Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 142 Gambling with the old naughty boy

Chapter 142 Gambling with the old naughty boy

Yan Bugui entered the cave proudly.

"You take my palm first." Zhou Botong struck his chest with a 'frost-breaking ice palm'.

Yan Bugui held the purple bamboo flute in his right hand and held it behind his back. He turned the palm of his left hand to receive strength and lightly greeted him with the 'Hunyuan Palm'.


The two of them touched each other with palms, and Zhou Botong immediately felt a powerful force coming into his palms. His body swayed and Teng Teng Teng took three steps back in a row.

Yan Bugui stood where he was, not retreating even an inch. Thanks to the snake gallbladder of the Bodhisattva Snake, he broke through the eighth level of the Hunyuan Vajra Body, and his internal strength also improved slightly.

In terms of internal strength alone, his foundation is already based on the four unique qualities of southeast, northwest, and southeast.

"Good boy, we really have two, come again." Zhou Botong became even more excited after being knocked back, and turned his palm into a fist to attack directly in front of the door.

Yan Bugui ducked away and said, "Wait!"

Zhou Botong made a move: "What are you doing?"

Yan Bugui said: "It's boring to just do this, how about we get some luck?"

"Okay, what do you want to bet on?"

"We are all martial arts practitioners, so naturally we have no interest in gold, silver and other mundane things."

"Yes, yes, no matter how much money you have, there is no fun in practicing martial arts."

"So let's bet on martial arts. The loser will teach the winner a set of martial arts. The winner will decide the specific skills. How about that?"

As soon as Yan Bugui said the words, Zhou Botong's face changed suddenly, and his eyes were full of defense and vigilance: "You are not Huang Laoxie who came to deceive me, are you?"

"Don't worry, I know the Nine Yin Scriptures." Yan Bugui casually gestured with the Demon Subduing Fist: "I'm not even interested in the scripture in your hand.

If you still don’t feel at ease, can you ask me to recite a few sentences for you? "

"It's really the martial arts in the scriptures!" Zhou Botong's face was suddenly filled with curiosity: "Where did you learn it from?"

"This has nothing to do with you, let's wait and see." Yan Bugui didn't want him to get to the bottom of it and decisively made the first move.

He raised his left hand diagonally, and used the five fingers of his right hand to play, simultaneously covering the five acupoints on his chest: Zigong, Tanzhong, Yutang, Shenfeng, and Lingxu. He used Zhaojun, one of the "Beauty Boxing Techniques" of the Ancient Tomb Sect. Out of the woods'.

"Eh?" Zhou Botong used his left hand's fingers like a sword, piercing the 'Laogong point' in his palm, and his right palm like a knife to cut across his throat. He felt that the opponent's boxing technique was somewhat familiar.

Yan Bugui changed his palms into fingers, used the 'Iron Finger Technique' with his right hand, and responded with the 'Pingji Needle God' move. While turning his hands, his index finger inserted needles left and right like sewing clothes, and stabbed the 'Shenmen points' on Zhou Botong's wrists in succession.

The ancient tomb martial arts attack was so fast that Zhou Botong had no time to change his moves to counterattack, so he could only withdraw his palm to avoid it, but Yan Bugui followed up with a "Xizi Holding Heart" move, and punched quickly towards the heart.

Zhou Botong lost the initiative and hurriedly jumped out, went around behind him and hit the 'Lingtai point' on his back with his palm.

Yan Bugui swung his waist lightly, used the "Slim Waist" to spin and dodge, and used his right hand to make a sword like "Diao Chan Worshiping the Moon", and shot it down on the back of his neck.

Zhou Botong suddenly squatted down and turned around with his right leg to sweep back the enemy's lower body.

Yan Bugui bent his legs slightly and suddenly floated up. This move was called 'Chang'e Flying to the Moon', which immediately caused the opponent's attack to fail.

"What a beautiful move!" Guo Jing couldn't help but admire Yan Bugui's dancing-like boxing skills. However, his cultural level is limited, and out of thousands of words, he only has these six words left on his lips.

This beauty's boxing technique is the most fancy and wonderful martial art of the Tomb Sect.

Every move in the boxing technique was created by Lin Chaoying by imitating an ancient beauty. It would have been unsightly to be performed by a man, but Yan Bugui had already relied on his own martial arts skills to change the graceful and charming style into a free and elegant one, which still looked pleasing to the eye.

While still in mid-air, Yan Bugui used his legs instead of his hands to perform the Eighteen Beats of Hujia in "Wenji Returns to Han". In an instant, he kicked eighteen times in a row and landed on Zhou Botong's head.

Zhou Botong felt a fierce wind coming down from the sky, instantly blocking all his escape routes, forcing him to face the enemy's attack head-on.

clap clap clap...

Every time Yan Bugui kicked off, Zhou Botong would take a step back. Before the attack was even halfway through, he was already shaken by Yan Bugui's powerful legs, making his arms numb.

Suddenly, Yan Bugui suddenly felt a change in his moves, and a feminine force suddenly emerged from his hands out of thin air, dispelling his subsequent offensive like the wind swinging lotus leaves.

