Chapter 120 Escape


As the healing method circulated within Wang Chuyi for forty-nine days, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of dirty blood and slowly opened his eyes.


Yan Bugui let out a long breath, and Qiu Chuji each withdrew his hands that channeled his internal energy.

Both of their foreheads were covered with fine beads of sweat, and their internal energy was exhausted. They immediately began to exercise and adjust their breath without saying a word.


While everyone was eating dry food, Ke Zhen E's ears suddenly twitched: "There is the sound of horse hooves."

He is blind, so his hearing is far beyond normal.

After everyone heard this, they immediately picked up their weapons and walked out. As soon as they went out, they saw Wanyan Kang galloping towards them with five masters.

"Rong'er." Guo Jing praised, "You are so smart. They came as expected."

Huang Rong pulled out the Emei thorn and raised her head proudly: "Of course, go and bring Wanyan Honglie out too."

"Oh, okay." Guo Jing immediately turned around and ran back to the temple.

Wan Yankang got off his horse and shouted, "How long do you plan to hold my father captive?"

"Kang'er, is it possible that you still refuse to believe in your identity?" Bao Xiruo said sadly with tears in his eyes: "Your surname is Yang, you are from Song Dynasty, and Yang Tiexin is your biological father."

Wan Yankang pointed at Yang Tiexin and burst into tears: "I grew up in the palace, and my father taught me how to raise me for eighteen years. Now you tell me that this stranger is my biological father. Mother, how can you let the child believe it? "

Bao Xiruo was speechless by his question, feeling sad and blaming herself: "It's your mother's fault. She should have told you the truth earlier."

Huang Rong sneered: "I think it's not that you don't believe it, but that you don't want to believe it."

Wanyankang's eyes widened: "Say it again."

"Just say it." Huang Rong hummed softly: "If you recognize your biological father, you will no longer be the young prince, and all your glory and wealth will be gone. Are you willing to bear it?"

"Stinky girl, what do you know?" Yang Kang became angry with embarrassment and his face turned red.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you." Huang Rong looked at Wanyan Honglie who was carried out by Guo Jing: "The person you want is here, take him and leave quickly."

Wanyankang said in surprise: "You can make the decision?"

Huang Rong said disdainfully: "Do you think we are the same as you and care about him so much?"

"What the little girl said is exactly what we want to say. Just take the people away." Ma Yu walked to Wanyan Honglie's side and used some of his newly recovered inner strength to untie his acupuncture points: "You can take care of yourself."

Ouyang Ke and others were shocked when they saw Wanyan Honglie actually walking over.

Ouyang Ke asked suspiciously: "Your Majesty, what are they doing?"

Wanyan Honglie said bitterly: "They poisoned me."


Wanyankang and the five masters were shocked.

Ouyang Ke immediately felt Wanyan Honglie's pulse, and then frowned: "That's weird! There is nothing abnormal about the prince's pulse."

The faces of Peng Lianhu and the others were as gloomy as iron.

Western Poison is a poison that even the descendants of Ouyang Feng cannot discover. This alone is scary enough.

Peng Lianhu said sarcastically: "Taoist Master Ma, the Quanzhen Sect is worthy of being the authentic martial arts school, and the Seven Heroes of Jiangnan are also worthy of their reputation. To be able to use such heretical methods so superbly, I feel inferior."

Hearing his insinuations, Ma Yu wanted to refute, but felt that this would inevitably cause Yan Bugui to burn bridges, so he kept silent.

"Master Peng has given you the award." Zhu Cong stood out from the crowd and said with a smile: "We are also learning now and selling now. This is also thanks to the good example set by Master Peng before."

What he was referring to was exactly what happened when Peng Lianhu took the opportunity to shake hands and used a poisonous needle to plot against Ma Yu.

"..." Peng Lianhu was speechless for a moment.

Wanyan Honglie suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly: "Master Peng, there is no need to say more. This time I admit defeat, let's go."

"Wait!" Yang Tiexin said in a deep voice: "You can leave, but Kang'er must stay. He is from the Song Dynasty, and he is a loyal descendant of my Yang family. How can he be with you and other Jin people."

Bao Xiruo sobbed: "Kang'er, how on earth are you going to believe me?"

She suddenly pulled out a dagger from her arms: "Do I have to let my mother die in front of you?"

"No!" Wan Yankang rushed to Bao Xiruo in a hurry: "Mom, I believe it, I believe you."

"Xi Ruo!" Yang Tiexin was shocked. Bao Xiruo didn't know martial arts after all, so he snatched the dagger away.

"Kang'er, take care of yourself and take good care of your mother." Wanyan Honglie was worried that Yang Tiexin would not be able to get the antidote if he refused. He glanced at Wanyan Kang with a look of reluctance, then got on his horse and left with the five masters Juechen. go.

Everyone returned to the ruined temple again.

Wanyankang just stayed with Bao Xiruo and ignored everyone else, including Yang Tiexin.

"Kang'er, listen to mother, eighteen years ago..." Bao Xiruo recounted the tragedy that happened to the Guo and Yang families in Niujia Village, Lin'an.

After listening, Wanyankang became even more silent, his heart full of confusion.

