Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 129 Six Yang Melting Snow Technique

Chapter 129 Six Yang Snow Melting Skill

The sun sets in the west, dyeing the clouds in the sky a fiery red.

Two figures stood opposite each other, reflected diagonally in the clearing of the woods.

Wan Yankang stood up straight and said loudly: "Brother Guo, please make the first move this time."

"Okay!" Guo Jing stepped forward, his left palm came out first, using the 'sudden' technique.

The wind of the palm came towards his face, but Wan Yankang did not dodge this time. He used his left and right cloud hands to deflect the wind of the palm, and then used the 'Tuan Zi Jue' in the newly learned boxing technique to catch Guo Jing's left wrist, drew a big circle outward, and then grabbed it. He stepped back with his forearm.

Guo Jing suddenly felt that the strength of his palm failed, as if he hit the cotton with all his strength, and his body was involuntarily led forward.

Wanyankang took advantage of the situation and leaned forward with his left shoulder into Guo Jing's arms, knocking him backwards with a bang.

"Leveraging strength to fight, what a good boxing technique!" Hong Qigong couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised him. He was a great master of martial arts. He could see the secret of Tai Chi with just one move. He couldn't help but curiously said: "Brother Yan, your precious If the sect has such a wonderful skill, why has it always been so unknown in the world?"

Yan Bugui said: "Tai Chi is not my Huashan martial arts, but I acquired it accidentally. The person who created this boxing technique is a Taoist master who is comparable to the Shaolin Bodhidharma ancestor."

Hong Qigong stared at the two fighting men for a moment, nodded and said: "This is not an exaggeration. The ancients said that strike first and control others later, but this boxing technique has the magic of striking second and controlling others. It is really unprecedented. What a wonderful experience.”

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "That also depends on the depth of the skill. If it is replaced by Gang Leader Hong's Dragon Subduing Palm, it will not be so easy to deal with."

His words were heard by Guo Jing, and he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, alternately shooting with his palms, and using "dense clouds and no rain" to launch a continuous and rapid offensive, without giving Wan Yankang any chance to touch him.

Wanyankang didn't bother, and ducked around behind him, taking advantage of his old skills to attack his back.

Guo Jing immediately used the newly learned 'Dragon Swinging Tail', turned around and used his right palm to intercept, but was stuck by Wan Yankang's cloud hand, and used the 'Stretching Zi Jue' to remove the palm force.

But he was on guard in his mind, and he struck out with his left palm, 'If you lose, you will gain'.

Wanyankang's breath stagnated in his chest and he hurriedly stepped back.

Guo Jing chased after him, still using his quick palms to attack quickly, and the most skilled "Kanglong Yougui" was struck continuously. Waves of palm power followed each other, layer upon layer, covering his entire body.

At this moment, he suddenly understood a bit of what Hong Qigong said when he taught him the palm technique, that the essence of the technique of 'arrogant dragon has regret' is not in the word 'arrogant' but in the word 'regret'.

'I finally understood that when making a move, I should use three points of force and reserve seven points. In this way, no matter how fierce the enemy's attack is, I will have enough energy to deal with it, and my palm skills will be integrated into one, making the opponent invulnerable. '

His soul was so blessed that he suddenly became enlightened and his palm skills suddenly changed.

Hong Qigong saw Guo Jing's increasingly sharp palm movements and laughed heartily: "This palm technique is a bit exhaustive, haha, the silly boy finally got the idea!"

The move "Exalt the Dragon and Regret" is the foundation of the entire set of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. As long as you understand the principle of "more than enough", the other seventeen palms will naturally be accessible.

And with Guo Jing's epiphany, the pressure gradually shifted to Wan Yankang.

Seeing the opponent's palm force getting stronger and stronger, he was filled with surprise: "Whoever calls Guo Jing a fool again from now on will be a real fool!" '

Wan Yankang secretly thought that there was no reason why he could not match Guo Jing with his intelligence. He took a deep breath while thinking, thinking about the endless rotation of the Tai Chi diagram and the changing meaning of yin and yang, and used the Tai Chi techniques in his hands one move at a time. of display.

A moment passes.

Faced with the powerful oppression of the Dragon Subduing Palm, Wan Yankang's originally jerky boxing skills gradually became smooth and mellow.

The corner of Yan Bugui's lips raised slightly: "That brat has also discovered the secret."

The sun is setting in the west, and the sky is getting dark.

After fighting three times in a day, the two men felt exhausted physically and internally.

This is especially true for Guo Jing.

Each move of the Dragon Subduing Palm required the use of real energy, which was extremely depleting of real energy. His forehead was unknowingly covered with fine beads of sweat.

