Chapter 102 Recovery

The Thirteen Taibao of Songshan completely became history tonight.

Ning Zhong asked with concern: "Pingzhi, are your injuries healed?"

"Yes." Lin Pingzhi nodded and said, "Master helped me transform all the alien energy into my internal energy, and also helped me open up the Ren and Du meridians. I have completely recovered."

As soon as he spoke, everyone in the Huashan Sect had looks of envy on their faces, including Yue Buqun.

Opening up the Ren and Du channels is equivalent to entering the ranks of top masters. Only Yan Bugui in the entire Huashan Sect has reached this level before.

Both Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze were still a little short of the mark.

"It's better now." Yue Lingshan said sourly: "Junior brother, you must be lucky if you survive the disaster. Now, besides Master, you have the best martial arts in the Huashan School."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. A complex look flashed across Yue Buqun's face.

"It's just a fluke. This is all thanks to Master." Lin Pingzhi smiled and scratched his head.

There is nothing wrong with Yue Lingshan's words. If he were any more modest, it would appear hypocritical, and he would be suspected of being a good person after getting an advantage.

"Now my parents can finally rest assured." Ning Zhongze said and walked towards the bedroom: "I wonder how your master is doing?"

"Mingkong's internal energy has been exhausted and he is recovering." Cheng Jingjing, who entered at some unknown time, came out: "Don't disturb him yet."

"Okay." Ning Zhong paused and said with a smile, "Then, sister, you can take care of him for us."

Cheng Jingjing looked into the room and glanced at Yan Bugui who was meditating on the bed, shook her head and said with a smile: "You're welcome."

Later, she ordered the Jin Yiwei to help dispose of the bodies of the Songshan sect's archers.

The bodies of the top ten eunuchs were handed over to Yue Buqun for disposal.

"Ping'er..." Lin Zhennan heard the sound and came over. When he saw Lin Pingzhi recovering as before, he couldn't help crying with joy.

The next day, morning light began to rise.

"It's time to eat." Cheng Jingjing came to Lin Pingzhi's bedroom with breakfast.

Yan Bugui heard the sound, stretched and got out of bed.

Cheng Jingjing came over to support him and asked, "How is your recovery going?"

Yan Bugui smiled proudly: "She is full of energy, and even a little bit more diligent."

"Then I'm relieved." Cheng Jingjing helped him sit down at the table, took out the ointment and gauze and said, "Here, let me help you change the dressing on your eyes first."


"what happened?"

"I seem to be able to see the light."

"Really? That's great! It seems that the day of regaining sight is not far away."

While the two were talking, footsteps suddenly came from outside.

Yue Buqun and his wife, Lin Zhennan and his wife, and a group of Huashan disciples walked in one after another.

Ning Zhong smiled and said, "I'm not disturbing you, right?"

"It's a good time to be here." Yan Bugui asked, "How did things go yesterday?"

After he cured Lin Pingzhi last night, he began to concentrate on practicing exercises to heal his injuries. Until just now, he had no idea what was happening outside.

"Don't worry." Yue Buqun said with a smile: "Ding Laoer and his gang are all dead, so only one person is left alive. Brother, I am going to wait for your eyesight to recover, and summon my martial arts colleagues to take him up to Songshan Mountain to find Zuo Lengchan. Seek justice.”

"In this case..." Yan Bugui muttered: "In my opinion, it is better to convene the Five Mountains Conference directly and use this opportunity to pull Zuo Lengchan from the position of leader of the Five Mountains Alliance."

Ning Zhong was overjoyed: "That's great! Zuo Lengchan is despicable and insidious, harboring evil intentions. The more time this kind of person serves as the leader of the alliance, the more harm he will do!

He has already attacked the two factions of Nanyue Hengshan and Huashan, and the next one may be Beiyue Hengshan.

The three masters are monks and have compassionate hearts. They are definitely no match for Zuo Lengchan when it comes to conspiracy and intrigue. "

"Okay." Yue Buqun nodded and said, "As soon as your eyes recover, junior brother, I will immediately send a message to Taoist Priest Tianmen, Master Dingxian and Mr. Mo Da."

"Master, Zuo Lengchan won't run away, right?" Linghu Chong said hesitantly: "Without the Thirteen Songshan Taibao, the strength of the Songshan Sect has plummeted. He alone is unable to compete with us."

