Chapter 178 Defeating Yaoyue

Hua Wuque paused.

Everyone's eyes, including Yaoyue's, were all looking away from the cliff.

Accompanied by the chirping of the eagle, a huge white eagle flew up from below and soared into the sky!

The four people couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Yaoyue couldn't help but be surprised.

The wings of this white eagle are more than two feet long, and its majestic body is rarely seen in the world.

Immediately afterwards, the singing of the eagle came from below again.

Another white eagle appeared in front of them. The difference was that there was a person sitting on the back of this eagle.

"Uncle Yan!" Xiao Yu'er and Tie Xinlan said in unison, both ecstatic.

Yaoyue's eyes narrowed, and she was secretly surprised.

"I have to say it." Yan Bugui returned her bright smile: "The two of them are..."

Just now, Yan Bugui was recuperating his skills at the bottom of the valley. Suddenly he heard something falling into the lake. He immediately guessed that something might have happened above, so he arrived in time.

Unfortunately, he would never dare to disobey Yaoyue's order.

Hua Wuque was stunned: "Why?"


Two powerful internal forces clashed in their palms, and the collision made a thunder-like sound.

Seeing Yan Bugui appear, Hua Wuque secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Bugui said: "Hua Wuque, you can't kill Xiao Yu'er. Anyone in the world can kill him, but you can't."

"It seems that I came back in time." Yan Bugui jumped up and landed in front of Xiao Yu'er from the back of the sculpture.

Apart from Lian Xing, there is actually someone in this world who can match me in terms of internal strength!

Yao Yue was surprised when Yan Bugui spoke again: "Xiao Yu'er, Hua Wuque, you two are brothers."

Yao Yue's expression suddenly changed: "Shut up!"

The two of them were shocked and took two steps back at the same time.

"Seeking death!" Yao Yue seemed to ignore space and distance, and suddenly appeared out of thin air three feet away from Yan Bugui, and struck at his heart with a slender jade palm like lightning.

I spent half a month with Xiao Yu'er here, during which time we worked together and went down the cliff to find someone.

Before coming back, he thought that the cliff was over a thousand feet high and the three children might not be able to get down. So he first went to Peach Blossom Island and asked Guo Jing to borrow his pair of white eagles.

These two white eagles are naturally different species.

"What!" The two of them were immediately shocked, as if they were struck by lightning, their minds were shaken, and they were stunned in place like statues.

In order to prevent Yang Guo from committing suicide, Guo Xiang jumped down to the bottom of the Heartless Valley and was carried up by the white eagle.

Yan Bugui had been on guard for a long time, and his energy changed at will, turning into the most powerful and strong energy, and he bravely faced the attack with "Shocking Baili".

Unknowingly, he had regarded Xiao Yu'er as a friend and was unwilling to kill him again.

In the original work, Guo Jing and Huang Rong joined the Iron Palm Gang to steal Wu Mu's suicide note, and were trapped in the Zhongzhi Peak with no way to escape. It was only with the help of these two white eagles that they could escape.

Hua Wuque came back to his senses, looked at Yao Yue and asked, "Auntie, is what he said true?"

"No!" Yao Yue said sternly, "He is lying."

Yan Bugui smiled: "Then why did you stop me just now?

Fourteen years ago, Lian Xing rescued Jiang Feng and Yue Nu from the hands of the twelve zodiac chickens and pigs.

As a result, you blocked them and forced the couple to death.

In order to take revenge on Jiang Feng and Yue Nu, you took away the newborn Hua Wuque and left Xiao Yu'er with Yan Nantian.

Just waiting for today to see their brothers kill each other with their own eyes. So that Jiang Feng and Yue Nu can't rest in peace even under Jiuquan. "

"You..." Yao Yue was shocked and angry. Only she and Lian Xing knew about this matter, but Yan Bugui made it so clear. Although there are some discrepancies, they are generally the same, as if he was present at the time.

"Did Lian Xing tell you?" Yao Yue's face was gloomy, as if a layer of ice had condensed on her face.

"No need." Yan Bugui said: "You can tell with your own eyes that they actually look very similar.

It's just that Xiao Yu'er's face was scratched by you, so others couldn't tell. "

Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque couldn't help but look at each other.

Tie Xinlan also looked at the two of them seriously, and then exclaimed: "It's true! Their noses, eyebrows, and eyes are exactly the same."

The plan that she had been waiting for for more than ten years was in vain. Yao Yue was already angry and gritted her teeth and said: "Where is Lian Xing? Don't you dare to come out to see me?" Yan Bugui said: "My sister is recuperating at my house. I will wait until she recovers. I will naturally send her back."

Yao Yue said bitterly: "I don't have a sister who eats everything.

