The devil is coming

Chapter 933 The prince enters Beijing

Chapter 933 The prince enters Beijing
"Lard bibimbap for four servings."
"Hey, guest, have you been here before?" the stall owner asked with a smile.
"Yes, I've been here before. I just returned to Beijing and I've been thinking about this for a while." Zheng Fan said with a smile.
"Then you are really giving me credit. Others who come and go in Beijing point to the roast duck in Quande Building, but you are actually thinking about our lard scum."
"It smells good."
Zheng Fan said with a smile.
"Later, I will prepare a plate of mixed vegetables for you."
"The boss lady is angry."
"You're welcome."
Zheng Fan was sitting there, with Siniang sitting on his left, Tiantian sitting on his right, and Juggernaut sitting on the other side.
This time when he entered Beijing, Zheng Fan brought Tiantian with him.
The ancestral land of the Tian family is in Tiancheng County, which is within the capital.
In fact, Zheng Fan once hesitated whether to bring Tiantian with him. Some things can be overcome and they can just pretend that they didn't happen, but in the end Zheng Fan still brought Tiantian with him.
His life experience always has to be faced, and if he deliberately hides it, he will fall behind.
As Tiantian grows up, it is up to him to make his own judgment.
The most important thing is that in this life, he has his "father" by his side every day, and he will no longer be harassed by the so-called inner demons and follow that path.
The boss lady's movements are very quick, also because the lard bibimbap is a simple process.
However, the mixed vegetables provided turned out to be wild vegetables mixed with pork head, which is quite heroic.
The landlady put down the bowl, handed over the chopsticks, and said to Tiantian, "Give it to little Alang."
"Thank you, ma'am."
Always polite at all times.
The landlady laughed and went back to do her own business.
The big guys started eating, and they ate deliciously every day.
"Son, is it delicious?" Zheng Fan put a piece of pork belly into the child's bowl.
"It smells great, Dad."
Tian Tian has already begun serious martial arts training. The half-grown boy eats me up to the point of eating him. In addition, due to the martial arts training, his appetite is really amazing. Besides his special love for Shaqima, he is not picky about food.
"Come on, eat dad's bowl too."
Zheng Fan pushed the large bowl of lard rice in front of him in front of Tiantian.
Tiantian raised his head and said, "Dad, don't you want to eat?"
"My son is thirsty for food."
Zheng Fan showed a fatherly smile.
"Thank you dad."
Although Tiantian knows that his family will definitely not be short of money for lard rice, he enjoys the warm feeling of a father delivering the food in front of his son.
Of course,
The essential reason is that Prince Pingxi has a delicate stomach, and he really can't stand such greasy food.
And the lady boss who was busy greeting customers in front of the shop was named Bihe;
Strictly speaking, she is considered a relative of the emperor, and her sister-in-law is the current empress.
Zheng Fan believes that Ji Laoliu chose a butcher girl as his wife because they were in love with each other, but if you say that Ji Laoliu had no idea before and deliberately found a private girl purely because true love came too unexpectedly, Zheng Fan doesn't believe it.
The destruction of the Min and Tian families was a very clear political signal from the late emperor.
From now on, the queen of the main palace must be chosen from among the people;
This aspect is very similar to the old Zhu family in another time and space, and the effect is indeed very good. The possibility of relatives interfering in politics is minimized.
At this time,
Old Hetou came over.
He paused in front of Zheng Fan's table and looked at Zheng Fan.
There were four people at Zheng Fan's table. Their clothes were not very rich, but they gave people a very comfortable feeling. There were not many dignitaries in the world who could reach a truly high level of aesthetics. Wearing gold and silver and strutting around in the market was still considered... Being truly fashionable and able to wear something elegant and restrained means that the owner of the clothes has reached a certain level.
Lao Hetou has often been taken into the palace to see his grandson in recent years. The level of contact has increased, and he naturally has a feeling.
It was Lao He who saw the feeling of his own son-in-law from Zheng Fan.
Lao Hetou did not remember Zheng Fan and did not come forward to talk. Instead, he bowed his hands to Zheng Fan and said hello.
Zheng Fan also nodded slightly and responded.
"Haha, it's not too late, it's not too late!"
Another old man came over, it was Lao Guangtou.
