The devil is coming

Chapter 934 The monarch and his ministers reprimanded

Chapter 934 The monarch and his ministers reprimanded
over there,
The prince led hundreds of officials to welcome King Pingxi into the capital with great grandeur and witnessed by all the people in the capital. They walked through the royal road and entered the palace.
this end,
The emperor accompanied Zheng Fan in a carriage, walked through another opening, and entered the palace gate.
"There is a banquet tonight," the emperor said.
The vassal king with the highest status and reputation in Dayan should be the King of Zhenbei;
However, fame is fame, and we are not Qi practitioners. We have to live a practical life after all. Therefore, the number one vassal king in Dayan today must be King Pingxi.
The clearest and most direct comparison is,
King Zhenbei actually entered Beijing, two days earlier than King Pingxi.
The emperor also sent the prince to welcome him and hosted a banquet for him, but it was the emperor's family banquet.
For ordinary courtiers, it is a very high honor for the emperor to grant a family banquet, but for frontier officials or vassal kings who are outside, this small amount of favor is unlikely to be valued. The frontier officials have their own The political philosophy has its own followers and its own base. The feudal king is more direct, has his own fiefdom and his own army;
The emperor's attitude toward them was no longer directed toward one person, but toward the entire group behind them.
The external saying is,
Inviting the two princes to the capital this time announced to the world a political structure in which the Yan generation inherited the one emperor and two kings from the previous generation, which served to appease the people internally and deter the people externally;
But underneath,
King Zhenbei came to the capital first and held a family banquet. After King Pingxi came to the capital, he hosted an official banquet for the two kings. It was obvious who was heavier.
You must know that Wang Jia will not lose contact with Beijing on the way. According to common sense, whenever he goes to a place, he will send someone to report to Beijing, and the local officials will also report;
The two princes can completely adjust their itineraries to each other and arrive in Beijing on the same day to avoid any possible embarrassment.
However, the court did not deliberately favor one over the other in this matter, and Ji Laoliu would not use King Zhenbei as an excuse to King Pingxi. It was King Zhenbei himself who took the initiative to speed up his trip to Beijing;
Everyone knows that after the death of Li Liangting, Prince Zhenbei almost disarmed the court, but King Pingxi has been clinging to military power and local governance. Their status is not the same. However, King Zhenbei is indeed more dignified than King Pingxi. After all, King Pingxi has been in power for hundreds of years. Beihou Mansion.
But the King of Zhenbei took the initiative to lower his attitude. He didn't even think about carrying it and went to Beijing two days ago. It was regarded as a junior bowing down to his senior.
"How about taking a bath together?" the emperor suggested, "I'll let you go to relieve your fatigue?"
Zheng Fan turned to look at the emperor;
The emperor smiled and continued: "It is built in the style of your mansion. I like bubbles even if I have nothing to do now."
It has to be said that Ji Chengjue indeed pays more attention to health than the late emperor;
It's a pity that his problem lies in his mind, so it's really not something that can be solved by keeping in good health or not.
"it is good."
Zheng Fan agreed.
"Sure, Wei Zhonghe."
"The slave is here."
"Tell the outside world that I want to accompany the prince to discuss matters in his study, and no one is allowed to disturb you."
"The slave obeys the order."
The soup pond in the palace is very elegant, but the scene is not very grand. First, the palace is very old, and each palace has its own purpose. The late emperor even approved too many places for the imperial office to use. ;
After Ji Chengjue ascended the throne, his personal enjoyment continued, but he did not engage in any major construction projects.
For a real bath, you have to build a royal villa to be grand. Building it directly in the palace seems a bit cramped, at least it doesn't have the grandeur of a royal family.
The emperor led the prince in, and they sat down at the stone table next to the soup pool.
Eunuch Wei personally served the ice drink;
Tiantian licked his lips, brought it over, and took a sip;
It's not as tasty as expected, too sweet.
