Lin to look forward to, and he has a longer time to enjoy this process.
"Is he really tired of staying in the palace and wants to go out and relax?"
"My subordinates feel that the emperor is..."
"What is it?"
"I missed you."
(End of this chapter)

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