Guo Jing didn't want to continue prolonging the fight, so he boldly thrust out both palms, using the 'Six Dragon Spins' to send out two forces: inward and outward, forming a sharply turning vortex that swept towards the opponent's chest.

Unexpectedly, Wanyankang circled his hands in a circle, like holding a Tai Chi, and an opposite vortex of energy rolled up in front of him.


The air currents rolled around each other and collapsed.

The two people with similar skills were shocked by the force, fell back at the same time, and then attacked each other at the same time.

Guo Jing raised his elbows slightly, punched with his right fist and pushed forward with his left palm, one fast and one slow. The move is a combination of hardness and softness, positive and negative, which is one of the three palms I just learned this morning, 'Walking on Frost and Ice'.

Seeing the situation, Wanyankang responded with a move of 'Like a seal'. The moment the fists and palms of the fists were exchanged, the two men's bodies shook violently. With two 'bang bang' sounds, they fell to the ground one after another. Finally, the power was exhausted and it was difficult to do anything anymore. To continue. Guo Jing was lying on the ground, his chest rising and falling, and he was wearing rough clothes.

"Brother Guo, you'd better stand up." Wan Yankang gritted his teeth and used the last bit of strength to stand up unsteadily.

Guo Jing asked in confusion: "Why?"

Wan Yankang shook his head and silently practiced his energy and breath.

Guo Jing didn't ask any questions and just tried his best to get up.

Mu Nianci and Huang Rong hurriedly came over to support the two of them.

Huang Rong suddenly whispered to Wanyan Kang: "Damn it, now you've got your wish."

Wanyankang said in astonishment: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Hmph~ You know it well." Huang Rong finally figured out why the other party was kind enough to help Guo Jing become his disciple.

Wanyankang was sure that he could not defeat the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms completely, so he said the words that prompted Hong Qigong to accept Guo Jing. As long as he loses, he will have the opportunity to learn new martial arts from Yan Bugui.

Now he has really successfully learned Tai Chi!

After a while, Guo Jing and Wan Yankang recovered some strength.

It's getting late.

"That's it for today. We'll continue tomorrow." Yan Bugui took back the Hou De Sword and the Bo Qing Sword in person. Wan Yankang was having trouble holding chopsticks now, so it would be hard to expect him to.

Hong Qigong patted his belly and said, "Let's go, let's go. Old Beggar's stomach is already growling with hunger."

Everyone stepped on the last ray of sunset and returned to the inn where they stayed.

Chef Huang Rong, with Mu Nianci helping out, quickly prepared a sumptuous dinner.

"Alas~" Huang Rong put down her chopsticks without interest.

Guo Jing asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Are you tired?"

"It's okay, I'm not too hungry." Huang Rong shook her head, but she was thinking about the Tai Chi that Yan Bugui taught Wan Yankang, and she was filled with regret.

'It's a pity that Brother Yan can't give Brother Jing some advice, otherwise with the face of him and Qi Gong, two great masters, Dad would look up to Brother Jing no matter what. '

Thinking of this, Huang Rong couldn't help but look at Yan Bugui, but she didn't expect to meet his narrow gaze.

"Girl, I know what you are thinking." Yan Bugui said with a smile: "If you say it out loud, you will throw water away. Since I promised to teach you a few tricks during the day, I, as the eldest brother, will naturally not break my promise."

"That's great!" Huang Rong was overjoyed and said gratefully: "Little sister, thank you, big brother, but I still ask you to teach Brother Jing. After all, I am not Qi Gong's apprentice."

"No." Yan Bugui shook his head and said, "Only you can learn this Kung Fu. Besides, Nian Ci was not my apprentice when he met Qi Gong, so it is only right that I teach you."

Guo Jing advised him seriously: "Rong'er, I can take Qi Gong as my teacher and I'm satisfied enough to learn the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. Since Brother Yan is willing to teach you, don't let him down."

Huang Rong paused, nodded to Yan Bugui and said, "Then my little sister, it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Yan Bugui said slowly: "I also acquired this martial art accidentally. It has infinite uses but is also extremely complicated. It must be practiced by a very smart person.

Ronger, if you practice well, you will definitely be able to scare Island Master Huang when you see him. However, some of them still require the help of Gang Leader Hong. "

Hong Qigong patted his chest without hesitation: "It's all about Lao Ming's incarnation."

After meal.

Guo Jing, Wan Yankang and Mu Nianci all went to rest to recharge their energy for tomorrow's practice.

In the guest room.

Huang Rong asked curiously: "Brother, what kind of martial arts is so mysterious?"

"Six Yang Snow Melting Technique." Yan Bugui said: "The most amazing thing about this technique is that it can absorb the inner energy of others and use it for your own use."

(End of this chapter)

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