The devil is coming

Chapter 928 1 Dream Life

Chapter 928 A Dream in a Lifetime
Spring goes to summer solstice;
A while ago,
Pingxi Prince's Mansion issued several appointments in succession, which seemed a little unexpected at first, but after careful consideration, apart from being dense and hasty, it was also reasonable.
First of all, Qu Peiluo, who was originally responsible for the internal defense of Fengxin City, was transferred to the front line of Zhennanguan to start setting up the Chuzi Camp. He was also given a large number of standard household qualifications;
The former young master of the Qu family finally got the chance to fly out again to show off his ambitions.
Subsequently, Jin Shuke was promoted to General of the Imperial Guard, officially confirming his status as the second-ranking figure in the Pingxi Palace Army after General Liang, and organized the new army.
There is also a story attached to this article: Brother Ke Yandong, who had been sweeping the ground for half a year, was finally sent to Yupan City with his subordinates who swept the ground together, and became the general soldier of Yupan City;
The military and political status of Yupan City is naturally much worse than that of Xuehaiguan back then, but it finally has a new beginning;
Sun Liang, the original prefect of Yupan City, was transferred back to Fengxin City from the position of prefect of Yupan City to supervise construction.
Of course, he is just a prominent figure. In fact, the Sun brothers have always been led by Sun Ying.
In addition, the palace has two yamen under its jurisdiction, with Chen Daole and He Chunlai as the helmsmen.
These two yamen are responsible for many functional yamen in various fields. Controlling these two yamen can be said to control the economy and people's livelihood of the entire eastern Shanxi. Counting "Sun Liang", these three people are known as "Sun Liang" among the local people. The troika below the palace.
Moreover, these three are all Jin people. To a certain extent, whether in terms of quality, distance or ease of absorption, since the headquarters of the Pingxi Palace is in the east of Shanxi, it is undoubtedly necessary to absorb the elites of the Jin area. It is the most convenient and fastest option.
In other places in Jin, the combination of Yan officials and Jin officials is still maintained, and under the background that Yan officials are often the main ones and Jin officials are supplementary, Jindong can be said to be the first choice for the elites of Jin to leap over the dragon gate.
Overall, this series of personnel changes did not surprise the outside world too much, because even the local people had heard about it. The people under the prince, or in the palace, who really hold the real power are the gentlemen under the prince. These All the gentlemen have amazing talents. They started their careers with the prince from a very early age until now. Moreover, these gentlemen don't seem to care about false reputations, and they basically don't hold positions outside and get titles.
This is indeed true. This is not a secret among the upper circles of the palace. No matter how high your official position or military power is, you must bow and say hello to your husband when you see him.
Therefore, no matter how the flags outside change, the palace is still the same palace.
This time,
Really different.
Chen Daole and He Chunlai stood in the signing room of the palace.
The person sitting in the side position was still Yuexin, but the person sitting in the front seat was not Si Niang, but Xiong Liqing.
Xiong Liqing looked at the pile of foldable papers in front of her.
take a deep breath,
Showing a somewhat helpless smile,
He said to Chen Daole and He Chunlai who were standing below:
"I'd like to trouble you two adults to drink two more cups of tea to delay your work."
The two sat down immediately.
They came to hand over the documents of the past two weeks for review. This was the tradition when Mr. Feng was here.
But it is obvious that although Xiong Liqing has mastered these tasks, it is only limited to keeping the system from getting stuck in her place. As for giving any guiding opinions, she knows that she is not at this level and does not dare to give full play to it.
Xiong Liqing felt suffocated when she thought about how her sister was still dealing with extremely tedious matters such as banknotes, bonds, and coinage when she was pregnant last year, while still doing them in an orderly manner.
Therefore, my sister is my sister after all, and she is worthy of being the one who personally arrested me.
Chen Daole and He Chunlai actually sat there and started drinking tea. They had to follow their past habits and conduct a period of "discussions" when reporting on their work.
Although this is a waste of time, it does need to be wasted.
Because everyone has to try their best to maintain this situation to prevent the outside world from knowing that those gentlemen are not in the palace or Fengxin City at this time... they may even not be in Shanxi Province yet.
Not only the gentlemen, but also the prince is not here.
