Chapter 176 Mingyu succeeds

Five days passed by in a blink of an eye.

The monkey used for the experiment was still in good spirits, showed no signs of poisoning, and its wounds had improved greatly.

Yan Bugui came to the guest room.

"Lianxing, it's time to test your luck."

Lian Xing lay on the bed and took a deep breath: "If I gain it, I will lose my life. I'm ready. Just go ahead and do it."

"This time is different from last time. I'm going to break your bones and it will be more troublesome to connect them. To avoid making mistakes, your sleeves and trouser legs may get in the way."

"Then you call Ning Nuxia."

"My senior sister is unable to do such a delicate job. Now I, Doctor Heping, am the only one in Huashan who has this ability. How about replacing him?"

"Forget it, you better do it." Lianxing glanced at him and rolled up his sleeves and trouser legs. Fortunately, the part of the leg that needed to be reattached was only below the knee.

"Hold it, I'll start at the count of one, two, three, one, two..." Before he could say three words, Yan Bugui moved his fingers like flying, breaking Lian Xing's newly healed broken bone.

Lian Xing also breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body was like a tight bow string, finally relaxing.

Lian Xing just smiled reluctantly. She had used up all her strength to fight against the pain and was too lazy to speak anymore. Even when she had a decisive battle with Yan Bugui before, she never felt as tired as she does now.

After a few days like this, the severe pain in Lianxing's hands and feet gradually subsided, and he regained his energy.

Yan Bugui praised: "He is worthy of being the second master of Yihua Palace who is powerful in the martial arts world. I may not be able to do it without even making a sound."

This morning, Yan Bugui was about to come to Lianxing for a review, but he saw her sitting in a wheelchair and sunbathing at the door of the house.

"It takes a hundred days to break the muscles and bones, but it only takes two thirty months."

Standing beside the bed, Yan Bugui's attention was immediately attracted.

clack clack...

"So long!" Lianxing's expression suddenly changed: "No, I have to go back quickly."

"Uh-" Lian Xing gritted his teeth to prevent himself from shouting out. Cold sweat instantly flowed all over his body under the severe pain. Even if the acupuncture points were tapped in advance, the pain was so painful that he almost fainted.

"Okay." Yan Bugui breathed a sigh of relief, but was also sweating profusely, mainly because of nervousness.

What others say about jade hands and jade arms, jade legs and jade feet are all adjectives. But when it comes to Lian Xing, it's like a noun, and her skin as tender as gelatin is really as white as jade.

Lian Xing followed his words and sealed many acupuncture points on his arms and legs.

"I know it. It's too uncomfortable to lie in bed all the time. When can I get up and walk?"

"Have a good rest. I know you love to be clean. I'll ask my senior sister to come over and help you change your clothes." Yan Bugui stood up and left.

Yan Bugui coughed slightly, his face reddening slightly: "Sorry! Well, you need to tap on the acupuncture points to relieve the pain first, so as not to be unable to bear it later."

His skill has not recovered yet, and his internal injuries have not yet healed, but his brute strength is still there to swing the Houde Sword like a blade of grass, crushing all of Lian Xing's deformed hands and feet in an instant.

Lian Xing said in a coquettish tone, "Still watching."

"Why did you get down? If the bones are misaligned, you will have to suffer again."

"It'll be fine soon." Yan Bugui quickly helped her straighten her bones, apply ointment, wrap a bandage, and fix it with a splint, all in one go.

"What's wrong?" Yan Bugui was stunned.

"You don't understand. Anyway, please send me back as soon as possible." Lianxing thought that his sister Yueyue, who had fallen off the cliff, would definitely come to Emei to find her.

Jiang Xiaoyu and Wuque are probably still together at this time. If his sister meets her, Wuque will definitely be forced to kill Jiang Xiaoyu.

My sister has been waiting for this day for more than ten years, and she will never let go of this opportunity.

Yan Bugui knew the inside story, and he had already guessed something from her expression, but he didn't say it out loud.

"It's useless for you to be anxious. The exit of the teleportation channel is fixed. Even if we go back, we will still be at the bottom of the valley. Do you plan to climb up the cliff in a wheelchair?"

Lianxing bit her lip and asked, "Are we friends?"

"I have to ask you." Yan Bugui said, "If you are willing to make Yan a friend, then I would be honored."

