Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 177 Siblings cannibalize each other

Chapter 177 Siblings cannibalize each other

Interior space.

The mantra of Ming Yu Gong shines with golden light, shining horizontally in the sky.

At the same time, the mental method of Wuqi Yi Jue suddenly became radiant, echoing with the Ming Yu Gong, and then turned into two beams of light, one large and one small, and merged into the Little Immortality Art.

The magic power of wedding clothes is from yang to strong, and the magic power of Mingyu is from yin to cold. When the two come together, it can be said that they are incompatible.

Not long ago in Juegu, Yan Bugui originally wanted to use Lian Xing's internal power to open the space-time channel. Unexpectedly, as soon as Ming Yu Gong's true energy entered his body, it immediately clashed violently with his own true energy, causing him to vomit a large mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, Lian Xing stopped in time, otherwise it is still unknown whether the two of them could return to Huashan.

Wu Qiu Yi Jue emphasizes letting nature take its course, and it contains the ultimate principle of "yin and yang merge, life and death are one". This mentality can just make the yin and yang of these two extreme martial arts blend together perfectly.

the next morning.

Yan Bugui's door opened, and he walked out with a graceful step. He stretched out at the door facing the sun.

The torment of infuriating Qi was successfully resolved by the Ming Yu Gong, and the whole person felt relieved and radiant.

Yan Bugui smiled and said proudly: "The seventh level of the Wedding Clothes Divine Art will naturally be resolved by the seventh level of the Mingyu Art."

Lianxing curled her lips.

"Let's not talk about this." Lianxing urged: "Now that you're fine, you should go back quickly.

Yan Bugui comforted him: "After all, my foundation is here. I just need to transform my true energy. But you have to start from scratch. There is no comparison between us. You are better."

Not only has his internal energy returned to its previous most refined and pure state, it can also transform into yin and yang, changing at will.

He asked Huang Laoxie for the Jiuhua Yulu Pill when he left Peach Blossom Island.

"How is your injury?" Lianxing, who heard the noise, appeared at the door of the guest room in a wheelchair.

Yan Bugui walked over to greet her: "Thanks to your Ming Yu Gong and the miraculous effect of Jiuhua Jade Dew Pills, the internal injuries have been fully recovered."

Lian Xing asked curiously: "What level have you reached?"

The three of them had already seen the handwriting left by Yan Bugui, and knowing that he and Lian Xing were still alive, they finally felt relieved after having been hanging around for a long time.

It's inevitable to get injured when you go out. How can he miss this holy healing medicine? Why don't you use it now?

Emei is the most beautiful place.

Tie Xinlan wondered: "I really can't figure it out. There is no way out at the bottom of the valley. Where can Uncle Yan and the others go?"

In addition, every level of Ming Yu Gong has a huge difference in skill. If you meet my sister, you must be careful. "

A rope hangs straight down from the edge of the cliff.

"It took me twenty years to reach the state, and you did it without even twenty hours. It's so irritating!" Lian Xing's face was full of taste.

"Wait for my good news. You can rest here and rest in peace. My senior sister will take care of you. Tell her by the way." Yan Bugui returned to the room to get the Houde Sword and started the space-time channel on the spot.

Yan Bugui was more than ten years younger than her, but his martial arts skills were superior to hers. She knew very well that it was okay to listen to what the other party said, and she couldn't take it seriously.

In the past half month, they went back and forth between the cliffs several times, and finally yesterday they successfully connected a rope that could reach the bottom of the valley.

The people who came to watch the battle had already dispersed, leaving only Xiao Yu'er, Tie Xinlan, and Hua Wuque.

My sister was in seclusion before and broke through to the ninth level of Mingyu Gong, so I am here to duel with you. According to her past habit of seclusion, there should be enough time, so I'll leave the two children to you.

Hua Wuque thought: "Maybe he left from the bottom of the lake."

"It makes sense." Tie Xinlan nodded and turned his eyes: "Xiao Yu'er, what do you think?"

Xiao Yu'er sat cross-legged on a big stone, holding his chin with his right hand and frowning: "Rather than this, I want to know more now, who stole Uncle Yan's sword box?"

That day, Yan Bugui and Lian Xing fell off the cliff. They were anxious to save others and just went down the mountain to find ropes to get down the cliff.

After the three of them worked back and forth for several days, Xiao Yuer accidentally discovered that the Hidden Front Box under the cliff opposite was missing.

Tie Xinlan asked in confusion: "The sword is in Uncle Yan's hand, what does the thief want with an empty box?"

Hua Wuque pondered: "I remember that the sword box was opened from the side. There is probably a sword on the other side."

"Idiot." Xiao Yu'er said: "What's the point of taking a sword? The thief's target should be Jiuyin Divine Art. Before the war started, everyone heard clearly what Uncle Yan and Palace Master Lianxing said.

Hua Wuque, you should know the value of Ming Yu Gong best. The bet that can impress your master, you can imagine how precious this Jiuyin Divine Art is. "

"Haha~" A sudden sneer came from the side.

The three of them were startled immediately. They followed the sound and saw a figure appearing on the stone beam.

