The devil is coming

Chapter 918 King Pingxi welcomes you

Chapter 918 King Pingxi welcomes you
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!!!"
"Your Majesty, take care, Your Majesty!!!"
"Your Majesty... please think again!!!"
The emperor sat on a large imperial chariot pulled by 36 wild beasts, and beside him sat Queen He Sisi.
Outside, the ministers who saw him off were still "reluctantly saying goodbye";
He Sisi peeled a grape and put it into the emperor's mouth.
Forget about the time in Nan'an County, when the man was interested in a concubine, He Sisi took the initiative to sleep with the future Emperor of Dayan;
Ji Laoliu still remembered that night when Po Gua was broken. He woke up very late. When he opened his eyes, He Sisi was already sitting there with her hair tied up. Ji Lao Liu was confused for a moment as to whether he was the one who was Po Gua. The one?
At that time, you and I were fed the fruits mouth to mouth.
The daughter of a butcher's family is relatively simple, but Ji Laoliu had been an absurd prince for a long time in order to confuse his father. For the time being, it can be regarded as "suffering from hardship";
In short, he is very playful.
He taught and He Sisi studied, not just to serve him. When the young man and woman first got together, they enjoyed each other.
Now, I have two children.
For some reason, the couple stopped feeding each other mouth-to-mouth. It wasn't that they felt disgusting. In fact, it was more terrifying than nausea. It was because they felt it was no longer necessary.
"Your Majesty, what are you doing?" He Sisi asked.
Ji Laoliu came to his senses and turned to look outside the imperial carriage. The ministers who saw him off finally left.
"Oh, my head hurts from those old guys."
The emperor reached out and knocked on his forehead.
The queen took the initiative to lean over and massage her temples.
In the imperial court, there is a group of people who are senior, their official conduct is relatively upright, their ability to do practical things is not excellent, but they can be called so-so, they are not party-minded or selfish, and they are loyal.
Such old ministers, even the emperor, can do nothing with them;
There is nothing you can do to manipulate them... No, the main thing is that they have no value to manipulate.
That's why they dared to cry on the chariot when they sent the emperor away from the capital today.
"These adults are also loyal." The queen comforted.
"I know that in their view, during my eastward tour, I treated myself as a fat sheep and delivered it to King Pingxi."
"Pfft..." The queen was amused.
"Sometimes, I feel quite sad myself. When I feel sad, the more I realize that my father's greatness... is not easy.
Emperors are also human beings. Throughout the ages, how many emperors have truly been able to tolerate people?
It is already considered excellent to be able to save a decent person. Only a few monarchs and ministers get the last one.
As for the ministers,
For example, the person named Zheng,
He won every battle to open up territory and expand our country's prestige. He never pulled his hips. Basically, as soon as he took action, I could wait in the imperial study for the news of success.
But the more this happened, the more the ministers in the DPRK regarded him as a thorn in their side.
Although he had made many military exploits for the country, the more they thought he looked more and more like a national thief.
Comparatively speaking, if I were put in the position of Zheng, I would be resentful in my heart. "
The queen sat there quietly, listening to the emperor's words.
The emperor is truly a "lonely man". There are not many people in the world who are qualified to listen to what he says in his heart.
Maybe, just two.
One is herself, not even Lingxiang, because behind Lingxiang is the Lu family. Although the Lu family is very rule-abiding, the errands that Lu Bing is in charge of now are really too heavy and too big.
Fortunately, the concubine gave birth to a princess. If it were a prince, the situation would definitely be different from what it is now. It's hard to say whether Lu Bing is even qualified to rectify the Secret Service.
Behind his back, the emperor actually knew exactly how his brother, father, and sister-in-law's family lived.
He Sisi is undoubtedly more emotional. She has always had a guess about her father-in-law, the late Emperor of Dayan.
Did he have such an arrangement and intention when he agreed to marry his son?
Not only to eliminate the possibility of his maternal relatives getting involved in politics, but also to hope that his son would have someone he could talk to with peace of mind?
She had not been in contact with the late emperor for long, and the times were not many, but every time she met or met face to face on a big occasion, the late emperor always treated her with the kind of... politeness that an elder treats a younger person, and even a little bit of generosity. .
Of course she knew how deeply her husband once hated her father-in-law, but the late emperor treated her well.
Perhaps, because of some preconceptions and the fact that the concept of emperor was too majestic for her at that time, even a little bit of politeness was "like Mu Jun's kindness" in her eyes.
"As the old saying goes, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. This can be said conversely. Just because the emperor owns everything in the country, the emperor has always been the most timid person and the person who can least afford to gamble.
