Chapter 18 Virtue and Mercy
  At the foot of Mount Hua.

It was inconvenient for Yan Bugui to ride a horse with four weapons, so he spent a lot of money to hire a carriage in a nearby town.

It's a long way from Huashan to Longquan, and there is no one to take the job if the money is short.

Thinking about the new weapons, Yan Bugui had no intention of sightseeing along the way, so he rode quickly all the way to Longquan Sword Forging Valley.

"Please inform the Valley Master that Huashanyan has not returned to pay his respects."

"Young hero, please have tea first." The person in charge of the reception led him into the main hall, and then walked quickly into the back hall, not daring to neglect the distinguished guests of the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

After a while.

A middle-aged man with a sturdy back and dark skin walked out of the back hall with striding steps.

"The name of Young Hero Taiyue Rong Xiuyan has been well known to me for a long time. I am truly lucky to meet you today."

Yan Bugui stood up and held his hands in his hands: "Junior has met the Valley Master."

The Valley Master laughed loudly: "You're welcome, brother. Are Master Yue and Mrs. Yue okay?"

"Senior brother and sister are both very good. Before leaving, they repeatedly asked me to say hello to the Valley Master on their behalf. This is a personal letter from Senior Brother." Yan Bugui said and handed the envelope to the Valley Master.

The Valley Master had read the content of the letter and already knew his purpose of coming this time: "Master Yue is so polite. Senior Master Lin once saved my life.

Brother, please rest assured when it comes to forging weapons. I will definitely use my special skills to ensure your satisfaction. "

"Then it's up to you, Master Lao. I'm very grateful to you."

"Brother, I've seen you outside. If you don't mind, just call me brother."

"Then you're welcome, little brother." Yan Bugui pointed to the axes and long sticks beside him and said, "My little brother once obtained these weapons accidentally, especially these two axes are extremely sharp.

If possible, I would like to ask my brother to use them as materials to help me make a sword. "

"Let me take a look." The owner of the valley picked up the ax and weighed it in his hands, then struck each other a few times, thinking: "If I read it correctly, these axes should be made of underground steel mothers. "

"Underground Steel Mother! What is this?" Yan Bugui was startled. He had never heard of this name, and immediately he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "I thought it was made by Xuantie or Hantie."

The Valley Master laughed: "I don't know something. The steel mother is hidden deep in the ground and has been tempered by the fire for a long time. It is the essence of steel that is rare in the world.

Compared with Han Tie and Xuan Tie, it is exactly the same. Brother, you have found a treasure. "

"I see." Yan Bugui didn't know much about this aspect, but the Valley Master's meaning was obvious, that is, this kind of material was awesome.

The Valley Master's eyes shone brightly and he said with great interest: "Let's go to the sword-making room. With such good materials, we have to design it carefully."

"Brother, I plan to make two swords this time. Are these materials enough?"

"Enough. The swords used by your Huashan sect are sharp and thin, and don't use much material. Let alone two swords, even ten swords are more than enough."

"My little brother actually has another idea. I need a heavy sword for one of them, the heavier the better, and the other one needs to be as sharp as possible."

"Why is this?"

"The former is used for practicing and fighting against enemies on a daily basis, while the latter is used when fighting against others. Is this enough?"

“My brother’s ideas are unique and interesting.

Nothing is enough, I will never let you down. "

While talking, the two came to the sword-making room.

Before entering the door, Yan Bugui felt a strong hot wind blowing against his face, and at the same time, there was a constant sound of tinkling.

In the middle of the sword-making room was a huge stove, which spewed out white flames from time to time.

There were about a dozen burly men wearing leather aprons and shirtless men.

Some were hammering the red-hot sword embryo, while others were pulling the bellows to blow air to maintain the fire in the furnace.

I was very busy and sweating profusely.

Sparks burst out from time to time and fell on them, only to be extinguished by sweat.

The closer you are to the stove, the higher the temperature becomes, turning the hot air into a scalding wind that burns your hair and skin. Only when Yan Bugui uses his internal energy can he withstand it.

"Since I've made a plan, let's start work now." The owner of the valley came to the stove and threw the two axes in, preparing to melt them.

Unexpectedly, after an entire hour passed, the two axes were only slightly red.

Two "bang bang" sounds suddenly rang out, and two of the craftsmen responsible for pulling the bellows fell to the ground, their pants soaked in sweat.

The fire in the furnace immediately died down. Someone next to him was about to step forward to take over, but the owner of the valley beat him to it: "I'll come in person."

"I'm here to help, too." Yan Bugui immediately took off his coat and went over to take another sealed box.

He has deep inner strength, and with his help, the fire immediately increases.

After another hour, when even the Valley Master was almost unable to hold on, the two axes finally showed signs of melting.

Yan Bugui, a layman, couldn't interfere with what happened next.

