Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 128 Mutual victory or defeat

Chapter 128 Mutual victory or defeat

Hong Qigong took Guo Jing aside to teach the last three palms.

Wanyankang crossed his arms and came to Huang Rong's side: "Don't thank me yet."

Huang Rong was stunned: "Thank you for what?"

"Without my words, would Senior Hong have agreed to accept Brother Guo as his disciple?"

"You would be so kind?"

"The facts speak for themselves."

"Okay, then I'll thank you on behalf of Brother Jing." Huang Rong was still dubious, but couldn't figure out his intention for a while.

"You're welcome." Wanyankang raised his eyebrows, turned around and meditated to restore his internal strength.

Guo Jing has a slow mind and it takes time to learn new tricks.

Huang Rong was bored, so she came to Mu Nianci and asked, "Sister Mu, how did you know Qi Gong?"

Mu Nianci said: "I followed my adoptive father around since I was a child. When I was thirteen years old, I rescued two seriously injured beggars in Bianliang, but I didn't take it seriously at first.

A few months later we arrived in Xinyang and unexpectedly met the two beggars again. Their wounds had healed, and they led me to a nearby ruined temple, where I met Qi Gong.

His old man said that I saved his disciples and grandsons, so he spent three days teaching me a set of Xiaoyaoyou Boxing as a reward. After that, I never saw his old man again until yesterday. "

"What a coincidence!" Huang Rong said in surprise: "I also learned Xiaoyao Quan from Qi Gong. Sister Mu, if nothing happens, how about the two of us also make gestures? You have been studying for longer than me, so you can give me some pointers. .”

"This..." Mu Nianci cast an inquiring look at Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui nodded and said: "Miss Huang is right, idle time is idle, you have the right to practice kung fu."

Huang Rong said softly: "Brother Yan, we are already so familiar, so don't call me Rong'er, just call me Rong'er. The same goes for Sister Mu."

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong!" Yan Bugui narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is this girl you holding back some bad ideas?"

"Brother Yan, you are too worried." Huang Rong said and took Mu Nianci's hand: "Sister, come on, let's start now."

The two walked hand in hand not far away, and then started a competition of Xiaoyaoyou boxing skills.

In terms of this boxing technique alone, Mu Nianci is indeed superior. Coupled with her recent improvement in internal skills, her cultivation level is no longer inferior to that of Huang Rong.

After dismantling all the thirty-six Xiaoyaoyou boxing techniques, Huang Rong was always at a disadvantage.

"Sister Mu is really good. Qi Gong also taught me some other skills. I'm going to change my skills." Huang Rong has been cooking delicious food in different ways for more than a month.

Hong Qigong enjoyed his meal. In addition to teaching Guo Jing the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he also taught Huang Rong a lot of the martial arts he had learned when he was young.

The two of them had equal skills. Huang Rong came up with strange moves one after another, but Mu Nianci gradually found it difficult to parry with only a set of Xiaoyao Fist.

"Sister, be careful, I'm going to use my sword skills."

Mu Nianci was soft on the outside but strong on the inside, and was not one to give in easily. As he spoke, he pointed his right hand into a sword and used the Huashan Sword Technique taught by Yan Bugui. After only seven or eight moves, the battle was leveled again.

Huang Rong is extremely smart, but because she is so smart, she wants to learn everything, so she is knowledgeable but not masterful.

The martial arts he learned from Hong Qigong was only for fun and was not practiced in depth. Faced with Mu Nianci's pure swordsmanship honed in the waterfall pool, it soon showed its decline again.

"I have seen Brother Yan's swordsmanship. Sister, you should also see my Taohua Island Kung Fu."

Huang Rong suddenly turned her fists into palms, and struck out with a pair of jade hands. Her graceful and dexterous movements brought up the shadows of her palms, and attacked Mu Nianci from all directions.

The palm techniques change, sometimes five are empty and one is real, sometimes eight are empty and one is real, just like a strong wind suddenly rises in the peach forest, blowing thousands of flowers to fall. The graceful posture also conceals the fierce sword power. It is the unique skill of Peach Blossom Island. 'The Fallen Divine Sword Palm'.

Mu Nianci was not in a hurry, and used the move "Green Mountain is Fading". The movement of the moves was also vague and unpredictable.

The two women fought like this for more than a hundred moves. One had a good family background and the other was a disciple of a famous family. In the end, neither could do anything to the other, so they stopped fighting with sweat on their heads.

Huang Rong said with envy on her face: "My sister was taught by Qi Gong, and she also became a disciple of Brother Yan. She is the leader of both families. Her achievements in the future will definitely be limitless."

"My sister is honored." Mu Nianci said with a smile: "Qi Gong taught you more than me, and you are the apple of Dongxie's eye. You are also a hundred times smarter than me, and your future achievements will definitely be above mine."