Since she was seven years old, she has loved to cause trouble with me.

No matter what I like, she will fight for it. No matter what I tried to do, she would find a way to destroy it.

Now they actually collude with outsiders to blame me for my bad deeds. Today I will kill you first and then deal with her. "

"I told you that it wasn't Lianxing who told me. You are really unreasonable. No wonder Jiang Feng doesn't like you." As soon as Yan Bugui said the words, Yue Yuedeng looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and his whole face changed. He was so ferocious that he came towards him without saying a word.

"Can you also call Lian Xing's name?" Yao Yue's anger became even more intense. She spent all her life's energy and used both palms to separate Yan Bugui's face and chest.

Yan Bugui knew that her martial arts skills were not inferior to his, so he decisively used the left and right fighting technique.

The left hand uses Kong Mingquan's "empty house dweller" to transform the strength of Yao Yue's right palm. The "Dragon Subduing Palm" on the right hand came out vigorously, pressing against Yao Yue's left palm.

'What kind of martial arts is this? Yao Yue was secretly shocked when she saw that he could use both hard and soft martial arts at the same time.

But Yan Bugui didn't give her any chance to breathe. She punched her left fist and right palm at the same time, sometimes turning into a left palm and a right fist.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had exchanged hundreds of moves.

Faced with Yan Bugui's clone fighting technique, under the changing strength and softness, and the overwhelming onslaught, Yao Yue was finally unable to stand alone, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The battlefield continued to shift with the two of them.

While retreating, Yaoyue was forced onto the stone beam and slowly approached the break in the middle.


Yao Yue suddenly pulled away and jumped out, bringing up a blurry white afterimage that flew up the opposite cliff.

Yan Bugui followed closely, turning his right hand into a claw and grabbing her throat with the power of Nine Yin Divine Claws.

Seeing this, Yao Yue flicked away Yan Bugui's wrist with her right hand, as if she had used "moving flowers to catch jade".

Unexpectedly, she was unable to deflect Yan Bugui's attack, so Yao Yue hurriedly dodged again.

"Moving flowers and catching jade is of no use to me." Yan Bugui spread his body skills and chased after him like a shadow.

Hee hee hee…!

Yan Bugui fired several moves in a row with Yang Finger, but the one he shot was not Yao Yue, but the force of his finger in the air, blocking her escape routes in front, back, left and right.

Following the sound of breaking wind, Yao Yue's movement was immediately blocked, and Yan Bugui took advantage of the situation to pursue him.

'Seeing the Dragon in the Field' and 'Dragon Fighting in the Wild' were ready to go out in his palms, and they came to Yao Yue with lightning speed, imprinting their majestic force on her shoulders.

In this stall where no one was allowed to speak, Yao Yue had no choice but to take it hard with her palm.


The four palms struck each other, and Yao Yue was shocked to feel a burst of true energy like a blazing flame pouring into her palms. She suddenly felt the tiger's mouth shaking violently. Her arms were sore and numb, and her feet moved back involuntarily.

On the other hand, Yan Bugui stayed where he was, secretly using the 'Sha Zi Jue' to channel the internal energy from the shock back through his feet into the ground.

Taking this opportunity, he flexed his hands into claws and crossed them in front of his chest. The nine-turn star-absorbing force is majestic.

"Come here you go!"

Yao Yue was still within seven feet of him. She was caught off guard and stumbled, approaching him involuntarily.

Yao Yue, however, remained calm despite being frightened. With the help of this suction force, she took advantage of the situation and threw her palm towards Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui pushed his skills to the peak, and used the 'Shi-Potian Shocking Hunyuan Palm' to hit him head-on.


The palms wrapped in zhenqi were like steel, as if two boulders had collided together, and the sound was deafening.

Yao Yue's face changed suddenly, her beautiful eyes widened, and she was shaken by a palm force kneaded from eight kinds of internal energy, causing her insides to churn.

"Pfft~" Yao Yue felt her throat grow sweet, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help but flow out from the corner of her mouth.

Yan Bugui let out a breath: "Do you still want to fight?"

How could Yao Yue just let it go? She snorted coldly and raised her palm to attack again, but she accidentally caused internal injuries and spit out another mouthful of blood.

Yan Bugui stretched out his right hand: "According to the agreement I made with Lian Xing, if Yihua Palace loses, the secret book of Ming Yu Gong must be handed over. Bring it."

"You're dreaming!" Yaoyue's eyes were like daggers and she wanted to bite her teeth into pieces.

"Then you can take care of yourself." Yan Bugui said calmly: "For Lianxing's sake, let's drop this matter."

"I won't accept your favor. I will definitely come to you again to avoid the shame of today." Yao Yue took a deep breath, used her body skills to return to the opposite side, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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