Chapter 22
  Gu Pingan asked: "Where are you going?"

Yan Bugui said: "Jinan Mansion, this brother Wang is going to visit relatives."

"It just so happens that we are going to Jinan Mansion." Gu Ping'an pointed to the escort lane at the back: "This friend of yours is seriously injured. If you don't mind, I can give you a ride."

"It's not what I asked for." Yan Bugui immediately threw away the rope holding the door panel.

A master of the "Bu" generation of the Huashan Sect, he wouldn't be bothered to do such a stupid thing if it weren't for saving people.

"Wait a minute." The strong man folded his hands around the sword, looked Yan Bugui up and down, and said in a stiff tone: "Boy, the shopkeeper has already told us who we are. Can I repay you with ten thousand yuan?"

"It's easy to say." Yan Bugui said with cupped fists: "Huashan Yan Bugui, the person lying on the ground is Brother Wang Zhaoxing. I just picked it up on the roadside not long ago."

Gu Ping'an blinked and said in surprise: "Are you the young hero Taiyue Rong Xiuyan who defeated the leader of the Demon Cult?!"

Yan Bugui nodded: "It will be replaced if it's fake."

Everyone in the escort team looked at me and I looked at you, and they started talking about each other.

"Impossible, how old are you?" The strong man lowered his arms in disbelief.

"I was sixteen years old that year." Yan Bugui's face was calm and calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, but in fact he was secretly feeling happy.

"Is there any evidence?" There was a thin young man next to the strong man. His eyes were looking at him, looking very shrewd.

Yan Bugui took off the knife-hiding box and took out the sword given to him by Yue Buqun and his wife from the side containing 'Boqing': "This is my sword."

"It is indeed the sword of the Huashan Sect." Gu Ping'an cupped his hands and said, "Sorry, Young Master Yan, we have to be more cautious when going out."

Yan Bugui shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, it should be."

After confirming his identity, the two bodyguards, one tall and one thin, said nothing.

Wang Zhaoxing was put on an escort car, and Yan Bugui continued to set off with the escort team.

Gu Ping'an glanced at Wang Zhaoxing and said, "Young Master Yan, your friend seems to be seriously injured.

There is an old Hutchison store further ahead. If you are not in a hurry, we can rest there for the night today and let him have a good rest. "

Yan Bugui nodded and said, "Okay, it all depends on the shopkeeper's arrangement."

"Why did the young hero come to Shandong?"

"It's a bit boring after staying in the mountains for so long. Come out and see the world."

The two chatted casually.

"Young hero, I've offended you a lot just now. Don't be the same as me." The strong bodyguard called Niu Kaishan and suddenly came to Yan Bugui's side with a silly smile on his face.

Yan Bugui waved his hand: "It's just a trivial matter, don't worry about it, Brother Daniu."

"I see that your sword case is quite heavy. How about I help you carry it?" Niu Kaishan stretched out his thick arm and said, "I'm a big cow. I have nothing but strength."

The skinny escort's name was Zhu Xiaofu. He calmly pulled Niu Kaishan aside and asked in a low voice: "I have nothing to do to show my courtesy, what do you want to do?"

Niu Kaishan whispered: "This is a peerless master who defeated the leader of the Demon Cult. How many times will we encounter him in this life? Shouldn't we seize such a good opportunity?"

"That makes sense!" Zhu Xiaofu quietly gave him a thumbs up and said with bright eyes, "It's rare for you to be so smart."

"Fuck you." Niu Kaishan bumped into him, then turned around and came to Yan Bugui: "Young Master Yan, you must be tired from holding that brother Wang just now. I'd better help you with this sword box. Carry it."

Yan Bugui pretended not to hear the conversation between the two, and asked: "No reward for no merit, brother Daniu, if you have anything to say, you can just say it, I will definitely help you if I can."

"Hey, you can see it." Niu Kaishan scratched his head: "Then let me tell you straight away, my martial arts skills are low, and I would like to ask you to show me a few moves, so that I will not be unable to defeat a powerful enemy in the future."

Yan Bugui said with a smile: "Hey, what do I do? It's no problem."

"Great." Niu Kaishan was very happy: "I can't accept your advice in vain. I will carry this sword box on my back."

Yan Bugui raised his eyebrows: "Then don't regret it."

Niu Kaishan slapped his chest loudly: "Young hero, don't worry, I'm a big cow."

"Okay, here you go." Yan Bugui immediately took off the Hidden Blade Box and hung it on his back with his own hands.

The moment he let go, Niu Kaishan's smile froze, and his legs went weak and he almost fell.

Zhu Xiaofu quickly supported him and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's so heavy!" Niu Kaishan's eyes widened in disbelief: "This thing must weigh at least more than a hundred kilograms."

"Real or false?" Zhu Xiaofu was dubious.

Niu Kaishan said: "If you don't believe me, come and try."

"Forget it." Zhu Xiaofu knew very well that he would not make such a joke with his ox-like personality.

Everyone in the escort team focused their attention on Yan Bugui, in awe.

There is no way not to admire it.

Along the way, they could clearly see that the sword box, which weighed more than a hundred kilograms, was in Yan Bugui's hand, just like the vegetable basket that the shopkeeper used to buy vegetables on weekdays. There was no trace of any reluctance at all. Gu Ping'an asked curiously: "Have you been carrying this person around on your back?"