Thinking of the trembling and frightened people who have been walking on thin ice for the past two months, everyone in the signing room felt physically and mentally exhausted, but they still had to grit their teeth and hold on until the prince and the gentlemen came back.
Now there is no war, and the other is the development plan. From the details to the general direction, they have all been decided in advance. Therefore, they only need to follow the original process to fill in the duck. Pingxi Palace has already established a set of well-functioning systems. , which can be regarded as reducing their burden.
After drinking the tea,
Chen Daole and He Chunlai resigned and left.
When going out,
I happened to see Sun Liang pushing Sun Ying out in a wheelchair.
When everyone met, they looked at each other and smiled.
Mr. Feng is not here, and naturally neither is Mr. Bei. We are all here to "waste time" together.
Sign in the room,
Xiong Liqing rubbed her sour wrist,
Facing Yuexin, who was sitting on the assistant's desk next to her, she smiled bitterly;
"so tired."
Yuexin smiled, this lady had to shout tired several times every day.
"I want to go home and take care of the children, and I don't want to go out to take care of the house. I used to envy the queen mothers in the history of my Xiong clan in the palace. But after I got started, I realized that this was not the case."
Yuexin replied: "Madam, if you can have leisure time, who would want to work outside?"
"Yes, I used to be angry, why do we women have to stay at home to take care of our husbands and raise children? Can't women start their own careers?
Only then did I realize that actually men like to stay at home and not go out. It is too tiring and troublesome to deal with things outside, so it is better to stay at home and feel more comfortable.
It's nothing more than an extra layer of burden on my heart. "
The princess herself laughed again,
"So, our prince saw through it from the beginning."
"Hehehe." Yuexin laughed together.
In the eyes of outsiders, Prince Pingxi should take care of everything;
Otherwise, how could Jindong have such a prosperous situation?
In fact, Prince Pingxi likes to stay at home and play with his children. Whenever he needs to change into formal clothes when going out, he always looks impatient.
"I just don't know how long the prince and sister will have to play outside." Xiong Liqing sighed, "How can this be like this? Just throw away such a huge foundation?"
"There should be something important." Yuexin said.
"Of course I know that."
Xiong Liqing picked up the tea cup, took a sip of ginseng tea, and said:
"Fortunately, everyone below is well-behaved, and the adults in charge are also calm and capable in their work. The most important thing is that General Liang is still there. As for General Jin, the prince said that General Jin is one of our own who can be trusted."
Other matters can be temporarily handed over to others, which will not affect anything, but military power cannot be left for a moment.
Unfortunately, Liang Cheng became the only demon king staying in Jindong this time.
Coupled with the loyal Jin Shuke, these two have the current military power in Jindong, and the land of Jindong will not be able to cause any trouble.
"Keep reading. In fact, there are no flaws. The people below have reviewed it more than once before submitting it. But if I don't do it once, I always feel that this temporary management is too incompetent."
"What Madam said, it should be so."
The back house of the royal palace;
After finishing today's homework, Tiantian is practicing swordsmanship.
It was Xu Chuang who taught him swordsmanship.
Wen Mingshan's faction has always been a master of swordsmanship. Although they have never produced many true heroes, it does not mean that this faction's swordsmanship and swordsmanship are not good. It is precisely because the swordsmanship and swordsmanship they have inherited are all the same. Absolutely, this made me unable to make a choice. After cultivating both swords and swords, I had to devote more energy, so I ended up in a situation where the strength of my disciples was generally much lower than that of other major sects.
Accompanying Tiantian to practice swordsmanship are Chen Xianba, Zheng Man and Liu Dahu.
Standing not far away was the Sword Master.
The sword master had long been numb to his eldest son standing there learning sword skills;
The Juggernaut had other hopes.
Behind Juggernaut, there is a large crib.
But the big girl and Zheng Lin on the bed didn't seem to like watching the brothers practicing swordsmanship in front of them;
The big girl hugs Long Yuan,
Zheng Lin reached out to touch Long Yuan. When the older girl refused, Zheng Lin stretched out his hand and pulled her, and the two children began to pull her.
No one cried or became anxious, they just instinctively pulled at the things in front of them.
The sword master stretched out his hand, pulled Long Yuan out of Zheng Lin's hand, and gave it to Da Niu.
in this aspect,
The sword master "bullies the small with his big one";
No matter how you say it, Da Niu is his disciple of Yu Huaping and the successor of Zhenger Ba Jing who will completely inherit his mantle;
He is not an official. If he needs to take into account the overall situation, he is his favorite!
