Chapter 12 Covenant, deception

"An alliance between the Five Sacred Mountains?"

The leaders of the four factions looked at each other.

"Exactly." Zuo Lengchan said sternly: "After forming an alliance, our five sects will be as close as one family. When the time comes, we will work together. If one sect is in trouble, the four sects will support us. I believe that even if the Demon Sect is powerful, it will definitely be afraid."

Yan Bugui was secretly stunned. Zuo Lengchan really picked a good time.

At present, the demon sect is watching with eager eyes, and under pressure, even if everyone wants to object, it is difficult for them to speak out.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent, and no one said a word.

After forming an alliance, there must be an alliance leader.

But none of the people here who are not prominent figures in the world would be willing to succumb to others.

Zuo Lengchan squinted his eyes and kept scanning the heads of the four sects, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

The first step to dominate the martial arts world, the key to success or failure is today.

"Master Zuo's words make sense." Taoist Master Tianmen sighed: "The devil Ren Woxing has unparalleled martial arts skills and has many talents under his command. It seems that forming an alliance is inevitable."

"Amitabha." Master Dingyi clasped her hands together and said slowly: "Since it is caused by the situation, we can only follow the weather."

The corners of Zuo Lengchan's mouth raised slightly.

Taishan, Hengshan and his Songshan are now three to two, which can be regarded as a settled situation.

Mr. Mo Da also understood the reason, nodded and said: "We in the Hengshan Sect should follow everyone's opinions."

"Okay!" Zuo Lengchan was overjoyed and looked at the Huashan Sect's position with a smile: "What do you think, Mr. Yue?"

Yue Buqun paused, nodded and said: "In the face of a powerful enemy, in order to protect ourselves, it is indeed a good idea to form an alliance, and Yue should follow it.

It’s just that after forming an alliance, it is natural to select a highly respected person to serve as the leader of the alliance. This candidate..."

Zuo Lengchan said: "Mr. Yue has foresight. The matter of the alliance leader is related to the life and death of the five sects. We must act with caution."

Taoist Priest Tianmen said: "Speaking of the position of alliance leader, apart from you, Zuo Zhang, who else here has this qualification."

Zuo Lengchan waved his hand: "With all the sages present, how can Zuo He De dare to assume the position of leader of the alliance?"

"Master Zuo is too humble." Master Dingyi said: "Among the five sects, you are the only opponent of Ren Woxing. I believe that neither Mr. Mo Da nor Mr. Yue will object to you being the leader of the alliance."

"It's a great talent. I would wholeheartedly accept who among you can be the leader of the alliance."

Yue Buqun's face flashed with a trace of unnaturalness: "What Master Tai said is absolutely true."

Zuo Lengchan couldn't help but beam with joy, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Thanks to all the heads for not giving up. If that's the case, then Zuo will do his part."

"Leader Zuo is too polite."

Zuo Lengchan said impassionedly: "Senior Brother Tianmen, Senior Sister Dingyi, Senior Brother Mo, and Senior Brother Yue, from now on we, the Wuyue Sword Sect, will be in the same spirit and hate the same enemy."

"Senior Brother Zuo." Yan Bugui suddenly said, "Little brother, I have a question that I don't know whether to ask or not?"

Everyone's eyes were instantly focused on him.

Zuo Lengchan said loudly: "Junior brother Yan, there is no need to keep silent. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Yan Bugui asked: "I am young and have little knowledge. I would like to know what are the specific responsibilities and authority of this leader of the Five Mountains Alliance?
  I said beforehand that our alliance was to fight against the Demonic Cult.

So the leader is only responsible for matters related to the Demonic Cult? Or do you also have the right to make decisions about the affairs of various factions? "

The leaders of the various factions present were stunned. This was really a question worth exploring.

Yue Buqun looked at Yan Bugui and gave him an appreciative look.

"Well~" Zuo Lengchan smiled and said, "Of course the priority is to fight against the demon sect. As long as it doesn't go against the orthodox principles of martial arts, how dare Zuo dare to comment on the affairs of various sects.

Junior Brother Yan has a delicate mind, but he gave me, Brother Yu, a heads up. "

Yan Bugui suddenly nodded: "I understand, little brother. Thank you Senior Brother Zuo for your advice."

"You're welcome." The smile on Zuo Lengchan's face gradually disappeared.

Damn it, I couldn’t take care of you before the alliance was formed, and I can’t take care of you after the alliance was formed, so why didn’t I become the leader of the alliance for nothing?

Originally, this matter passed without anyone mentioning it. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin came out halfway.

You little beast, you ruined my life and I will settle the score with you sooner or later.

The covenant was finalized, and the heads of the five factions began to discuss the details, such as customizing the leader's token, and agreed to strictly investigate the traces of the demon sect after returning to the mountain in order to support the other factions at any time.

Blackwood Cliff.

Oriental residence.

His right arm was wrapped in gauze and he had just woken up from exercising and regulating his breath.

Tong Baixiong stood by and asked with concern: "Brother Dongfang, how is your injury?"

