Chapter 119 Three Corpses Brain Pill

Holding Wanyan Honglie's living token in his hand, Yan Bugui left Zhongdu City unimpeded.

The road outside the city was wide, and Black Wind immediately increased its speed. Its hooves were flying, and it followed the fresh horse hoof prints left on the ground.

In about half an hour, Yan Bugui had caught up with everyone.

"I hope the young hero is fine." Qiu Chuji was afraid that he would not be able to escape, so his heartstrings that had been tense for him finally relaxed at this moment.

Yang Tiexin felt the same way, and he thanked her repeatedly: "Young hero, this is a great kindness. I will never forget it for Mr. and Mrs. Yang."

"Yan has passed the age of thirty. I am ashamed to be called a young hero." As Yan Bugui spoke, he had already ridden his horse to pass everyone, but when Heifeng saw the little red horse, he was aroused to be competitive again and wanted to compete with it. Compete for superiority.

The little red horse was not a good-tempered one either. He immediately started running wildly without showing any sign of weakness.

The two horses were two people riding together, but they were as if they were nothing, and in the blink of an eye, the people behind them disappeared.

The sun is near zenith.

Heifeng and the little red horse ran hard for more than half an hour, but Heifeng was always ahead. This is without Yan Bugui using the art of uniting man and horse, otherwise the outcome will be more obvious.

There is a ruined temple on the roadside ahead.

Yan Bugui reined in his horse and slowed down: "Brother Guo, let's wait for them here. If we continue running, they won't be able to catch up."

"Okay, Taoist Wang also needs to take a rest." Guo Jing nodded and rode his horse to follow him to the temple.

Yan Bugui tapped Wanyan Honglie's acupuncture points, lifted him off his horse and threw him to the ground.

"Daozhang Wang, what's wrong with you?" Guo Jing was about to help Wang Chu off his horse, when he suddenly closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

"Put him down." Yan Bugui went over and took Wang Chu No. 1's pulse: "There is residual poison in his body that has not been cleared. After the bumpy road just now, the poison has returned."

"Yesterday, Taoist Wang was poisoned by Master Lingzhi's poisonous sand palm in Prince Zhao's Mansion. Fortunately, I have medicine here." Guo Jing hurriedly took it out of his arms, but unexpectedly there was a big gash in his clothes and it was already empty.

"Oops!" Guo Jing exclaimed, "I remembered, Liang Ziwen wanted to suck my blood before, and when I was fighting with him, he took all the medicine away."

"Let's try this on him." Yan Bugui took out two Baiyun Bear Gallbladder Pills from the Zangfeng Box and gave them to Wang Chuyi, and used his power to digest the medicine for him.

"How's it going?" Guo Jing stamped his feet and rubbed his hands anxiously, feeling as if his heart was on fire.

Yan Bugui shook his head: "My medicine is good at treating internal injuries, but poisonous injuries are not very symptomatic. It can only help him temporarily, but it cannot cure him."

Guo Jing blamed himself: "It's all my fault for losing the medicine."

Yan Bugui sighed helplessly: "It's a pity that my skill has not recovered yet, otherwise I could use my inner strength to help him force the poison out."

The five powers that he finally recovered were used up a lot when he captured Wanyan Honglie just now. Now he still has 30 to 40% of his internal strength, which is barely enough to kill people, but not enough to save others.

"My master and Taoist Master Qiu may be able to find a solution." Guo Jing looked in the direction he came from, silently praying that the people behind him would appear as soon as possible.

After burning incense, Qiu Chuji and others finally caught up.

Guo Jing quickly explained Wang Chuyi's situation to them.

Everyone was in a hurry.

Ma Yu checked Wang Chuyi's pulse again, frowned and said: "Junior Brother Wang has already had poison in his organs, the only solution for now is to help him use his martial arts to force out the poison. If he delays any longer, his martial arts will be useless.

But Pindao had been tricked by Peng Lianhu before. Although he was cured of the poison, his internal strength was running low. Junior Brother Qiu is also injured, and he may not be able to survive on his own. "

"What should we do?" Ke Zhen'e wanted to help, but the Jiangnan Seven Monsters were mediocre in their internal skills, so even if they wanted to, they were powerless.

"Yan is willing to lend a helping hand to Taoist Qiu. Although my skills have not been restored, with the combined efforts of the two of us, it should not be a problem to save Taoist Wang." Yan Bugui considered himself to be of the Quanzhen lineage, and Wang Chu is currently alive. Hanging by a thread, he really couldn't sit back and watch.

Ma Yu bowed and thanked him: "Then there is Hero Lao Yan."

"Wait a minute." Huang Rong suddenly stopped him and said, "This place is not far from Zhongdu City. What if the young prince leads someone to catch up?"

"The little girl is just timid." Han Baoju said, "What's there to be afraid of? Don't forget that Wanyan Honglie is still in our hands."

