Chapter 99 Healing

Yue Buqun stayed up all night after receiving the sword manual to ward off evil spirits.

The next day, he didn't show up in front of his disciples and stayed alone in his room, fighting between heaven and man.

He only read the beginning of the tip, but didn't bother to read the details. He didn't dare to read it either, fearing that he would be tempted to practice after reading it.

'Master once said that the Sunflower Book is an unprecedented and unparalleled magical skill, and it is also the last wish of the ancestors of Huashan Mountain for hundreds of years.

But the price is so high, if I take it will I face my junior sister, junior brother, Shan'er, Chong'er and the others in the future?

Besides, junior brother has fought against Dongfang Sheng. If I learn the Sunflower Book, I will definitely not be able to hide it from his eyes with his martial arts attainments..."

"Senior brother? Senior brother?" Ning Zhongze entered the room at some unknown time.

Yue Buqun suddenly came to his senses: "Junior sister, is something wrong?"

Ning Zhong asked in confusion: "What are you thinking about so distractedly? You didn't respond for a long time."

Yue Buqun sighed: "I'm worried about Pingzhi's injury."

"I've gone to see it, and it's still stable now." Ning Zhongze thought: "I don't know if Jingjing sister has found her junior brother. If it doesn't work, let's gather the skills of all the disciples and help Pingzhi remove the true energy in his body. Get kicked out.”

"This method is too risky." Yue Buqun shook his head: "Pingzhi has accumulated enough zhenqi in his body. If he pours zhenqi rashly, once there is a conflict, Pingzhi will either die or be injured. This is the end of a useless martial arts."

"Alas~" Ning Zhongze said helplessly: "I hope junior brother can find a way, otherwise their family will be too pitiful."

"Dad, Mom, it's not good, master is back." Yue Lingshan rushed into the house without even knocking on the door.

Ning Zhong frowned slightly: "What are you kidding? It's a good thing that your master is back. How can a girl's family be in such a hurry?"

Yue Lingshan said anxiously: "It's really bad! Master is blind."

"What?" Ning Zhongze's expression suddenly changed.

Yue Buqun stood up in a hurry. He accidentally used too much force and overturned the chair under him. He said in disbelief: "Is this true?"

"Yes." Yue Lingshan nodded hurriedly: "I just watched Aunt Cheng help Master through the door."

"Little Junior Brother!" Ning Zhongze rushed out of the house like the wind.

Yue Buqun followed closely behind, his face gloomy and solemn, and he secretly resented: 'Zuo Lengchan, was it you again? If I don't kill you with my own hands, I, Yue Buqun, will be in vain. ’

The front hall of the escort agency.

All the disciples of the Huashan Sect gathered around Yan Bugui, their faces full of worry.

Lin Zhennan and his wife were also frowning. The savior they had finally hoped for was also injured.

Linghu Chong asked worriedly: "Uncle, are you really okay?"

Yan Bugui didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I've said it eight hundred times, I'm fine, I'm fine. I'll be cured in eight or nine days at most, you don't have to worry."

"Who did it?" Ning Zhongze came over in a hurry and looked at Yan Bugui, whose eyes were wrapped with gauze, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

Listening to the suppressed anger in her words, Yan Bugui quickly explained to her again.

"It's just temporary." Ning Zhongze couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "You scared me to death."

Yue Buqun pondered: "So, the person who ambushed you is the Demon Cult and has nothing to do with Zuo Lengchan?"

"It should be." Yan Bugui said: "Jingjing said that woman used the soul-chasing bees of the Five Poison Sect. This kind of thing cannot be easily faked by outsiders."

Cheng Jingjing nodded: "It is indeed a soul-chasing bee."

Yan Bugui stood up: "Let's not talk about this for now. Take me to see Pingzhi."

Cheng Jingjing naturally held his arm.

Regarding what happened after losing his sight, Yan Bugui found that it was different from what he imagined.

The skill of hearing and positioning cannot completely replace the eyes. When there is no sound, he is completely unable to judge the distance between his feet, and naturally cannot detect obstacles such as stumbling blocks.

Unless someone is holding you or using a guide stick.

"I..." Linghu Chong was about to say the word 'come' when he suddenly saw Ning Zhongze glare at him. He understood instantly and quickly swallowed his words.

Linghu Chong knew that his wife was still determined to bring his uncle and the others together.

Came to Lin Pingzhi's room.

Yan Bugui sat by the bed, felt out his arm and took his pulse. After checking, he found that his pulse was scattered and his physical condition had reached an extremely dangerous level.

Linghu Chong was tortured to death even after suffering from the Eight Strands of Alien Qi. Lin Pingzhi now has fourteen strands on his body, and the dangers involved are self-evident.

Yan Bugui ordered: "Chong'er, help him up."

"Yes." Linghu Chong followed his words.

Yan Bugui then pressed Lin Ping's Lingtai acupoint on his heart, preparing to awaken him with his own energy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the zhenqi entered Lin Pingzhi's body, it instantly triggered the restlessness of the alien zhenqi. With the depth of Yan Bugui's skill, his palm was forcefully flicked away.

To a certain extent, Lin Pingzhi's current body-protecting Qi is enough to surpass the martial arts world. It is difficult for him to be harmed by any internal skills, but the cost is a bit high and could easily lead to death.

Lin Zhennan's expression changed slightly: "Master Yan, how are you doing?"