A man surnamed Zheng once said, "It would be better for me to let the world down than for the world to let me down."
There are always so many golden sayings about people named Zheng, and they often become more interesting the more you read them. From time to time, you have to take them out and regurgitate them. "
The emperor was leaning on the dragon couch in the royal chariot, his eyes lost in thought.
The queen smiled slightly, peeled another grape, and put it into the emperor's mouth.
What she had thought before was that there were probably only two people in the world who could make this Nine-Fifth Supreme Lord confide his heart to his heart's content;
For me, it doesn't matter because I have both prosperity and loss, and I have no relatives to speak of.
It’s Prince Pingxi.
However, Prince Pingxi was exactly the opposite of him. Precisely because Prince Pingxi now had a strong military and powerful army and was powerful in the country, he had the qualifications to be on an equal footing with the emperor.
Just because we can sit together and are equal, there is no need to pretend.
Her husband has used the metaphor of "friend" more than once. Only when we have an equal amount of money can we be friends.
"Haha, those old guys are afraid that if I go to Jin, that person named Zheng will do something wrong. Only I know that someone named Zheng will not do such a thing.
He is pretentious, he is the most pretentious person I have ever seen in my life.
Even if he wanted to rebel, he wouldn't bother to hold me hostage and defeat me. He would think this is not beautiful. "
"Not beautiful?"
“It’s like looking at a painting and tasting a glass of wine.”
"My concubine, I seem to understand."
"Unless I made the wrong move and made him feel uncomfortable, I guess he is too lazy to bother.
But I just keep alerting myself, alerting myself to always be a good person and a good brother.
It is actually very tempting to stab a brother in the back, but I know that I must not do it.
It's not that I'm afraid of him, but I think it's a bit boring to turn against him just for the sake of the safety of a dragon chair.
He had also sat on the dragon chair. It looked majestic, but in reality it was terrifying.
Therefore, I did not hear how many imperial guardsmen they dispatched this time, nor did I let local troops mobilize first.
I come and go like this,
Take your time, walk slowly, and look slowly.
Look at the three Jin lands that my father captured for me, look at these, my people. "
As the emperor spoke, he seemed a little tired and slowly closed his eyes.
The queen felt a little sorry for the emperor. She knew that part of the reason why the emperor was in such a hurry to go out on a tour of Beijing just after the New Year was because he was tired from the sacrificial ceremonies held one after another;
The sacrificial ceremony after the new year is no less than before, and the emperor also ran out earlier to slow down work.
A smile appeared on the emperor's lips with his eyes closed,
"Queen, do you know why I dare to leave Beijing so carelessly, without worrying about my family at all?"
"Your Majesty must have already made arrangements."
“First, the regulations for various matters after the new year are nothing more than continuing to advance according to what was set a year ago. I have already arranged the direction and targets, and the senior ministers in the cabinet are competent;
two is,
I am not worried at all about what will happen to my hometown.
Because I have been touring the east, my hometown will be more stable, and even the resistance to the implementation of the New Deal will be much smaller than expected. "
"Your Majesty, why is this?"
"Even an emperor as arbitrary as my father cannot represent the imperial court. The imperial court is a thing, but the imperial court is composed of thousands of people. They are inextricably linked to the local area because they It comes from the place.
They don't dare to openly resist me, but if they really want to be passive and negligent, I really can't do anything to them.
The court is like a cow, the emperor is the driver of the cow, and you have to whip him.
I also have to thank my father and the others for that incident, haha;
When I come out,
They will panic, and they will subconsciously run to plow this land for me.
Back then, my father borrowed the help of two uncles from the north and the south to have a horse-trading match.
They are afraid,
I'm afraid that my son will imitate me and go to Jindong to borrow a sword, hahaha. "
The emperor smiled happily, perhaps because he was too excited. In addition, he got up early today. Although the imperial chariot could provide shade from the sun and wind, it was still much drier outside than in the deep palace.
So, the emperor had a nosebleed.
"Your Majesty, it's... bleeding again."
The queen immediately took out a silk handkerchief to help the emperor wipe it. Fortunately, not much flowed out, and it stopped after wiping twice.
The emperor was not impressed;
Reaching out into the skirt of the queen’s dress,
Deliberately looking at her with a lustful look,
"I'm angry, please ask the Queen to relieve Xiao Liuzi's anger."
The queen reached out and patted the emperor's chest, but did not take away the hand that was causing trouble under the dress.
Then he said angrily:
"I haven't had a formal appearance since I left Beijing."
"The man named Zheng also has a son and a daughter. He is trying to catch up with us. No, we have to work harder.
