Chapter 101 Massacre

A fierce battle is going on in the courtyard.

Yue Buqun had already forced the men in black to retreat steadily with his superior internal strength.

Suddenly, a shocking roar sounded in the house.

The whistling sound is mixed with the huge internal force to stop the moving clouds, like a dragon's roar, like a lion's roar, like the thunder in the sky, it is deafening, and neither the enemy nor ourselves can help but be stunned.

The Huashan faction was overjoyed when they heard it was Lin Pingzhi's voice.

The Songshan Sect was shocked by this strong internal force, but their hearts sank to the bottom.


The bedroom door suddenly opened, and a white shadow flashed out from inside, heading towards Sima De.

Ying Bailuo blinked, and Sima De suddenly fell down. When he looked carefully in shock, he discovered that there was a blood mark on his neck.

So fast!

Only then did everyone react.

Yue Buqun thought to himself: 'Pingzhi's internal strength has greatly improved, and his body skills are more than 20% faster than before. ’

Then he saw Lin Pingzhi suddenly coming and going in the courtyard, his body flashing and his sword shining like lightning. There were several bangs, and Zhang Jingchao, Zhao Sihai, Sha Tianjiang, and Bu Chen fell to the ground one after another, and their throats were all sealed with a sword.

Such a strange movement made everyone in the Songshan Sect tremble with fear, as if they had seen a ghost. In my heart, I was timid and wanted to retreat.

Yue Buqun took advantage of the opportunity to attack, purple energy appeared on his face again, he penetrated the Gentleman Sword with his true energy, and stabbed with "Boundless Falling Wood" in a series, covering the upper body of the man in black.

The sword in the man's hand danced rapidly, and his feet were fighting and retreating. The sound of the swords clashing was so fast that it was almost impossible to hear the interval.

Between blocking left and right, he was unable to match the powerful inner strength of Zixia's magical skill. After only a few moves, his right arm gradually became numb.

Suddenly, he was slashed three times by Yue Buqun's sword, which shocked the tiger's mouth to pieces. While the blood dripped from his body, the long sword suddenly shattered.

These three moves are astonishingly fast and powerful. They are the "Three Green Peaks of Taiyue" created by Yue Buqun to deal with Jian Zong's "Three Deadly Chains of Immortals Swords".

The man in black staggered backwards, and Yue Buqun came close to him. With the fingers of his left hand moving like flying, he sealed the seven large acupuncture points on his chest in one fell swoop.

at the same time.

Lin Pingzhi continued his offensive and took Tang Ying'e on behalf of Shi Daizi, then stabbed his throat with a sword.

Tang Ying'e was a direct descendant of Songshan, and his martial arts skills were superior to those of the five from Sha Tianjiang. He barely reacted at the critical moment and raised his sword in an attempt to fend off Lin Pingzhi's attack.

But he still underestimated Lin Pingzhi's speed at this time.

Relying on the peerless internal strength created by the eleven strands of alien energy, his body skills are 80% as fast as Dongfang's.

Halfway through Tang Ying'e's move, Lin Pingzhi suddenly changed his move but seemed to have stayed the same. The long sword flashed in front of his eyes and stabbed into his throat with a "chi" sound.

Shi Daizi couldn't help but be stunned. Before Tang Ying'e fell down in front of him, Lin Pingzhi attacked Lehou again.

Lehou had been secretly on guard for a long time after his junior brother died one after another, and he threw the long sword as a hidden weapon without thinking.

Lin Pingzhi's evil-fighting swordsmanship has now embarked on a different path. Although the speed has slowed down due to the absence of his own palace, the strength has doubled.

Seeing the long sword coming through the air, Lin Pingzhi did not dodge, but raised his hand and cut off the opponent's weapon with one strike.

Lehou took the opportunity to retreat, pushing out with his hands alternately. In an instant, the hot and cold palm wind swept towards Lin Pingzhi in layers.

Lin Pingzhi's momentum continued unabated, and the wind from his palm was like a ripple when the sword passed by.

Lehou suddenly felt severe pain in his palms, and the attack came to an abrupt end. Then he saw that his two palms were connected by the opponent's sword.

Before he could be shocked, he felt a chill in his chest again, and his heart had been pierced.

"Junior brother Lin, don't worry about me, go help my wife." Linghu Chong and Fei Bin were fighting in high spirits and were unwilling to stop just now.

Fei Bin's martial arts skills were slightly better than Feng Buping's. It brought pressure to him without putting his life in danger. It was really a rare whetstone.

"Okay! Senior brother, be careful." Lin Pingzhi tapped his right foot, turned and glanced at Ding Mian.

The figure that suddenly enlarged rapidly in front of him caused Ding Mian's pupils to shrink sharply. The next moment, he was separated from the two-on-one battle by Lin Pingzhi's long sword.

