Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 100 A blessing in disguise

Chapter 100 A blessing in disguise

After a few months, the people from Fuwei Escort Agency were crowded in the hall again.

Yue Buqun and his wife, who had retired after their success, led the Huashan disciples to guard Lin Pingzhi's bedroom. Even if a mosquito broke through, it would be cut into two pieces by their swords.

"Why aren't you here yet?" Lu Dayou blew the mosquitoes off his sword and asked Tao Jun out of boredom, "Old Qi, do you think my uncle might have guessed wrong?"

"Impossible." Tao Jun said: "Uncle Master has never missed anything he said."

Yue Lingshan put her hands on her hips and said coquettishly: "You six monkeys, how dare you question my master."

"How can I not!" Lu Dayou shook his head hurriedly: "I mean they may be afraid of Uncle Master's reputation and dare not come."

"No." Cheng Jingjing gently stroked the Boqing sword in her hand and said, "Mingkong's eye injury is the closest chance they have to killing Mingkong in this life.

If they don't dare to come here, then they might as well go home and find a field to grow sweet potatoes, so as not to be embarrassed in the martial arts world. "

"So they're here now, aren't they?" Yue Buqun's ears twitched slightly, and he heard the sound of clothes ripping in the wind from the roof.

When everyone heard this, they immediately became alert.

Yue Buqun and his wife walked proudly to the middle of the small courtyard.

Ning Zhong looked around and scolded: "You cowards, if you don't show up now that you're here, don't you have the shame to see people?"

"It's windy at night." Yue Buqun said loudly: "Everyone on the roof, Yue has been waiting for you for a long time. Please show up and see me."

"The gentleman Jian Yue Bu Qun is indeed worthy of his reputation." Following the voice, more than ten men in black appeared from the surrounding roofs.

"Yue Buqun, you must have obtained the sword manual to ward off evil. Those who understand the current affairs are heroes, otherwise our Sun Moon Sect will raze the Huashan Sect and Fuwei Escort Agency to the ground."

The man in black who spoke was fat.

Yue Buqun clasped his hands behind his back and smiled disdainfully: "Ding Laoer, people in the dark don't do secret things, so why are you still covering up what happened now?

Where is Zuo Lengchan? Why didn't he come? Was he afraid of the Huashan Sect? "

"What are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense like that of his grandma. If you are wise, please hand over the evil-proofing sword manual quickly, otherwise you will be killed in an instant." The man in black in the center waved his right hand with an old voice. There were crowds of people standing on the top, and dozens of archers jumped up to surround the small courtyard where everyone was.

Not only that, the archers' arrow clusters also lit up with fire, illuminating the courtyard a lot.

The Huashan disciples were filled with awe and held the hilts of their swords in their hands.

Yue Lingshan turned her hands over and grabbed a bunch of Yufeng needles respectively. She was about to shoot at the archer when Cheng Jingjing suddenly held her arm down.

"Don't worry." Cheng Jingjing raised her lips slightly: "They will soon understand how stupid it is to use rockets tonight."

Yue Lingshan paused and was surprised to hear the sound of the bowstring being loosened from her hand.


The sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded, and the archers on the roof suddenly let out screams one after another, and fell one after another into the yard like dumplings.

Under the bright moonlight, He could see that there was a black-feathered arrow stuck in their backs.

The dark night is the best cover for black arrows, and more than half of the enemy's archers will be dead in the blink of an eye.

The Jin Yiwei, who was hiding in the dark, immediately shifted his target to the dozen or so men in black.

"Everyone, be careful."

Seeing the rain of arrows coming from all directions, Ding Mian was frightened and angry, and he drew his sword to resist. The rest of his accomplices also unsheathed their swords and tried their best to protect their bodies.

Swords and arrows collided with each other, and the sound of "ding, clang, clank" arose. After all, they were unable to resist these black-feathered arrows that blended with the night and were difficult to guard against, and they had no choice but to fall from the roof to the yard.

Everyone from the Huashan Sect was also in the courtyard, so the Jin Yiwei couldn't let go of arrows easily, lest they hurt their own people.

"Kill!" Yue Buqun shouted in a deep voice. He took the gentleman's sword out of its scabbard and stabbed the old man in black in the center with the 'Golden Wild Goose Crossing the Sky'.

"Hmph!" The man in black held the sword with both hands and slashed it down with all his strength. He used a move known in the world of martial arts as "Strike Huashan". The meaning of the move is self-evident.


The two swords clashed, and their right arms shook. Yue Buqun's face glowed with purple energy, and he hit his chest with a heavy palm.

Not to be outdone, the man in black used palm to palm, and his strong and powerful internal energy was gathering momentum.


The real power clashed, and Yue Buqun took a step back. But the man in black took three steps back in a row.

"Da Songyang Palm." Yue Buqun sneered and stepped forward, holding out the sword 'Xiao Shi Cheng Long' towards his throat.

This move is light and elegant, unpredictable, and the sharp tip of the sword makes it difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

The man in black ignored the cold light flashing in front of him and slashed out with a "Jade Dragon from Beyond the Sky".

Songshan's swordsmanship was powerful, and the long sword quickly changed in his hands, colliding with the Junzi Sword several times quickly.

In terms of swordsmanship, the two were equally matched.

After a brief pause, the two started fighting again.

