Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 141 Coincidentally obtained the true scripture

Chapter 141 Coincidentally obtained the true scripture

July is approaching.

Yan Bugui took Yang Kang and Mu Nianci to Peach Blossom Island as agreed.

As the boat approached the island, the three of them could smell the fragrance of flowers in the sea breeze.

Looking from a distance, the island is lush and green, with green, red, yellow, and white flowers.

When they arrived at the dock, the boat boss approached Yan Bugui with an anxious look on his face.

"Master Yan, we have arrived at Peach Blossom Island. If you three want to disembark, please move quickly. We really don't dare to stay here for a long time."

"Thank you for your work. The rest will be considered as compensation for scaring you before." Yan Bugui took out a golden leaf from his arms and handed it to him. Then he took his two apprentices and Hei Feng and disembarked from the ship to the island.

The boss of the boat immediately turned the helm and left the shore without saying a word.

Mu Nianci asked in confusion: "What on earth did Lord Huang do to scare those boatmen like this?"

Yan Bugui said: "Huang Laoxie captured a group of gangsters on the island, cut off their noses, poked their deaf ears, and used them as servants to encourage them.

You also know that rumors have changed as they spread around, so in the eyes of those boatmen, Huang Laoxie became a big devil who would cut people's hearts and livers, and kill people without batting an eyelid. "

When they arrived in Zhoushan, the faces of the boatmen changed drastically when they heard that they were coming to Peach Blossom Island. They avoided Peach Blossom Island like snakes and scorpions.

Yan Bugui promised a lot of money but it didn't work. In the end, he forced the ship boss to surrender by showing off his weapons.

While talking, the three of them came to the peach forest.

Yan Bugui summoned up his internal strength and shouted loudly: "Huang Laoxie, come out to welcome the guests!"

The sound waves were like ocean waves, spreading out mightily.

After a few breaths, Huang Yaoshi's voice sounded from all directions: "You and Rong'er are good friends. When you go to the island, you will treat it as your own home. Just do what you want, no need to be polite."

"What the hell..." Yan Bugui choked to death without vomiting.

"Weird!" Yang Connor said dullly, "Master, why is Island Master Huang so easy to talk to?"

"You're so talkative!" Yan Bugui said angrily: "There is a large formation on the island to protect the island. People who don't know Qimen Dunjia can't find the way."

Mu Nianci said in surprise: "This is deliberately making things difficult for us. We have no grudges against Island Master Huang. Why?"

Yan Bugui snorted coldly: "It must be because I defeated him in one move at Guiyun Village, and now he wants to use this method to make trouble and defeat me."

Yang Kang looked at him in astonishment: "What should we do? Do you know Qimen Dunjia?"

"I know a hammer." Yan Bugui sneered and let go of Hei Feng's reins: "Since he is not kind, don't blame me for not practicing martial ethics. Hei Feng, charge me!"

If you don't let me in, I will destroy it.

"Herodus~" Heifeng raised his front hooves, raised his head and hissed, then kicked off his hind legs and rushed into the peach forest like flying.

Heifeng is very active by nature, and he recently ate a lot of snake gall from Bosnian snakes in Xiangyang. His energy, which had been weakened due to the horse's age, has actually recovered. The whole trip on the boat can be considered as suffocating it.

Entering the peach grove, the black wind roared through it like a joy, and soon the sound of branches breaking could be heard everywhere.

Mu Nianci was worried: "Master, isn't it dangerous?"

"Huang Laoxie is not so narrow-minded as to take out his anger on a beast." Yan Bugui put his hands behind his back and walked straight into the peach blossom forest: "You two should follow closely. If you get lost, I won't be able to find you."

Yang Kang and Mu Nianci quickly chased after him.

The three of them walked no more than ten feet along the road in the peach forest, and suddenly entered a fork. The path ahead was blocked by peach branches and leaves, making it impossible to see the reality.

"I don't believe it yet." Yan Bugui jumped up and flew to the top of a nearby tree, preparing to find a way out from above.

He looked around and saw the sea to the south, bare rocks to the west, flowers and trees to the east and north, all colorful and endless, which made him dizzy.

There were neither houses nor smoke among the flowers and trees. He didn't see any of the Qingyin Cave or the Sword Testing Pavilion, so he had no choice but to fly down from the tree.

Yang Kang asked: "Is there a way?"

Yan Bugui shook his head: "If Huang Laoxie's lifelong research efforts can be destroyed from a high place, then his skills are worthless. It's better to follow the black wind's horse hoof prints, its nose is smarter than ours. , maybe you can find something.”

Naturally, the two of them had no objections and followed him deeper into the peach forest.

About half an hour later, when the three of them were resting, they suddenly heard the roar of the black wind, which sounded like they were injured.

