Chapter 20 The Lin Family Boy
  "You don't need to teach me, I want to learn my father's skills." Lin Pingzhi became bolder unconsciously when he saw Yan Bugui being so nice to him.

"Your father?" Yan Bugui said with a smile: "If your father is really capable, can you still let me take you away from home?"

"This..." Lin Pingzhi was speechless, not knowing how to refute.

"Anyway, don't be afraid, I don't mean any harm."

"Then why do you want to teach me your skills? Do we know each other?"

"I don't know. I'm teaching you my skills because you are a good boy. I can't bear to see you being delayed by your confused father."

Lin Pingzhi said angrily: "You are talking nonsense, my father is not confused."

"Really?" Yan Bugui crossed his arms and asked, "What did he teach you during the day?"

"The evil-fighting swordsmanship and Heaven-turning Palm passed down in our family."

"What about other than that?"

"Well... Dad also said that you need to be blessed to be majestic, and you need to make more friends and fewer enemies."

"That's it. It's pure fart. Although Fuwei Escort Agency has a business eye, it still follows the martial arts path. The most important thing for a person in the world is prestige. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand, that's not what my father said."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand now, as long as you remember what I said.

Your escort agency was founded by your great-grandfather Lin Yuantu's unrivaled swordsmanship, not by your father's advice to make more friends.

If you don't have enough prestige in the world, you are not even qualified to talk to others, and you still want to make friends? That's dreaming. "

"But, but..." Lin Pingzhi's little face wrinkled into a ball, not knowing who he should listen to.

Yan Bugui pinched his chubby cheeks: "Don't worry, you will naturally understand this when you grow up."

"I understand, my disciple pays homage to the master." Lin Pingzhi suddenly stood up and knelt down, bending down to kowtow.

Yan Bugui raised his hand to stop him: "I'm not your master, you don't need to worship me."

"But the master who taught me how to read said that if you teach someone a word, you can become a teacher. If you want to teach me a skill, why aren't you my master?"

Yan Bugui said: "It's a coincidence that I met you, and I taught you on a whim. I have other things to do and can't stay here for a long time. I can teach you for two months at most. It's up to you how much you can learn."

"Then what's my name?"

"Call the teacher."

"Students meet their teachers."

"Good manners. Keep it up. Come on, sit cross-legged on the futon. I'll teach you internal strength first."


Lin Pingzhi stood up and sat down, and then he felt a hand pressing his back, sending a stream of warm air, scurrying around inside his body like a little mouse.

"That's really fun. Is this internal strength?"

"Don't talk. Concentrate and remember the direction of this air flow. You can practice according to this in the future."

Yan Bugui didn't have time to wait for him to develop his own Qi sense, so he directly used his own skills to help him open up the meridians required for the initial operation of "Changchun Gong", and led him to complete the first Zhoutian operation.

Although this would inevitably be counterproductive, as long as Lin Pingzhi can practice hard in the future, he can still make up for his foundation.

In the end, whether it is good or bad depends on whether he is diligent and self-disciplined.

"Next, I will teach you the internal skills and mental methods..." A eloquent mantra of more than a thousand words came out slowly from Yan Bugui's mouth.

Huashan School and Lin Yuantu have both studied the "Sunflower Collection", so they are considered to be from the same school.

It is not an exaggeration to ask Lin Pingzhi to practice "Changchun Gong".

After listening to it once, Lin Pingzhi scratched his head: "Teacher, this is too much, I didn't remember it."

"It doesn't matter. I will recite it every day from now on, and you can memorize it slowly."

"Thank you teacher."

"You have sword and palm skills passed down from your family. I have nothing to teach you about martial arts moves, so I will teach you some tips on how to use your palms to generate energy and light kung fu movements."

Yan Bugui studied the interior during the day and found that the Lin family's Heaven-turning Palm was actually not satisfactory.

If the person using it has enough skill, the power will be more than a step better than the evil-repelling sword technique without Zi Gong.

From that night on, Yan Bugui went to Fuwei Escort Agency every day to bring Lin Pingzhi to his old house in Xiangyang Lane to teach him how to practice kung fu.

Because the acupuncture points were sealed every time, Lin Zhennan and his wife did not notice anything unusual about their son.

two months later.

"Little devil, are you familiar with the method?" Yan Bugui was still covered in black, never revealing his appearance.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head: "Not yet."

"Really?" Yan Bugui stared at him with a meaningful tone.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but lower his head.

Yan Bugui raised his hand and knocked on his forehead: "Little devil, you are too young to be tempted by me."

He actually didn't memorize a thousand-word formula in two months. This kid was not stupid but very smart. He clearly wanted to keep him.

"Teacher, do you really have to leave?" Lin Pingzhi looked at him with a look of reluctance.

Ever since I started practicing the internal skills taught by my teacher, I have made great progress when practicing the evil-proofing swordsmanship and Heaven-turning Palm. My father would smile from ear to ear every time, and I don't know how many times he has praised him.

