Chapter 927
Zheng Fan has been stuck in the fifth-level martial arts realm for a long time.
From the earliest days, the demon kings knew that their master's physique had nothing to do with those losers;
Your Majesty's physique is quite good.
Of course, there is no way to compare with those truly proud men, but even if you are thrown into the world, you can still come out with a small head.
In the early days, when Zheng Fan first started to take the path of martial arts, he had attracted the attention of many people because of his rapid improvement. However, as Zheng Fan's status continued to improve, there were more and more soldiers and horses around him, and there were more and more personal guards around him. After more and more;
The world no longer talks about King Ping Xi's own strength.
For people above the temple, what matters more is the Jindong cavalry under his command;
For people in the world of martial arts, what matters more is the presence around him such as the Sword Master;
For the common people,
The people in the land of Yan and Jin did not rate King Pingxi's personal force as inferior to that of King Jingnan. After a great battle, the storyteller in the teahouse often liked to talk about who Prince Pingxi fought against for [-] rounds until the mountains collapsed. The story of split water flowing back;
The people of other countries were shocked by King Pingxi's achievements and compared him to a devil who wanted to eat two pairs of boys and girls alive at every meal. Naturally, they would not be stingy about writing about his personal military power;
However, only those around King Pingxi truly understand King Pingxi’s dedication to the realm.
Because since I woke up,
Zheng Fan himself carries the hope of one person cultivating the whole group to advance.
The Sword Master knows that Zheng Fan insists on practicing sword practice every day to strengthen his body at all times. This perseverance has not been offset by changes in his status;
Naturally, the reason why the prince is very idle in the palace on weekdays, unless he is on an expedition, is that if he doesn't spare a small part of the day to practice martial arts, he will appear even more idle.
However, the fifth-grade realm is actually equivalent to the "peak of martial arts" in the traditional sense;
If you think about it further, in fact, it is really not something that a master can teach you.
Sometimes, it depends on the accumulation that is so full that you don't know when it will end, plus a trace of just the right luck.
Just at this moment,
Zheng Fan finally broke through the obstacles in his realm with a burst of spirit and entered the realm of a fourth-level martial artist.
And in this moment,
The three present... to be precise, the four demon kings, all became excited at once.
The higher you go, it can be said that you have one product and one world;
For the demon kings, it means that they can recover more strength, because the proportion base is set here.
The simplest arithmetic problem is,
Under normal circumstances,
The demon king who followed his master and rose to the fifth level can rely on his rich experience and special abilities such as bloodline to fight back and forth with normal fourth-level masters, and even hope to cut off the opponent's head by surprise;
And if you can follow the Lord and rise to the fourth level,
This means that the demon kings have the strength corresponding to the third level.
Third grade,
in this world,
Excluding the existence of the Sword Master, and excluding those existences that may still be hidden in the world, it is already at the level of the ceiling.
A strong man with strength not inferior to the third level can actually go anywhere as long as he doesn't deliberately commit suicide.
A Ming immediately drank the red wine in the glass.
In this atmosphere,
He could no longer maintain that elegance and composure;
In fact, when I drank red wine this time, I didn't even bother to touch the tip of my tongue a few more times to savor the taste of this wine as much as possible, because my tongue had to stay to lick more important things.
Xue San was so excited that he clenched his hands into fists and wanted to scream.
Fan Li's eyes were as wide as bells.
Another thing came to mind.
At this time, the third master happened to say in surprise: "Ali, did you see it? The master has advanced, advanced!"
"Well, we're two trips behind."
"..." Xue San.
The third master sighed,
But he soon regained his energy,
"It's okay. This shows that we have more room for improvement than them."
The emperor looked at Zheng Fan and said with some doubts:
"Is it imported?"
"No, the man named Zheng, along with all the preparations you just made, just to let me see you show off again before returning to the capital to say goodbye? Did you hold it in until now?"
The prince stretched out his hand and put it on the emperor's shoulder.
work hard.