Yan Bugui's expression changed, and he hurriedly launched his 'Shen Feng Xing' with all his strength and flew away following the sound. Yang Kang and Mu Nianci stood up to give chase, but in the blink of an eye, Yan Bugui was no longer in sight.

the other side. Yan Bugui had arrived at a patch of white flowers, and Heifeng rushed over as soon as he saw him.

There was a wound on the horse's butt the size of a thumb. Yan Bugui checked it and found that it was just a broken skin and nothing serious, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when he was about to scold Yaoshi Huang, he suddenly saw a tomb among the flowers. Looking carefully, he saw that the tombstone was engraved with the eleven characters "The tomb where the heroine Feng of Peach Blossom Island buried incense".

"It's no wonder." Yan Bugui suddenly realized that the reason why Huang Laoxie took action was because Heifeng wanted to cause trouble in front of her wife's grave.

He comforted Black Wind. It had rough skin and thick flesh. There was no need to apply medicine for these minor skin injuries.

Yan Bugui secretly gathered his ears to find Huang Yaoshi's hiding place. Unexpectedly, he could not find it but faintly heard Guo Jing's voice.

After driving Heifeng away from Feng Heng's cemetery, Yan Bugui immediately looked for the location where Guo Jing made the noise.

A few miles away, in a cave on a mountain wall.

Guo Jing was guided by a savage in tattered clothes, with messy hair reaching his waist, and a long beard and eyebrows, while he recited righteous thoughts aloud.

"Amari, Ha Shetu, Sri Xing, Ang Yina De, Si Re Quexu, Ha Huwen Boying..."

Yan Bugui came quietly, holding his breath and hiding in the woods not far away. Hearing Guo Jing's words, he immediately understood that Zhou Botong was tricking him into reciting the "Nine Yin Manual".

The messy content at the moment is the most precious general outline of the scripture.

Yan Bugui secretly said it was a pity.

If he could come earlier, he would be able to hear the complete "Nine Yin Manual". The martial arts moves in the second volume didn't matter. What he really cared about was the "Beidou Dafa" and the Sanskrit general outline contained in the sutra.

As I was thinking about it, I heard Guo Jing's voice pause and say: "Brother Zhou, I've finished memorizing it."

"Yes, very good." Zhou Botong nodded: "Recite it again and remember it more firmly, so as not to forget it in the future."

"Oh, good." Guo Jing cleared his throat: "The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is more than enough damage. This is why the virtual overcomes the real, and the deficiency overcomes the excess..."

Yan Bugui was secretly happy. At the same time, he communicated the "inside story" and recorded the scriptures recited by Guo Jing word for word.

'It's really hard to find a place without any hard work, and it takes no effort at all! Before Yan Bugui came, he was thinking about how to get the "Nine Yin Manual" from the old naughty boy.

He was even ready to exchange his martial arts skills with him, but he never expected that he would get it so easily.

After Guo Jing finished reciting it again, Yan Bugui left quietly, just as he came quietly without taking away a single petal.

Returning to the flowers near Feng Heng's tomb, Yan Bugui took out the purple bamboo flute and played music to attract the two apprentices.

Yang Kang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after seeing him: "This place is like a maze, it's really evil."

Mu Nianci looked around and asked, "Master, is Hei Feng okay?"

"It's very good, don't worry about it." Yan Bugui said with a smile: "Come on, I will take you to meet an acquaintance."

After a while.

The three of them came to the cave where Zhou Botong lived. He was instructing Guo Jing to practice martial arts.

After hearing the footsteps, he scratched his head in surprise: "Why is Taohua Island so busy these days?"

"Brother Zhou, what are you talking about..." Before Guo Jing could finish his words, his face suddenly filled with surprise: "Brother Yan, adopted brother, Mu Shimei!"

Yan Bugui came slowly: "Brother Guo, long time no see. How long have you been on the island?"

"It's been more than half a month." Guo Jing said: "Rong'er and I arrived in Yanjing and found that Wanyan Honglie was not in the palace. After asking the servants in the palace, they didn't know where he was, so I simply came to Taohua Island first. ”

He said happily: "Come, let me introduce to you..."

Yan Bugui looked at Zhou Botong and said, "You are an old naughty boy, I know, he is Master Chongyang's junior brother."

Zhou Botong circled around him with curiosity on his face and asked, "Are you the one my brother Guo said was the one who defeated Lao Jinghua and Huang Laoxie?"

He frowned and said, "Looking at how much younger you are than my brother Guo, do you really have such powerful martial arts?"

Yan Bugui raised his eyebrows and took off the Hidden Blade Box on his back: "How about we play with both hands?"

"Okay! Okay!" Zhou Botong's eyes suddenly lit up and he nodded hurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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