Huang Rong looked at Yan Bugui and Qiu Chuji and said, "After they save people, their skills will inevitably be damaged. With the skills of you Jiangnan Six Monsters, can you stop Ouyang Ke and his gang?" "I..." Han Baoju's tone faltered.

They had fought in the palace before, and the six monsters together could barely cope with Ouyang Ke, Peng Lianhu, Sha Tongtian, and Hou Tonghai. If Liang Ziwen was added to the mix, they would definitely be defeated.

"What the little girl said makes sense." Zhu Cong tapped his palm with a folding fan and muttered: "This golden dog cannot be killed or released at this moment. We have to think of a way to make them afraid..."

"Ha!" Yan Bugui suddenly flashed a flash of lightning in his mind, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhu reminded me, I have something here that is just right."

He immediately opened the Hidden Edge box, took out a red medicine bottle from it, and poured a similarly fiery red pill into his hand.

"This is called the Three Corpse Brain Pill, and it contains corpse worms. It is suppressed by the layer of medicine outside, so it usually won't attack.

However, if the noon time of the Dragon Boat Festival is passed every year and the antidote for suppressing corpse worms is not taken again, the corpse worms will wake up and specifically burrow into people's brains.

Once an attack occurs, the poisoned person will become like a demon and ghost, losing all reason. Even parents, wives and children will eat it. "

As Yan Bugui said this, he peeled off the shell of the Three Corpse Brain Pill and walked towards Wanyan Honglie.

Everyone felt horrified just listening to it.

Wanyan Honglie turned pale with fright, trembled, and screamed in horror: "Don't come over, don't come over..."

"I thought you were Bu Jingyun." Yan Bugui pinched his mouth open with his left hand, stuffed the elixir into his right hand, then pinched his throat, and he swallowed the elixir immediately.

Wanyan Honglie couldn't help but stiffen, his face turned earth-colored, and he was too frightened to speak.

"Don't worry, the fun is yet to come." Yan Bugui clapped his hands, took out the bottle of antidote from the Zangfeng box and poured one pill to Huang Rong: "Little girl, I'll leave the rest to you. "

Huang Rong understood instantly, nodded and said: "I understand, I will feed him when he becomes poisonous."

"Smart." Yan Bugui nodded, and immediately used his kung fu to shatter the antidote bottle and pills into pieces. He smiled and said, "Wanyan Honglie, I forgot to tell you just now. The antidote to the Three Corpses Brain Pill is universal. I am the only one who can refine it."

Wanyan Honglie's pupils shrank, and he secretly hated Yan Bugui for being treacherous. The idea of ​​stealing the antidote that had just arisen disappeared.

"Taoist Qiu, my inner strength has miraculous effects on healing, so let me take the lead." Yan Bugui asked Guo Jing to put Wang Chuyi in a posture with five hearts in the sky, and then sat behind him.

"Pindao, please follow the young knight's instructions. I'd like to ask the six knights and the master brother to protect us." Qiu Chuji sat down behind Yan Bugui, pressed the Lingtai acupoint on his back and channeled his own energy.

Yan Bugui only felt a mellow energy pouring into his body, and in the blink of an eye it blended seamlessly with the power of his Little Immortality Technique, and was then sent into Wang Chuyi's body by him, and began to operate according to the route of the healing method.

Qiu Chuji was secretly surprised: "What a pure inner force!" It seems to be of the Taoist lineage, and it is also vaguely similar to the internal strength of my Quanzhen sect. '

After a while, some color gradually appeared on Wang Chuyi's face.

When everyone saw this, their expressions softened slightly.

Suddenly, Wanyan Honglie let out a heavy breathing sound, causing everyone to look back. His eyes were bloodshot, his face was distorted, and he looked as ferocious as a ghost.

"Ah! Antidote, give me the antidote!" Wanyan Honglie roared, the pain in his head was so severe that it felt like a red-hot iron drill had been inserted, and he wanted to hit his head to the ground.

Guo Jing hurriedly urged: "Rong'er, give him the antidote quickly. Don't let him die, otherwise we will be in danger."

"Why are you so anxious? Let this golden dog suffer more." Huang Rong walked up to Wanyan Honglie unhurriedly, and while he was shouting, he flicked his finger and shot the antidote into his mouth.


Wanyan Honglie's throat was throbbing, and as the antidote entered his stomach, the headache quickly subsided until it disappeared.

He was still breathing heavily, and the pain from the corpse bug entering his brain was worse than death, leaving him with lingering fears.

Wanyan Honglie suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.

Only then did he realize that in this short moment, his clothes were completely wet with sweat and his face was dripping with cold sweat.

Wanyan Honglie couldn't help but feel sad when he thought that he would be restricted by the Three Corpse Brain Pills for the rest of his life, and his original ambitions suddenly disappeared.

Seeing his miserable state, everyone felt awe-inspiring and shuddered. They no longer had any doubts about the power of the Three Corpses Brain Pill.

(End of this chapter)

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