The emperor staggered, and then was lifted up by the prince, completely losing his balance.
Eunuch Wei subconsciously turned his hands twice, his chest heaving, but in the end he still did not choose to take action.
"Ji Laoliu." The prince said.
"What are you doing?"
"Actually, I don't really want you to die. Even if you die, don't die so quickly."
"Oh, put me down."
Zheng Fan did not let go;
Continue to mention the emperor like an eagle.
"Half a year, at most half a year, I will send someone, or I will go to the capital in person to help you treat your illness."
Zheng Fan let go of his hand.
The emperor landed, stretched his hands forward, and stabilized his body, at least he didn't fall into pieces.
In this world, I am afraid that only King Pingxi would dare to behave like this towards Emperor Dayan.
The emperor stood up,
turn around,
He kicked Zheng Fan on the knee.
The prince raised his legs,
Leg slam from both sides.
"Hiss... your uncle's surname is Zheng, how dare you fight back!"
The emperor sat down on the ground. His calf was already red and swollen.
As an ordinary person, facing off against a fourth-grade warrior, the outcome was actually doomed from the beginning.
Eunuch Wei stood there, still motionless.
Again, before crossing Wangjiang River, it was a simple matter for King Pingxi to want to kill the king. There was no reason for him to protect him in front of King Pingxi at this time.
It's just that seeing his master being bullied like this makes him feel a little uncomfortable, but his master seems to be enjoying it a little bit.
Zheng Fan squatted down,
Put his face in front of Ji Laoliu.
in fact,
It's not that there are no ways to treat Ji Laoliu, or even ways to improve the success rate.
That is to let the demon kings involved in the operation,
They become stronger!
In this way, the surgery can naturally be completed more safely, and the only way for them to become stronger is to advance on their own.
Zheng Fan really didn’t deliberately get stuck at this moment to advance;
It can only be said that Ji Laoliu's "last words" and "arrangements" raised the mood and atmosphere to that level, and naturally gave him an opportunity.
It's not easy for me to always make the Sword Master fall into enlightenment. This time I finally got a chance, and the effect was pretty good.
Look at how hard you have worked so hard for his life, but this guy still doesn't appreciate it. He really deserves a beating.
Ji Laoliu rubbed his calf and glared at Zheng Fan angrily;
"Half a year." Zheng Fan said again.
"Zheng, I have said it before. I am the emperor. I speak eloquently and speak the Constitution. I said that I would rather have those five solid years than to risk death for more years. I …”
"After half a year, it won't be May [-]th. It may be August [-]nd, or even September [-]st. It's more likely to be like catching a cold. Many people just get better on their own without doing anything. Many people drink I took a lot of medicine, but in the end I died.
if it is like this,
Are you still unwilling to take treatment? "
The emperor was silent,
Subconsciously swallowed twice;
"What you it true?"
"If that's the case, I...I...I think I can give it a try."
When the success rate is only [-]%, it is no different from flipping a copper coin. Under this probability, it is impossible for the emperor to gamble;
But when the possibility of success can reach an overwhelming advantage, the so-called zero and one do not apply.
Because if you are really unlucky, you will choke to death even if you drink water.
The reason why Zheng Fan had to wait for half a year was because he needed to spend time with the demon kings to improve their realm.
The advancement of the Demon King is no longer as simple as it used to be. Now half of the classes have been missed. If you want to make up for it, it won't be possible overnight.
It can only be said that half a year is the maximum period. What if the tumor in Xiaoliuzi's brain worsens?
"Zheng, in fact, I have always believed what you said, really."
The emperor sat cross-legged on the ground,
"You said that my life was not long, and that my life would be ten years at most and probably five years. You said that the treatment methods were only [-]-[-]. You said that I would be more confident after half a year.
I believe whatever you say;
Even though I don’t know about the disease you mentioned, I just believe it. "
Perhaps this is the power of personality.