The food standards of Prince Pingxi, especially the snacks, were far ahead of this era. After all, there was a vampire in the wine cellar who, in addition to tinkering with wine all day long, was also responsible for designing and making drinks and snacks for the Prince's family.
The emperor lowered his head, looked at Tiantian, and asked;
"How is it, is it good to drink?"
"It's delicious, brother."
"If it tastes good, drink more, brother."
The emperor no longer cares.
Tiantian smiled sheepishly. He felt a little embarrassed because he was so free and easy. After all, he did it on purpose.
At this time, Eunuch Zhang came in and reported:
"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness is back."
Prince Ji Chuanye walked in, wearing a heavy formal dress and sweating all over. After going through various procedures, he was already a little wilted.
Fortunately, I stayed in the palace for a year and my body was in good shape, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to endure this kind of etiquette.
After coming in,
The prince saw his father, Prince Pingxi, sitting there drinking iced drinks and chatting.
Suddenly, I felt that my small body had already taken on all the helplessness.
These adults are so shameless...
Of course, these can only be slandered, and it is impossible to say them out, otherwise his father will beat him, and his godfather... I'm afraid the beating will be even worse.
"younger brother."
Tiantian stood up and called the prince brother.
Immediately, Tiantian turned to look at the emperor sitting next to him and asked;
"Brother...your majesty, uncle, can you play with the prince's brother every day?"
The emperor finally breathed a sigh of relief.
"Prince, look who's here too."
"Brother Tiantian."
When the prince saw Tiantian, he seemed to have forgotten the fatigue on his body. After handing the crown to his companion, he immediately ran towards Tiantian.
The two children ate and lived together in the palace for a year, and even helped the prince to urinate every night. This friendship was genuine.
It was not obvious before, but now, when Tiantian and the prince stand together, even though the prince's physique is much better than before, one still looks big and the other looks very thin;
This cannot be explained by the age gap, and it is not simply fat or thin.
Whether a person has sufficient blood and energy in his body and whether his body is healthy can give people a sense of breath, especially in children.
The emperor couldn't help but sigh:
"You take good care of your family Tiantian."
Zheng Fan pointed at Tiantian, who had already led the prince to the side to talk.
"Eighth grade."
The emperor blinked,
It seems that I couldn't digest the meaning of this sentence at the first time.
"What eighth grade?"
"Eighth-grade martial artist."
Eunuch Wei beside him was also slightly surprised. He had only sensed that His Royal Highness Prince Jingnan was full of energy and blood, but could not sense the aura of high quality;
Obviously, His Royal Highness has a magic weapon that hides his aura.
"It's too exaggerated." The emperor shook his head, "Really?"
"What are you cheating on?"
"Tsk." The emperor raised his hand, and Eunuch Wei lowered his head and came closer.
"Wei Zhonghe, do you remember when King Jingnan got the title?"
"Your Majesty, there should be records in the archives of the Secret Service, but I remember that when the late emperor and the Marquis of Zhenbei entered the farm house, the Marquis of Zhenbei had a fight with the young Prince Jingnan.
Although the Marquis of Zhenbei won, after returning home, he applied decoction to the pain in his mouth. "
The emperor breathed a sigh of relief,
with emotion
"A tiger father has no dogs."
Tiantian is now at the eighth level, which is really not surprising, because in the past six months, he has really begun to practice martial arts.
But in fact, his practice began very early. When he was a baby, he lay on the lid of a zombie coffin and was accompanied by resentful babies. Under the premise that his life was strong enough, he managed to hold on, which is equivalent to practicing since he was a baby. He is using evil spirits and resentment to wash away the marrow and cut through the meridians.
Coupled with his spiritual child physique;
The most important thing is that it should be the bloodline inherited from Lao Tian.
Moreover, if you take the path of martial arts, you don't have to be suppressed by the sword master in the early stage like the sword maid. Tiantian's physique is innately amazing, and he has no scruples on the way to practice.