Yan Bugui's legs were exhausted, and seeing that there was nothing he could do, he flipped upside down in the air and landed floating on the ground.

Zhou Botong deceived him and hit his face with his right fist. The two of them were still three feet apart when a soft yet tough punch hit their faces.

"Good boxing technique!" Yan Bugui knew that his original Seventy-two Ways of Kong Ming Fist was the most gentle skill in the world, so he immediately performed Tai Chi. Zhou Botong's right arm was deflected by his hands using the "squeeze" technique, and he suddenly felt that the strength in his fist disappeared without a trace, like a mud cow entering the sea.

"What a strange thing!" Zhou Botong was shocked: "What kind of martial arts is this?"

"Tai Chi." When Yan Bugui saw that he had stopped, he stopped moving.

Zhou Botong said with great interest: "This boxing technique of yours is a bit interesting. It has the same effect as my Kongming Boxing. I want you to be my teacher. How about you teach me?"

Yan Bugui shook his head and said, "No, you don't meet my criteria for accepting a disciple."

Zhou Botong pointed at himself and said unconvinced: "My old naughty boy is so smart, what's wrong with him?"

"Have you seen him?" Yan Bugui turned his eyes to Yang Kang and said, "I accept disciples who value appearance, and your appearance is not up to standard."

"There are still such strange rules!" Zhou Botong said helplessly: "But it doesn't matter, it will be the same when I beat you."

The Kong Ming Fist strikes again. The punches are silent, and the feet are invisible. They are fluttering and flickering. They try their best to swallow and vomit. The virtual and the real are intertwined, making it difficult to grasp.

Tai Chi emphasizes intention rather than form. As Yan Bugui's hands drew circles one after another, the attack of Kong Ming Quan was eliminated in a row.

The two soft energies clashed, and the two sides came and went, pushing and blocking. The strength accumulated in their hands became more and more sticky, like paste, and the battle situation fell into a stalemate.

Even though it was extremely soft versus extremely soft, Yan Bugui knew that if this continued, the battle would probably be endless.

Thinking of this, he suddenly used the word "Beng" to shake open Zhou Botong's arms.

Zhou Botong seemed to have the same idea, and followed the trend and changed his moves. His right hand still used Kong Ming Fist, but his left hand used Frost-breaking Ice Palm.

"Let you see my clone fighting skills." Zhou Botong spent fifteen years on Peach Blossom Island and invented the skill of fighting with himself out of boredom.

Originally it was just a recreational trick, but it wasn't until Guo Jing reminded him not long ago that he realized that he had mastered unprecedented martial arts.

Who in the world is the rival of the two old naughty boys Zhou Botong?

He felt that only senior brother Wang Chongyang could do it.

Since then, Zhou Botong has been looking forward to Huang Yaoshi looking for trouble every day, so that he can defeat the opponent legitimately and feel proud.

As a result, Huang Yaoshi didn't come, and Yan Bugui came first.

'This man's martial arts is indeed as Brother Guo said, not inferior to Huang Laoxie. Hehe, but when you encounter my fighting skills, no matter how good you are, you will be shocked. '

Zhou Botong thought like this, with a look of anticipation on his face, wanting to see Yan Bugui's surprise.

Unexpectedly, while Yan Bugui continued to draw circles with his left hand Tai Chi, his right hand actually used the Great Demon-Subduing Fist, combining hardness and softness to attack him.

Zhou Botong's jaw almost dropped: "How come you know how to fight left and right?"

"Of course someone taught me." Yan Bugui said, and the movements of his hands were not slow at all.

Although Zhou Botong was frightened, he remained calm and used the Kongming Fist to neutralize the strong force of the Demon Subduing Fist. The offensive attack of Lushuang Breaking Ice Palm was completely eliminated by Tai Chi.

The two of them just started a four-person melee, which made Yang Kang and Mu Nianci dumbfounded and shocked.

Guo Jing has already learned this skill, so he is not surprised.

In the blink of an eye, the two exchanged blows.

Zhou Botong's internal strength is slightly inferior to Huang Yao and others, let alone Yan Bugui, who is at a higher level. As the fists and palms responded, he gradually showed that his back strength was insufficient.

"Old naughty boy, I'll throw one last palm. If you can catch it, you win." As soon as Yan Bugui finished his words, his anger was gone, and the 'Shi Potian Shocking Hunyuan Palm' was already launched with great force.

Zhou Botong was shocked to feel an overwhelming palm force sweeping over him, blowing his beard, eyebrows, and hair into the air.

His heart tightened, and he did not dare to be careless. He used Kong Ming Fist with all his strength, taking the mentality of "defeating with less than enough" to its extreme.


The moment the fists and palms collided, Zhou Botong grunted, his feet did not move, and his body slid straight back nearly two feet before he could stop.

His hands were shaking, and his arms were almost numb.

After letting out a long breath, Zhou Botong grinned and said, "You win. But can you tell me, where did you learn the ancient tomb sect martial arts?"

(End of this chapter)

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