Zheng Fan is a very lazy person. The last thing a lazy person likes to do is to take off his pants and fart.
Therefore, no matter how incredible what he said was and how difficult it was for him to understand, the emperor's first reaction was... okay, I believe it.
"Actually, it's quite good." The emperor pursed his lips, "It's uncomfortable to be alone. With you here, even if you are in Eastern Jin Dynasty and I am in the capital, I will always have a companion in my heart."
"I didn't want you to leave so early because I didn't want to delay the plan to wipe out Qian Chu."
"Yes, yes, I know, I know."
The emperor climbed up from the ground with some difficulty. At this moment, Eunuch Wei was finally able to get close to help his master.
"Zheng, sometimes I imagine what would happen to Dayan if I didn't meet you when I went to Zhenbei Hou Mansion to send gifts.
Hard to imagine, right? "
Zheng Fan wanted to say that it was conceivable;
You hung up,
Then your son comes to power,
Then it seems that your son couldn't resist being overthrown, and was probably killed by Tiantian himself.
Dayan died,
The hard work of generations was wasted.
It's the ending where I don't show up.
"Qiu Ba, generally you don't believe in fate, right?" The emperor continued, "I actually don't believe it either."
The emperor was helped into the carriage by Eunuch Wei, and half of the royal guards followed the carriage to escort the emperor across the river.
When the carriage started to move,
The emperor opened the carriage curtain,
He held a cigarette in his hand, and Mr. Wei next to him was a little unfamiliar with the cigarettes and helping to light it.
The emperor turned his head,
Looking at Zheng Fan standing outside,
"I don't believe in destiny because I feel that the so-called destiny is not as exciting as your surname Zheng!"
The emperor is gone,
The carriage has gone,
The team left.
Zheng Fan stayed where he was and stood for a long time;
Pixiu came over and nuzzled Zheng Fan gently, asking if he wanted to return home.
Zheng Fan didn't get on its back,
Instead, he reached out from his specially made saddle and took out a set of chessboards.
shouted to the sword master standing not far away;
"Lao Yu, play a game with me."
The bonfire rises,
The chessboard is set;
Tonight, the stars are bright;
King Pingxi forced the sword master to play ten games of backgammon.
After the tenth round determines the winner,
The prince put his hands back on the ground and breathed a long sigh of relief, as if he had let go of some of his burdens.
"Because of the emperor's illness?" the sword master asked.
The prince shook his head and said, "Yes and no."
"The relationship between you and the emperor is really good."
"Actually, I'm a very cold person."
"Is there?"
"What about this time?" The Sword Master asked while packing up the chessboard, "The feeling today is probably the same as when I drew my sword in front of the Snow Customs.
I'm very curious about what kind of passionate feelings can push you to this point. "
"It's not just feelings, it's like this chess game."
The prince pointed at the black and white pieces still scattered on the chessboard;
"Chess is like life, and the chessboard is also like destiny that has already been divided into edges and corners."
"It's backgammon." The sword master reminded again.
"Same, same, don't worry about these details."
The prince raised his head and looked at the starry sky,
"Lao Yu, have you ever felt like a chess piece on a chessboard, and that everything has been destined by God?"
"..." Zheng Fan.
When the sword master was young, he and his younger brother depended on each other for life. Later, he became a master and entered the sword sect. Since then, he has risen rapidly.
When I had free time, I walked around the country, went to Chu State to find a sword maker for a sword, went to Yan State to compete with Li Liangshen in Beifeng County, and felt free and happy;
Even the so-called "Emperor" has killed more than one.
Jianghu Xiaoyao, he really did it.
There is a saying that people can't help themselves in the arena, but if your martial arts are strong enough, at least in the arena, you can really do whatever you want.
"Cooperate a little bit," the prince reminded.
"If I have to say there was, it would probably be after entering Shengle City."