The two old men were in-laws. On weekdays when the weather was nice, they would sit at a small table in this small shop with four taels of wine and two plates of side dishes, drinking and chatting all afternoon.
Lao Guangtou's eldest son was already very impressive, and his second son now holds the position of deputy capital of Yuqian Palace in the palace. He is not considered rich and powerful, but he has barely entered the ranks of a small official's family. There is no pressure anymore. You just have to be free, and you can live the rest of your life freely and freely.
Lao Hetou is more chic than Lao Guangtou,
My biological daughter is the queen, and my biological grandson is the prince. Now that my son has long been married, my grandson can even walk and call me grandpa, and he has a lot of free time.
The two old men sat down and Bihe served wine and side dishes.
Old Guangtou clinked glasses with Old Hetou first and took a sip of wine.
"I thought you wouldn't come today, brother. Many people went to the east of the city to see Prince Pingxi enter the capital. Your Majesty asked the prince to go to the west of the city to greet him instead of the Holy Driver."
Old He smiled and said, "I won't join in the fun."
"Yes, it doesn't matter if you don't want to join in the fun. You can't squeeze in anyway, so it's better to sit here and have a drink."
"Yeah, but tell me, brother, why does Prince Pingxi suddenly want to enter the capital?"
"It's hard to say, it's hard to say." Lao Guangtou pondered.
Old Hetou asked, "I heard that Prince Pingxi did not lead any troops when he entered Beijing this time. When Prince Pingxi entered Beijing two years ago, he had [-] Jingnan Army cavalry with him."
"Ha, brother, you don't understand this, right? King Pingxi has more than [-] cavalry under the command of Jindong. These [-] soldiers and horses are real elites.
What difference does it make whether it is in eastern Shanxi or under the capital?
As long as it's there, it's Prince Pingxi's best amulet! "
The common people in the capital like to talk most about military and military matters such as these. When analyzed, they are quite clear and logical.
"Oh, so that's it." Old Hetou suddenly realized.
Most of the information he received came from Lao Guangtou. After all, it was impossible for him to ask his son-in-law about national affairs.
"Well, some people say that Prince Pingxi came to Beijing this time to repay His Majesty's favor for his eastward tour last year. It was Prince Pingxi who realized the current situation and bowed his head to the court."
"That's good. The prince is still the prince of our Dayan. With the prince here, we have confidence in our hearts." Old Hetou said.
"Isn't that right? Nowadays, King Pingxi is our Dayan's Dinghai Shenzhen. We actually have many famous generals in Dayan, but someone like King Pingxi who can immediately stabilize people's hearts and minds wherever he sits, can you really I can’t find the second one.”
"That is, that is."
"But I also heard that a group of students from the Imperial College have written letters one after another. They probably want to take advantage of this opportunity to bring down King Pingxi..."
As Old Guangtou said this, he waved his hand slightly.
Old He was startled,
"Want to kill the prince?"
Only then did Lao Guangtou realize that his actions were too redundant.
Immediately wave your hands;
"How can it be possible? How can it be done? Those students collectively petitioned, hoping that King Pingxi could transfer the palace to the capital and join the cabinet.
He also said that Prince Pingxi was a genius in the literary world who was admired by even the literary sages of the Qian Kingdom. They were willing to ask Prince Pingxi to be their mountain chief. "
This matter is not a secret, because the students of the Imperial College have started to connect and gather together a few days ago, and the director of the Imperial College even proactively proposed this suggestion. He came to abdicate in favor of a worthy person. In short, there was a lot of commotion.
However, there must be higher-level instructions here.
Although many ministers in the imperial court believe that the existence of Jindong, especially the two-country law, will inevitably cause the division of Yan in the long run, which is really not a blessing to the country.
But they are not stupid, and will not instigate such extreme things. Not to mention the more than [-] cavalry in Eastern Jin Dynasty who are loyal to King Pingxi, a military prince who was born in Guizhou and made great contributions to Yan was seduced by you like this. They went to the capital to kill them. What do you want the Dayan military to think?
Even if you want to be accused of crimes, it shouldn't be so extreme;
A ready-made example is the assassin-faced Prime Minister of the Qian Kingdom, the founder of the Western Army. He had military power and people's hearts in his hands. He was first promoted to the Privy Council and became the Prime Minister of the dynasty before being imprisoned. This buffer and process must be in place.
