Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 11 Armor-piercing sharp tip 7 rotating fingers

Chapter 11 Armor-piercing sharp seven-twirling finger

Dongfang was not the only one shocked.

This unexpected but extremely fierce battle also attracted the attention of other experts present.

Among them, the Huashan sect is the most prominent.

From the master to the disciples, no one thought that the young man who usually only immersed himself in practicing under the waterfall would have the strength to rival the Demonic Sect's Zuo Envoy of Light!
  That is the most powerful person in the Demonic Cult besides the teaching director, Wo Xing. He is truly the leader of one person and more than ten thousand people.

There is no need to say how high such a person's martial arts skills must be.

‘Junior brother, how much have you hidden from us? ’ Yue Buqun was already so shocked that he was almost injured by Xiang Wentian while distracted.

Fortunately, Xiang Wentian was also shocked by Yan Bugui's cultivation, and his long sword shot was a little slow, allowing him to escape by luck.

the other side.

Ning Zhongze felt more relieved and happy for Yan Bugui.

'Junior brother, all these years of hard work have finally paid off. ’

She asked herself, not to mention her, even if the person fighting Dongfang was Yue Buqun, he probably wouldn't be able to reach the level of Yan Bugui.

What really surprised her was that Yan Bugui's use of the same Huashan sword technique was much more sophisticated than hers.

Due to the difference in skill between the two people in the battle, Yan Bugui has always been at a disadvantage, but he relied on his ingenious changes to withstand Dongfang's offensive.

‘I have obviously learned these sword techniques before, but the changes in every move and style of my junior brother are far beyond my imagination.

Bai Hongguanri couldn't receive Youfeng Laiyi at all, so why was it so perfect in his hands? ’

"Miss, be careful!"

When the disciples of Huashan saw that some demon cultists took the opportunity to attack the distracted Ning Zhongze, they hurriedly warned them.

"Hmph!" Ning Zhong, without looking back, stabbed the sword from the right side of his waist with his backhand, stabbing the demon cultivator behind him to death.

"No, if you continue to be entangled like this, I will lose my face." Dongfang was secretly annoyed. When his mind was spinning, he suddenly heard the voice of the disciple of Huashan, and it immediately came to his mind.

He calmly fired out a palm with all his strength, and while Yan Bugui was trying to parry, he suddenly withdrew and flew towards Ning Zhongze.

The distance of tens of feet was only a blink of an eye to him.

"You bastard, how dare you!" Yan Bugui was furious. As he chased after him, he let go of the mace in his hand. His Hunyuan Palm hit the handle with all his strength, pushing the mace straight into the back of Dongfang's head.

Unexpectedly, Dongfang suddenly made a 'thousand catties drop', and his body fell straight to the ground. He picked up a single sword belonging to a dead member and shot it at Yan Bugui in the air.

No matter how high the Qing Gong is, people cannot change direction in the air without any help.

Yan Bugui's pupils shrank sharply, but the ice-like mirror kept him calm in the face of danger. The spiral energy penetrated directly into the Yongquan points of his feet, suddenly generating a powerful thrust.

Under Dongfang's disbelieving gaze, his body suddenly lifted up half a foot out of thin air, successfully dodging the flying sword.

"Impossible!?" Dongfang was shocked and angry.

The opponent could jump two or three feet, and his Qinggong was considered to be at the top level in the world. He never expected that he would be able to rise again in the air.

He has been in the martial arts world for many years, and he has never heard of such a magical light skill in the entire martial arts world, let alone the Huashan Sect.

Yan Bugui took the opportunity to rush in the direction of Ning Zhongze, so as not to give Dongfang another opportunity to take advantage of.

"Don't think about it."

Dongfang leaned over again to pick up the single swords scattered on the ground. First, he shot one directly at Yan Bugui's chest and abdomen, followed by five or six consecutive shots at the spaces around him, up and down, completely blocking his retreat.

The way forward was blocked, Yan Bugui was furious, and when he was approaching with his single sword, he suddenly flipped over in the air, escaped from behind by a hair's breadth, and plummeted to the ground.

Dongfang sneered, seemingly not surprised.

Taking advantage of the moment when Yan Bugui was about to land, he suddenly jumped towards him and used the Great Nine Heavens Divine Palm to strike directly at his Dantian Qi Sea.

"Without weapons, let me see what you can do to stop me."

"not good!"

Ning Zhong saw that Yan Bugui could hardly resist Dongfang's palm at this moment when her old strength was gone and her new strength was not born. In desperation, she followed suit and used her internal strength to hold the long sword from the side. Shot to the east.

The sound of sharp blades piercing the air quickly approached, but Dongfang's offensive did not stop at all.

Ning Zhongze's skills were too weak and he didn't take him seriously at all.

He casually slapped down the long sword, and he was already very close to Yan Bugui.

But at this moment, Yan Bugui had landed firmly on the ground.

Feeling the fierce palm wind coming towards his face, he suddenly took half a step back with his right foot, and the whole body's true energy turned around in his dantian. Then all the true energy condensed into a spiral and poured into his right arm crazily. His right hand was pointed like a sword and stabbed directly into Dongfang's palm.

