Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 14 The Secret Cave on the Cliff

Chapter 14 The Secret Cave on the Cliff
  The scenery on Jade Girl Peak remains the same.

As soon as he returned to the mountain, Yue Buqun sent several calm and experienced disciples to station at the border of Huashan to prevent the demon sect from attacking.

Yan Bugui's life is the same as before.

Linghu Chong's inner strength has already been mastered, and there is no need for him to check it.


Yan Bugui lay on the bed, reviewing the experience of going down the mountain.

Although his strength was exposed, he also gained a huge reputation by relying on Dongfang Bubai, which can be regarded as a gain and a loss.

He himself has nothing to say here, mainly Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze.

The martial arts of the two still need to be improved, especially the latter, otherwise they will not be enough to face the real masters.

If there are too many people in the Huashan faction, there is no guarantee that there will not be a butterfly effect. Just like this time, Ning Zhongze almost fell into the hands of Luo Gude.

"It's better to teach them Changchun Gong, but how?"

This requires a reasonable explanation.

Yan Bugui wanted to learn from Huang Shang, who created the "Nine Yin Manual". He said that he had read the Dao Zang Miao Wu Sheng Kung all over the place, but he had been busy practicing Qigong these years and had never read much except when Lin Qingping taught him lessons.

He also spent time with Yue Buqun and his wife, and they knew him very well. This statement had no credibility at all.

After thinking about it, Yan Bugui found that the only way to do this was in the secret cave in Siguo Cliff, which was a good opportunity for them to improve their swordsmanship.

The next day.

Yan Bugui came to do something but not for Xuan.

The couple were both there, but they didn't seem to be in a good mood.

The various experiences they encountered on the way back made both of them feel a little worried.

"Are you still worried about the Demon Sect?" Yan Bugui asked.

Yue Buqun sighed: "In addition to the Demon Cult, there is also Songshan Mountain. There are wolves inside and tigers outside. We must be on guard!"

"Relax." Yan Bugui advised: "Dongfang Bubai can't take care of us now."

Ning Zhong asked in confusion: "Why?"

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "I know what I did myself. The internal injuries on the armor-piercing seven-turn finger will not heal for a year and a half."

He thought to himself: "If Dongfang Bubai doesn't take action personally, then who in the Demon Sect can beat me."

Ning Zhong suddenly said: "I see, no wonder I haven't seen you worried since I came back."

Yue Buqun said: "That makes sense. If the demon sect doesn't move, Zuo Lengchan naturally doesn't dare to act rashly."

He frowned and asked, "Junior brother didn't go to practice, but does he have anything to do with us?"

Yan Bugui said: "I originally planned to teach Chong'er swordsmanship, but I suddenly felt that there were faint signs of a breakthrough in Hunyuan Gong. It might be because of the fight with Dongfang Bubai, so I thought of going to Siguoya to retreat for a while. time."

Ning Zhong said happily: "This is a good thing."

Yue Buqun has now become numb to Yan Bugui's astonishing understanding. He has no doubt about him. He nodded and said: "Young junior brother, just go ahead and let your senior sister bring you food."

Yan Bugui raised his hand and snapped his fingers: "Then I will try to get out of seclusion as soon as possible and cause as little trouble to my senior sister as possible."

Siguo Cliff is located on the top of Yunu Peak.

The precipitous cliff is tens of thousands of feet long. It is the place where the Huashan sect’s disciples were imprisoned and punished after committing fouls.

There was no grass growing on the cliff, not a single tree, and nothing but a cave.

Huashan Mountain is originally full of green vegetation and extremely secluded scenery, but this dangerous cliff is an exception. According to legend, it was transformed into a pearl from the hairpin of a jade girl.

The founder of the Huashan Sect used this dangerous cliff as a place to punish his disciples, mainly because there was no grass, no trees, no insects and no birds. When the punished disciples faced the wall and thought about their mistakes, they would not be disturbed by external objects and have other distractions. .

"It's really a good place to face the wall and reflect on your mistakes and practice your martial arts." Yan Bugui carried a long sword on his shoulder and carelessly touched the stone tablet of Si Guo Cliff.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the founder of the Emei sect named Guo missed her elder brother named Yang here, so she got this name.

Go into the cave.

There is a large stone inside that is larger than the bed and is specially used for resting.

Yan Bugui immediately turned his eyes and saw three big characters carved on the stone wall next to him - Feng Qingyang.

When he went to Huashan, the famous uncle had been deceived into going to Jiangnan to get married, which led to the two of them becoming acquainted.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for his poor Qinggong skills and fear of being discovered by Lin Qingping when he was a child, Yan Bugui would have even planned to climb Siguo Cliff to find Feng Qingyang.

clatter! Dah...dah!

Yan Bugui tapped the stone wall lightly with his sword, and soon found the thin wall at the entrance to the secret cave.

But he didn't rush to take action. What he discovered on the first day seemed too deliberate.