Da Niu hugged Long Yuan back and smiled at the sword master.
The sword master also laughed,
And then,
Zheng Lin sat there with an indifferent expression, looking at the Sword Master.
He was playing around with his sister, which was fine;
As a result, I met someone who couldn't afford it.
If Zheng Lin could speak now, I'm afraid he would have to scold him directly: "How shameless!"
In fact, he was indeed very angry. The prince of the palace had not had a very good temper since he was born.
At this moment, the red mole between his eyebrows was also bulging.
The Sword Master knew that this child was special, and facing the child's "aura", the Sword Master also slightly revealed a little bit of his own aura.
Zheng Lin blinked his eyes,
next moment,
Turned away.
The highest point of wisdom is actually seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.
He could clearly sense how terrifying the man in white in front of him was.
At this time,
The sword master released a wisp of sword energy from his fingertips.
Zheng Lin immediately turned around and looked over, his eyes widening.
The sword master gently swept his sword energy from an iron accessory hanging in front of the crib, and the accessory was smoothly divided into two.
Zheng Lin looked more intently.
The sword energy suddenly turned around and rushed towards Zheng Lin.
Zheng Lin instinctively covered his head with both hands, but the sword energy dissipated in an instant.
The big girl laughed again.
Zheng Lin put down his hands in confusion, looked at everything around him, and licked his lips.
Standing on the edge, the sword master was originally teasing the child, but he noticed the desire in the child's eyes.
He seems to be craving for power.
Even though he was destined to become one of the most powerful few people in the world from birth, he still had an instinctive pursuit of power.
at this point,
He is really unlike his biological father.
The sword master glanced around with the corner of his eye.
He knew that there were no outsiders here;
This time Zheng Fan went out and only brought those few gentlemen with him. Even Yu Huaping, who was rare, did not call him along.
But even if the child's parents are not here, you will always feel guilty when you have the idea of ​​abducting someone else's child.
The sword master clicked his fingers,
Another wisp of pure white sword energy spiraled out from the fingertips,
The sword master looked at Zheng Lin,
"Do you want to?"
In the courtyard of a small village, Siniang was helping Zheng Fan treat the wound on his chest.
The wound is very deep. Siniang has just sutured it and is now applying medicine. In fact, the process of applying medicine is often more painful. The medicine has to go inside, and the bursts of pain are even more unbearable than the suturing process.
After the medicine was taken, Siniang helped Zheng Fan put on his clothes.
not far away,
Fan Li is piling up corpses;
Xue San is hanging on the flagpole, looking to the north.
The blind man was tortured alive in a shed;
Not only was Zheng Fan injured, but each of the demon kings could also see that they were in a sorry state. Fan Li was the biggest and had the most unhealed wounds on his body, which were so densely packed that it was terrifying.
This is the junction of the forces of Fan City and Chu State, a buffer zone tacitly acknowledged by both sides, and it is also adjacent to the Qishan Mountains. Last year's Three Kingdoms War caused many forces to have to enter this area in order to avoid danger.
Furthermore, unlike Zhennanguan, which accepted refugees from the Chu Kingdom, Fancheng had a more purely military meaning. Therefore, there were many large and small forces entrenched here, making it a "Valley of Evil" area.
Those who are called kings here, kings there, and those who call themselves generals appear to be very compact, sensible and low-key.
And in the past two months,
Zheng Fan led the demon kings to practice in this area.
There is no other way. Looking around, this is the place.
Hanging a big king today means only a few dozen people; killing a king tomorrow means a bunch of bandits;
Of course, there will also be tough encounters. For example, Zheng Fan encountered two "rogue bandits" who clearly had the shadow of the Chu State's regular army here, and also encountered a probe from the Fengchao internal guards.
These three times, it can be said that there are dangers everywhere.
The Sword Master is not here, and the Jinyi guards are not here. Everything has to be done by oneself. Everything seems to be back to those days in Hutou City.
But the effect is also very outstanding.
Xue San, Fan Li and Blind Man all rose up a level during the fight.
This is the result of the last experience. Basically, if you sacrifice your life to protect the Lord and let the Lord be moved, it will take effect.