Lin Pingzhi knew that all this was due to the teacher's teachings, and he had already recognized Yan Bugui as his master in his heart. Yan Bugui said with a smile: "Little Guitou, a man must keep his word. There is only so much I can teach you. After tonight, you will have to rely on yourself for the rest."

Lin Pingzhi was disappointed: "Student understands."

Yan Bugui suddenly said sternly: "The internal skills I taught you are strictly prohibited from being taught to outsiders, including your parents. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless and destroying your martial arts skills."

"Students must obey their teachers' instructions."


After Yan Bugui sent Lin Pingzhi back to the escort agency, he came to the old house in Xiangyang Lane again.

He moved here two months ago.

If Lin Pingzhi had been staying in the inn, he would have been able to discover the clues in the future if he used his brain a little bit.

The teacher taught them for two months, and Yan Bugui stayed in Fuzhou for two months.

Where in the world could such a coincidence come from!
  The morning light is rising.

After the city gate opened, Yan Bugui rode out.

In order to hide his identity from others, he completely changed his clothes.

Wearing a gray cloth undershirt and a black moiré robe, a black brocade belt embroidered with gold is tied around the waist, and the lower body is also black pants and black boots.

If you continue to do night activities in the future, you only need to cover your face, and there is no need to change into night clothes.

Looking back at the gate of Fuzhou City, Yan Bugui breathed a sigh of relief before riding away.

It took him three months, but now he can finally leave with peace of mind.

At the next stop, Yan Bugui decided to go to the beach.

The sea water in this era has not been polluted yet. By the way, let's try Yang Guo's method of practicing in the sea tide to see how effective it is.


Yan Bugui has arrived at the coastal area, and the autumn wind mixed with the smell of the sea blows from time to time.

There was faint smoke rising in the sky, and he estimated that there should be a village not far ahead.

Suddenly, a burst of wailing and screaming reached his ears.

"Drive!" Yan Bugui's expression suddenly changed, he hurriedly whipped his horse and galloped out.

After walking for two or three miles, there was indeed a village at the end of the road, but what was floating in the air was not smoke, but the villagers' houses that were burned down.

A group of short men wearing armor and armed with spears and knives were looting the village.

Villagers of all ages fell in a pool of blood, with their bodies lying on the ground.

The thieves were carrying the boxes and the women they had robbed, with lewd smiles on their faces.

The villagers who were lucky enough to survive were gathered together by them.

The thieves did not escape, and those thieves who had not yet harvested anything picked out all the slightly attractive women, and then pointed their blades at the remaining villagers.

"You bunch of beasts!" A white-haired old man in the crowd raised his head with grief and anger and shouted: "God, there is no way to survive. Please open your eyes."

  The sword flashed, and the thief slashed at the old man with a cruel smile.

At this moment, a flash of silver light shot out from the distance, and the long knife was broken with a "pop" sound.

The thief was caught off guard, his right hand suddenly shook violently, and the broken knife flew out of his hand. Severe pain came from the tiger's mouth. When he lowered his head, he saw that his flesh and blood were all mangled.

On the ground in front of him, there was a piece of broken silver the size of a fingertip lying together with the other half of the blade.

The rapid sound of horse hooves immediately broke into the village, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"Baga!" The injured thief became furious when he saw Yan Bugui.

"Fuck, Japanese pirates!" Yan Bugui, who was already furious, suddenly became even more furious.

He originally thought he was a pirate, but he didn't expect it to be a kid!

Only then did he remember that this was the time when Japanese pirates were causing the most frequent and serious troubles.

Without waiting for the horse to stop, Yan Bugui suddenly jumped up, patted the hidden sword box behind his back with his left hand, cleverly activated the mechanism, and opened the side panel under the sword box.

  Houde ejected from the sword case, and the sword shone with golden light under the sunlight and fell into Yan Bugui's hand, striking the injured Japanese pirate head-on.

The sound of breaking wind roared, and the thief was unable to dodge, and his head suddenly exploded like a watermelon.

The other Japanese pirates were shocked, and immediately put down the property and women they had snatched. More than [-] people brandished spears and Japanese knives, cursing and approaching him from all directions.

"I will take your Blood Sacrifice Sword today." Yan Bugui spun up and swept the thick sword in all directions.

In a flash of golden light, all the Japanese pirate's weapons were broken, and his arms were also shattered by the tyrannical force.


The Japanese pirates looked up into the air in great horror, only to see Yan Bugui hanging upside down in the air, the golden sword drawing a big circle, and instantly bursting with golden light above their heads, covering them all like a torrential downpour.

bang bang bang...

"Boundless falling wood", killing things with kindness, and people's heads are constantly broken wherever the sword tip passes.

In the blink of an eye, all the Japanese pirates were killed, turning into headless corpses scattered on the ground, with blood flowing into rivers.

(End of this chapter)

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