Chapter 13 Taiyue Rongxiu
  Yue Buqun murmured: "Is this the so-called unity of heaven and man?"

"I don't know." Yan Bugui shook his head with a pure face, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

From the looks of it, he must have successfully fooled them.

"There is another question." Ning Zhongze suddenly asked: "What's going on with your swordsmanship? Bai Hongguanri and Youfeng Laiyi are incompatible with each other. How did you connect them together?"

Yue Buqun's attention was immediately attracted.

"What's so difficult about this?" Yan Bugui stretched out the sword finger of his right hand and said and gestured: "The tip of the sword is pointed upward when the white rainbow penetrates the sun. Feng Laiyi's flat sword stabs straight at it. When it fails to catch, drag it down. Or just draw a circle.

Just like when the road is impassable, we can take a detour. "

The couple tried it and found that it was indeed the case.

Ning Zhong sighed: "Junior Junior Brother's understanding is truly astonishing. I'm afraid it will be difficult for anyone in the past generations of Huashan disciples to match it."

Yan Bugui touched the bridge of his nose: "Senior sister, I will be shy if you do this."

Yue Buqun thought to himself: "Although what the junior brother said is mysterious, it makes sense when you think about it carefully. It seems that he is really a genius and not deliberately concealing it."

Thinking of this, Yue Buqun muttered: "Little junior brother, after returning home, Chong'er will continue to be taught by you.

Although his qualifications are not as good as yours, they are still not satisfactory. If he can be half as capable as you in the future, my brother will be satisfied. "

Yan Bugui patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry if you leave it to me, Senior Brother."

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of rapid horse hooves in the distance.

Everyone followed the sound and saw three fast horses galloping through the flying dust.

They thought they were passers-by and stopped paying attention. Unexpectedly, the three horses slowed down when they approached them, as if they were sent towards Huashan.

Three big men sat immediately, one was thin, one had a dark face, and the other had a full beard.

Hanging on the saddle were their weapons, a gold mace, a steel whip and a pair of axes. They were obviously figures in the martial arts world.

Yue Buqun stood up and asked in confusion: "Why are they here?"

"Your friend? Where did they come from?" Yan Bugui looked at the three of them curiously, always feeling that they were not good people.

"No." Yue Buqun shook his head and said: "These three are figures in the underworld, Qin Qiong, the 'Golden Mace that Shakes the Yangtze River', Lin Qing, the Little Yuchi, and Li Da, the Black Whirlwind."

Yan Bugui exclaimed: "Good guy, this name is quite antique!"

While they were talking, the horses had stopped in front of them, and the three of them picked up their weapons and dismounted.

Qin Qiong clasped his fists and asked, "I dare to ask, but in front of Mr. Jianyue, the gentleman?"

Yue Buqun stepped forward with his sword in hand, and returned the salute with his hand: "It's you, I wonder what you three are doing?"

"Mr. Yue, I have admired you for a long time." Lin Qing looked at everyone in the Huashan Sect: "I wonder if my junior brother Yan Shaoxia is here?"

"Oh~" Yan Bugui was stunned for a moment, then walked to Yue Buqun: "Are you three here to see me?"

Li Da laughed and said, "Sure enough, he is a young talent. There is a rumor in the world that 'Taiyue Rongxiu' Yan Shaoxia defeated the Eastern leader of the Sun and Moon Sect. His swordsmanship is outstanding and he is unmatched in the martial arts world.

My three brothers are not talented, and I want to ask the young hero for some tips. "

"Hmm~" Yan Bugui was stunned.

I go! Has this news grown wings? It spread so quickly.

I actually have a nickname.

Taiyue Rongxiu... Don't tell me, it sounds pretty good. I don't know who is so talented?
  Yan Bugui felt that if he could find that person, he must thank him.

Otherwise, it would be too vulgar if an uneducated person gave him a name like "Sword Pointer and Double Master".

Yue Buqun suddenly understood and said calmly: "It turns out that the three of you are here to make a name for yourself."

If he could defeat Yan Bugui, it would be equivalent to defeating Dongfeng Bubai.

The only blame is that Yan Bugui is too young. He was able to defeat Dongfang Bubai at the age of sixteen, which is really unconvincing.

Even he wouldn't be able to believe it.

"Ashamed." Qin Qiong showed his golden mace and said proudly: "I wonder if the young hero would like to be rewarded?"

Yan Bugui cupped his hands and said, "My master has always taught me that peace is the most important thing. Fighting and killing hurt harmony.

The so-called victory or defeat is just a name, and the three of them don't need to take it seriously. "

Lin Qing's originally dark face suddenly turned as gloomy as coal, and he said angrily: "So, the young hero doesn't like our brothers anymore?"

"That's not what I meant." Yan Bugui looked helplessly at Yue Buqun.