"Lianxing has never had friends. You are the first one, ever since you helped me heal my injuries." Lianxing's tone, eyes and expression were all sincere.

Although Yan Bugui caused her to fall off a cliff and get seriously injured, she actually didn't hate this person.

Yan Bugui said that he treated her injuries to compensate, but she was still full of gratitude to Yan Bugui in her heart.

Yan Bugui asked: "So as a friend, what can I do for you?"

"Just go back and protect Jiang Xiaoyu. Don't let him meet Wuque again." Lianxing said apologetically: "As for the reason, please forgive me for not being able to tell you."

Yan Bugui sighed helplessly: "My friend asked me to go through fire and water, but unfortunately I can't help you."


"My internal injuries have not healed and my skills have not been restored. Just like you, even if I go back, I will not be able to reach the Valley of Death." "How could it be so? Didn't you use the method you taught me to heal the injury?"

"Anyone can use this method, but I can't use it. To be honest, I have practiced the magic skill of wedding clothes, and now I endure the torture of zhenqi every day. The destructive power of this zhenqi is unparalleled, but it has no healing effect, and it is even less effective for others. bear.

Therefore, my internal injuries could only be treated slowly with medication, and it would take at least two months to recover. "

"Could it be want the Ming Yu Gong just to restrain the true energy of the Wedding Clothes Magic Gong?"

"That's right, using the Yin and Cold Qi of the Ming Yu Technique should be able to neutralize the violent Qi of the Wedding Clothes Magic Technique."

"..." Lianxing fell into silence, feeling extremely entangled in her heart.

Mingyu Gong is the secret of Yihua Palace, but the current situation seems that if Yan Bugui does not practice Mingyu Gong, he will not be able to go back in time to save Wu Que.

Wuque is the child I have raised for fourteen years. He is so obedient and sensible. How could I just watch him kill his own brother and then be forced to death by his sister.

As for Yan Bugui, although he caused me to fall off the cliff, he still risked his life to protect me when I fell into the lake in the Jue Valley.

Now he is trying his best to help me treat the disability of my hands and feet.

He is really a very good friend, I should help him...

After being silent for a cup of tea, Lian Xing suddenly thought: "If you want to learn Ming Yu Gong, I will teach you."

"Seriously?" Yan Bugui's eyes widened in shock. He didn't have much hope for this.

Lian Xing smiled and said: "We have an appointment in advance. Everyone present on that day can testify that I am willing to admit defeat."

"But we didn't decide the winner."

"Stop pretending to be stupid, you gave me a hand, and if I guessed correctly, you should have another sword in your sword case. Do you use two swords?"


"I can't defeat you with one hand and one sword. If you use both hands and two swords, I will definitely be defeated. No wonder you have the courage to challenge my sister."

"When you recover, I will fight with you again."

"I mean what I say."

"It's hard to chase a horse."

"Come in, I will teach you the formula of Mingyu Gong now. But you can only bear the consequences yourself."

"What are the consequences? Is it possible that Ming Yu Gong also has side effects?"

"That's not true. I'm talking about my sister. If you learn Mingyu Gong, she will definitely not let you go."

"What about you? Can she forgive you if you pass on Yihua Palace's secret knowledge to outsiders?"

"After all, I'm also her biological sister and she won't do anything to me."

"Ha!" Yan Buguixin said that was not necessarily the case.

"Why are you laughing?" Lian Xing frowned slightly, feeling that the laughter sounded a bit harsh, as if he was mocking her.

"It's nothing." Yan Bugui shook his head and smiled: "I mean I will protect you when the time comes."

"I must remind you." Lian Xing's expression suddenly became serious: "My sister is different from me. She is also at the eighth level of Mingyu Gong. Her martial arts is much better than mine."

"Then do you think one Yaoyue Palace Master can beat two Yan Bugui?"

"What do you mean?"

"You'll know later."

An hour later.

Yan Bugui got what he wished and obtained all nine levels of Mingyu Gong.

"Lianxing, I can't thank you enough for your kindness."

"Friends shouldn't say thank you."

Return to the room.

Yan Bugui thought about Lian Xing's last words and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

He deceived Lian Xing.

He concealed his knowledge of the real practice of the Wedding Dress Magic.

In fact, now is a good time for him to waste his efforts and rebuild. There is no safer place than Huashan.

But Ming Yu Gong is right in front of him, and Yan Bugui is really reluctant to give up.

(End of this chapter)

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