Zheng Fancai had to bite the bullet and attack those tough persimmons;
Moreover, sneak attacks are not an option. It is best to do it in an upright manner, that is, to pursue danger.
Just for the blind man and the three of them to advance, the gains were already huge. After all, with Zheng Fan's current status, it would be really difficult for him to naturally take risks;
Even when the Qian Kingdom was besieged last year, eight thousand cavalrymen died to clear the way for them, and Zheng Fan himself did not really fall into the fighting.
But this is not the result Zheng Fan wants most.
After all, even if Blind Man and the others advance, they are just making up for their previous lessons. In this round of lessons, they have not yet found the real path.
"My lord, I think we can stop for a while," Siniang said.
"Miss your son?" Zheng Fan asked.
"Actually... I don't want to." Siniang replied.
"Well, let's take another look. The main thing is to find a way out this time." Zheng Fan lowered his head and looked at the wound on his chest.
After being promoted to the fourth level, he quickly consolidated his realm during this real experience.
Occasionally when fighting in groups, the shadows of Shatuo Queshi and Lao Tian can still come to mind. After all, the fourth-grade martial artist is already a well-known master in the world.
At this time,
Xue San slipped from the flagpole,
"My lord, there are people coming from the north."
"Where are they from?"
"It seems to be one of ours."
"How many people?"
"It's a few hundred rides, should we avoid it?"
Before here, it was not that I had never encountered Sentry Riders or supporting forces from Fan City, but they all took the initiative to avoid contact.
After all, the purpose of "leaving home and career" this time was to pursue the simplest "excitement";
If you really have a few teams of soldiers and horses to protect you, you won't be able to achieve the desired effect.
But this time...
"That's all, the first stage goal has been completed. We all need to adjust and cultivate ourselves one by one, otherwise we may really end up cheating on ourselves.
Go and greet me. "
"Yes, my lord."
About 600 wild man cavalry quickly surrounded the small village.
The third master jumped down on his own initiative.
Not long after,
The wildling cavalry seemed to have received the order and began to retreat.
Immediately afterwards, a small figure in the cavalry team rode over alone.
When he arrived in front of the village gate, he got off his horse and ran up excitedly. Who else could he be if he wasn't the savage Wang Gou Moli?
"My lord, my lord, it's really you."
Gou Moli knelt down in front of Zheng Fan very excitedly and kowtowed.
In the buffer zone, both sides seem to be ignoring it, but in fact, they are fighting within;
In the past two months, a group of martial arts masters suddenly appeared and began to take action here, which naturally attracted Fan Cheng's attention;
First, this group of mysterious masters who suddenly appeared only targeted forces close to the Chu people. Second, they actively avoided contact with their own side. Third, they looked at the strange wounds on some of the corpses brought back by their subordinates...
the most important is,
The letters sent from Feng Xincheng to Fan City seemed to have a different tone. Although the other party pretended to look like it, Gou Moli could still tell that it was not written by a blind man.
After all the clues, if Gou Moli hadn't made such a guess yet, he would have wasted his reputation as the Savage King.
"Ha ha."
Zheng Fan had just treated the wound, and when he saw Gou Moli coming, he only moved his body slightly and said with a smile;
"Why, don't you just lead the troops and attack us? This will be settled once and for all."
The ones stationed in Fan City are mainly barbarian soldiers and horses. With Gou Moli's ability, he can naturally control these soldiers and horses in his hands. And looking at the entire garrison under the Pingxi Prince's Palace, it may only be here in Fan City. Control and centripetal force are the lowest.
Hearing what the prince said,
Gou Moli was not frightened, nor did he immediately kneel down to apologize or show his loyalty.
Instead, he said with a smile:
"My lord, Coyotito is afraid that Master has already planned to open an inn and retire to the world, but he didn't bring Coyotito with him. Coyotito is really panicking.
Coyotito, in the past two years in Fan City, I slept in stables more often than in the main house;
The people below think that we are self-denying and serving the public good and setting an example;
In fact, we are just practicing the art of feeding horses in advance, because we are afraid that you will abandon us when the time comes. "
"Ha ha."
Zheng Fan waved his hand,
"Okay, let your people come over and escort us back to Fan City first."