"The meridians are damaged, and it may be difficult to recover without a year and a half of rest." Dongfang frowned, his face sinking like water.

The injury was far more serious than he expected. Although the meridians in his right arm were not broken at this time, they were not much different.

Tong Baixiong said bitterly: "That boy is young, but his methods are so ruthless. Brother, just wait, I will go and avenge you right away."

Dongfang shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I will settle this account with him personally, so I won't bother Brother Tong anymore. How about I do my thing?"

"He went into seclusion as soon as he came back." "Haha, as expected, he has been practicing in seclusion frequently in recent months. I guessed that he might have a physical problem, and now it seems that this is indeed the case."

"Indeed, otherwise with the temper of Leader Ren, how could he let go of such a good opportunity to destroy the Five Mountains Sword Sect."

"Haha, it's not in vain that I painstakingly designed the Five Mountains Sword Sect to lure him into action. Now is a golden opportunity.

Brother Tong, please notify our people immediately to prepare for action. "

"But your injury?"

"A man will fight with his wits but not his strength. If you want to win over Ren Woxing, you don't necessarily have to rely on force to solve it."

A confident smile appeared on Dongfang's face, as if he was holding a pearl of wisdom in his hand, but the pain in his arm meridians made his smile freeze again.

Today he was supposed to reap the benefits, but he didn't expect to be interfered with by Yan Bugui. Fortunately, his goal was achieved.

God is ultimately on my side, Dongfang Sheng!

After Tong Baixiong left, Dongfang Sheng took out an old book from the dark compartment of the room, feeling mixed emotions in his heart.

"Alas~ It seems that this Sunflower Manual won't work without practice!"

A storm is coming on Blackwood Cliff.

a few days later.

News suddenly spread in the world that Ren Woxing had died of illness, and Dongfang Sheng, the envoy of Guangming Zuo, took over as the leader of the Sun and Moon Sect.

The Huashan faction is already on their way back.

After hearing the news, Yan Bugui was a little surprised.

Dongfang wins? It seems that this time he has no shame in calling Dongfang Bubai.

Ning Zhongze couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "The sky has eyes, and evil will be punished. God is still on our side after all."

"Don't be happy too early, junior sister." Yue Buqun said worriedly: "Don't forget that my junior brother once seriously injured the new leader Dongfang Sheng. I'm worried that he will be the first to attack our Huashan."

"The soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth, haven't we formed an alliance?" Ning Zhong glanced at Yan Bugui and hummed: "Besides, we have our martial arts master Yan Shaoxia, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Yan Bugui knew that she was complaining about concealing her strength, and said with a smile: "Senior sister looks up to my younger brother. I just caught him by surprise that day. In terms of skill, I am far behind him."

"Speaking of this." Yue Buqun asked, "Junior brother, what kind of kung fu did you use on that finger that day? Our Huashan Iron Finger Technique definitely doesn't have that kind of power."

Yan Buguixin said that you finally couldn't hold it in any longer, and thought you didn't plan to ask anymore.

He pretended to be puzzled and said: "It's just the Iron Finger Technique, but I used Spiral Qi when I shot it."

"Spiral Qi?" Yue Buqun was startled and frowned in confusion.

Ning Zhongze also didn't understand, and asked doubtfully: "What is that?"

Yan Bugui thought about it and said of course: "Just make the true energy turn into a whirlpool and rotate rapidly, so that the penetration can be greatly improved. Why, don't you know how?"

He blinked, surprise written on his handsome face.

"This..." The couple shook their heads in embarrassment, their faces a little confused.

I always feel that the younger brother's expression is a bit... needy, as if he is saying to them: 'No, no, you don't know how to do such a simple thing! ’

"I really can't. In fact, it's very simple. You will know after you try it." Yan Bugui's expression was as innocent as he wanted.

It’s not that I didn’t say it, it’s that I thought you all knew how to do it.

Hehe ~
  The couple looked at each other and saw the eagerness to try on each other's faces.

Yue Buqun stopped and looked back at the disciples behind him: "We've been walking for so long, let's all take a rest."

Everyone found an open space to rest on the side of the road.

The couple couldn't wait to try it, but the result was naturally unsuccessful.

The energy in their Dantian was like a pool of stagnant water, not even a ripple, let alone a whirlpool.

Both of them couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Ning Zhong asked curiously: "Junior brother, how did you do it?"

Yan Bugui said: "I thought of it accidentally when I was practicing in the water."

Yue Buqun was surprised and asked, "In the water again?"

Ning Zhong sighed: "The waterfall at our Jade Girl Peak is simply a blessed place for our junior brother!"

"That's right." Yan Bugui nodded: "Don't you think that pool is just like our Dantian? The water inside seems to be true energy.

I remember that when Master taught me to read, I once saw a saying in a book that our bodies are naturally connected with the world.

The outside world is the big world, and the human body is the small world. The two are closely related.

So if whirlpools can appear in pools, why can't true energy do the same? "

The couple were stunned after hearing this and did not speak again for a long time.

Yan Bugui's words had completely subverted their previous understanding of martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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