Half a month later, after countless efforts, the two swords were finally successfully produced.

The Valley Master said with satisfaction: "According to your request, this heavy sword weighs eighty-eight sixty-four kilograms, with the exotic overseas iron 'coral gold' added to it. The sword body is thick and yet tough.

The other one made according to the pattern you gave also weighs eight pounds and nine taels. It has some emery mixed in it to make it even stronger. "

"Thank you, Valley Master." Yan Bugui pulled out the heavy sword first. It was about the same weight as the Dark Iron Heavy Sword. He held it in his hand just as he wanted.

The sword is three feet, eight inches and five inches long and three fingers wide. It has a blunt tip and no edge. It has only the tip and no sheath.

It is formed in one piece from beginning to end, and only the handle is wrapped with a layer of cork to prevent shock.

Because of the addition of coral gold, the sword body is completely golden and shines brightly in the light of the fire.

The Valley Master asked curiously: "Why don't you even open the sword?"

Yan Bugui put down his heavy sword and said: "Although the magic weapon is good, it will easily lead to dependence if used too much, which will affect the improvement of my swordsmanship. I just need it to be strong enough."

"What an insight!" The Valley Master couldn't help but sigh: "Brother, I finally understand why you have achieved such cultivation at such a young age."

"Thank you." Yan Bugui picked up the black-sheathed sword next to him and slowly pulled it out, his eyes suddenly illuminated by a cold light.

  The blade of the sword left its sheath made a clear clang, and a layer of green mist loomed over the three sides of the sword, which was as smooth as a mirror, exuding a breathtaking and ruthless edge.

The sword is four feet long, two fingers wide, as thin as a cicada's wing, with an ebony handle. The scabbard is made of a partially smelted wrought copper rod and a wrought iron rod. Even without the scabbard, it is still a very sharp weapon.

The Valley Master said: "It won't be long before these two swords will follow you and become famous in the martial arts world. Give them a name."

Yan Bugui stared at the two swords and muttered: "The heavy sword is heavy and thick, so let's call it Houde.

As for the light sword... just call it ruthless. If you really want to use it, you will definitely face an enemy that is ruthless. "

"Be kind and virtuous, but be ruthless and sacrifice life. What a good name." The owner of the valley nodded and asked, "There are still seven or eight kilograms of steel mother left here. What are you going to do with it?"

The two axes together originally weighed nearly a hundred kilograms, but after removing the waste and retaining the essence, only more than eighty kilograms were left.

Yan Bugui said: "Leave half of it to me, brother, I can't let your work go in vain.

The other half asked my brother to help me make two more swords according to the styles used by the Huashan Sect and send them back to Huashan for me to my senior brothers and sisters. "

The Valley Master was overjoyed: "Steel Mother and other strange materials are treasures that are hard to find for us, so I accepted it shamelessly, brother. As for the weapons of Head Yue and his wife, won't you personally give them to them?"

Yan Bugui raised his brows and said with a smile: "It's rare for me to come out. How can I go back so soon?"

The next day, after breakfast.

Yan Bugui went back to ask the owner of the valley to resign.

The owner of the valley laughed when he saw the strange appearance of him carrying the 'Hude' on his back, carrying the 'Thunderness' in his hand, and an old sword on his waist: "I'm afraid it's not convenient for you to travel like this. I have a sword box in the valley that can just put them for you."

a while.

A craftsman brought from the back hall a black wooden box four and a half feet long, three inches thick, and more than nine inches wide. The surface was carved with simple patterns, and two seal characters that Yan Bugui didn't recognize were engraved in the middle. .

The owner of the valley put the sword box upright on the ground and took two consecutive shots from the left and right at the top. He saw the two sides of the wooden box bounce off diagonally one after another.

"This thing was made by a skilled craftsman in the valley in the past. It is called Zangfeng. The mechanism inside requires skillful control."

Master Gu took the three swords and inserted the 'Bo Qing' and the old sword into the buckles on the side panels of the sword box to secure them. The 'Hou De' was inserted alone on the other side, and then they were closed with a slight push.

Then he pressed the word 'Zang Feng' again, and there was a soft "click" sound, and two small drawers popped up above and below the writing, obviously for storage.

Yan Bugui couldn't help but marveled, clapped his hands and praised: "My ancestors' wonderful hands and ingenious craftsmanship really amaze me."

The owner of the valley handed the sword box to him and said with a smile: "Just treat it as a courtesy and repay the steel mother you gave me."

"My elder brother is so kind, but my younger brother is so disrespectful."

There is a brocade belt on the back of the sword box, and it is not a burden to carry on the body of Yan Bugui, who is almost [-] meters tall. With his jade and gold face, his handsome face with dragon eyebrows and phoenix eyes, it shows the chivalrous spirit of a young man.

(End of this chapter)

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