Come here
lie down
Why does this dress have so many buttons?
When I get back, I will instruct the Ministry of Rites and the Bureau of Embroidery to alter the Queen's phoenix robe. Wouldn't this delay the Emperor's heir? "
In front of the royal chariot,
Eunuch Wei waved his whisk,
The curtain slowly fell behind him.
The man took three steps forward and glanced forward.
The eunuchs and maids serving here all lowered their heads and walked slowly outside the royal chariot.
Eunuch Wei listened to the sound and said,
Entered into concentration.
The emperor was on an eastward tour, although everyone with eyesight in the world knew where the emperor really planned to go.
But the Eastern Tour is still an Eastern Tour after all.
The late emperor reigned for a long time, but after he ascended the throne, he basically never left the capital. The furthest he went was to stay in the backyard outside the capital for temporary recuperation.
This is the first time in the past 20 years that Emperor Yan has officially left Beijing to inspect his territory.
It was also an official seal-like recognition by the Emperor of Dayan to the three Jin lands newly included in the territory of Dayan.
Therefore, the emperor's chariot cannot move very fast.
When you arrive at a place, you have to stop and delay for a while, meet with the local officials, and show consideration to the people's sentiments. Representatives of the gentry, noble legacies, romantic scribes, and so on, all have to be arranged and passed through.
When passing through famous mountains and rivers, you have to climb high, look far, mention a word, and erect an inscription.
The emperor is the symbol of Dayan, and the land that the emperor has personally walked on is truly infected with the atmosphere of Dayan.
In short, the emperor is very busy, and this road is going very slowly.
But as we get closer and closer to Shanxi,
Many eyes were unconsciously focused here.
In fact, the activities of the Silver Armored Guards and the Phoenix Nest Guards have become much more frequent, and for this reason, they did not hesitate to have a few of them removed.
The emperor of Dayan is about to come to the east of Shanxi. What will the prince of Pingxi do?
The spring breeze of the first year of Ying'an heralds the coming recovery of all things.
The other countries are not fools, they can taste it from this year name;
If the Yan State is not in chaos, it will really not give the big guys a chance.
How come you, two generations of the Yan Kingdom, can play like this and still be safe?
These shoes should be wet!
"Queen, this Linxing world is really more tiring than Linxing you."
The emperor rubbed his waist and sighed.
Seeing that this guy was getting an advantage and being so obedient, the queen took a step forward and squatted down, then reached for the belt of the dragon robe.
"No, no, no!"
The emperor was frightened and took two steps back.
"Let me take it easy, let me take it easy."
The couple immediately laughed together.
At this time, Eunuch Wei reported:
"Your Majesty, Xu Wenzu, the governor of Yingdu, is waiting outside the royal carriage."
"According to the order."
In fact, the emperor's team had already passed through Yingdu, and stayed in Yingdu for a few days, meeting with representatives of Yingdu's local forces, including Prince Cheng Yu, Situ Yu.
But Xu Wenzu was not in Yingdu at that time, but went downstairs to inspect spring plowing.
Originally, Xu Wenzu had taken time to wait for the emperor in Yingdu, but the emperor delayed his trip and missed the schedule arranged by Xu Wenzu. Seeing that the emperor missed the appointment, Xu Pangpang didn't wait any longer and went about his own business.
In the end, the emperor stayed in Yingdu for one more day before leaving the city, which was regarded as waiting for Xu Wenzu.
In addition, Xu Wenzu also did another thing, that is, when the emperor's team was about to enter the territory of Dayingdu, he wrote a letter suggesting that the emperor's team modify the original route so as not to disturb the local people and local officials and affect the progress of spring plowing. .
"Xu Wenzu, the governor of Yingdu, comes to see your majesty, long live my emperor!"
Xu Wenzu stood up like two mountains of flesh piled on top of each other. When he knelt down, the two became one.
The emperor got off the dragon chair and stepped forward to help him.
Xu Wenzu hurriedly said: "I can't do it, I can't do it, Your Majesty."
As a result, it was supposed to be a scene of harmony between the emperor and his ministers according to the established procedure, but accidentally, the sole of Xu Pangpang's foot slipped and he fell upside down. The emperor was able to stabilize his body because of Eunuch Wei's timely support. .
"Ha ha ha ha……"
The emperor laughed,
"Xu Aiqing, you have gained weight again."
Xu Wenzu had climbed up again and said;
"Yingdu is raising people, which makes His Majesty laugh."
"You are very capable. You have turned Yingdu into a place to raise people in a few years. You have done a good job and I am very satisfied."