"Calculating it this way, I took advantage of Gang Leader Hong." Yan Bugui said: "Since he has taught Nian Ci martial arts, how about I reciprocate the courtesy and teach you a few moves, Rong'er?"

Huang Rong shook her head and said, "How can that be done? I'm not Qi Gong's apprentice." "With your cooking skills, it's only a matter of time... wait a minute!" Yan Bugui suddenly slapped his forehead and scolded with a smile: "You little brat. Boss, I'm sorry you spent so much time waiting for me here."

Huang Rong stuck out her tongue: "Then how about you let Qi Gong accept me as your disciple?"

Yan Bugui snorted coldly: "I don't have the dignity to instruct the leader of the Beggar Clan to do things. Besides, you are so capable, do you still need my help?"

Huang Rong's pretty face turned red when her thoughts were exposed, and she said in horror: "How dare I, little sister, do anything in front of my elder brother?"

"Haha~" Hong Qigong came slowly and said with a smile: "I'm just saying that this girl has a lot of eyes. She will be fooled if she is not careful."

Huang Rong looked at Guo Jing who was following behind and immediately put the matter behind her. She went over and asked, "How is it? Have you learned it?"

"Yeah." Guo Jing nodded.

With the foundation of the first fifteen palms and Hong Qigong's careful guidance, he had already figured out the secrets of the last three palms.

"That's great!" Wanyankang, who was meditating and practicing, suddenly opened his eyes and said excitedly: "Let's have another fight after you have rested, so that I can see the complete Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms."

"No problem." Guo Jing was honest and honest, but he was still a young man after all, so he was inevitably competitive.

An hour later.

Guo Jing had recovered all his previously lost skills, and immediately started the second competition with Wan Yankang.

Wanyankang's sword power was still fast and fierce, and he directly exploited Guo Jing's three original flaws as soon as he made a move.

However, Guo Jing learned all the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and connected them from beginning to end. Not only did the flaws disappear, but the power of the original fifteen palms was greatly increased. As his palms opened and closed, the strong wind surged like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring. No matter how hard Wan Yankang tried his best, he still couldn't get close.

The two could only fight for thirty moves, but Wanyankang was knocked out of his hand by Guo Jing's "Double Dragons Fetching Water" move.

"Disciple is incompetent and has embarrassed the master." Wanyankang returned to Yan Bugui and lowered his head with a look of shame on his face.

"It's okay. There's no shame in losing to the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon." Yan Bugui thought for a while and said, "It's time for me to teach you something new as a teacher."

Wanyankang looked happy.

Yan Bugui muttered: "The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are the most powerful martial arts in the world. Then I will teach you a set of Tai Chi, the most gentle martial arts in the world."

Hong Qigong's eyes lit up: "There is such skill in the world, so I, Lao Jinghua, must experience it."

"Just wait and see." After Yan Bugui finished speaking, he led Wanyankang and Mu Nianci away.

"This set of boxing techniques is different from the boxing techniques of various martial arts schools today. Take a look..." Yan Bugui immediately demonstrated the Tai Chi moves to the two of them.

As his internal energy surged, the fallen leaves on the ground continued to gather into his hands, gradually forming into balls.

Huang Rong looked at each other from a distance and said in surprise: "What use can this slow boxing technique do?"

Guo Jing said: "Maybe Brother Yan deliberately slowed down so that Brother Yang and the others could see more clearly."

"That's wrong." Hong Qigong said in a deep voice: "This is an excellent boxing technique that uses slowness to hit fast and static braking. Such a unique martial art is the first time that Lao Jinghua has seen it after decades of traveling around the world. "

Not long after, Yan Bugui had finished practicing Tai Chi.

He shook his hands, and the leaves scattered in all directions, falling about a foot around him, forming a Tai Chi diagram with him as the center.

Wanyankang and Mu Nianci were dumbfounded.

Yan Bugui said: "The secret of this set of boxing techniques is the sixteen characters of 'Xu Ling Jing Jin, chest straight up back, loose waist and hips, sunken shoulders and elbows'. The key point is to act purely with intention, and integrate body and spirit." First, the most taboo is to use force.

The main point of the fist's strength is that it looks like a loose but not loose, it has not been developed yet, and the intention of breaking the fist is continuous. Remember that everything that moves is motionless, and everything that is still is motionless..."

After all, Wan Yankang was not Zhang Wuji. Even though he had excellent talent, he could not learn Tai Chi in a short time without the help of his unparalleled cultivation of Nine Yang Magic.

He could memorize the moves and formulas three or two times, but he couldn't fully comprehend the changes in yin and yang and the balance of hardness and softness in martial arts.

Due to his limited knowledge of cultivation, it was not until sunset that Wan Yankang barely comprehended less than 20% of its essence.

Yan Bugui nodded: "Okay, that's it for now. Let's go find him and give it a try."

(End of this chapter)

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