What Zheng Fan did not tell the emperor was,
In another timeline, when this child became an adult, he led the remnants of the Jingnan Army into bloody battles with the Yan Army several times, and finally broke through the Yanjing City and entered the imperial palace.
Now, because of my relationship, that line has changed beyond recognition, and I can even say with certainty that it will never happen again.
But it doesn't make sense,
His son Zheng Fan carefully cultivated,
It will not be as good as the grass roots growing outside every day.
There is the myth of rising out of the grass with one sword and cutting through thorns, and there is also the myth of the indomitable spirit and the fact that the wild flowers are more brilliant and so on;
But what Zheng Fan can give will only be more, and the conditions he can provide will only be better.
The most important thing is that although Tiantian, the godson, is not as important as Zheng Lin, the "son of the Demon King" in the eyes of the Demon King, in the past few years, with this baby in the family, it was inevitable that he would be taught by words and deeds in the Valley of the Wicked;
These seven teachers,
Even though my strength has not been restored now, I feel a little frustrated;
But being a master is more than enough.
You know, Fan Li can immediately understand the meaning of the sword after looking at the second-hand version of Sword Maid's sword.
In comparison, when Zheng Fan entered the work, he had to rely on Siniang to use strings to embroider the movement path of Qi and blood on A Ming's body to visually copy it, which seemed wasteful.
"Tiantian, plus your son and daughter, surnamed Zheng, your life is really good, you have something to rely on in your old age."
The emperor's words were sour.
Envy, that is true envy.
At that time, Li Liangting had seven generals of the Zhenbei Hou Mansion under his command, six of whom were his adopted sons, but the adopted sons were not his biological sons after all.
Zheng Fan has been raising him by his side every day, and he is his biological son. The other two soul boys are related by blood.
As soon as Li Liangting left, the court could immediately dismantle the Zhenbei Hou Mansion;
But it is impossible for Zheng Fan to operate like this.
Throughout the ages, you can cite too many examples of bloodlines killing each other, but in fact, under the great tide, mutual support between relatives is the real theme.
"The situation has become smaller, and I, Zheng Fan, have not reached the point where I have to rely on my children to make a living."
Although, the prince has always been thinking this way.
Along the way, I relied on many demon kings;
In the future, when the children grow up, I can count on them, and it is natural for a father to rely on his children, which is more satisfactory than relying on the devil.
At this time, another father-in-law came in and reported:
"Your Majesty, Prince Zhenbei has arrived."
King Zhenbei was also invited by the emperor to take a bath.
Zheng Fan and the emperor sat there, looking at Li Fei, the contemporary king of Zhenbei, who came in at the entrance.
Li Fei walked with a slight limp.
The emperor stood up and took the initiative to greet him.
Li Fei knelt down and saluted before the emperor came over:
"I see your majesty, long live your majesty, long live, long live!"
"Get up quickly."
"Oh, I really don't have so many rules. You make it seem like I'm very disrespectful, haha."
Zheng Fan joked with a smile.
After Li Fei stood up, he hurriedly bowed to Zheng Fan and saluted:
"Fei, I've met Uncle Zheng."
Li Liangting and Tian Wujing are peers, peers who are worthy of their status and status;
Zheng Fan inherited Tian Wujing's mantle and adopted Tian Wujing's son. As everyone knows, the then King Jingnan and the current King Pingxi were sworn brothers.
In addition, Zheng Fan did not inherit the title of King of Jingnan, but earned the title of King of Pingxi through his military exploits;
Therefore, Zheng Fan and Li Liangting are also contemporaries.
Discussing seniority has always been an interesting thing, but seniority is only superficial. What really matters is qualifications.
In a large civil family, those with insufficient qualifications would naturally be the talkers at banquets with higher seniority;
Those who are qualified, even if their seniority is very low, those of the older generation do not dare to speak loudly.
The emperor is transcendent, he does not need to care about seniority, because he is the emperor;
Only Zheng Fan dared to let Tiantian directly call the emperor's brother to tease him. Others, even the uncle or other elders, had to discuss the etiquette of the emperor and his ministers first.
