Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect

Chapter 21 The dividing line between rivers and lakes

Chapter 21 The dividing line between rivers and lakes

"Well done! God has eyes, God has eyes!" The white-haired old man and the surviving villagers burst into tears.

They helped each other and came to Yan Bugui.

"Thank you sir, we will never forget your kindness."

The villagers knelt down together, and when they were about to kowtow, Yan Bugui hurriedly stopped them.

Yan Bugui waved his hands repeatedly: "Everyone, please don't do this. My life will be shortened at a young age."

The old man said: "Then please leave your name, sir. From now on, we will pray for you day and night."

"My name is...forget it, you can just live a good life from now on." Yan Bugui shook his head, these people are already miserable enough, there is no need to cause trouble to others.

That was all he could do. After cleaning up the corpses of the Japanese pirates, he left.

The villagers also left.

Although Yan Bugui saved their lives and property, the Japanese pirates would attack again at any time, and it was no longer safe here.

Sitting on the horse, Yan Bugui couldn't help but think of the tragic situation in the village, and he decided to temporarily shelve his plan to use the tide to practice.

The people in the coastal areas were repeatedly invaded by Japanese pirates, and he felt that he should do something.

Soon after, rumors suddenly spread in the world that a ruthless "Golden Blade Swordsman" appeared in the coastal areas, with a golden sword in his hand dedicated to killing Japanese pirates.

Not only that, after the Japanese pirates were killed, their bodies would be piled up and covered with soil to build a Jingguan.

From the East China Sea to the Yellow Sea and finally to the Bohai Sea, the large and small Jingguan made the originally unscrupulous Japanese pirates feel heartbroken and frightened. For a while, they stopped, allowing the coastal areas to gain long-lost peace.

People in the world have different opinions about the identity of the Golden Blade Swordsman, but no one can really be sure.

Huashan, Jade Girl Peak.

This rumor also spread to Youbuweixuan.

"Senior brother, who do you think this Golden Blade Swordsman is?"

"I don't know. The only news is that this person is said to be a handsome young swordsman who looks like Pan An."

"Young swordsman? And he's so handsome? Senior brother, do you think this sounds familiar?"

"You mean...junior brother?"

"Longquan Sword Forging Valley is not far from the seaside. I don't think it is a coincidence."

"It makes sense, but I really didn't expect that my junior brother would have such a jealous side!"

"Hmph! This bunch of heartless beasts should be killed!"

at the same time.

Yan Bugui's banditry operation has come to an end for the time being, and people have moved back to the interior from the Bohai Sea.

  With a shrill neigh, the horse that Yan Bugui sat on fell to the ground with a bang. His body was twitching and bleeding from all its orifices. It looked extremely tragic.

"Ma, Ma, I'm sorry, I was too careless." Yan Bugui stroked the horse's back, his face full of deep apology.

He had previously killed the Japanese pirates too harshly, causing a backlash. Finally, he was ambushed by a large number of Japanese pirates in the Yellow Sea. The most dangerous thing was that the gang of little devils even brought matchlock guns.

Fortunately, the firing procedure of the matchlock gun was too cumbersome. The time it took to ignite the matchlock was enough for Yan Bugui to take action countless times.

Relying on the superb physical skills of 'Shen Feng Xing', Yan Bugui finally succeeded in killing them all after a lot of effort.

Before the technology of matchlocks advanced to the point where they could be fired continuously, magical skills and swords were still useful.

It's just a pity that the horse sent by the master of the Sword Forging Valley was shot to death by the Japanese pirates during the battle.

After that, Yan Bugui kept thinking that it would be great if he could make his mount run faster.

So based on his current methods, he thought of Ba Fenghan's art of man-horse integration, which connects his own true energy to increase the horse's endurance and speed.

However, Yan Bugui did not have the means to detect meridians like Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, so he could only cross the river by feeling the stones. As a result, a mistake caused the horse to run wild and eventually died of exhaustion after running for hundreds of miles.

"Oh~ I hope you can be reincarnated as a human being in your next life, so that you won't be driven by others again." In gratitude for the horse's contribution to himself, Yan Bugui dug a hole in the woods by the roadside and buried it alive.

Yan Bugui returned to the road, looked around and tried to identify the direction, but found that there were only mountains here, so he could only continue walking along the road under his feet.

increasingly westward.

While passing through a forest, Yan Bugui suddenly heard a vague groan from in front of him, as if someone was injured.

Saving people is like putting out fire, so he immediately followed the sound.

Soon, at the edge of the forest a few feet away, Yan Bugui saw a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, wearing smart clothes, who looked to be in his twenties, and had an arrow stuck in his left shoulder.

"Tsk~ You're lucky to meet me today, brother." Yan Bugui looked forward and saw a big house through the gaps in the woods.

After rushing over with him in his arms, Yan Bugui discovered that the big house was actually a dilapidated Taoist temple. The plaque of Sanqing Temple was thrown at the door, and it was already covered with spider webs.

After entering the door, he put the man on the table, Yan Bugui tore off his clothes and checked the injury at the arrow site. "It's okay, it didn't go too deep." Yan Bugui walked around behind the injured person, supported his body with his right hand, and pressed the left side of his back with his left palm, causing a sudden shock in his inner strength.