"Auntie!" Hua Wuqian exclaimed.

The person who came was surprisingly the Grand Master of Yihua Palace - Yao Yue.

Her clothes fluttered as if riding the wind. Her clothes are as white as snow, and her hair is as long as clouds. She is graceful and graceful, like a fairy. Her appearance cannot be described in any words, her beauty is so breathtaking that it makes all flowers eclipse.

"Wu Que, who is he?" Yao Yue's cold gaze fell on Xiao Yu'er, and there was no trace of human emotion in her ethereal voice, which made Xiao Yu'er shudder.

Tie Xinlan also felt horrified. Hua Wuque bowed and replied, "He is Jiang Xiaoyu."

Yao Yue said indifferently: "What is your mission when you leave the palace?"

"Kill Jiang Xiaoyu."

"Then why is he still alive?"

"My little aunt fell off a cliff. My disciple was worried about her safety and couldn't take care of her for a while."

"Then you won't take action now?"

"But my little aunt hasn't come back yet. She is with Jiang Xiaoyu's uncle. If we take action now, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to my little aunt's safety."

"I am responsible for your little aunt's safety. You just have to do what you should do." Yao Yue has been waiting for fourteen years, and her patience is almost exhausted. Now even if the sky is going to fall, she still has to wait until she has finished watching this drama of brothers killing each other.

"Yes, disciple, I obey." Hua Wuque did not dare to disobey, turned to look at Xiao Yu'er, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry."

Xiao Yu'er broke out in cold sweat, and his face showed an unprecedented serious look.

Just standing there and talking, Yao Yue made him feel a huge pressure like a mountain.

At this moment, Xiao Yu'er couldn't think of any way except to fight.

"Palace Master Yihua, I should be the only one you want to kill. Can you please let my friend go?" Xiao Yu'er slowly came to the edge of the cliff.

Yao Yue sneered: "Are you qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

"Of course." Xiao Yu'er said: "Although I don't know why, you seem to be obsessed with letting Hua Wuque kill me. If you don't agree, then I will jump from here.

I guess the little fish who fell to death must not be the result you want, right? "

There is no strength to draw from on this cliff, so even if Yao Yue takes action, she can only fall with him.

Xiao Yu'er believed that if Uncle Yan and Lian Xing couldn't get there, Yao Yue wouldn't be able to do anything about it.


Yao Yue's figure flashed suddenly, and in an instant she flew several feet away and arrived in front of Xiao Yu'er. Then she flashed again and left the edge of the cliff.

It was only at this moment that Xiao Yu'er finally realized what he was doing, and his expression changed with horror.

Yao Yue said calmly: "I told you, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

Tie Xinlan looked at Xiao Yu'er infatuatedly, and said firmly: "Xiao Yu'er, don't worry about me. Just let go and fight. If you die, I will never live alone."

Xiao Yu'er was moved, and a strong fighting spirit suddenly surged in her heart. She turned to look at Hua Wuque: "Let's take action."

Before he finished speaking, he had already performed the Wudang Meteor Step contained in the Five Ultimate Divine Skills, and suddenly rushed towards Hua Wuque, his right palm hitting the door directly.

Yao Yue did not stop.

She didn't have to kill Xiao Yu'er with Hua Wuque. She would be equally happy with whoever the two brothers killed.

Besides, she had carefully trained Hua Wuque for more than ten years, and she didn't think Jiang Xiaoyu had any possibility of victory.

Things turned out just as she thought.

Hua Wuque had already seen Xiao Yu'er's true nature and knew that he actually had no way to restrain himself from "transferring flowers to jade."

His right palm touched his right arm like a flower and a willow, but he found that Xiao Yuer's palm was just a feint and he didn't use any force.

Xiao Yu'er's body swayed, and he had circled behind Hua Wuque, pulled out a dagger from his arms, and stabbed him in the back of the heart.

Hua Wuque listened to the wind and argued, suddenly turned around, and the dagger missed him by a hair's breadth. At the same time, he cut across with his left hand and hit Xiao Yu'er's right wrist.

The dagger immediately fell from his hand, flew off the edge of the cliff, and fell into the Jue Valley.

Xiao Yu'er's right arm was sore and numb, and he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing against his face, and saw Hua Wuque's palm strike straight towards his chest.

He hurriedly used all his energy and used his left palm to resist.


The moment the two palms met, the little fish flew out like a kite with a broken string.

The Five Absolute Divine Skills are extremely profound. In just half a month, he only learned a superficial knowledge, and his martial arts did not improve much.


The little fish fell to the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and could not get up again.

Seeing this, Yao Yue couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, with an excited and cruel look in her eyes.

"Wuque, kill him!"

"It's hard to disobey a teacher's orders, I'm sorry." Hua Wuque stepped to Xiao Yu'er's side.

Tie Xinlan rushed over, held Xiao Yu'er in her arms, and said to Hua Wuque, "Kill me too."

Hua Wuque looked hesitant.

At this moment, a loud cry suddenly came from under the cliff.

It's Diao Ming!

(End of this chapter)

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