The king of Zhenbei, Li Fei, was really giving himself up to the situation by lowering his figure like this.
Zheng Fan stood up, walked over to him, and helped him up.
"The three of us don't need to be too polite. We can all feel more comfortable."
"That's what I should have said," the emperor complained.
"Same." The prince didn't care.
When Li Fei saw this scene, he clearly realized that the relationship between the emperor and King Pingxi was really extraordinary. This was not a simple relationship between the emperor and his minister, nor was it just a show of love.
Everyone is here,
The three of them took off their clothes and entered the soup pool.
The soup pool is very hot.
Prince Pingxi, with the realm of a fourth-grade grandmaster,
Lying directly in the center,
close your eyes,
Very enjoyable;
Invisibly mocking the two weak chickens who could only sit on the edge and carefully put their feet into the water.
"Your Majesty, this servant is going to add some cold water and mix it well." Wei Zhonghe whispered.
"No need, let him feel comfortable." The emperor refused.
The emperor took two towels and handed one to Li Fei next to him.
"Thank you, Your Majesty."
"You don't need to be so polite. When our fathers were together, they were as comfortable as brothers."
"Whose father is he?"
Prince Pingxi, who was soaking in the middle of the pool, shouted,
"I stood with your father back then."
The emperor slapped the towel on the water and cursed:
"Your surname Zheng was just the one following behind."
"Hey, don't worry about where I was standing. At least at that moment, I could sit with you."
"Zheng, don't be too arrogant!"
The Emperor increased his volume.
"Okay, if you have the ability, don't let me get away with it, hahaha."
Zhenbei King Li Fei only dared to follow and smiled politely.
Relying on the towel, the emperor and King Zhenbei began to slowly wipe their bodies, slowly getting used to the temperature of the soup pool, and finally soaked in it.
However, the two of them still didn't dare to go too close to the center, where the water was located and the temperature was the highest.
The emperor asked, "Why don't you ask Li Fei, surnamed Zheng, about the North Fengjun and the desert?"
"It's up to you, the emperor, to start talking about this."
"Oh, you know the rules now?"
"Well, I'm only interested in being your elder."
Li Fei said: "Ever since my father and King Jingnan conquered the barbarian royal court, the tribes in the eastern half of the desert have been completely leaderless. In the past few years, a new round of competition, annexation and fighting has begun in the desert, resulting in many The small tribe had to leave the desert and seek refuge with me, Dayan."
Hearing this, Prince Pingxi shouted: "Why don't I see a hair?"
Of course, Prince Pingxi was the best at fighting in the Yan Dynasty at that time, and Prince Pingxi was also the best at using barbarian soldiers. As we all know, Prince Pingxi made his fortune with three hundred barbarian soldiers.
The emperor's face had long been red from being soaked in the soup.
Directly speaking;
"Do you know how much food it will cost to send a tribe member to the east of Shanxi? It's a long journey?"
In the past two years, most of the barbarian soldiers attached to him were sent by the emperor to his eldest brother in Yinlang County. After all, his eldest brother still had the status of a barbarian son-in-law.
"Hey, Ji Laoliu, you are getting more and more outrageous. Not only have you cut off my money and food in Jindong, you have also cut off my source of soldiers. Barbarian soldiers are so useful, but barbarian soldiers are not very interesting. "
"You've got a small advantage but you still behave well. You've taken advantage of me. Isn't it still a small amount?"
Prince Pingxi sat up.
"We have to talk about this carefully. The world in Dayan belongs to your Ji family. Your Ji family is the largest landowner in Dayan. We, as ministers, work long-term for your Ji family.
Folks all know that when the farming season is busy, they take care of a meal for the neighbors who help. Is it possible that I have to work for your Ji family and be grateful for some rewards? Is it possible that I am taking advantage of your family?
Ji Laoliu, do you still want to show some face?