  The feather arrow on the man's shoulder immediately shot out of his body with a stream of blood.

"Uh-huh..." The man was instantly awakened from his coma by severe pain, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air: "Hiss--"

"Don't move, wait for me to give you the medicine." Yan Bugui took off the Zangfeng box, pressed the word "Zang", opened the small drawer in the upper part, and took out a cloth bag from inside.

The cloth bag contains two black and white porcelain bottles and gauze.

"You are blessed. These are the holy healing medicines of the Beiyue Hengshan Sect, 'Tianxiang Intermittent Glue' and 'Baiyun Bear Gall Pill'." Yan Bugui poured out a pill from the white bottle and handed it to the man, then picked it up. Black bottles and gauze were used to wrap his wounds.

This medicine was a congratulatory gift from Beiyue Hengshan when Yue Buqun took over as the head of Huashan.

Before going down the mountain, Ning Zhong found it specially for him to use for self-defense.

"Thank you." The man felt the slightest bit of coolness coming from the wound, and the pain suddenly subsided. Then he took the Baiyun Bear Gallbladder Pills with confidence and said gratefully, "Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome, my name is Yan Bugui, from the Huashan sect. Brother, what's your surname?"

"It turns out to be Young Master Yan from the Huashan Sect. My name is Wang Zhaoxing."

"Brother Wang, have you heard of me?" Yan Bugui looked at the person in front of him in surprise.

This guy is actually Wang Zhaoxing, the chief bodyguard of the World Bodyguard Agency!

But the age doesn't seem right. He should be the head guard of Lao Wang who was still a member of the Imperial Guard when he was young.

Yan Bugui suddenly discovered that the world seemed more complicated than he imagined.

"Uh..." Wang Zhaoxing thought that he still had an important responsibility and could not reveal the identity of Jin Yiwei, so he said casually: "I have worked in the police station before, and I know a little bit about things in the world.

I heard that Yan Shaoxia once defeated the leader of the Demon Cult, Dongfang Sheng. "

"It's just a coincidence." Yan Bugui asked, "By the way, Brother Wang, how did you get injured?"

"I was originally going to visit relatives in Jinan Prefecture. I accidentally got lost and ran into bandits. They took away my money and pushed me off the cliff." Wang Zhaoxing said and was about to get off the table, but he accidentally got involved. The wound was so painful that he frowned.

Yan Bugui thought it was really him, and quickly supported him: "Brother Wang, it's not appropriate for you to act now."

"No, my uncle is seriously ill in bed. I rushed to see him for the last time. I can't delay..." Wang Zhaoxing suddenly felt dizzy and intensely sleepy: "What's going on..."

Before he could finish speaking, he fainted again.

"What's wrong with you?" Yan Bugui was startled, and then he slapped his forehead: "Oh, I forgot about this! Baiyun Bear Bile Pills are very powerful, and you will have to fall asleep for at least half a day after taking them. OK."

"Forget it, I'll just be a good person and do it to the end." Yan Bugui walked to the door and removed the door panel, then found a rope in the view, and dragged the unconscious Wang Zhaoxing on the road.

Wang Zhaoxing had a four-hundred-mile express letter with him, which contained a map of the organization distribution of the bandits' lair "Crouching Tiger Village" in Crouching Tiger Mountain. It needed to be delivered to the governor of Jinan Prefecture.

Although it is not an urgent matter, it is still a priority for military aircraft to do it as quickly as possible.

"Unlucky!" Yan Bugui sighed helplessly: "The horse died at this time, but the people from the Security Guard should be nearby."

"The escorts are all over the world, and I am mighty..." The sound of escort horns suddenly came from behind.

"Hey~ It really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here!"

Yan Bugui stopped and looked back. After a while, he saw a team of about ten escorts, escorting two escort cars, slowly walking over.

The first person was a woman in white wearing a bamboo hat, holding a dark green sword, and wearing a brown half-length cape.

Seeing Yan Bugui using a broken door panel to pull an injured person, she frowned slightly and was about to catch up.

"Shopkeeper, wait a minute." A burly man with a knife in the escort team suddenly stopped the woman: "What are you doing?"

The woman said: "Of course I want to see if I can help."

"Shopkeeper, it's important to escort the escort." The strong man advised: "It's better to do less than to do more. I think it's better for us to stay out of other people's business."

"What does it mean to be nosy?" the woman asked displeasedly, "What does the ancestral motto of our bodyguard agency say?"

The strong man said helplessly: "We will protect the poor, sick and disabled, and we will take care of those who are in critical need."

"Then why are you so nagging?"

"But, the ancestral teachings also said, 'We will not accept goods from unknown origins.' We will not accept goods, let alone those from unknown origins."

"Then you should always ask before asking, in case someone is really in trouble."

While the two were talking, the escort team had already arrived at Yan Bugui's side.

The woman took off her hat, revealing a beautiful face with heroic brows, and asked: "Little brother, I am Gu Ping'an, the manager of the Ping An Escort Bureau. Do you need help?"

Yan Bugui pointed at Wang Zhaoxing on the door who didn't know when he would wake up: "I need it, I need it so much."

(End of this chapter)

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