"It's a bit heavy, but it's good for improving your martial arts." Yan Bugui looked at Niu Kaishan: "Brother Daniu, if you can't do it, don't force it."

Niu Kaishan felt that this was a test given to him by Yan Bugui, so he gritted his teeth and said, "No, it's okay, I can hold on."

He didn't go far before he fell at the end of the escort team, sweating profusely in the mountains in late autumn.

"Come on, follow what I say, take a deep breath, and then exhale slowly..." Yan Bugui slowed down and walked side by side with him, and began to teach him how to breathe and exhale.

However, what is taught is only the most superficial Qi training method. It is something that every sect, big or small, has in the world, but it is already extremely precious to a bodyguard.

Yan Bugui could tell that although Niu Kaishan was as strong as an ox as his name suggests, he had no foundation in internal strength and most of his battles relied on brute force.

This man was a man, but he was unlucky. He died at the hands of Jin Yiwei before he even survived the finale.

The people in the Ping An Escort Bureau are all good people, and Yan Bugui doesn't mind helping him with anything within his capabilities, so as to prevent the other party from dying unexpectedly in the future.

Being able to change a person's destiny by one's own ability, if successful, there is nothing more satisfying than this.

Gradually, everyone found that Niu Kaishan seemed to be less strenuous after Yan Bugui's guidance, and they couldn't help but envy him.

at dusk.

The escort team arrived at the old Hutchison store that Gu Ping'an said.

"Dear guests, please come inside." The waiter came out.

"Where's your boss?" Looking at the unfamiliar waiter in front of him, Gu Ping'an frowned.

"Here we come, here we come." A woman with a gorgeous face swung the red silk scarf in her hand and emerged from the lobby with a dusty air.

"Are you the boss?" Gu Pingan glanced at the lobby and asked, "Where is Lao He?"

"As soon as I hear that you are a regular customer." The female boss smiled and said: "Lao He gave me the store.

Don't worry, the boss has changed but our service will never change and we guarantee thoughtfulness. "

"Ouch! What a handsome young man, come on, please come in." When the female boss saw Yan Bugui, she pressed directly against him, tightly holding his arm and leading him into the lobby.

Her enthusiastic look inexplicably reminded Yan Bugui of Wei Xiaobao's mother, who acted more like an old madam than an innkeeper.

Very coquettish!

But this is normal, after all, this is a black shop that seeks money and murder.

"Thank you for the compliment, I can just go by myself." Yan Bugui forcibly pulled his hand out of her arms.

Later generations have said that boys must pay attention to safety when going out. This is indeed true.

But to put it bluntly, the nuns are pretty good at it.

"Wait a minute." Gu Pingan took Yan Bugui back to the door of the inn, and glanced at the female boss warily: "I'm afraid there is something wrong with this store.

We should stay in an old hotel, not a prostitute's shop, or a shop that has changed owners. I think it's safer for us to find another hotel. "

Zhu Xiaofu said: "But the shopkeeper, this is the only inn within thirty miles."

"It doesn't matter." Yan Bugui said: "Even if she doesn't do anything, I will still turn against her and leave a black shop here. I don't know how many passers-by will be unlucky."

The entrance of the lobby.

The waiter approached the female boss and said, "Boss, something's wrong. I don't know why, but I feel panicked when I see that guy?"

"It's murderous." The female boss narrowed her eyes slightly: "That boy is extraordinary, but now that he has encountered this place, even if he has great ability, he can't even think of escaping from my Wuzhishan."

"Mrs. Boss, please open some rooms for us and boil some buckets of hot water." Yan Bugui and everyone in the escort agency went straight into the lobby.

Gu Ping'an ordered: "Daniu Xiaofu, you send Wang Zhaoxing to the guest room first."

"Mistress, please take the guests upstairs quickly, and let the kitchen boil water quickly." After the female boss finished speaking, she looked at Yan Bugui and others: "What do you want to eat?"

"I'm not busy here." Yan Bugui chose a table in the middle and sat down with a golden knife. After sniffing a few times, he asked: "Boss, why does your room smell like blood?"

The female boss smiled, then waved her hands and said, "Well, it's not all my fault that my clumsy guy accidentally bumped his nose while working just now."

"Then what's going on with this table?" Gu Ping'an knocked on the tabletop with knife marks: "Could it be that the guy accidentally made it?"

"Hey~" the female boss said with a smile: "Sir, you also know that this is an old store. Isn't it normal for old items to be a little bumpy?"

Gu Ping'an snorted coldly: "It used to be an old store, but it's not necessarily the same now. If this girl guessed correctly, Lao He should have been killed by you, right?"

"Girl, what do you mean?" The female boss's eyes narrowed: "In broad daylight, you can't falsely accuse a good person."

Yan Bugui casually picked up the chopstick holder on the table: "It means you are not a good person. Who is a good person who opens a black shop? Are you right, boss?"

"You have some eyesight." A murderous look suddenly appeared on the female boss's face, and she sneered: "I wanted you to live a little longer, but since you are seeking death on your own, I will send you on your way in advance and do it for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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