The more I think about it now, the more I am losing money, I really can’t help but think about this;
What on earth am I doing now?
Bring your own dry food to help guard the gate of your Ji family? "
When Prince Pingxi said this, Li Fei was not in a position to speak, because his Zhenbei Hou Mansion had to rely on support from the court since a hundred years ago.
But even so, the Zhenbei Hou Mansion has become a well-deserved super powerful family in Dayan. Now, the Jindong Pingxi Prince Mansion can even be self-sufficient in money and food...
Li Fei, who had already taken the position of Zhenbei King, felt a chill on his back.
"Mr. Zheng, you are here to collect debts, right? Guarding the border for the Emperor, what an honor it is!"
"My father-in-law in the palace still gets money for his salary every month. Why do I have to pour money into the house when I can't even see a tael of money while I'm out fighting a war?"
"Without a country, there is no home!"
"Without me, there would be no country for you!"
"Zheng Fan, you are so presumptuous!"
The emperor stood up directly from the soup pool!
"Why, can the emperor be unreasonable?"
Prince Pingxi also stood up.
Li Fei couldn't continue to soak in the pool now. He could only stand up and act as peacemaker:
"Your Majesty, please calm down. Your Majesty, please calm down. This is not what Prince Pingxi meant. This is not what he meant.
Your Majesty, Your Majesty, we can't talk to His Majesty like this. Your Majesty is the emperor and the king. We can discuss everything easily. Everything is for the country, not for Dayan. "
"Zheng, what do you want?"
"No matter what, I feel like I'm at a loss. I only have enough money to eat and raise so many soldiers and horses. I can't bear the expenses.
It would be fine if there were more elites so that one could equal ten. This would save a lot of chewing, but you have to know that the savage soldiers can only be used as a makeshift soldier and cannot be used on the stage. They eat too much!
Send me the barbarian soldiers, I want the barbarian soldiers! "
"My lord, speak slowly, speak slowly," Li Fei advised.
"You are delusional. Not to mention the fact that the barbarians have been sent to the hands of Marquis Andong and have no reason to come back. Yinlang County is facing the entire three sides of the Qian Kingdom. How can I give them such pressure? He is causing trouble!
Mr. Zheng, I think you are really used to lawlessness. Are you going to rebel? This emperor, you can do it! "
"Your Majesty, you must not do this. Your Majesty, you must not say such angry words. It is impossible for King Pingxi to mean this, it cannot be this.
Uncle Zheng, Your Majesty, we'd better discuss it carefully and we will definitely be able to come up with a perfect solution. It's inevitable. "
Zheng Fan sneered,
Pointing at the emperor,
"If you don't give money, food, or soldiers, you want me to be a Qi practitioner and cultivate immortality. Jindong has to suppress the Jin region, and it has to guard against Xueyuan and Chu. It's easy for me to carry three of them." !”
"Then how can you be satisfied!" the emperor shouted angrily.
"Your Majesty, what do you want?" Li Fei asked hurriedly, "It really doesn't work. In the second half of the year at Zhenbei Palace..."
Li Fei originally wanted to say that if it didn't work, he could cut some of the Zhenbei Palace's food and salary for the second half of the year so that the court could support Jindong. After all, the barbarians in the desert had been busy killing each other in the past few years, and the threat was already very low.
But Li Fei hadn't finished speaking yet.
Zheng Fan said directly;
"Okay, I will suffer a little loss. Just do what my eldest nephew said and switch the troops and horses of Li Chenghui's town to my eastern Jin Dynasty. I will use the barbarian soldiers in exchange."
Li Fei: "Huh?"
The emperor sighed deeply, as if he was deliberately suppressing his anger, and even threw the wet towel in his hand on the water.
turn your head,
You look like you don’t want to see this person named Zheng dead again.
Turning to look at Zhenbei King Li Fei standing next to him,
"Hey, King Zhenbei, what do you think?"
"..." Li Fei.
(End of this chapter)

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