Chapter 19 The world is innocent
  It's autumn, and the beautiful scenery of the South is even more beautiful than spring and summer.

Yan Bugui rode the horse that the owner of the valley gave him before leaving, and entered Fuzhou City leisurely.

We stopped at a restaurant with the hottest business.

Yan Bugui handed the horse to the waiter and was taken to the second floor by another waiter to sit down.

"Thank you." Yan Bugui took off the sword case and stood on the right side of the seat.

The waiter wiped the table which was not dirty, bowed and asked, "Are you too polite? The master's accent doesn't sound like one of our locals?"

"That's right, I'm here to visit relatives." Yan Bugui asked, "It's my first time back in Fuzhou City and I still don't know the way. Does the second brother know how to get to Xiangyang Lane?"

"This little one knows that after you leave our store, go to..."

"Thank you very much." Yan Bugui casually pinched a piece of broken silver the size of his fingertips and gave it to him: "Let's serve the dishes. Give me three or four of the distinctive ones. You can make the decision."

"Thank you, Master. Thank you, Master." The waiter was overjoyed. Knowing that he had met a big customer today, he immediately became more attentive: "The master chefs in the kitchen are the most skilled in their craftsmanship. I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

After eating and drinking, Yan Bugui followed the waiter's direction and came to Xiangyang Lane.

Fuwei Escort Bureau is a big business in Fuzhou City, and he found the Lin family's old house without even asking anyone.

After confirming the location, Yan Bugui found a hotel nearby to stay.

Shortly after nightfall, he quietly climbed out of the window and left the inn, drifting into the Lin family's old house like a ghost in the dark night.

"Hey!" Yan Bugui looked at the dark yard in front of him and was suddenly stunned: "Damn! There's no one here, why do I have to wait until night to come."

After a while.

Yan Bugui found Lin Yuantu's Buddhist hall by moonlight.

After entering the door, he went straight to the altar table, took out the fire stick, and lit the remaining candles on it.

A lamp like a bean dispelled the darkness in the room, revealing the portrait of Patriarch Bodhidharma hanging on the wall.

"You are the one."

Yan Bugui looked in the direction of Bodhidharma's finger, then climbed up the beam to search for the evil-fighting sword manual hidden in the roof.

Soon, he saw a flash of eye-catching red!

Back on the ground, Yan Bugui opened Lin Yuantu's cassock and saw eight shocking red letters written at the beginning.

【Martial arts dominates the world, wielding a sword from the palace. 】

The handwriting, as red as blood, seemed to be issuing a warning to those who saw the sword manual.

Don't practice, it hurts!

"Tsk~" Yan Bugui exclaimed, "That's right, now the property has been returned to its original owner.

No, Yue Su and Cai Zifeng peeked at this unfortunate thing from Kamata Shaolin, Huashan School's "Sunflower Collection", so who are the original owners? "

The Huashan sect will split into two Jianqi sects because of these two heartless cowards.

Lin Pingzhi, who has been a concubine since the imperial palace, once said that no one in this world can resist the temptation of the "Evil Sword Manual", also known as the "Sunflower Book", even if they know that the first pass is extremely dangerous, they will eventually start practicing.

This is a bit exaggerated. At least Ren Woxing stopped practicing after seeing it, and instead used it to plot against Dongfang Bubai.

Now Yan Bugui doesn't feel like he has to practice.

However, he knew that this was because he had a plug-in and was already successful in martial arts. Otherwise, he was not sure whether he would be cruel enough to stab Xiao Yanzi.

"If you don't leave the palace, your energy will be heated up, and your body will be burned by poisonous fire..." After Yan Bugui read it completely, the inner meaning of the sword manual had been revealed in the interior scene.

But it was not integrated with the Little Immortality Formula, and the rest of the internal energy formulas were also silent, as if they disliked the evil-preventing sword manual.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems that although this Sunflower Book is powerful, it is not the right way after all. It is not as good as my little Taoist secret of immortality."

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought that the Little Immortality Technique can make people's hearts as cold as a mirror, and may be able to avoid having to go to the palace.

Thinking of this, he was a little eager to give it a try.

After all, the weird and unpredictable movements contained in the sword manual are quite tempting.

Yan Bugui immediately sat cross-legged and began to move his energy and energy according to the instructions in the scene.


As soon as the zhenqi circulated for half a week, Yan Bugui suddenly groaned, blood started to bleed from the corner of his mouth, and a strange pink color appeared on his face.

"Hiss—so hot! So hot!"

Yan Bugui's mind was filled with desires, and all kinds of young ladies he hadn't seen for a long time appeared one after another.

His body was even more like a furnace in the Sword Forging Valley, igniting a raging flame from the inside out. He was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped exercising, and it took nearly a quarter of an hour to recover.