The eight meridians converge and flow into the sea of ​​qi, and one thought can be as powerful as a mountain!

"I don't know whether to live or die."    With Dongfang snorting coldly, the two people's palms met.

Yan Bugui's sword pointed directly at the Laogong point in his palm, and the spiral zhenqi burst out, instantly tearing open the Great Nine Heavens God's palm and penetrating into his body.


The tearing pain suddenly came from the meridians, causing Dongfang to let out a shrill scream that echoed across the battlefield.

He hurriedly mobilized his inner strength to resist, and only then could he avoid the spiral true energy from invading his heart.

The two forces surged fiercely and suddenly crushed the sleeve of his right arm to pieces.

Yan Bugui took advantage of his strength to retreat, and was on guard against his angry counterattack.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that Dongfang's right arm under the broken sleeve was covered with purple-black bruises.

"Such vicious finger power, is this also the martial arts of the Huashan sect?" Dongfang gritted his teeth and looked at Yan Bugui, the anger in his eyes almost bursting out of his eyes.

"That's right, I created my own, the armor-piercing peak seven-twirling finger." Yan Bugui gasped for breath. The finger just now consumed almost [-] to [-]% of his internal strength.

This move may seem simple, but in fact it contains the penetrating power of the spiral true energy, the cohesion of the star transformation, and the destructive power of the Hunyuan Gong. Finally, it can be performed with the help of the Huashan Sect's Iron Finger Technique.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Dongfang squeezed out three words through his teeth, obviously hating Yan Bugui deeply.

He sealed the "Jianjing point" on his right arm with his left hand, temporarily stopping the severe pain in his meridians, and then he stepped towards Yan Bugui, as if he still had some energy left.

Yan Bugui narrowed his eyes slightly, with a normal expression on his face. He secretly activated the Little Immortality Secret in his body to regain his energy, and turned his right hand to concentrate.

He also has another trick!

If Dongfang dared to take action, his other arm would also be in danger.

"Junior brother, get out of the way." Ning Zhongze was about to step forward to help, but something unexpected happened again on the battlefield.

Zuo Lengchan, who was being controlled by Ren Wo Xing Bi's star-absorbing technique, suddenly shouted loudly and got rid of the other party's control.

Ren Woxing didn't pursue him, and laughed and said, "Okay! Master Zuo's martial arts are indeed extraordinary.

This time our religion has the right time, place, and people, and you guys have come from afar. Even if I win, I'm afraid you won't be convinced.

I will let you go today. Three months later, I will lead the army of the divine cult to come to the door in person to learn the clever tricks of the leaders.

Brothers from the East, let’s go. "

"Yes, I obey." Dongfang paused in his steps, decisively left Yan behind and led his followers to evacuate from the battlefield.

‘This must be a backlash of true energy. It comes at the right time. ’ Yan Bugui knew in his heart that Ren Woxing suddenly stopped fighting when he had the upper hand. It should be that the side effects of the star-absorbing method had begun.

However, Dongfang Bubai walked away so cleanly and neatly, which made him a little confused.

"Junior brother, are you hurt?" Ning Zhong rushed over.

"It's okay." Yan Bugui shook his head: "It's just that the energy has been exhausted. Just use your energy and adjust your breath and it will be fine."

After the war, the already severely damaged village became even more dilapidated.

Each faction began to treat the injured disciples.

Because of the support of Yan Bugui, the Huashan faction suffered the fewest casualties.

I was left to retreat inexplicably. In order to prevent the Demon Sect from being deceived, everyone from the five sects hurriedly left the battlefield after a short rest. They did not find a place to set up camp until they were about to leave Pingding Prefecture at night.

The leaders of the five sects gathered together.

Master Dingyi looked at Yan Bugui with admiration: "Young Master Yan defeated the Demonic Sect's Bright Left Envoy today. It's really satisfying."

Taoist Master Tianmen nodded and said: "Young Master Yan is a young and talented man. He is truly a blessing to us and others in the righteous path of martial arts."

Mr. Mo Da sighed: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Today we are able to escape unscathed, thanks to the indispensable contribution of Young Master Yan."

Zuo Lengchan chuckled, cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Yue. After today, my junior brother will be famous in the world, and the Huashan sect will definitely become famous as well."

"Thank you for your praise." Yue Buqun said with a smile: "Our five sects advance and retreat together. Naturally, we will all be prosperous and suffer losses. The Huashan sect does not dare to be greedy for credit."

"Senior brother is right." Yan Bugui said: "I am young. Today's battle depends entirely on the left leader to force him back and let me do it. Otherwise, I may not be able to save my life."

"Young Master Yan, you don't have to be humble." Zuo Lengchan said, "Zuo is also lucky and doesn't dare to take credit.

Although the demon sect has retreated now, the demon leader Ren Woxing threatened to fight again in three months, so we must take precautions early. "

Taoist Master Tianmen asked: "Master Zuo, if you have any high opinions, you might as well speak out."

"Zhenmen Tianmen is really quick to talk." Zuo Lengchan looked around the crowd and said solemnly: "There are many masters of the Demon Sect. From what I can see, only the five mountains can formally form an alliance to fight against the Demon Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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