"Chong'er, you underestimate Zuo Lengchan." Yue Buqun said: "The foundation of the Songshan Sect is not as weak as you think, and the masters are definitely not just the Thirteen Taibao.

At that time, he could put all the blame on Ding Mian and the others, which was probably the reason why he didn't take action personally last night. "

"Just in case." Yan Bugui said, "Jingjing, could you please send someone to keep an eye on the Songshan Sect for me."

Cheng Jingjing patted him on the shoulder: "No problem, I'll do it right away. By the way, you'd better keep a close eye on the old man from the Songshan Sect to prevent him from being killed and silenced.

Otherwise, when the time comes, Zuo Lengchan will just push you, and he won't even be able to shirk responsibility, and he might even bite you back. " "how come. "Yue Lingshan said in surprise: "We still have my aunt and your Jin Yiwei who can testify. "

Cheng Jingjing smiled and said: "Silly girl, Jin Yiwei doesn't have a good impression in the eyes of you people in the world.

Not only will no one believe our testimony, but the Huashan faction might even be labeled as colluding with the government and harming fellow Jianghu comrades. "

"That's it." Yue Lingshan seemed to have some realization.

"That makes sense." Yue Buqun said in a deep voice: "Chong'er, from today on, you two will work in pairs and take turns guarding him. By the way, prepare a coffin for him to hide it from others."

"Disciple, I obey." After Linghu Chong said that, he immediately left with a group of Huashan disciples.

Only then did Lin Zhennan and his wife have the opportunity to express their gratitude to Yan Bugui.

"Master Yan..."

"Stop it, senior brother, please watch them for me and don't kneel down." Yan Bugui waved his hand and said: "Pingzhi is my disciple, and I should do whatever I do for him.

I accept your thoughts. You are not an outsider, so don’t be polite. "

Outside Fuwei Escort Agency.

Cheng Jingjing was about to return to the capital, and said to Yan Bugui, who was about to continue leaving, "Don't send me away, you can't see me."

"It's so heartbreaking." Yan Bugui curled his lips and ordered: "Pingzhi, go get Hei Feng out."

"Yes, Master." Lin Pingzhi turned around, entered the side door, and headed for the escort agency's stables.

"What are you doing? You don't want to send me out of the city anymore, do you?" Cheng Jingjing said helplessly: "Just calm down for a while. Don't look back and find a way out, and you have to ask me to send you back again."

"You are overthinking. What I mean is to lend you Black Wind. It has delayed you a lot these days. Riding on it will help you go faster."

"What about you?"

"You also said, why should I, a blind man, ride a horse?

Besides, I'm following a large army, and I can't go fast even on Black Wind. "

"Then I won't be polite to you."

"Have a good trip. After I finish solving these things, I will go to the capital to find you and repay you for your care these days."

"It's a deal, please take care of yourself."

After sending Cheng Jingjing away.

Huashan sent everyone to say goodbye to Lin Zhennan and his wife, and set off back to Huashan to prepare for the convening of the Five Sacred Mountains Conference.

Yan Bugui's eyes were not yet healed, so he continued to ride in the car, and by the way, he hid the old man from the Songshan Sect in the carriage.

"Well, well..." Yan Bugui, whose eyes were covered with gauze, had a gloating smile on his face. If he hadn't been sealed, he would have been laughed at.

"Hurry up and laugh while you have the opportunity." Yan Bugui said calmly: "After the Songshan Sect's reputation becomes bad, let's see if you can still laugh."

Ten days passed in a flash.

early morning.

Yan Bugui took off the gauze on his eyes, and the soft morning sun penetrated into his eyes.

Looking up is the blue sky and white clouds, looking down is the flowers and green grass, and beside you are your close relatives.

Everyone looked at him with concern.

It's a pity that such a good life is missing that confidante.

Ning Zhong asked: "How is it?"

"It has never been so good." Yan Bugui found that after staying in the darkness for half a month, when he saw the world again, he felt that everything had become much more lovely.

"Uncle Master, what is this?" Linghu Chong stretched out two fingers and waved them in front of him.

"This is you." Yan Bugui kicked his butt and scolded with a smile: "Damn it."

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw this, and the tension in their hearts suddenly relaxed.

 Happy New Year to everyone! May all your New Year wishes come true, good health, and abundant wealth.



(End of this chapter)

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