Time flies to evening. Yan Bugui was awakened from trance by the aroma of food. He didn't see Wanyan Honglie as he expected, but Wanyankang's appearance surprised him.

Qiu Chuji was still meditating and regulating his breath.

Ma Yu came slowly: "Master Yan, how are you recovering?"

Yan Bugui stretched his body, stood up and said, "It's almost 70%, and I'm not afraid of Jin Bing coming again."

Wang Chuyi seemed to be in much better spirits and said gratefully: "Brothers have told me that thanks to Master Yan, I can get my old life back."

Yan Bugui said: "Save people to the end, and send Buddha to the west. If the Taoist master has two shortcomings, then my efforts will be in vain."

"Thank you for saving me." Wang Chuyi asked: "I haven't asked where Master Yan studied under?"

The rest of the people also cast curious glances.

"I'm from the Huashan sect." Yan Bugui smelled the sweet aroma floating in the temple and fixed his eyes on the mud ball that Huang Rong had just smashed open.

Beggar Chicken!

"Forgive the poor and the humble, Senior Brother, have you ever heard of this?" Wang Chu thought to no avail and couldn't help but look at Ma Yu.

"No." Ma Yu frowned slightly, but also had no impression.

The Six Jiangnan Monsters were also at a loss, not to mention Yang Tiexin and his wife and Mu Nianci.

Yan Bugui made a nonsense statement: "Our sect has always lived in seclusion and seldom ventured into the world. I am an anomaly. It is normal that you have never heard of me.

However, our sect and the Quanzhen Sect belong to the same lineage of Taoism, so the three Taoist priests and I are not outsiders. "

Ma Yu stroked his beard and smiled and said: "The red flowers and white lotus roots are originally from the same family. What the fellow Taoist said is absolutely true."

"Brother Yan, try it quickly. Ronger made it by herself. It tastes very good." Guo Jing tore up a chicken leg and brought it to him. There was unconcealable pride in his words, and those who didn't know thought he had made the beggar chicken.

Yan Bugui took the chicken leg and took a bite, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

It is tender and juicy in the mouth, and it is indeed a rare delicacy.

Yan Bugui could suddenly understand Hong Qigong.

In fact, he is also a person with a strong appetite. In his eyes, this beggar chicken was worth at least seven or eight moves to the lost Five Mountains swordsmanship in the secret cave of Siguoya.

Yan Bugui ate up the chicken legs in a few mouthfuls, and felt endless aftertaste: "The little girl has such great cooking skills and clever hands. Brother Guo will be very lucky in the future."

Huangrong jade face and flying clouds.

Guo Jing smiled and scratched his head.

"Wait a minute." Ke Zhen'e said, "Jing'er, I didn't bother to ask you just now, what's going on between you and this girl?"

Guo Jing said: "Rong'er and I met in Zhangjiakou."

"Miss Ronger." Han Xiaoying asked, "Last night at the palace, I heard Mei Chaofeng call you junior sister. Is your surname Huang?"

Huang Rong said: "That's right."

Ma Yu suddenly said: "It turns out that the girl is the daughter of Dongxie. Are you okay, Lord Huang Island?"

Huang Rong curled her lips: "Without me making him angry at home, he should be fine."

"Jing'er, you are so brave!" Han Baoju said sternly: "How dare you make friends with Huang Laoxie's daughter!

Don’t you remember how your fifth master died? "

Guo Jing was startled and hurriedly lowered his head and said, "Disciple doesn't dare."

Huang Rong protected him behind her: "Hey! Short Winter Melon, why are you scaring my brother Jing? Why don't you let us make friends?"

Han Baoju, who was not tall, puffed his beard and glared angrily: "Your senior sister Mei Chaofeng killed my fifth brother. The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan and you, Taohua Island, have an sworn hatred."

Huang Rong said disapprovingly: "Why do you blame Taohua Island for the bad things Mei Chaofeng did? My father didn't instruct her to do it."

Han Baoju said: "If there is a teacher, there must be a disciple. Without your father, where would the Black Wind Shuangsha come from?

Can your father be a good person if he can create such evil and vicious martial arts as the Nine Yin White Bone Claw? "

"That's right." Zhu Cong said: "The owner of Peach Blossom Island is a murderous demon who doesn't blink an eye.

Jing'er, if you want to make friends with his daughter, are you worried about your longevity? "

I hate the house and the bird.

Because of the death of Xiaomituo Zhang Asheng, the Six Jiangnan Monsters had a deep hatred for the Black Wind Twin Evils, and Huang Yaoshi also hated them to the bone.

They had never heard of the Nine Yin Manual, so they all took it for granted that the martial arts used by Shuang Sha were taught by Huang Laoxie.

"Second Master, Third Master, Ronger is a very good girl..." Guo Jing was clumsy and didn't know how to explain. He couldn't help but look troubled and secretly worried in his heart.

'The masters don't agree with me and Ronger being together, what should I do? '

"The Nine Yin White Bone Claws were not created by my father. We on Peach Blossom Island don't have this kind of martial arts at all." Huang Rong knew that Guo Jing had always obeyed his master, but now he was willing to defend himself. She felt sweet in her heart and couldn't help but pull him up. hand.

(End of this chapter)

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