For three days in a row, Yan Bugui just practiced his exercises honestly. The three meridians of "Yin Wei", "Yang Wei" and "Yin Qiao" in the "Eight Meridians of Little Longevity Jue" have been opened before going down the mountain, and are now heading towards the fourth meridian "Yang Qiao Meridian".

Time flies to the fourth night.

Yan Bugui came to the entrance with a large pack of torches prepared in advance on his back. He pressed the thin wall with his right hand to activate the Hunyuan Palm. With a clicking sound in the cave, the stone wall fell into pieces and fell to the ground.

He lit a torch and looked inside. Behind him was a very narrow tunnel, with a white skeleton lying on the edge of the hole.

"If I remember correctly, you should be the powerful demon Fan Song, one of the ten elders of the demon sect eighty years ago."

Eighty years ago, the Demon Cult attacked Huashan twice.

The first time was to capture the "Sunflower Book".

The second time, five years later, after masters of the Demon Cult cracked the sword techniques of the Five Sacred Sects, they came over to show off their power. However, they were all trapped to death in the secret cave of Siguo Cliff by the Five Sacred Sword Sect's design.

Next to Fan Song's skeleton were two large axes, glowing red under the firelight.

"It hasn't rusted after so many years. I'm afraid I found a treasure." Yan Bugui went over and picked up an ax with great interest. The weight was heavy on the hand, at least [-] kilograms.

  He struck the stone wall of the tunnel with an axe, and felt that there was no resistance when the ax blade landed. It cut off a large stone as easily as a hot knife cutting through butter.

This is undoubtedly a rare magical weapon in the world!

Yan Bugui immediately picked up two giant axes and continued deeper.

It's not stuffy inside. The fact that the torch can burn shows that the air circulation inside is normal. It's obviously a place with ventilation.

After a while, Yan Bugui saw the exit.

This tunnel is twenty or thirty feet long, and Fan Song used his two axes to cut through it.

The mountain wall was as hard as iron, but the ax blade did not collapse or roll when cutting such a long tunnel. Even eighty years later, it was still sharp. Yan Bugui felt that the Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Knife was nothing more than that.

"Take it away, you must take it away." Yan Bugui became more and more curious about this pair of treasures.

Two more skeletons appeared on the ground at the exit, one sitting against the wall and the other curled up.

There were no weapons around them, so it was impossible to know whether they were members of the Demon Sect or seniors of the Five Sacred Sect.

A few feet further forward, the space suddenly opened up. It was a huge cave that could accommodate thousands of people without being crowded.

Yan Bugui will light all the torches he brought.

I saw corpses everywhere in the cave. Weapons used by masters from the Demon Sect and the Five Sacred Sects were scattered on the ground. There were eighteen kinds of weapons.

Yan Bugui ignored the cracking moves of the Five Sacred Sects' swordsmanship on the surrounding stone walls, and instead found a fairly flat mountain wall at the place where the Huashan Sect's long swords were lost the most.

He also selected the hard sword commonly used by the Taishan Sect from the weapons in the cave, and then used his full strength to start carving words on the stone wall.

He now has profound internal energy, and the true energy running through the sword body can break stones and separate gold. The tip of the sword collides with the stone wall quickly, causing sparks to fly.

The "Changchun Gong", which contains more than a thousand words, took almost an hour to finish.

After checking that there were no typos, Yan Bugui threw away his sword and left the secret cave.

Standing on the platform outside Siguoya Cave, he took a deep breath and suddenly looked up to the sky and roared.


The energy in the Dantian is flowing vigorously, and the sound is like the roar of a tiger and the roar of a dragon soaring into the sky.

Yan Bugui's move was not only to inform Yue Buqun and his wife, but also to lure Feng Qingyang out.

Dugu Nine Swords is so delicious!

Even the old man Linghu Chong of the Air Sect was willing to teach him, but he, who was born in the Sword Sect, was not sure about it.

Down the mountain.

There is nothing to be ashamed of.

Yue Buqun and his wife were already resting when they were suddenly awakened by the roar.

Ning Zhong was surprised and said: "Is it thundering?"

Yue Buqun's expression changed greatly: "No, this is the voice of my junior brother. He suddenly roared late at night. Could it be an enemy attack?"

"Let's go." Ning Zhong jumped up from the bed, quickly changed his clothes and put on his shoes, then rushed to the bedroom with his sword in hand.

Yue Buqun followed closely behind and ran straight towards Siguo Cliff.

The night was shrouded in darkness and the mountain road was rugged. However, relying on their familiarity with Mount Huashan, the two of them exerted all their strength and felt as if they were walking on flat ground.

Arriving at the top of the cliff in a hurry, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Yan Bugui was fine.

Before they could speak, Yan Bugui spoke first: "I know you must be confused now, come with me."

The couple looked at each other in astonishment, and then followed him into the cave with full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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