"The dog obeys!"
into the night,
Because of the distance and Zheng Fan's injuries, he did not travel back at night. Instead, he set up a temporary camp by a small river.
However, Gou Moli had already sent someone to greet the nearby Fan City Rangers, so there was no need to worry about a sudden surprise attack by an organized enemy.
Zheng Fan also rarely had a peaceful sleep, but he still woke up in the middle of the night.
After waking up, Zheng Fan sat outside the tent, leaning against the stake, looking up at the stars.
After a while
Gou Moli came over with a large bowl of noodles and some side dishes.
When marching and fighting, according to the tradition of Prince Pingxi, the troops under his command mainly bring fried noodles, which are fried flour mixed with salt, oil, sugar and other substances.
The fact that Gou Moli was able to bring out a big bowl of beef noodles in this wilderness proved that he had been aware of the identity of his group for a long time, but he still restrained himself from rushing over immediately.
After all, since he and others have hidden their identities, there must be a reason.
This small detail is enough to show what kind of careful character the Savage King is.
Fortunately, he lost, fortunately, I tamed him;
As for the work of raising horses in the inn that he mentioned during the day, Zheng Fan felt that it was not just flattering.
We have experienced ups and downs, watched the sunrise on the mountain tops, endured the cold in the valleys,
Now I don’t have to worry about food or clothing,
You have to find some kind of pure spiritual comfort.
Maybe Gou Moli took that as comfort. The inn that he had always talked about since he left Hutou City seemed to be somewhere inconspicuous in the world, but in fact,
It's always there,
It's in the heart.
Maybe, it will never appear in reality, and I will never really drive it, but deep down in my heart, it still has a place for it, and the lantern at the door of the inn is always on. .
"My lord, I see you are awake. Let's have some supper. Madam is treating Ali's wound." Gou Moli placed the supper in front of Zheng Fan and sat down next to him.
Zheng Fan was not in a hurry to move his chopsticks.
Instead, he said:
"I just had a dream. In the dream, I saw many things from the past like a revolving door. Some of them I have seen with my own eyes, and some of them have been heard of, but they were all seen again in the dream. ’ again.”
Gou Moli stretched out his hand and started to peel the garlic for the prince;
He knew that the prince wanted to talk to someone, and it was his honor to meet him just in time.
"In a dream,
I stood in the farmhouse for a while, watching the blood and fire that night;
After a while, he was standing in the backyard of the Marquis Mansion in Litian City, looking at Lao Tian who was sitting on the threshold and had grown old all night;
After a while, he stood by the Wangjiang River again and asked Li Fusheng, how come these Chu slaves are still alive?
Standing on the wall of the imperial city of Yanjing, the late emperor stood in front of me. Below me, there were a group of old men from Yanland, shouting to save food for the army to start the war, laughing and jumping into the fire pit;
Standing in the royal study room, I saw the late emperor's body covered in rust, but he still continued to swallow the elixir forcefully;
The fire in Yingdu, the roar of the fire phoenix and the white hair emerging from the fire;
In the Lu family residence, the young prince stabbed his father in the chest with a knife. Both father and son were laughing as if they were crazy;
Below the frozen Wangjiang River,
Tens of thousands of ghosts, shouting "obey the Lord's order", rushed out from the bottom of the river, causing the sky to start raining.
Seeing eight thousand cavalry, they shouted to clear the way for the prince and went to die calmly.
I saw so much in this dream, but it was okay. Normally, if I had such a complicated dream, I would probably feel dizzy when I woke up, probably because I had caught the cold.
At the moment, I feel quite refreshed.
turn back,
Unknowingly, I have experienced so much in these years, and I am a little shocked.
You are a smart one,
you guess,
Why did I have this dream? "
Gou Moli laughed along and guessed:
"Lord, are you tired of the old days and want to go into seclusion?"
“This is where we are, it’s still early, there are still things to do, commitments to fulfill, and the scenery that I have always wanted to see that I haven’t seen yet.
Go into seclusion,
If your heart is not at peace, it would be useless to retreat to the ends of the earth. "
"Hehe." Gou Moli smiled, "Then, my lord, you are..."
Zheng Fan reached out and pressed Gou Moli's hand that was peeling garlic.
Tonight I suddenly don’t want to use garlic cloves;
Are there any stir-fried soybeans? "
(End of this chapter)

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