"Bah!" Yan Bugui spat out the blood foam in his mouth and said with lingering fear: "No wonder he has to leave the palace. The attack of this ghost is more violent than 'I love a piece of firewood'. Who can bear it?"

"It's a crappy thing. Normal people can't practice it at all, so what's the use for you." Yan Bugui picked up the cassock and rolled it into a ball. He used the strength of his palms to grind the cassock into powder in an instant.

"See you soon."

Back to the inn, it was still early. Yan Bugui meditated and practiced as usual. After finishing it, it was almost midnight, and he was lying on the bed but he did not feel sleepy at all.

"It was Lin Yuantu who researched the sword manual for warding off evil, and I ruined it like this. Isn't it a bit unkind to the Lin family?"

With this question in mind, he didn't fall asleep until almost dawn.

The next day.

Yan Bugui came to the Fuwei Escort Agency and quietly slipped onto the roof of the Lin family's house through the back door. With his lightness skills, it was difficult for anyone to spot him even during the day.

After walking around, he saw a man in his thirties and a seven or eight-year-old child in the back garden.

"Ping'er, you've reached the age where you should practice martial arts.

From today on, daddy will teach you our Lin family's seventy-two evil sword techniques and the one hundred and eighty-eight Heaven-shaking Palm.

This was your great-grandfather Yuantugong's unique skill in the martial arts world back then. Our Lin Jiafuwei Escort Agency's huge family business was built on these two skills. "

"Dad, my child also wants to be a mighty martial arts hero like Yuan Tu Gong."

"A good boy has ambition, but our family runs an escort agency, and martial arts is second to none. Ping'er, do you know what the name Fuwei Escort Agency means?"

"do not know."

"Fuwei, Fuwei, the word 'Fu' is on top and the word 'Wei' is on the bottom, which means that blessing is more important than prestige.

Where does this blessing come from? The most important thing is the eight words "make more friends, make fewer enemies". If it is reversed and changed to "weifu", it will become domineering and blessing.

So you must remember, Pingzhi, that the most important thing for us escorts is to be kind to others. "

"The child understands."

On the roof.

Looking at Lin Zhennan with a proud expression on his face, Yan Bugui almost laughed out loud.

Is blessing more important than prestige? It is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world.

In the world of martial arts, if a person does not have enough prestige, he will not be able to retain him even if he is extremely lucky.

This guy is a good businessman, but his awareness as a martial artist is really poor.

Lin Zhennan below has already begun to demonstrate martial arts to Lin Pingzhi.

First there were the seventy-two evil sword techniques, and then there were the one hundred and eight heaven-shaking palms.

After he finished the demonstration, Yan Bugui found that compared to Wu Zi Gong's evil-fighting sword technique, that set of palm techniques seemed more powerful.

Lin Yuantu once became a monk in Kamata Shaolin. As the proud disciple of Zen Master Hongye, his martial arts must be quite good.

Yan Bugui estimated that this set of Heaven-shaking Palms might have some blood relationship with Shaolin martial arts.

After the two men finished their troubles, he determined the location of Lin Pingzhi's room and returned to the inn.

It was night again in a blink of an eye.

Yan Bugui, dressed in black and masked, slipped into Fuwei Escort Agency again, as if he was in a deserted place.

According to his memory during the day, he first touched Lin Zhennan's room and sealed the couple's acupuncture points to ensure that they could sleep until dawn.

Then Yan Bugui went to Lin Pingzhi's bedroom. After acupuncture, he carried him straight away from the Fuwei Escort Agency and went to the Lin family's old house in Xiangyang Lane, where his great-grandfather Lin Yuantu's Buddhist hall was.

"Kid, wake up, you wet the bed." Yan Bugui placed Lin Pingzhi on the futon and untied his acupuncture points.

"Hmm~ I don't wet the bed..." Lin Pingzhi rubbed his eyes and sat up drowsily, only to find that the surrounding area looked unfamiliar and it was not his bedroom at all.

"Where is this?"

Lin Pingzhi suddenly saw Yan Bugui with his head and face covered, and was immediately frightened to the spot. At the age of seven or eight, he was no longer a child who didn't understand anything.

"Dad! Mom! Where are you? Come and save me..."

"Stop yelling, they will break their throats if you yell, uh -" Yan Bugui suddenly felt that this line was a bit evil, coughed slightly and changed his words: "Little devil, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person."

"Liar! Dad said, bad people will never admit that they are bad people. Otherwise, why would you kidnap me?"

"Your father is right, but you see I didn't tie you up with a rope, right?"


"It's not kidnapping without a rope, so I'm a good person, right?"


"That's right."

"Then why did you bring me here?"

"Me, I brought you here to learn my skills."

(End of this chapter)

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