As for Prince Pingxi... These ministers who were loyal to Dayan didn't want to kill the donkey. They were not as short-sighted as Ganren. As long as Prince Pingxi could leave the fiefdom and live in Beijing, they were even willing to give up their power. To the prince.
During the reign of the late Emperor, he purged the court many times.
In the past two years since the new monarch took office, he has also promoted many officials.
Therefore, Dayan Chaotang was still relatively clear at this time. In the words of Ganren, it was truly "the whole court was in full swing."
Everyone is also thinking about the country, and we hope that Prince Pingxi himself can be more sensible, and everyone can harmoniously solve the hidden dangers that may arise in the country in the future.
Even if Prince Pingxi is allowed to directly serve as the chief minister of the cabinet, everyone will agree.
"The adults have a lot to think about." Old Guangtou could only say this, "But logically speaking, the savages have been tamed, and the Chu people don't dare to make mistakes. I do I think Prince Pingxi can come and live in the capital.
If there is a war in the future, he will still be able to leave the mountain. "
Lao Guangtou is a member of the clan, and his attitude will naturally protect the stability of the Ji family. He also understands the dangers of the vassal becoming stronger. Perhaps it is beneficial to Dayan for King Pingxi to continue to guard Jindong, but for the Ji family, It's a big hidden danger.
Lao Hetou was noncommittal, but he felt that the prince had done a good job in the east of Jin. With him, the land of Jin could be stable. If he came back, what would happen if trouble happened again?
The shadow of a famous tree;
But Old Hetou didn't bother to say this kind of rebuttal to Old Guangtou.
At this time, Lao Guangtou suddenly pointed to the back and said:
"Brother, your son-in-law is here."
It was Ji Chengjue who came, followed by Eunuch Wei.
Ji Chengjue nodded to this side;
Lao Hetou immediately got off the stool and responded.
Lao Guangtou has long been surprised by Lao Hetou's "less majestic" appearance than his father-in-law. He had said this before, but it didn't work.
Old He saw his son-in-law sitting at the table and sitting on the same stool as the man in white brocade.
The man was still a little disgusted and didn't want to give up his seat;
As a result, my son-in-law bumped into me and had to sit down.
"..." Old Hetou.
Old He Tou has become somewhat petrified.
My son-in-law is the emperor of Dayan, the most noble being in the world. How can he treat his son-in-law like this...
Thanks to the fact that he was often visited by the late emperor when he first entered the capital, Lao Hetou now has no other skills, but he has developed a pair of sharp eyes for spotting important people;
For a moment, I guessed the man's identity.
It's obvious,
At this moment, his own grandson is welcoming Prince Pingxi into the city in the west of the city.
As a result, my son-in-law came here and sat on the same stool as others.
Only that person can have this qualification.
"Ha, I know you kid can't get used to this." Ji Chengjue smiled immediately when he saw that there was no lard rice in front of Zheng Fan.
He has understood that people with the surname Zheng never tire of fine food and fine food;
With that said, Ji Chengjue reached out and touched Tiantian's head next to him.
"I haven't seen you in half a year. I'm growing taller again. Eat more."
"Yes, brother."
"..." Ji Chengjue.
Ji Chengjue knew that this was definitely intentional, but he couldn't distinguish anything from the title. He could only blame the man named Zheng for being careless and not knowing how to teach his children to address their seniority.
"I've arranged everything for you surnamed Zheng." Ji Chengjue picked up his chopsticks, took a piece of pig head meat and put it in his mouth. He chewed it and said, "I've arranged it in the back garden. It means that I want to be with you in the back garden." In the back garden, we had a long talk for half a month about Dayan's future.
The affairs of the court were left to the cabinet and the ministers to take care of themselves.
What do you think?
Anyway, back then my father and I were alone in the back garden with Li Liangting. "
Zheng Fan said with some disgust: "I'm afraid Feng Ping will be harmed."
"I'm not afraid of being an emperor. What are you afraid of? Besides, it's not like you don't know your reputation. Don't worry. Thousands of years from now, people who read unofficial history will only know that you, Zheng Fan, are a good wife.
How can a person who is a good wife like Jin Feng?
You are really far-sighted and have set the tone for yourself in advance. "
Zheng Fan rolled his eyes at Ji Chengjue.