Without saying a word, he jumped to the roof resolutely. But just when he was about to succeed, Lin Pingzhi suddenly appeared from above and faced him with a sword, "Go straight to Huanglong".


Blood flowers sprinkled from mid-air.

In the eyes of everyone, Ding Mian seemed to have bumped into Lin Pingzhi's long sword on his own initiative. The sword suddenly penetrated his throat and crashed to the ground from the roof.

the other side.

Lu Bai couldn't help but feel cold in his heart when he saw his companions being slaughtered. He was puzzled, why did Lin Pingzhi's martial arts suddenly become so terrifying?

With that ghostly speed, even if the head brother comes in person, how many moves can he take?

"You dare to be distracted when death is imminent!" Ning Zhong snorted coldly, pushed away Lu Bai's broken sword and stabbed his chest with a sword.

This sword was something she learned in the Secret Cave of Siguoya. Combined with her own knowledge of Huashan swordsmanship and her lifelong skills, she showed an unparalleled and powerful aura as soon as she struck it.

Lu Bai was already frightened, but now he was even more frightened by the power of her sword. He actually turned around and ran away, ignoring the incoming sword.


As soon as Lu Bai took half a step, the Lady Sword came out from his chest.

The shiny sword tip came into view, and the mask on his face was quickly soaked with blood. As the sword was pulled out from his body, he leaned over and fell to the ground dead.

Only Hu Chong and Fei Bin were left in the field, still fighting fiercely.

The Songshan Sect brought out all their elites on this trip, but they never expected that the entire army would end up being annihilated!

After Lu Bai fell, he couldn't help but feel as if he was dead. His originally brave and fierce sword power suddenly became scattered, and he and his people lost their energy and spirit.

When Linghu Chong saw this, he responded to the situation with 'One Qi Transforming Three Purities'.

Among the various sword techniques taught by Yan Bugui, this sword technique was his favorite and he practiced it the most diligently.


The long sword vibrated, and a violent attack like a gust of wind was unleashed on Fei Bin.

Fei Bin's will to fight had collapsed and he had no plan for his moves. He was overwhelmed in the blink of an eye. Linghu Chong broke the tendons in his right arm, and the long sword fell on the bluestone paved in the courtyard with a clang.

Immediately afterwards, Linghu Chong slashed his neck with a backhand sword.


Fei Bin's body shook and his head fell to the ground.

"Yue Buqun, you thief, I will never let you go!" The old man in black fought with Yue Buqun. Looking at the corpses of the top ten eunuchs of Songshan lying on the ground, his eyes were split open and his red eyes were almost lustful. Breaking away from his eye sockets, the anger contained in his eyes was as real as ever.

"Being a ghost? It's not that easy to die." Yue Buqun pulled off the mask of the man in black and saw the man's gray hair. He suddenly said: "Haha~ It turns out to be the uncle of the Songshan Sect."

This person is a master of the previous generation of Songshan School, the same generation as Huashan Lin Qingping and Taishan Yujizi.

"Hypocrite!" the old man yelled angrily: "Who are you showing off to at this time?"

Yue Buqun smiled nonchalantly and said, "Zuo Lengchan actually didn't take action personally. It seems that what my wife said is true. He is really afraid of our Huashan sect."

"Bah!" The old man spat a mouthful of thick phlegm into his face, but was easily dodged. He said angrily: "To deal with your mere Huashan sect, why does the leader of the Zuo Alliance need to do it himself?"

Ning Zhong mocked, "If that despicable guy dares to come, he will be the one who loses his head."

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit." The old man frowned and said with a righteous look: "Kill if you want, scrape if you want, don't talk nonsense here."

"I said, I won't let you die so easily." Yue Buqun said coldly: "Your Songshan sect not only hurt my Huashan disciples, but also wants to destroy all my Huashan disciples. Yue will not just settle the bill like this. .

I want you to see with your own eyes how Zuo Lengchan and the Songshan Sect were ruined. "

"Yue thief!" The old man's eyes widened angrily, and his hair and beard were bulging: "Don't even think about it..."

He knew in his heart that Yue Buqun wanted to use him as evidence. Once the matter was exposed, the Songshan Sect would be reviled, discredited, and even be infamy for thousands of years.

The old man had the intention to commit suicide, but because the meridians and acupoints were blocked, he could not mobilize his true energy to commit suicide. He immediately turned his mind and decided to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

Unexpectedly, before he could start, Cheng Jingjing suddenly came to him, grabbed his chin with her right hand and shook it from side to side.


The old man's jaw was dislocated and he let out an inarticulate cry.

Cheng Jingjing has lost count of the number of stubborn and clumsy guys like him she has seen as a Jin Yiwei, and she can tell what he is thinking just by looking at them.

(End of this chapter)

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