Songshan's swordsmanship is austere and majestic, like thousands of troops and horses galloping horizontally, spears and halberds, and yellow sand thousands of miles away. Huashan's swordsmanship is light and clever, just like the two swallows flying among the willows in spring, rising and falling, turning around as desired.

After a moment, a hundred moves passed, and the two were still indistinguishable.

at the same time.

In order to share the pressure with his disciples, Ning Zhong faced off against two men in black, one fat and one thin.

From their figures, she recognized that the other party was Ding Mian, the 'Tota Hand' and Lu Bai, the 'Crane Hand' of the Songshan Sect. Seeing the two men attacking hand in hand, Ning Zhong twisted out a bunch of jade peak needles with his left hand and shot them out, turning into golden light like rain.

The unique hidden weapon techniques of the Tomb Sect are extremely fast.

Ding Mian and Lu Bai hurriedly danced their swords into a dense network that water could not penetrate.

When Liu Zhengfeng washed his hands in the Golden Basin, many disciples of the Songshan Sect had suffered from the Yufeng Needle. When needle toxicity occurs, the heartbreaking pain can make life worse than death.

Ning Zhong took advantage of the situation and pressed forward. The lady's sword flashed with cold light, like lightning across the sky, and stabbed Ding Mian with a majestic sword.

She was coming so fiercely that Ding Mian did not dare to confront her forcefully, so he pulled away and retreated hastily.

Lu Bai took the opportunity to stab her left side of the waist from the side.

Ning Zhong swept out the scabbard of his left hand, deflected Lu Bai's long sword, then turned around and struck Lu Bai's neck with his sword.


Lu Bai returned his sword to block. His right arm shook violently and he staggered backwards. His long sword had been cut into two pieces.

There seems to be a huge difference in internal strength between the two, but Ning Zhong took advantage of it by relying on his magical weapons.

She took advantage of the victory and pursued her, "You Feng Lai Yi" pointed her sword at Lu Bai's chest.

Ding Mian came to the rescue from the side, picked up the Lady's Sword with a diagonal thrust, and then attacked quickly with the "overlapping green floating green" fast sword.

Lu Bai held a broken sword and attacked from behind with the "Eternal Human Dragon" style.

Unexpectedly, Ning Zhongze's body skills were extremely high, and even when faced with two people joining forces, he was still able to do so with ease.

He moved between the two of them without falling behind at all.

at the same time.

Linghu Chong faced Fei Bin, Liang Fa faced Lehou, Shi Daizi faced Tang Ying'e, Yue Lingshan faced Sha Tianjiang, Gao Genming faced Bu Shen, Lu Dayou faced Zhao Sihai, and Tao Jun faced Zhang Jingchao.

Ying Bailuo is the youngest and joins forces with Cheng Jingjing to deal with Sima De.

Linghu Chong, Liang Fa, Shi Daizi, and Yue Lingshan fought back and forth with each other.

Gao, Lu, and Tao were struggling under the attack of the Songshan Taibao because they had been introduced for a short period of time. However, relying on the long-lasting power of Xuanmen's internal skills, exquisite swordsmanship and lightness skills, he could barely hold on in the face of Songshan's swordsmanship.

Cheng Jingjing was afraid that the Huashan disciples would be harmed, so she took advantage of the gap between Ying Baoluo and Simade's entanglement, put the little finger of her left hand against her lips and let out a whistle, attracting the Jin Yiwei hiding in the dark to join the battle.

She sent a letter to transfer the person on the way to Fujian.

The Songshan sect was no better than the Huashan sect. Yan Bugui knew that Zuo Lengchan had been secretly recruiting those green forest gangsters in recent years, and he had many masters under his command.

Although the members of the Huashan Sect are highly skilled in martial arts, they cannot beat four hands with one fist.

As for Lin Zhennan and his wife, that is just to make things worse. It is better to expect them not to hold back than to expect them to help.

As the night gets darker, the sounds of swords and swords in Fuwei Escort Bureau are endless.

In Lin Pingzhi's bedroom.

The alien energy in his body has been fused with each other under the taming of Zixia's magical power, forming a deep internal force as powerful as a river.

As the conflict between the Qi subsided, Lin Pingzhi finally woke up from his coma. In a daze, he felt that all the pain in his body had disappeared, and his energy was unprecedented.

"How is this going?"

In doubt, Yan Bugui's weak voice came from behind him.

"Concentrate your mind and use Changchun Kung."

"Master? Okay!" Lin Pingzhi quickly gathered his mind and guided the majestic energy in his body to circulate.

In an instant, the meridians and acupuncture points that had been difficult to shake in the past were now as fragile as paper.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help being surprised, and immediately his body was shaken, and the true energy broke through the two veins of Ren and Du.


Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but raise his head to the sky and roar, his inner energy came out of his body, and set off a strong wind, which made the tables and chairs in the house shake, and the doors and windows swayed.

Yan Bugui was caught off guard, and the arms pressing on his back suddenly shook violently. His whole body was thrown up by a strong internal force, and he fell onto Lin Pingzhi's bed with a bang.

"You brat, now that you're healed, go out and help."

In order to heal him, Yan Bugui's internal strength was almost exhausted at this moment. The last time he was so weak was on the battlefield in Youyuguan.

At that time, he killed many people before he was exhausted, but now he only saved one Lin Pingzhi.

Facts have proven that saving someone is always a thousand times more difficult than killing someone.

Yan Bugui suddenly realized a truth - in the future, he should choose the easier things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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