The relationship between the two has actually become very close after the emperor's eastward tour half a year ago.
The emperor abandoned the imperial army and took the queen into the Pingxi Palace;
The emperor learned from King Pingxi that there was something growing in his head that would cause him to die young. The prince said it, and the emperor believed it.
Therefore, sometimes you really can't say that Lao Ji's family has a tradition that makes people work hard. This is a craft passed down from ancestors.
King Pingxi and the emperor were sitting in a small street shop in Yanjing City, eating and chatting;
On the east side of the city, the prince led a hundred officials and a large crowd of people around to welcome Prince Pingxi to the capital.
The prince solemnly declared,
According to the imperial edict, King Ping Xi did not need to get off his carriage to receive the edict.
After announcing the decree, the prince saluted the carriage with the courtesy of facing his father-in-law. Then, he got on the carriage himself and entered the carriage. He was to accompany King Pingxi to the capital and the palace.
Many ministers around felt that it was too arrogant for Prince Pingxi not to get out of the carriage when he announced the decree;
Prince Ji Chuanye, who entered the carriage, looked inside the empty carriage and said,
He already knew it in his heart,
I found a seat and sat down.
Let out a mature sigh:
Zheng Fan and Ji Chengjue also got on the carriage.
inside the carriage,
Zheng Fan asked the emperor:
"When will you enter the backyard?"
"We still have to wait a few days. There are still some things to go through in the court."
"I don't have time."
Zheng Fan came to Beijing this time to help the emperor perform surgery.
At this point, the blind man also urged.
Because although the blind man knew clearly, with the cooperation level of the demon kings, the difficulty of the emperor's surgery was not very difficult, because the tumor was so big that it gave the six disciples face;
But let’s delay it for half a year at most, and a little longer...if something changes, it’s hard to say.
"There are some things that must be done before I can find time to go into the back garden and let you help me see a doctor."
"Come here when you're done, I'll stay in the back garden."
"No, you have to walk around on the countertop with me a few times. These things can't be done without you."
"What's going on?" the prince asked impatiently.
The emperor smiled and said:
"In front of hundreds of officials,
In front of the world,
Li Zheng Fan,
The one who is the Prince of Dayan... is my uncle and the regent. "
"are you crazy?"
"Straight bitch, didn't you say I'm sick?"
"How can I be the regent while you are still alive? There is no such thing as that."
Regency, regency, is generally a situation that only a young emperor will face;
But the problem is that Ji Laoliu, an adult emperor, is here, which is against etiquette and rules.
"Rules are made by people."
Ji Chengjue stretched out his hand and placed it on the back of Zheng Fan's hand;
The prince withdrew his hand;
The emperor was helpless and grabbed the prince's shoulder:
"Zheng, this is my only request.
I personally announced to all the officials and the world that my dragon body is not in good condition, and I will go to the back garden to recuperate like my father did before. Then I will appoint the prince to supervise the country. You, Zheng Fan, will be promoted from the king of Pingxi of my country to the regent of my country. .
Only in this way,
If something unexpected happens during the treatment in the back garden, the court will not be in chaos and there will be no chaos.
You suppress the situation,
If you pass on your business, you will be able to sit on the throne safely.
To take a step back, if you want to sit in that chair, you can calmly make a proper arrangement for my wife who has passed on the industry.
do not worry,
I have left several secret edicts with Wei Zhonghe. Once the worst happens, these edicts will be sent to the various generals under the imperial court. I will personally prove that you are justified.
I didn’t even transfer my eldest brother back! "
Zheng Fan threw away his arm,
"Why don't you do this to me? It's just a little trick... After half a year of preparation, the chance of an accident is very, very low."
"Zheng, if you don't agree, I won't go to the back garden. You can drink and eat with me in the palace. When you're done playing, you can go back to your Jindong, and I will continue to be my emperor. If you die young, I accept it.”
"Throughout the ages, you are the only emperor who has threatened a vassal with his own life."
Most of the powerful vassal kings in the world would rather the emperor die suddenly.
"How dare you be the first in the world." The emperor was not impressed.
"You know, I, Zheng Fan, don't like being blackmailed the most in my life."
The emperor looked at the prince,
for a while,
The prince sighed,
"It's not an example."
(End of this chapter)

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