Yue Buqun knew that if he refused blindly, he would be unable to do anything good, so he nodded slightly to him: "Since the three brothers are so interested, I will discuss with them, but remember to stop at the key points." "I understand." Yan Bugui nodded, took the sword from Ning Zhongze and stepped forward slowly: "You three, I'm offended."

"Young hero, please." Qin Qiong raised his golden mace to his chest and prepared for it.

"Watch the move." Yan Bugui stepped forward, and the long sword in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath, and with four "pah pah pah" sounds, it hit the Shenmen point on the wrists of the three of them in an instant.

Ding! boom! Bang~
  Qin Qiong's golden mace, Lin Qing's steel whip and Li Da's double ax were all released, and they landed almost at the same time.

The three of them covered their wrists, horrified.

Looking at Yan Bugui, he has returned to where he was, as if he had never made a move: "Three of you, I accept the concession."

The three of them came back to their senses.

The opponent struck so fast that he didn't even have time to react. If it were a life and death fight, the consequences could be imagined.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel frightened and looked apprehensive.

Qin Qiong said with lingering fear: "Huashan's swordsmanship is well-deserved. Thank you so much for your guidance, young hero. The three Qin brothers are willing to accept the defeat, so they take their leave."

After he finished speaking, Lin Qing and Li Da immediately jumped on their horses and flew away in the dust.

"Junior brother." Yue Buqun said earnestly: "Remember to be more tactful next time you take action.

You still have to save some face for others when you go out, so that others will give you face. "

"I understand, I'll do it next time." Yan Bugui shrugged, hoping that the three of them would not be psychologically affected by him.

Ning Zhong stood there and laughed dumbly.

After all, the junior brother is still young at heart and not stable enough in his work, but this is not bad, at least it shows the prestige of the Huashan Sect.

From this end, the return journey of the Huashan faction became lively.

Every once in a while, someone came to challenge Yan Bugui, but without exception, he sent them away. It was not until they drove away another wave of people near the border of Huashan that they finally returned to peace.

As a result, the Huashan Sect's prestige in the world has grown.

First there was the gentleman Jian Yue Buqun and the lady Jian Ning Zhongze, and now there is Taiyue Rong Xiuyan Bugui. The three masters of the Huashan sect became famous in the martial arts world for a while.

"Oh my God, it's calmed down." Yan Bugui let out a long sigh of relief.

The first few times he met the martial arts masters who came to challenge him, he was still a little fresh, but after more times, it became too annoying.

"There's something wrong." Yue Buqun thought, "There are people waiting at our door. No matter how fast the news spreads, it can't be this fast."

Yan Bugui said in surprise: "Senior Brother, are you saying that someone is doing something secretly?"

Ning Zhong was confused and said: "But what good can it do to help us become famous?"

Yue Buqun said quietly: "As the saying goes, if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. It is not a good thing to have too much fame in this world."

"That's right, the greater Junior Brother's reputation, the more embarrassing it will be for Dongfang Sheng to lose to him. Once he can't bear it anymore, Huashan will be in disaster. Damn it, who is so vicious? He actually wants to kill someone with a borrowed knife." Ning Zhong was furious.

Yan Buguixin said: 'The other party not only wants to kill people with a borrowed knife, but also stirs up dissension. ’

If he could use this to make Yue Buqun jealous of him and even start a feud between his brothers, then Huashan would be defeated.

Senior brother, senior brother, we are all taught by the same master. If you don't know each other through swordsmanship, you must not fall into their trap.

Yue Buqun said: "The Demon Cult will definitely not do anything that damages its reputation. Apart from that, there is only one person."

"Who?" Ning Zhongze wanted to draw his sword and cut the man into pieces immediately.

Yue Buqun narrowed his eyes slightly: "Zuo Lengchan."

"What?" Ning Zhongze was shocked: "As the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains, why does he want to harm our Huashan Mountain?"

Yue Buqun explained: "The leader's position may not always belong to the Songshan sect if it is occupied by a capable person. In order to maintain this position, Zuo Lengchan naturally has to eliminate the threat."

He sneered and said: "This time our little junior brother came out of nowhere, I'm afraid he was shocked."

"It doesn't matter, the three of us join forces, neither Dongfang Sheng nor Zuo Lengchan has anything to fear." Yan Bugui said with great pride, but he was not really confident.

Now that Dongfang Sheng has succeeded in usurping the throne, it is not far from the time for him to practice the Sunflower Book in his own palace.

By the time he had trained himself to be neither a man nor a woman, only doing embroidery in a boudoir, he had long since lost his ambition to dominate the world.

As for Zuo Lengchan, how could he dare to deal with Huashan blatantly now that there was a threat from the Demon Cult outside.

After he realized that there was a problem with the Demon Cult, he would not be sure who would deal with whom at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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