"Your Majesty praises it, but I'm terrified."
"If someone else dares to spare my child, and dares to inform me in advance to make way for spring plowing, I will definitely feel that he is inviting me directly.
But if you do this,
I don’t think so. You are a down-to-earth person, my capable official, and Dayan’s humerus! "
The emperor personally approved this statement, but it will be included in the history books.
In the history books, when Xu Wenzu is mentioned, he will inevitably add a sentence: The emperor praised him and said: The humerus of the country.
Xu Wenzu knelt down again, took a deep breath, and said:
"I am ashamed of myself. I am just responsible for my responsibilities. As the governor of a place, I should take care of the people of the place as the emperor. I don't dare to take credit!"
"Well, if all the officials of Great Yan follow the example of the Xu Qing family, the unification of the world of Great Yan will be just around the corner. No, we can wait in advance."
"I am willing to do the hard work of your majesty, and I am willing to dedicate everything you have to your majesty's great cause of unifying all the summers!"
"Okay, Wei Zhonghe, help Xu Aiqing get up."
Xu Wenzu was helped up, and the emperor and his ministers sat down and began to play.
The main thing is to listen to Xu Wenzu's future development plan for Yingdu. The emperor asked, the prefect answered, and the accompanying historian was taking notes.
Of course, these records will be deleted afterward, and the historian himself knows what should be recorded and what should not be recorded.
The monarch and his ministers chatted happily. From the morning when Xu Wenzu caught up with the royal chariot, they chatted until nearly dusk;
During the journey, the emperor and his ministers also ate together on the royal chariot, and Xu Wenzu was given the honor of accompanying the royal meal.
at last,
Done talking.
Because Wangjiang is already visible.
The monarch and his ministers entered into the final rhythm of the conversation in a tacit understanding.
When everything should have ended,
Xu Wenzu suddenly knelt down again,
"Your Majesty, I have risked my life to remonstrate with you. I ask your Majesty to drive the chariot and not to cross the river. Please put the country of Yanjiang Mountain first!"
Suddenly it got cold.
The emperor turned the teacup in his hand that was supposed to be used to see off guests,
"I know that your relationship with Zheng is very good."
"Be each other's best friends, no less than brothers."
"Then why do you say that?"
"I am from Yan, Your Majesty is the king, and I belong to the Yan State!"
"Do you think that if I cross Wangjiang, King Pingxi will rebel?"
"I don't think Prince Pingxi will rebel."
"Then why did you stop me from crossing the river?"
"Prince Pingxi will not rebel, but who can guarantee that those arrogant and powerful generals under Prince Pingxi will not do such treacherous and unethical things as to defeat their superiors?
His Majesty,
Emperor Taizu of the Qian Kingdom wears a yellow robe, Yin Jian is not far away! "
The emperor's chariot was guarded by the Imperial Guards, but how could these Imperial Guards be the opponents of Shanxi Tiger Wolf?
"I've already come here. I've already reached the riverside. How could I not cross the river? The other side of the river is also my country, Dayan."
"I know I cannot remonstrate, but I have to remonstrate. This is also my duty."
"Okay, I understand. Thank you for your hard work, Xu Aiqing..."
At this time,
A report came from the commander of the Forbidden Army outside.
Wei Zhonghe immediately went out to meet him and came back quickly with a strange look on his face:
"Your Majesty...Ping...Prince Pingxi is here."
"Hey, the guy named Zheng is here to pick us up? Is he on the other side of the river?"
"Back to Your Majesty, Prince Pingxi has already crossed the river."
"Oh, how many soldiers and horses does he bring?"
Wei Zhonghe pursed his lips.
"Your Majesty will know after you go out and take a look in person."
"You slave dog, you are actually cheating on me here." The emperor laughed and scolded Wei Zhonghe, and then he opened the curtain and walked outside the royal chariot.
Outside the royal chariot,
There were thousands of Imperial Guards who came from the capital to escort the chariot all the way. They surrounded the imperial chariot and protected it closely.
When the emperor stepped out of the royal chariot and stood on the carriage platform,
See ahead,
Before the ranks of Imperial Guardsmen,
A figure wearing black armor and riding a brave figure stood there quietly.
Seeing this scene,
The emperor's nose is a little sore,
Blinking hard,
He cursed:
between us,
It's quite a distance,
But almost at the same time,
The prince sitting on Pixiu’s back,
He also cursed:
In the spring of the first year of Ying'an, the emperor made an eastward patrol to eastern Shanxi;
Great Yan Pingxi King,
Ride alone to meet the driver!
(End of this chapter)

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