After entering Shengle City,
My life seems to have become a chess piece on this chessboard;
With all kinds of bonds, you can always be persuaded by one person, but that person is very shameless and thick-skinned;
But these bonds are his own choices;
The chess pieces have been playing freely outside for a long time, and I really miss the small world of this ancient chess board.
"I'm actually fighting against the sky. God seems to be displeased with me."
The sword master reminded: "It's not a little bit, it's very unpleasant."
"So, since this is the case, the more I want to go against him. Whoever God wants to die, then I will let him live. On the contrary, I will completely oppose him."
The prince picked up a black chess piece,
facing the sky,
The sword master smiled and said, "But the final destination of the chess pieces is still on this chessboard."
"Ha ha ha ha……"
The prince laughed,
He calmed down in a while,
Wiping the tears from laughter at the corners of my eyes,
"But I don't belong on this chessboard."
Not far away, Xue San, A Ming and Fan Li, who were also sitting around the campfire, were discussing countermeasures in low voices.
Xue Sandao: "I think the Lord will spend a lot of time to save the emperor next and just keep an eye on us and help us advance.
How could I be spared from the surgery? "
Xue San looked at his hands.
When the Lord has stronger subjective initiative, the difficulty of things should be reduced.
"I can control the blood flow rate, complete blood transfusions and control various indicators."
A Ming felt that he should be of some use.
In an operating room, everyone can join in. In this round of upgrades, it is obvious that whoever can occupy a position on the operating table will have an advantage.
Fan Li slapped his head,
"Me too."
Xue San and A Ming looked at Fan Li together.
The third master even laughed directly;
"What can you do, you idiot?"
Fan Li picked up the ax on his knee.
With a flick,
"I can open the skull."
The emperor's return to Beijing did not have any substantial impact on Fengxin City.
The soldiers and civilians in Fengxin City still do whatever they need to do.
After the framework and details had been laid out in advance, the entire Jindong entered into a rapid recovery and operation. At the same time, it began to attract people of all ethnic groups from all directions to enter and become part of this operation.
When we were in Cuiliu Castle, it was just a starting point, when we were in Shengle City, it was just a pilot, and when we were in Xuehaiguan, it was just a blueprint;
After arriving at Fengxin City,
Everything is gradually transformed into reality, condensing the real atmosphere.
The blind man was wearing a navy blue gown and standing on the battlements.
Not far away was the returning Lord and his party.
Siniang stood beside the blind man. On weekdays, it was rare to see Siniang holding her own son. Most of the time, she really left it to Mowan and Princess Fu to take care of him.
"Blind man, the emperor's eastward tour seems to be very effective for the Ji family."
The blind man nodded and said:
"It doesn't matter, I have already put my thoughts on your son. If you look down on me, your son will not be willing to succumb to others when he grows up.
Under this premise, or during this period of time, it is only natural to unify the Xia first.
The bigger the chessboard, the more exciting it is to play chess or flip the chessboard. "
"Haha, you gave in too." Siniang smiled.
"The Lord is the Lord after all. As subordinates, how can we really disobey His will?"
At this time,
The team was already entering the city, and Qu Peiluo led the city patrol officers to take charge of order at the city gate.
Xue San and Fan Li were very excited sitting on their horses and dancing.
"Looking at how happy they are, even A Ming's behavior when drinking is a bit frivolous..." The blind man smiled, "I'm afraid the Lord has risen to the fourth level."
Siniang also noticed this detail.
However, she did not panic. As the Lord's wife, and also the Lord's son and mother, her position had long been superior to that of other demon kings.
When Siniang was about to turn around and go down to meet the father of her child,
Stopped again,
Turning his back to the blind man, he asked:
"Is the emperor's surgery really a [-]-[-] surgery?"
The blind man stretched out a finger,
He nodded his forehead,
"The tumor in the emperor's brain is benign, and the location is excellent and the structure is safe, so the operation is not difficult."
"You're playing with fire."
“Any surgery has risks.
Since the essence is zero and one,
So what's the difference if it's [-]-[-] or some other number? "
(End of this chapter)

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