"It's a bit tricky." Yan Bugui said: "I originally planned to teach him the method of absorbing stars..."

"The Great Star Absorbing Technique!" Yue Buqun lost his voice and said, "You want me to practice that demonic technique that specializes in absorbing people's inner energy?" Yan Bugui Feng Qingyun said calmly: "Yes, the harvest of this trip."

After hearing this, everyone in the Huashan Sect looked calm. Without him, I have become accustomed to it over the years.

The Huashan sect has a common understanding: Yan Bugui goes out without bringing back a few treasures, which is equivalent to losing things.

Mrs. Lin heard the key point in Yan Bugui's words: "From what you say, could this method not work?"

Yan Bugui said: "If you want to practice the Star Absorbing Technique, you need to exhaust your own internal energy first, and then absorb new internal energy from others.

Pingzhi's situation originally seemed to be tailor-made for the star-absorbing method.

But the problem is that his own internal strength is already extremely strong, and he has obtained some of the skills from his senior brothers and sisters and Chong'er. Now that he is entrenched in his Dantian, although he cannot drive away the foreign alien energy, he can still firmly hold his own territory.

If it were a person with a shallow foundation, his internal strength would have been exhausted by now, so he would be able to skip the step of dispersing his strength.

But now that Pingzhi is unconscious and unable to disperse his energy, practicing the Star Absorbing Technique is just empty talk. "

Lin Zhennan swayed and asked with a pale face: "Is there any other way?"

"Let me think about it." Yan Bugui frowned and began to think.

"The magical power of Zixia can dissolve strange qi, but my skill is not enough." Yue Buqun said: "Junior brother, I will pass on the Zixia skill to you, and you can use it to heal Ping Zhi."

Yan Bugui didn't expect him to be so generous, and said in surprise: "Zixia Gong is a secret passed down by the master. If you teach me, wouldn't you be violating the ancestral teachings?"

"Human life is at stake, I can't care about so many things." Yue Buqun thought to himself: 'Compared with the martial arts secrets you brought back, junior brother, Zixia's magic skills are insignificant. ’

"Master Yue is so righteous, we and I are deeply grateful." Lin Zhennan and Mrs. Lin said they were about to kneel down and kowtow to him.

Yue Buqun hurriedly stopped the two of them: "No way."

Later, Yue Buqun went back to his room and took out the Zixia secret book and handed it to Yan Bugui.

Half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

Yan Bugui closed the Zixia secret book and already knew all the methods inside.

The current situation was urgent, and he only needed to know how Qi worked, and there was no need to actually practice it.

Judging from the mental formulas in the secret book, Yan Bugui feels that this is a low-end version of the Great Shift of the Universe, which can double a person's power once used.

The stronger your foundation, the more obvious the effect will be.

Yan Bugui suddenly realized that the reason for the slow progress of Lao Yue Zixia's magical power in the original work was finally found.

after dinner.

Everyone gathered in Lin Pingzhi's room.

Yan Bugui said in a deep voice: "Pingzhi suffered such strange internal injuries because he came to me and my senior brother. The enemy wants to use this to consume our internal strength, so when I heal Pingzhi's injuries, the enemy will definitely Take action.

Jingjing, I’ll leave the Boqing Sword to you. You will lead Chong’er and the others to take precautions tonight. According to the plan on the road, we must protect the escort agency. "

Cheng Jingjing nodded and said, "Just heal him with peace of mind."

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister." Yan Bugui continued: "You two, come and help me suppress the alien Qi in Pingzhi's body so that my internal energy can enter his Dantian."

The couple nodded: "Leave it to us."

Midday on the moon.

Lin Pingzhi was moved out of bed and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Yan Bugui sat behind him, while Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong sat on either side of him.

The two of them each pressed against Lin Pingzhi's palm, and injected the internal energy they had cultivated for decades into his body.

Feeling the invasion of external forces, the alien energy immediately rioted, causing Lin Pingzhi to make an unconscious groan in his coma.

In just a short moment, the couple's faces turned red, and white smoke slowly came out of their heads.

Yan Bugui then pressed his palms on Lin Ping's back, condensing spiral energy and sending it into his body.

The alien energy was fighting against the internal strength of Yue Buqun and his wife, leaving an opportunity for Yan Bugui's energy to break into Lin Pingzhi's Dantian.


Lin Pingzhi's Changchun Kung and Yan Bugui's Little Immortality Technique came from the same source, and they merged together effortlessly. Driven by Yan Bugui, a huge vortex quickly rolled up in the sea of ​​energy.

The majestic suction force burst out, and those alien infuriating energy were like hundreds of rivers converging into the sea, being forcibly pulled from the meridians around the body into the infuriating vortex of the Dantian.

"You can stop." Yan Bugui reminded the two of them, and then used all his strength to activate the spiral infuriating energy, enveloping the eleven strands of alien infuriating energy, and started to rotate according to the operating route of the Zixia Magic Art.

The true energy of Yue Buqun, Ning Zhongze and Linghu Chong has been integrated with Lin Pingzhi's own skill. The four of them all practice Changchun Gong and are not exclusive of each other.

Naturally, the alien Qi was unwilling to be restrained and struggled violently, but in the end they could not escape the huge suction generated by the lifelong cultivation of Yan Bugui and Lin Pingzhi.

Next is the water grinding work of running on Sunday.

Almost an hour later, the alien energy no longer struggled and showed signs of becoming one.

(End of this chapter)

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